Jung BBoab's Profile

Location: Seoul, South Korea Joined: Mar 26, 2017 About Me: I love DC comics little more than Marvel comics... But I love both of them:)

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Jung BBoab reviewed Batman #50 Feb 17, 2019

좆같은새끼 씨발 미친새끼. 백번 양보해서 배트맨이랑 캣우먼이랑 결혼 취소된거는 그렇다고 치자, 사실 결혼하는게 더 배트맨의 생활에 지장이 갈거 같으니깐, 근데 씨발아 토마스 배트맨은 왜 건드리는데 진짜로 버튼에서 그렇게 잘 마무리 해놓고 어후 씨발;;;;

Batman #50

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Jul 4, 2018

It's the wedding you never thought you'd see! The Batrimony is real as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle are set to tie the knot in a can't-miss, extra-length milestone issue that will reshape Gotham City. All their friends (and a few enemies?) will be party to a comic book coupling for the ages. Superstar scribe Tom King officiates the sure-to-be-offbea...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Mister Miracle #12 Feb 17, 2019

1화부터 12화까지 통틀어서 작성하겠다. 정말로 톰킹은 천재가 맞는거 같다. 진짜 마지막에 가서 미스터 미라클이 다크사이드다라는 그 반전이 정말로 뻥안치고 온몸에 소름이 돋았다. 사실 미스터미라클이 반생명방정식으로 만든 새로운 세계였다니.. 어찌보면 살짝 인샙션하고 소재가 비슷한것 같기 more

Mister Miracle #12

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Nov 14, 2018

It'll be a miracle if you can get through this mind-bending conclusion with your sanity intact! After his epic battle with Darkseid, Scott Free sees life a whole new way: he's the new Highfather of New Genesis, and he's madly in love with his wife and child. But what if it's all a lie? Did Mister Miracle really escape death way back in issue #1? No...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Batman #64 Feb 17, 2019

최근에 톰킹배트맨에서 배트맨의 심리부분이 자주나왔지만, 그래도 평소에 무뚝뚝한 배트맨이 월리와 영웅들의 죽음에 대해서 얼마나 슬퍼하는지 잘 공감될 수가 있었다. 그리고 결혼식 유머도 내 취향ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Batman #64

By: Joshua Williamson, Guillem March
Released: Feb 6, 2019

"THE PRICE" part one! The two greatest detectives in the DC Universe take on the one cold case that will tear them apart!
As chief architect of the Sanctuary program that cost so much for so many, especially Wally West, Batman will be held accountable...by the Flash!
A cold case from the Justice League's past has mysteriously re-opened, an...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Flash #64 Feb 17, 2019

개쩌는 작화와 톰킹 배트맨 페이즈3를 기대하게 만드는 전개. 솔직히 말하자면 배트맨이 몬스터맨의 밤이후에 왜 고담걸을 방치했는지에 대한 설명이 부족하기도 하지만 충분히 재밌게 읽었다

Flash #64

By: Joshua Williamson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Feb 13, 2019

"THE PRICE" part two! The two greatest detectives in the DC Universe take on the one cold case that will tear them apart!
As chief architect of the Sanctuary program that cost so much for so many, especially Wally West, Batman will be held accountable...by the Flash!
A cold case from the Justice League's past has mysteriously re-opened, an...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #25 Feb 28, 2018

I'm soooooooooooo saaaaaaaaaaaad!! 흐아아아아아아앙ㅜㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

Unbelievable Gwenpool #25

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Feb 28, 2018

•  Gwen's future page count is running low...
•  ...but her thirst for super hero fun and adventure is as high as ever!
•  What better time than the present to knock off "join the Avengers" from her bucket list?
Rated T+

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Jung BBoab commented on this:
TheGeekWonder reviewed Batman #40 Feb 7, 2018

What was the point of this arc?

Batman #40

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 7, 2018

"SUPERFRIENDS" part four! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does, the universe itself begins to crumble. The conclusion of Batman's team-up with Wonder Woman. (This story was previously slated to run in BATMAN #39.)

+ LikeComments (4)
TheGeekWonder - Feb 7, 2018

No really. What did this accomplish? Batman looking cool while standing next to his friends? Because that's all I got. If it was about how Selina and Bruce could go literally decades to see eachother again, King would have spent more than one page on it. If it was to further a FRIENDSHIP, the Superman was fine. But all this part did was make Wonder Woman a cheap device to make fans go "Oh, I WONDER!" In short, I'm with Weird Science on this one.

myconius - Feb 7, 2018

i thought the Superman portion was ok. not amazing, just ok. but this Wonder Woman chapter just plain SUCKED! all it was was just an excuse to create melodrama, and get everyone all in an uproar about Batman and Wonder Woman almost kissing. it fully relied on the suspense of people having to wait two weeks to see if they actually kissed or not. but that doesn't make for a good re-read since the suspense is now gone. plus this arc really didn't make Wonder Woman look very good as a character.

Jung BBoab reviewed Batman #40 Feb 7, 2018

Last issue Agguro ending is ... Hoho ^^

It's like an episode that portrays the friendship of Trinity like the title.

Batman and Wonder Woman, who had been together for decades and almost passed away, but remained friends.

Batman and Superman who build their own homes and show their differences and respect.

And Jantleman is ... so good.

(지난 more

Batman #40

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Feb 7, 2018

"SUPERFRIENDS" part four! Since the beginning, the friendship between Batman and Wonder Woman has stood at the heart of the DC Universe. Now that friendship is coming apart, and as it does, the universe itself begins to crumble. The conclusion of Batman's team-up with Wonder Woman. (This story was previously slated to run in BATMAN #39.)

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크으으...마지막화 전까지는 솔직히 말하면 별로였다. 그런데 마지막화를 읽고 전부 마지막화를 위한 발판이라는것을 깨닫음... 너무 감동적이다..ㅠ

Phoenix Resurrection: The Return Of Jean Grey #5

By: Matthew Rosenberg, Khoi Pham
Released: Jan 31, 2018

A light in the darkness is not always welcome.
Kitty Pryde, Old Man Logan and Cyclops are leading teams of X-Men all across the globe, chasing events connected to the Phoenix. But with teammates disappearing and familiar enemies returning, the X-Men are fighting a losing battle. Beast doesn't know how or what shape it will take, but he knows th...

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Jung BBoab rated Dark Nights: Metal #5 Jan 31, 2018

Dark Nights: Metal #5

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Jan 31, 2018

The Justice League faces the final extinguishing of our world, invaded on all sides by unimaginable nightmares, fueled on to the edge of oblivion only by the belief that there must be a light in the endless darkness-somewhere. But...what if there's not?  

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Jung BBoab reviewed Superman #39 Jan 19, 2018


Superman #39

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Barry Kitson
Released: Jan 17, 2018

What would it be like to fly with the Man of Steel? Some very special children find out as Superman fulfills some unique wishes.

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Jung BBoab liked this:
Phantom reviewed Batman #39 Jan 17, 2018

• It's basically Action Comics #761.
• The plot that you can fight for so many years without any consequence in your mental health was stupid then, it's stupid now.
• If the door can only be opened from our world, why do they need a warrior keeping the demons at bay? It's the same thing with the UN - Justice League agreement that "no one can enter Talia's Kingdom", but without expl more

Batman #39

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 17, 2018

SUPERFRIENDS" part three! Batman and Wonder Woman fight together in an epic battle that will define and then redefine their relationship. What bonds these two pillars of the DCU together? What tears them apart? Find out as Batman continues on his quest for the one thing he's never had, happiness.

+ LikeComments (6)
Phantom - Jan 18, 2018

Yeah, I agree the double-page wasn't very good. When you choose to add a double-page with action it means that the art will cover the lack of dialogue, but in this case was very empty. Also, IMO, the worst panel was Wonder Woman's ass shot. Very distasteful.

myconius - Jan 18, 2018

definitely! that empty looking art was just a waste of two pages just to pad the comic. i could not believe the ass shot either. the tail-end of the comic had the writing and plotting of a Porn flick. . . . HA HA! "tail-end".

Jung BBoab rated Batman #39 Jan 17, 2018

Batman #39

By: Tom King, Joelle Jones
Released: Jan 17, 2018

SUPERFRIENDS" part three! Batman and Wonder Woman fight together in an epic battle that will define and then redefine their relationship. What bonds these two pillars of the DCU together? What tears them apart? Find out as Batman continues on his quest for the one thing he's never had, happiness.

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Jung BBoab reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #24 Jan 13, 2018

이제 1이슈만 남았다니...ㅠㅠㅜ

Unbelievable Gwenpool #24

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Jan 10, 2018

•  Gwen's got a new bag of woes she's battling and it looks like time is not on her side...
•  But when life's got you down you can always turn to your friends!
•  Especially one who plans on robbing one of Manhattan's high-class casinos!
•  Gwenpool and Batroc--back together at last!

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Jung BBoab reviewed Avengers #675 Jan 11, 2018

흐음...정말로 생각을 이정도로 밖에 못하는건가?

Avengers #675

By: Mark Waid, Pepe Larraz
Released: Jan 10, 2018

AVENGERS goes WEEKLY for the stunning sixteen-part saga that will write the end of an era!
The Earth has been STOLEN! The sky burns while mysterious cosmic objects crash down from above, wreaking havoc across the world! The Avengers are the last line of defense between Earth and the mysterious forces threatening to tear ...

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Jung BBoab added Flash (2016) to their pull list Jan 9, 2018

Flash (2016)

A new storm brews over Central City and disproves the old adage about lightning never, well...you know. Just as Barry begins to feel overwhelmed fighting crime, a new speedster debuts-but just where did this amazing new friend come from?
FLASH FACT: "2016 is the 60th anniversary of Barry Allen becoming ...

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Jung BBoab rated Dark Nights: Metal #4 Dec 21, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #4

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 20, 2017

The Justice League has been broken and scattered to the far corners of the DCU, each member forced to face their worst fears alone...and the fears are winning. When an unlikely ally reveals a glimmer of hope, they must seize their chance, or risk their window of opportunity closing for good!

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Jung BBoab reviewed Batman #36 Dec 7, 2017

영화에서 둘의 싸움을 보여주기전에 먼저 보여줬어야하는것이 바로 이것이다. 두 영웅의 가치관의 차이, 성격의 차이, 활동 방식의 차이 등 두 영웅의 대비를 보여준 후 둘을 엮었어야했다.

Batman #36

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Dec 6, 2017

"SUPERFRIENDS" part one! Batman and Superman. For so many years they've fought together for justice. Sometimes, they've even fought each other. Now, from the creators who broke your heart in "The Ballad of Kite Man" comes a look at how the flaws of each frightens the other and how the hope in each inspires the other. Don't miss this two-part event ...

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Amazing Spider-Man #655

By: Dan Slott, Marcos Martin
Released: Feb 23, 2011

NO ONE DIES PART 1 As the fallout of recent events continues to rock Peter Parker's world, he makes a choice-- a promise-- that even he might not be able to fulfill...

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Jung BBoab liked this:
ak94 reviewed Batman Annual #2 Nov 29, 2017

do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry.

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

Jung BBoab reviewed Batman Annual #2 Nov 30, 2017

배트-캣 커플 좋아하십니까? 보세요. 배트-캣 커플 싫어하십니까? 보세요. 톰킹을 좋아하십니까? 보세요.
톰킹을 싫어하십니까? 보세요. 그리고 울지마세요ㅜㅠㅜ

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Secret Empire: Omega #1 Sep 19, 2017

걍 닥치고 저 새끼좀 죽여 나둬받자 또 좆같은 이벤트에 억지 등장 시키고 흐지부지한 앤딩으로 끝나겟지

Secret Empire: Omega #1

By: Nick Spencer, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Sep 13, 2017

•  Hydra has fallen, but the world is still not secure! As the heroes of the Marvel Universe stir from the wreckage of the battlefield, the inevitable rebuilding must begin.
•  However, one question hangs in the air over the proceedings: What redemption can there be for Captain America?
Rated T+

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더 버튼에 이어 영웅의 아버지와의 재회 이야기. 넘나 슬펏고 아버지에게 사랑한다고 전한 그 마지막 대사는 잊을수가 없다,.

Hal Jordan And The Green Lantern Corps #28

By: Robert Venditti, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Sep 13, 2017

"FALL OF THE GODS" part three! Hal Jordan races through the cosmos hunting the speedster of the New Gods, Lightray! Hal must secure Highfather if the Green Lantern Corps' plan to protect him and the universe has a chance of survival! Can the greatest pilot in the universe chase down a god who moves at the speed of light?

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Jung BBoab reviewed Action Comics #987 Sep 19, 2017

스토리 발단과 전개는 휼륭했지만, 별 감흥이 없는 반전. 앞으로 이 수습을 어떻게 처리할지 궁금

Action Comics #987

By: Dan Jurgens, Viktor Bogdanovic
Released: Sep 13, 2017

"THE OZ EFFECT" part one! The agents of the mysterious Mr. Oz begin to move as the Man of Steel works to stop the chaos they unleash in Metropolis and across the globe. But when Mr. Oz steps from the shadows his identity rocks the Last Son of Krypton to his core. The story that began in DC Universe: Rebirth #1 begins to end here!

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Jung BBoab reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #2 Sep 19, 2017

단언컨데, 더 메탈 이벤트는 역사상 가장 크고, 가장 의미있고 가장 재미있는 이벤트로 기억될것이다.

Dark Nights: Metal #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

As Superman and Wonder Woman hunt for a missing ally, Batman investigates a mystery spanning centuries. When the World's Greatest Detective discovers a foe even greater than the Justice League could possibly imagine, will Earth's heroes be ready?

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Jung BBoab reviewed Secret Empire #10 Sep 2, 2017

우리가 기대한 결말은 이런게 아니라는걸 알았을텐데...

Secret Empire #10

By: Nick Spencer, Steve McNiven
Released: Aug 30, 2017

Can there be any redemption for Captain America as the SECRET EMPIRE starts to crumble?
Rated T+

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Jung BBoab reviewed Unbelievable Gwenpool #19 Aug 16, 2017

작가의 상상력의 한계는 어디까지인가!

Unbelievable Gwenpool #19

By: Christopher Hastings, Gurihiru
Released: Aug 16, 2017

• Marvel hero Gwen Poole is friend to all!
•  That is...until supposedly she ruins Miles Morales' life by revealing his secret identity.
•  Oops?
•  Find out how Gwen plans on fixing THIS continuity drama!
Rated T+

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Jung BBoab reviewed Batman #29 Aug 16, 2017

진짜? 정말? 한화 남았는데 그럴싸한 전쟁이 없어? 이번화는 신선한 전개였던것 같음. 다음화에서 어떻게 끝날지 궁금하게 만드네 증말ㅋㅋ

Batman #29

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Aug 16, 2017

"THE WAR OF JOKES AND RIDDLES" part four ! Batman has done his best to keep the peace, but with neither faction backing down, he may have to choose the lesser of two evils if he wants the violence to end. Will Batman embrace the murderous anarchy of The Joker or the bloody fascism of the Riddler? If he wants to win, he'll have to choose a side-and ...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Dark Nights: Metal #1 Aug 16, 2017

역경을 향한 힘찬 스타트!

this is so very very nice to starting hardship!

Dark Nights: Metal #1

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Aug 16, 2017

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

Jung BBoab added Dark Nights: Metal to their pull list Aug 16, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal

The superstar BATMAN team of writer Scott Snyder and artist Greg Capullo reunite for a massive, universe-spanning event!
DARK DAYS: THE FORGE and THE CASTING hinted at dark corners of reality that have never been seen till now! Now, as DARK NIGHTS: METAL begins, the Dark Multiverse is revealed in all its devastating danger-and the threats it co...

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Jung BBoab reviewed Defenders #3 Aug 15, 2017

시원시원하면서 고퀃리티의 그림체와 궁금증을 유발시키는 전개, 또 이 4명의 캐미덕에 디팬더즈는 정말 최고다. 중간중간에 유머까지 더해지니 완벽하다!

Defenders #3

By: Brian Michael Bendis, David Marquez
Released: Jul 12, 2017

• The Punisher strikes! With the mean streets of Marvel more dangerous than ever what could possibly make Frank Castle turn on his fellow vigilantes? Don't they all want the same thing?
•  Another dangerous chapter of the hottest new team in all of comics. Brought to you by the same people that gave you Miles Morales a...

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