Gotham Central #29

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Stefano Gaudiano Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 9, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
8.9User Rating

After an accident involving a supervillain lab, Officer Andrew Kelly lays mutated inside the hospital. Crispus Allen and Renee Montoya must travel to Keystone City and team with its officers to find the villain who owns the lab: Dr. Alchemy! "Keystone Kops" Part 2.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Mar 17, 2005

    Stefano Gaudiano manages to make Michael Lark's sudden departure far easier to accept. If nothing else, his style is such a close match that I seriously doubt that I would've even noticed the change if not for the credit box. Now the arrival of Kano on inks does make for a more polished look as the art isn't buried under an overabundance of dark areas. Our cast moves through well lit environments, and even the night time scenes have a better sense of definition. The art also turns in some lovely work on the quieter moments from the raw emotion of the scene where Montoya tries to reconnect with her father, to the underlying sense of menace in the final pages that close in on Doctor Alchemy. My only quibble with the art on this issue is that it would've been nice to get a good establishing shot of Keystone City, as if not for the various Flash signs that litter the background, one wouldn't even notice the change of locales. Read Full Review

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