ROUND THREE...FIGHT! Victory seems assured for the vicious Lady Shiva. Can anything turn the tide of this match? Plus, the Dark Knight Detective drops in on Canary's training to sway her from the fight!
I've said it before and I will say it again, if you haven't started this series, do it. Black Canary: Best of The Best #3 marks the halfway point and that means the stakes are about to amp up. I look forward to what the next round of this match has in store for us. Until next time, friends. Read Full Review
Another win for Tom King, who seems to do this with ease. Read Full Review
The truth starts coming to light in another round of combat for Dinah Lance. King balances the brutality with Lances internal struggle. Sook, Stewart and Cowles amp up the combat as the fight escalates forward. Gear up for another round because no final bell has rung yet! Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #3 continues to showcase the awesomeness of the fight between Black Canary and Lady Shiva, while also delving more into the Canaries' backstories. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #3 masterfully blends high-octane action with emotional depth, delivering a visually stunning and narratively gripping chapter. While the unanswered questions surrounding Dinah's motivations leave readers eager for resolution, the issue excels in its raw intensity, memorable characters, and layered storytelling, making it a standout entry in this thrilling miniseries. Read Full Review
I don't mind decompressed story-telling, but the dialogue and Tom King's exposition makes this a bit of a chore to read. Art was good though