Gotham Central #30

Writer: Greg Rucka Artist: Stefano Gaudiano Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: June 15, 2005 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 3
6.0Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

Allen and Montoya have traveled to Keystone City to save Officer Andrew Kelly, who's been transformed into a terrible monster. But their efforts may be for naught, as Kelly continues to evolve into something increasingly horrific--and unstoppable. "Keystone Kops" Part 3.

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Apr 21, 2005

    The art doesn't look to have slipped after Michael Lark's departure, which is actually an unexpected surprise, as I had fully expected the art would backslide a bit, but Stefano Gaudiano and Kano provide a very impressive, and near seamless transition. In fact, I'd even say that they might actually be a little stronger when it comes to the book's action scenes, as if I did have one problem with Michael Lark's work it was that his action was buried under the occasional oppressive shadowing, but Doctor Alchemy's big escape in this issue is delivered in a visually striking manner that is quite easy to follow. The art also manages to do a lovely job of capturing the nightmarish transformation that the police officer is undergoing, as the facial reactions of his loved ones, and the sheer terror that we can see in the man's eyes manages to sell the emotional impact of this ticking clock. In fact, the only quibble that I have with the art is that I wish it had taken a moment to play up the Read Full Review

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