Steve C's Profile

Joined: Aug 23, 2017

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Steve C added Spider-Geddon to their pull list Oct 25, 2018


Back in 2014, SPIDER-VERSE brought every Spider-Man ever together. This event spinning out of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #800 has Christos Gage and Dan Slott teaming up to destroy them all. The Inheritors have somehow gotten out of their radioactive prison planet and made their way to the Marvel Universe. It's going to take...

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Steve C added Amazing Spider-Man (2018) to their pull list Oct 25, 2018

Amazing Spider-Man (2018)

An alien invasion hits New York City and the only one who can stop it is...Spider-Man?! But that's far from all you'll find here -  a revelation from the past puts Peter Parker's job, relationships, and whole life in jeopardy! And if even that's not enough, you'll see a new roommate, new love interests - and a new villain! Spider-Man goes back to...

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Steve C rated Action Comics #1004 Oct 25, 2018

Action Comics #1004

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Ryan Sook
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Superman confronts Lois Lane and wants answers: Where is Jon Kent? What happened during Lois' trip into space with Jor-El? Why didn't she contact the Man of Steel when she returned? And most importantly, does she still love him? Or is the world-famous reporter looking to let Clark Kent down easy? Lois and Clark's relationship gets redefined in this...

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Linkush reviewed Batman #57 Oct 17, 2018


Pretty great conclusion. Art by Tony Daniel was fantastic as usual and I liked how the fairytale connected to the story at the end. It makes me excited for what's coming next.

This is how I think the fairytale connected to the story:
Fox (Batman) goe more

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

Steve C rated Batman #57 Oct 23, 2018

Batman #57

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Oct 17, 2018

The KGBeast isn't working alone. As the Cold War between Batman and the Russian killer heats up, Batman's nose for mystery gets to twitching when he suspects there's more to the KGBeast's attacks than initially thought. Not only does this tie back to the court case Bruce Wayne sat on involving Mr. Freeze, there's another villainous Gotham ghoul in ...

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Steve C reviewed Nightwing #50 Oct 21, 2018

My love of Nightwing is complicated... I like to read about Nightwing, but I don’t really know who the character is, as he seems to have a constantly changing (and sparingly used) supporting cast, less than compelling villains, and a rotating-door of a love life, so I’ve always felt it’s been hard for me to really grasp who he is on his own... I’m looking forward to seeing how Ben Percy wr more

Nightwing #50

By: Ben Percy, Chris Mooneyham
Released: Oct 3, 2018

"Knight Terrors" begins here! The big issue #50 kicks off an epic four-part story that brings together critical moments of fear and doubt from the past and the present. A young Dick Grayson hopes to escape the shadow of the Bat and earn the title of Nightwing, while an older Dick Grayson must deal with a blow he did not see coming. A common enemy u...

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Solid issue. I like the world building and the bit of backstory of the Quantum League.

Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer #3

By: Jeff Lemire, Wilfredo Torres
Released: Oct 10, 2018

Our heroes origins are revealed as team leader Archive V takes us from his technological birth to the breakup of the League, and a Black Hammer favorite makes a shocking return!

o Ties directly into the Eisner-Award winning Black Hammer comic books series and is written by main writer Jeff Lemire.

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Steve C added Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer to their pull list Oct 11, 2018

Quantum Age: From the World of Black Hammer

Set in the world of the Eisner Award-winning Black Hammer series-but a thousand years in the future-a collection of superheroes, inspired by the legendary heroes of Black Hammer Farm, must band together to save the planet from an authoritarian regime. A young Martian must find a way to reform The Quantum League to save the world while solving the r...

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Steve C reviewed Superman #4 Oct 11, 2018

Really like the direction of this book and the tone of each issue. Plus, the art is fantastic.

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Steve C reviewed The Silencer #9 Sep 27, 2018

I dig it!

The Silencer #9

By: Dan Abnett, Patrick Zircher
Released: Sep 26, 2018

Is there anything worse than a family vacation? Your spouse grouses, the kids complain, rest-stop food is gross-to make things worse, Silencer finds not one, but TWO deadly assassins on her tail! Talia al Ghul is in desperate need of a Lazarus Pit bath, and to get one she needs her top assassin Wishbone to throw Silencer off the trail! Problem is, ...

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bucswin611 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 26, 2018

A bold book with a bold topic gets a bold score. An unprecedented attempt to represent the logical consequences of our heroes' adventures. And this is the best Clay Mann has been - with Morey's colors actually being my favorite part of the issue. This is one I'll reread over and over again.

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

+ LikeComments (2)
Steve C - Sep 27, 2018

Great review! I agree 100%!

Talon1load - Sep 28, 2018

There was nothing bold about any of this. It’s literally just another murder mystery with poor writing and characterization with a bunch of deaths for shock value.

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JustCrazy reviewed Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 26, 2018

The art alone this comic gets a 10 But I find the story intriguing and looking forward to the story as it unravels

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Æther reviewed Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 26, 2018

Tom King is a DC serial killer! Crazy stuff, art was nice, story is intriguing. -.5 so I dont look too much like a fanboy.

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Talon1load - Sep 29, 2018

On this we can agree. He kills people left and right.

Steve C rated Heroes In Crisis #1 Sep 27, 2018

Heroes In Crisis #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Sep 26, 2018

There's a new kind of crisis threatening the heroes of the DC Universe, ripped from real-world headlines by C.I.A.-operative-turned-comics-writer Tom King: How does a superhero handle PTSD? Welcome to Sanctuary, an ultra-secret hospital for superheroes who've been traumatized by crime-fighting and cosmic combat. But something goes inexplicably wron...

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Steve C reviewed Return of Wolverine #1 Sep 20, 2018

Solid start! The art was great, and I’m just so glad that Wolverine is back, bub. (See what I did there?)

He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does is SUPER NICE!

Return of Wolverine #1

By: Charles Soule, Steve McNiven
Released: Sep 19, 2018

Parental Advisory

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Steve C reviewed Mister Miracle #11 Sep 20, 2018

In-cruh-heh-dih-bull!!!! (Incredible!)

Mister Miracle #11

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Sep 19, 2018

If there's one thing popular fiction has taught us by now, it's: never make a deal with the devil! And yet Mister Miracle is still listening when Darkseid approaches him with just such a devilish proposition-if Scott sends his newborn son to Apokolips, there will be peace on New Genesis. Since when has Darkseid been famous for his honesty?! It'll b...

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Steve C reviewed Batman #55 Sep 20, 2018

Not the best story of the run, but it’s still better than 90% of what’s being published. Daniel’s art is great.

Batman #55

By: Tom King, Tony Daniel
Released: Sep 19, 2018

The KGBeast lives! The Russian super-assassin is back-but under whose orders? Does he have a specific mission, or is this simply some leftover Cold War mayhem? Nyet, comrade-it has to do with Bruce Wayne's recent court case involving Mr. Freeze. Something is rotten in Gotham, and you can still smell it, even if it's on ice!

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Bloodraven reviewed Batman: Damned #1 Sep 20, 2018

Bermejo’s art work is a 10 outta 10. Azzarello’s writing was bit meh. Not terrible but I was expecting a little more. Still fully on board with this series though.

Batman: Damned #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo
Released: Sep 19, 2018

DC BLACK LABEL, the highly anticipated new imprint from DC Comics, starts here!
The Joker is dead.
There is no doubt about that. But whether Batman finally snapped his scrawny neck or some other sinister force in Gotham City did the deed is still a mystery.
Problem is, Batman can't remember... and the more he digs into this labyrinthin...

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Tree Fingers reviewed Batman: Damned #1 Sep 20, 2018

psycho batman is the only batman I like lol (see: White Knight as well). The writing was a little confusing, but that was also clearly the point. Art was amazing and enjoyed the first appearance of Batcock

Batman: Damned #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo
Released: Sep 19, 2018

DC BLACK LABEL, the highly anticipated new imprint from DC Comics, starts here!
The Joker is dead.
There is no doubt about that. But whether Batman finally snapped his scrawny neck or some other sinister force in Gotham City did the deed is still a mystery.
Problem is, Batman can't remember... and the more he digs into this labyrinthin...

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Steve C reviewed Batman: Damned #1 Sep 20, 2018

Pretty good book. The art is excellent, but of course the highlight was Batman’s dick being shown. Awesome, hilarious, and oh so weird.

Batman: Damned #1

By: Brian Azzarello, Lee Bermejo
Released: Sep 19, 2018

DC BLACK LABEL, the highly anticipated new imprint from DC Comics, starts here!
The Joker is dead.
There is no doubt about that. But whether Batman finally snapped his scrawny neck or some other sinister force in Gotham City did the deed is still a mystery.
Problem is, Batman can't remember... and the more he digs into this labyrinthin...

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Steve C reviewed Detective Comics #988 Sep 18, 2018

Overall, a good story. It lost points for misuse of “you’re” instead of “your” on page 29. Gordon to Batman: “I’m sure you’re (sic) presence is needed elsewhere.”

It should read either: “you’re needed elsewhere” or “your presence is needed elsewhere.”

Detective Comics #988

By: James Robinson, Stephen Segovia
Released: Sep 12, 2018

Kicking off an arc guest-written by James Robinson (writer of the Batman classics "Blades" and "Face the Face") with art by rising star Stephen Segovia! It looks like the kind of murder case too ordinary to draw the attention of Batman...but once the World's Greatest Detective gets involved, the identity of the victim completely unravels-and leads ...

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Steve C rated Death Of The Inhumans #2 Aug 2, 2018

Death Of The Inhumans #2

By: Donny Cates, Ariel Olivetti
Released: Aug 1, 2018

Attilan died screaming without its king. Now Black Bolt sets out for vengeance against the Kree - and leads the last of his people to their deaths. For the Kree have a weapon of their that will teach the Silent King what it truly means to be voiceless. The massacre continues as Donny Cates and Ariel Olivetti bring the Inh...

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Steve C reviewed Mister Miracle #10 Aug 2, 2018

Incredibly emotional and honest issue. This is the best comic book being published, possibly ever.

Mister Miracle #10

By: Tom King, Mitch Gerads
Released: Aug 1, 2018

Darkseid has put an offer on the table- something that can end the war between New Genesis and Apokolips once and for all. The stakes are high, but peace is important. Mister Miracle finds himself caught having to make a decision that won't just change the new life he's been building, but potentially the entirety of the universe.

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Steve C reviewed Justice League #5 Aug 2, 2018

Surprisingly excellent issue. After Snyder’s convoluted first four issues, this one was so awesome. Looking forward to #6!

Justice League #5

By: James Tynion IV, Doug Mahnke
Released: Aug 1, 2018

Lex Luthor's back in the present just trying to live his best life after seeing what the future could have held for him. Luthor's new mantra? "Embrace Your Doom!" So now he's rounding up a new Legion of Doom to go on a cosmic wilding and establish himself as the biggest baddie in the DCU. In full recruiting mode, Luthor approaches both Sinestro and...

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Steve C reviewed Batman #52 Aug 2, 2018

Awesome story... words and art were both incredible.

Batman #52

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Aug 1, 2018

"Cold Days" continues! The jury in the Mr. Freeze trial is hopelessly deadlocked because one man won't vote guilty-and that man is Bruce Wayne. Freeze's defense is that Batman used excessive force, making his arrest illegal, and Bruce is the one man who actually knows for sure what went down between Batman and his ice-cold nemesis. And if Bruce is ...

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Steve C reviewed The New World #1 Jul 29, 2018

The unexpected MVC of the week! Awesome story and art! I’m on board for more!

The New World #1

By: Ales Kot, Tradd Moore
Released: Jul 25, 2018


The United States of America-after the Second Civil War.
Two lovers meet. One: a straight-edge vegan hacker anarchist boy with a penchant for messing with the State. The other: a chaotic, hedonistic cop with a reality TV show and a license to kill. This really shouldn't happen-and yet, somehow,...

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Steve C added The New World to their pull list Jul 29, 2018

The New World


The United States of America-after the Second Civil War.
Two lovers meet. One: a straight-edge vegan hacker anarchist boy with a penchant for messing with the State. The other: a chaotic, hedonistic cop with a reality TV show and a license to kill. This really shouldn't happen-and yet, somehow,...

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Steve C reviewed Venom #4 Jul 29, 2018

Donny Cates is a phenomenal writer. This book is super-engrossing. Love it.

Venom #4

By: Donny Cates, Ryan Stegman
Released: Jul 25, 2018

• An ancient Klyntar has awakened on Earth, and with it, something has stirred in Eddie Brock's symbiote.
•  And while Venom would never do anything to hurt Eddie or an innocent person, the ancient symbiote has no such qualms...
Rated T+

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Steve C reviewed X-23 #2 Jul 29, 2018

Awesome book! It’s funny, beautifully drawn and colored and has the right amount of gravitas. Honey Badger is the best.

X-23 #2

By: Mariko Tamaki, Juan Cabal
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Cloned from a warrior, raised as a killer, Laura Kinney has gone through hell and come out the other side a hero. After a stint as the All-New Wolverine, she returns to her roots as X-23 to make sure no one ever has to go through the horrors she did. With her sister Gabby and their pet Jonathan in tow, X-23 forges her own destiny in this new series...

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Steve C reviewed Sentry #2 Jul 29, 2018

Loved it! Lemire is born to write off-beat characters like the Sentry. Can’t wait for the next one.

Sentry #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Aaron Kim Jacinto
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Someone or something has invaded Sentry World, and now Bob Reynolds finds himself in a race against the clock to try and stop the mystery invader before he can unravel everything the Sentry has worked so hard to build. But if Bob fails, the Void will be set free and the Marvel Universe will be torn apart. Can the Sentry save the day, or has Bob fai...

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