Gotham Central #28

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Stefano Gaudiano Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 9, 2005 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
8.0Critic Rating
8.8User Rating

Beginning the new story arc "Keystone Kops." When a group of children stumble onto the abandoned hideout of one of the DCU's most dangerous villains, Detectives Crispus Allen and Renee Montoya take on the case with a cop's life hanging in the balance!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Rob Irwin Feb 28, 2005

    Funnily enough, so far it's only the name "Keystone Kops" that I don't like about this story. What's with that? I haven't seen any of the boys in blue falling off ladders, engaging in pratfalls or using extraordinarily small cars... and there's the misspelling, too... here's hoping there's some relevance in the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Feb 18, 2005

    Michael Lark's departure was quite a blow to this title, but Stefano Gaudiano steps up to the plate, and shows readers that this book is in some very capable hands. I mean the big moment of this issue would have to be the sequence where the basement lab explodes, and the art not only does an amazing job of capturing the abrupt nature of this scene, but also the sheer horror of the sequence where the police officer is consumed by the flames. In fact, the art deserves full marks for its ability to convey the idea that the action is set in a decidedly down to earth environment. There's a lovely moment of tension when the police officer makes his way into the basement, and there's also a nice little human moment where we see Montoya's reaction to the fact that her father is still sporting a serious chip on his shoulder. The only quibble I would make about the art on this issue is that while the cop in flames makes for a dramatic cover visual, it also served to forewarn the readers abou Read Full Review

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