THE MATCH OF THE MILLENNIUM! It's Black Canary versus Lady Shiva to determine who is the single greatest hand-to-hand fighter in the universe! Who will walk away with the title? Find out as writer Tom King (Wonder Woman, Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow) and Ryan Sook (Legion of Super-Heroes) go six rounds to see if our hero has what it takes to be...the best of the best.
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 is going to be one of those slice of life stories that provides deep insight and carries weight. I just wish I was kicking back in my pajamas with the Justice League watching Dinah myself, super jealous. I look forward to devouring the full story. Brava. Read Full Review
I was invested almost immediately, only to then be even more sucked in at the end when I realized how different everything was than I had originally thought. BLACK CANARY Best of the Best is an absolute must grab comic for literally anyone who reads comics. It has layers of story filled with action, heart, familial relationships, desperation, humor, and more. Read Full Review
This comic has some absolutely brutal fight segments and brilliant art by Ryan Sook, but it also has a fascinating and suspenseful mystery at its core, and a brilliant sense of tension that should play out over the next few issues. King gets a lot of rope from DC, essentially getting to borrow any character he wants for a stand-alone series and when they're this good, why shouldn't he? Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 is what King does best. His particular brand of storytelling, so intently captivated by characters, comes to the fore when there is such a streamlined idea. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 is a very strong start to a promising new series that pits two of DCs greatest fighters against one another. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best Of The Best #1begins a seemingly impossible fight for Black Canary, in and out of the ring, when she accepts an offer to fight Lady Shiva for a very important reason. Tom King's laundry list of quirks is blessedly absent in favor of an emotionally impactful tale, and Ryan Sook's art is immaculate. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 is presented like a major sporting event, and it's living up to the hype so far. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 is an interesting concept and it may pay off in the end but really the highlight is the actual fight. While there's some good build up in the emotional aspect when it comes to Black Canary's training and leadup to the main event, the final reveal of the motivation kind of kills all of that. Still, this is a comic whose art could make readers overlook that aspect and just enjoy the battle in the ring. Read Full Review
In spite of my objections and questions, I enjoyed Black Canary: Best of the Best #1. Between Sook's art and the examination of a long-neglected DC legacy, there is more good than bad here. Whatever else this book does, it captures the core of what makes Dinah Lance one of my favorite heroes. Read Full Review
The buildup to the match and the reveal of the chicanery and the villain involved is interesting, but it only works in a world where we declare that "This is just how things go!", which is tough, given that the entire Justice League is shown assembled to cheer their former leader. Read Full Review
Black Canary: Best of the Best #1 has all the elements to live up to its title. Unfortunately, certain narrative decisions hold the story back. It's only thanks to the creative chemistry Tom King and Ryan Sook have there is enough here that leaves you hoping the problems can be ironed out so this series can reach its full potential. Read Full Review