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Joined: Apr 24, 2017

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ak94 reviewed Batman Annual #2 Nov 29, 2017

do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry. do not cry.

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

Khonshu reviewed Batman Annual #2 Nov 29, 2017

I have a few basic rules for grading comics, and one of them is that if a single issue makes me cry (and this one had me going from the [SPOILER] time jump) then I'm pretty damn sure I'll give it a perfect score. Add in a one panel reference to King/Weeks Elmer Fudd/Batman book to solidify that book's existence in continuity and continuing payoff to the "when did we first meet" joke set up between more

Batman Annual #2

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Nov 29, 2017

Travel back in time with us to see the early days of the Bat and the Cat. What was Bruce and Selina's first date? How did this rivalry blossom into romance, and then go right back to being a rivalry again? Tom King reteams with his BATMAN/ELMER FUDD collaborator Lee Weeks to show us a little young love with capes and cowls. And a little crimefighti...

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Supes' soups reviewed Teen Titans #12 Sep 13, 2017

By no means is this essential reading but it does let the reader explore the Metal world a bit more and I found it to be a fun read. With the lead-in to Nightwing 29 as its final page, I'm excited to see how Grayson fits into all this. Quinn and Croc showing up in the middle of nowhere seemed a bit random. Arrow's appearance makes more sense and I actually think Emiko and Damian were made for each more

Teen Titans #12

By: Ben Percy, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

A DARK NIGHTS: METAL tie-in! "GOTHAM RESISTANCE" part one! The fight for Gotham City's soul starts here! When Robin receives a distress call from Nightwing urging him to return home, he discovers that Gotham City has been transformed into a mosaic of monsters, magic and doom! Trapped inside the Riddler's deadly maze with nowhere to turn, Robin soon...

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Khonshu reviewed Teen Titans #12 Sep 14, 2017

I really liked this issue. Maybe it's because I was a bit oblivious to what was going to happen but when Green Arrow showed up I started getting giddy, and when Harley and Croc busted in I realized this was definitely not a "Teen Titans" book in any real sense. I could see this being a bummer to some people but I actually found it to be a good fun break from the regular series and probably a bette more

Teen Titans #12

By: Ben Percy, Mirka Andolfo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

A DARK NIGHTS: METAL tie-in! "GOTHAM RESISTANCE" part one! The fight for Gotham City's soul starts here! When Robin receives a distress call from Nightwing urging him to return home, he discovers that Gotham City has been transformed into a mosaic of monsters, magic and doom! Trapped inside the Riddler's deadly maze with nowhere to turn, Robin soon...

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Khonshu rated Dark Nights: Metal #2 Sep 13, 2017

Dark Nights: Metal #2

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Sep 13, 2017

As Superman and Wonder Woman hunt for a missing ally, Batman investigates a mystery spanning centuries. When the World's Greatest Detective discovers a foe even greater than the Justice League could possibly imagine, will Earth's heroes be ready?

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Kgphil01 reviewed Batman #30 Sep 6, 2017

Just when I thought Batman couldn't get any worse #30 comes around.... there is nothing here even remotely redeemable. King has completely destroyed Batman... siding with a villain not to mention one who has or will kill a child and just standing there like it's no big deal? This whole issue is pointless, just a depressed kite man's inner monologue wanting to know why people think he's a joke. It more

Batman #30

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"THE BALLAD OF KITE MAN" part two! In our second "War of Jokes and Riddles" interlude, it's the making of a super-villain! He's been pushed by Batman to snitch on The Joker, and cajoled by The Joker to betray Batman-now, the flunky who would be Kite Man finally snaps. He's lost everything, and a life of crime is the only way to go.

+ LikeComments (2)
Tim - Sep 6, 2017

Isn't it painfully obvious that Batman has a bigger objective in mind? A master plan to put in motion? And KiteMan is emo? Because people think's he's a joke? Because his son died? That's emo?

Kgphil01 - Sep 6, 2017

I'm sure there is some game Batman is playing that he has the upper hand but it's interesting or gripping at all IMO. The whole Batman run so far has been nothing but inner monologues of whining about things I call that emo. If you like it awesome I'm glad you do! But for me this entire King run has been an awful mess. Just giving my opinions on this issue not trying change anyone's mind and no one is going to change mine.

Khonshu reviewed Batman #30 Sep 7, 2017

Had to stop myself from giving this a ten just to try and balance out the rating on this. People giving this a 1 are being ridiculous. To those complaining about Batman taking a side... are you all forgetting about the framing of this story? Batman regrets something he did in his past and is telling us about it. Maybe he's just as pissed off he worked with the Riddler as you are? Maybe he sees it more

Batman #30

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 6, 2017

"THE BALLAD OF KITE MAN" part two! In our second "War of Jokes and Riddles" interlude, it's the making of a super-villain! He's been pushed by Batman to snitch on The Joker, and cajoled by The Joker to betray Batman-now, the flunky who would be Kite Man finally snaps. He's lost everything, and a life of crime is the only way to go.

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Khonshu - Sep 7, 2017

Also, for the record. Kite Man, hell yeah. Would you consider not caring about Batman because he basically always wins (you can challenge that he definitely has taken some losses but really he's always standing strong in the end)? Someone being a loser doesn't make them a bad character.

MKW69 - Sep 8, 2017

One of the main things for the Joker is supposed to have is to not have ,,main character". He changes from time to time. This could be showed here, with him changing from a 66 clown to Heath Ledger Sociopath, to into Nicholson Joker. Here we have Joker that could be defined in one word ,,butthurt". And for Kite Man. This is a flashback in which we (the audience) are being showed that Kite Man is still active. He propably didn't get his revenge or go insane from it.

Khonshu reviewed Secret Empire #1 May 5, 2017

I really didn't want to get sucked into this event, not because I'm anti-Hydra Cap (people complaining about that for the sake of it need to get over themselves) but because Civil War II burned me so hard I was considering dropping Marvel altogether. I decided to go back and read Captain America: Steve Rogers to get a taste of what Nick Spencer was doing, because I started to realize I was just av more

Secret Empire #1

By: Nick Spender, Steve McNiven
Released: May 3, 2017

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Khonshu - May 5, 2017

cont'd... didnt realize we had a word limit... Highly recommend reading Captain America: Steve Rogers #1-16 (yes the whole damn thing) and Uncanny Avengers #18-22 (and I guess some recent Thunderbolts, but meh) to fully appreciate what's going on, and obviously the zero issue. A lot of time was put into setting up this event and it pays off. I could see how maybe there was even too much lead up for some people, but I wasn't reading these titles month to month so I didn't have to suffer a wait.

Khonshu added Black Hammer to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Black Hammer

  A new story from the prodigious brain of Jeff Lemire (Descender), amazingly realized by Dean Ormston (The Sandman) and Dave Stewart (Hellboy)!
Once they were heroes, but that age has long since passed. Banished from existence by a multiversal crisis, the old champions of Spiral City-Abraham Slam, Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, Madame Dragonfly...

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Khonshu added Secret Empire to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Secret Empire

It's been building for months, across a bevy of titles! But now, the moment has arrived for Steve Rogers to step into the light and declare his allegiance to Hydra! How can the heroes of the Marvel Universe cope with this shattering betrayal by the most trusted figure among them? And what will this mean for the world? The map of the Marvel Universe...

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Khonshu added Moon Knight (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Moon Knight (2016)

Marc Spector (a.k.a. Moon Knight/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant) has been fighting criminals and keeping New York City safe for years... or has he? When he wakes up in an insane asylum with no powers and a lifetime's worth of medical records, his whole identity (indentities) are called into question. Something is wr...

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Khonshu added Invincible Iron Man (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Invincible Iron Man (2016)

From the violent streets of Chicago, a new armored hero rises! Clad in her very own Iron Man armor, Riri Williams is ready to show the Marvel Universe what she can do as the self-made hero of tomorrow. But is she ready for all the problems that come with stepping into Iron Man's jet boots? Where's a genius billionaire playboy philanthropist when yo...

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Khonshu added Wild Storm to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Wild Storm

A troubled woman, barred by her employer from continuing her research, walks miserably through New York City. It takes her a moment to notice that everybody else is looking up. A man has been thrown from the upper floor of the Halo skyscraper.
And that woman-Angela Spica, sick from the transhuman implants she's buried in her own body-is the on...

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Khonshu added Trinity (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Trinity (2016)

"BETTER TOGETHER" part 1! Together again for the first time! Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. The core of the World's Greatest Heroes...but with a new Man of Steel, the bonds these three share will be tested and redefined by super-star writer/artist Francis Manapul. In this premiere issue, see the trio travel from Metropolis to Gotham City and be...

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Khonshu added Superman (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Superman (2016)

"THE SON OF SUPERMAN" chapter one
The Last Son of Krypton must decide whether to help his young son use his new and rapidly increasing abilities, or hide them from the world.
THE CREATORS: The team supreme that brought fans the adventures of Damian Wayne in "Batman and Robin" returns for the adventures of Superman and his offspring.

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Khonshu added Nightwing (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Nightwing (2016)

"BETTER THAN BATMAN" Chapter One: Batman taught Nightwing everything he knows-but what if everything he taught him is wrong? When Dick is stuck with a new mentor who challenges everything Batman taught him, Nightwing has to shatter his concept of justice in order to fight for what he knows is right. Writer Tim Seeley (GRAYSON, BATMAN & ROBIN ETERNA...

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Khonshu added Super Sons (2017) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Super Sons (2017)

"When I grow up" part one! The sons of Batman and Superman have graduated to their own monthly comic-but if they want to survive, they're going to have to share it! Writer Peter J. Tomasi (BATMAN & ROBIN, SUPERMAN) teams with rising-star artist Jorge Jimenez (EARTH 2) to bring you the adventures of the World's Smallest. This debut issue looks at th...

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Khonshu added Justice League (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Justice League (2016)

The oceans rise. The earth quakes. And an ancient power rises to reclaim not just the world, but the universe itself-and not even the combined might of the Justice League can stop it. An all-new era begins with this epic by comic book legend Bryan Hitch (JLA, The Ultimates) and master storyteller Tony S. Dan...

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Khonshu added Green Arrow (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Green Arrow (2016)

As Oliver struggles with how he can fight "the man" when his huge fortune makes him the man, he and Black Canary uncover a deadly new threat to Seattle that cuts the Archer to the bone.
THEY SAID IT: "My touchstones are [former GA writers] Dennis O'Neil and Mike Grell, while trying to make th...

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Khonshu added Batwoman (2017) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Batwoman (2017)

"The Many Arms Of Death" part one! At last - Batwoman is back in her own ongoing series! On the island nation of Coryana, anything goes for members of the criminal underworld... and during her lost years after being drummed out of the military, Kate Kane found a kind of refuge there. But now, a deadly new bioweapon is available in the markets of Co...

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Khonshu added Batman (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Batman (2016)

"I AM GOTHAM" chapter one
No one has ever stopped the Caped Crusader. Not The Joker. Not Two-Face. Not even the entire Justice League. But how does Batman confront a new hero who wants to save the city from the Dark Knight?
CAN'T MISS: Superstar artist David Finch returns to Batman alongside writer Tom King for this five-part storyline.

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Khonshu added All-Star Batman to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

All-Star Batman

"My Own Worst Enemy" part one! Superstar writer Scott Snyder explodes into an all-new Batman series alongside legendary artist John Romita Jr., reimagining some of the Dark Knight's greatest villains. First up: Two-Face! Batman must take Two-Face to a destination out of Gotham City, but the duplicitous villain has a two of spades up his sleeve. Eve...

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Khonshu added Doom Patrol (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Doom Patrol (2016)

  The atoms are buzzing. The daydreams crowd sentient streets, and the creative team has been warned, "Turn back now or suffer the mighty consequence of sheer, psycho-maniacal mayhem." Generation-arsonists unite-this is DOOM PATROL, and the God of the Super Heroes is bleeding on the floor.
A blenderized reimagining of the ultimate series of t...

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Khonshu added Wonder Woman (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Wonder Woman (2016)

"THE LIES" chapter one
Why has the lasso of truth stopped working for the Amazon Princess? Start down the rabbit hole as dark secrets from Wonder Woman's past unravel her present!
THEY SAID IT: "Drawing Wonder Woman isn't just drawing a comic, it's drawing an icon-the most famous and recognizable female superhero in the world," exclaims art...

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Khonshu added Teen Titans (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Teen Titans (2016)

"Damian Knows Best" part one! Now that Damian has "summoned" the Teen Titans, the tyrannical teen reveals his master plan! But a great evil from Damian's past is lurking around the corner, ready to strike at the team's newest leader and destroy the new Teen Titans before they even begin!

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Khonshu added Justice League of America (2017) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Justice League of America (2017)

Batman, Black Canary, Killer Frost, the Ray, Vixen, the Atom, and...Lobo?! Spinning directly out of the events of JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD, join the sensational team of writer Steve Orlando and artists Ivan Reis and Joe Prado and discover how Batman assembled the roughest, toughest Justice League of all time!

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Khonshu added Flash (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Flash (2016)

A new storm brews over Central City and disproves the old adage about lightning never, know. Just as Barry begins to feel overwhelmed fighting crime, a new speedster debuts-but just where did this amazing new friend come from?
FLASH FACT: "2016 is the 60th anniversary of Barry Allen becoming ...

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Khonshu added Detective Comics (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Detective Comics (2016)

An unknown predator begins outdoing Batman, taking down dangerous threats with military precision. Its up to the Dark Knight and series costar Batwoman to rally and train the young heroes of Gotham City to end this mysterious threat!WHAT NOW: Batman and Batwoman begin training Spoiler, Red Robin and Cassandra Cain...

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Khonshu added Action Comics (2016) to their pull list Apr 27, 2017

Action Comics (2016)

PATH TO DOOM Chapter One
Superman returns to Metropolis just in time to meet the city of tomorrows newest protector: Lex Luthor. But its not long before these dueling titans meet someone unexpected the new Clark Kent! DONT MISS: ACTION COMICS returns to its original numbering with this issue! NOW SHIPPING TWICE MONTHLY!

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