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Joined: Oct 25, 2017

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Pseudnik reviewed Lois Lane #1 Jul 3, 2019

No story to speak of. Lots of clumsy political posturing. More of the weirdly dysfunctional Lois and Clark relationship from the Bendis books. Dreadful art. Good luck to anyone who is planning to struggle through another 11 issues of this.

Lois Lane #1

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Jul 3, 2019

On the road and out of Metropolis-and carrying a secret that could disrupt Superman's life-Lois Lane embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover a threat to her husband and a plot that reaches the highest levels of international power brokers and world leaders. Critically acclaimed and best-selling author Greg Rucka and master storyteller Mike Perkin...

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READ RUMBLE - Jul 3, 2019

Calling someone an ‘asshat’ because they have a different opinion than you is wrong. Pseudnik has a right to their opinion and they didn’t personally attack someone. Frankly, Bendis’ Lois and Clark relationship to me seems odd and out of character, so I stopped reading supe and action, but will give this a try due to Rucka. I think most people know Rucka is a pretty political guy and it will show in his stories, so I’m assuming this is what they meant by ‘political posturing’

BloodyIgor - Jul 5, 2019

Yea this start out seeming to be good but quickly turned to garbage.

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allenquanobi reviewed Lois Lane #1 Jul 3, 2019

Good start for the series. Super excited because Rucka has always has a knack for writing good grounded characters

Lois Lane #1

By: Greg Rucka, Mike Perkins
Released: Jul 3, 2019

On the road and out of Metropolis-and carrying a secret that could disrupt Superman's life-Lois Lane embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover a threat to her husband and a plot that reaches the highest levels of international power brokers and world leaders. Critically acclaimed and best-selling author Greg Rucka and master storyteller Mike Perkin...

Doomy rated Superman #9 Apr 16, 2019

Superman #9

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Mar 13, 2019

The secrets of the house of El are revealed as the Unity Saga continues! Traveling through space, young Jon Kent has faced everything the universe could throw at him, but after an accident sends him and his grandfather Jor-El across dimensions, the new Superboy comes face to face with a terrifyingly evil version of his own father: Ultraman and his ...

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Tony reviewed Batman #68 Apr 10, 2019

The issue is what it is, a funny vision of some events before the non-wedding. If you want more, well, good luck with that. So, from that point of view, the art of Amanda Conner is fine and fits perfectly with the whole point of the issue and the story isn't bad, it's designed to make you laughand and yeah I guess is an ok issue.

At this point I feel the biggest problem with the lastest more

Batman #68

By: Tom King, Amanda Conner
Released: Apr 10, 2019

Batman is making his way to the end of his Knightmares, but his unseen enemy has a few more tricks up his sleeve. It's time once again to stick a knife into the Caped Crusader's broken heart, letting the groom-that-could-have-been peer in on the bachelorette (or should that be "Catchelorette"?) party that never was. Artist Amanda Conner (Harley Qui...

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Superheroes for Hire - Apr 10, 2019

I wouldn't expect Tom King to pay anything off from this arc. It's just his excuse to pad out his run with some weird stories that don't matter to the ongoing story. Before issue 50, this series had some sort of vision and direction, but since then it's just spinning wheels.

Tony - Apr 10, 2019

I hope everything returns to normal in the next arc and that there are at least reasonable explanations. I really want "City of Bane" to be a good story.

Doomy rated Action Comics #1000 Mar 28, 2019

Action Comics #1000

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Apr 18, 2018

Retailers: This issue will ship with ten covers. Please see the order form for details.
Celebrate 1000 issues of Action Comics with an all-star lineup of top talent as they pay tribute to the comic that started it all! From today's explosive action to a previously unpublished tale illustrated by the legendary Curt Swan to the Man ...

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Doomy rated Sentry #5 Oct 30, 2018

Sentry #5

By: Jeff Lemire, Joshua Cassara
Released: Oct 24, 2018

Bob Reynolds and the Sentry are both it's time for something new to rise in their place!
Rated T+

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Doomy rated Superman #4 Oct 15, 2018

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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egonnn244 reviewed Superman #4 Oct 12, 2018

"I thought you liked Batman"

Another month and another solid issue of Superman. I am really enjoying this run so far.

Superman is more action orientated and bigger in scale than Action Comics, so we have Kal-El taking on the entire might of the Phantom Zone lead by crazed Rogol Zaar in this issue. The fight rages on, heroes come up with a ridiculous (awesome) plan to save th more

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Simon DelMonte reviewed Superman #4 Oct 11, 2018

Points off for BMB decompression and what might be a misleading cliffhanger. But I love the art and love how well Bendis gets Superman month in and month out. It's rare to have a Supes who doesn't think with his fists, and who can actually be strategic. I want more.

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Danicomics reviewed Superman #4 Oct 14, 2018

Just amazing ... issue is action packed and has heart and best thing about bendis is he is trying to tell that superman is just like anyother person he does get angry and wants to kill people but has a reason to not do so , i am so far loving the series and hope it will keep on getting better and better..

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Synthozoid reviewed Superman #4 Oct 11, 2018

Script stalls a bit after the momentum from last issue, still fun

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Steve C reviewed Superman #4 Oct 11, 2018

Really like the direction of this book and the tone of each issue. Plus, the art is fantastic.

Superman #4

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Oct 10, 2018

As Superman fights to protect the world  from Rogol Zaar and the Kryptonian convicts trapped inside the Phantom Zone, the greatest minds on Earth devise a risky plan to return the planet from the deadly prison. With the Earth continuing to crack and crumble and its greatest heroes fall, can the Man of Steel hold the line and give his adop...

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Comicstime rated Catwoman #4 Oct 9, 2018

Catwoman #4

By: Joelle Jones
Released: Oct 10, 2018

Things have gone from bad to worse for Selina in Villa Hermosa. Her new city has taken away what little she was able to carry with her from Gotham, and her rap sheet offers scant protection when local crooks frame her for murdering two police officers. The law has caught up with her and Catwoman is in the clink, giving her time to reflect on her li...

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Doomy - Oct 13, 2018


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DVE reviewed Superman #2 Aug 20, 2018

This is a reacting to disaster issue. Stakes are setup and we learn what happened to Rogol Zaar after he went into the Zone and that he isn't responsible for the current crisis. Bendis' Justice League still needs some work. Bendis' Superman remains impeccable, some of his best individual character writing in memory. I don't dislike Rogol Zaar like some but I think he needed a rest before comin more

Superman #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Aug 8, 2018

The world quakes and shakes as it begins to succumb to the effects of the entire planet being moved into the lifeless realm known as the Phantom Zone. As Superman works with the World's Greatest Heroes, an old enemy trapped in the same prison returns to stop the Man of Steel and escape.

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Batman Jones reviewed Superman #2 Aug 8, 2018

[My original review for posterity. I originally gave this issue a rating of 4.5.]: "I don't see what people apparently see in Bendis. I find his voice to be utterly generic. I do love me some Ivan Reis art (esp. Superman) so that's what the points are for.

"If you're looking for a good Super-book this week that seems to well accomplish what Bendis seems to be trying to do I'd recommend more

Superman #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Aug 8, 2018

The world quakes and shakes as it begins to succumb to the effects of the entire planet being moved into the lifeless realm known as the Phantom Zone. As Superman works with the World's Greatest Heroes, an old enemy trapped in the same prison returns to stop the Man of Steel and escape.

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Super17 - Aug 8, 2018

Coming from a Tom king's Batman fanboy thats a little hypocrite, his writing for Batman "voice" is The worst

Batman Jones - Aug 13, 2018

I bow to your mastery and give your comment a 10/10, Super17. Dang, I got served, y'all.

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egonnn244 reviewed Superman #2 Aug 8, 2018

Another fine issue.

The story doesn't move forward very much, but the characterization Bendis gives here Superman is spot on. He is heroic as they come and hopeful to the core. It is shown especially well in a conversation with Green Arrow that Superman recalls.
We also get more on Rogol Zaar. We learn that he was around for a long time and that he was basically a galactic bogeyman more

Superman #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Aug 8, 2018

The world quakes and shakes as it begins to succumb to the effects of the entire planet being moved into the lifeless realm known as the Phantom Zone. As Superman works with the World's Greatest Heroes, an old enemy trapped in the same prison returns to stop the Man of Steel and escape.

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ohhaimark reviewed Superman #2 Aug 8, 2018

The second issue in Bendis' Superman run proves to be not his worst issue, but certainly nothing I would label as a "must-read." The main problem with this issue, is that, plot-wise, nothing happens until the last few pages. I appreciate that Bendis is great at writing the internal monologue of Clark Kent, but seriously, something needs to happen while he is narrating the issue. It's a common prob more

Superman #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Aug 8, 2018

The world quakes and shakes as it begins to succumb to the effects of the entire planet being moved into the lifeless realm known as the Phantom Zone. As Superman works with the World's Greatest Heroes, an old enemy trapped in the same prison returns to stop the Man of Steel and escape.

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Nihilist reviewed Superman #2 Aug 8, 2018

Similarly to his limited Man of Steel run, Bendis is taking his time to tell a story - I personally like that, but if you've expected non stop action and quick development, you won't find it here. Barely anything substantial happens in the issue, and instead of unraveling events of the main story, we get some insight into Superman's thoughts and feelings, showing his willingness to be a hero, to m more

Superman #2

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Aug 8, 2018

The world quakes and shakes as it begins to succumb to the effects of the entire planet being moved into the lifeless realm known as the Phantom Zone. As Superman works with the World's Greatest Heroes, an old enemy trapped in the same prison returns to stop the Man of Steel and escape.

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Nihilist reviewed Superman #1 Jul 11, 2018

From the very first page you can clearly see the new spirit of Superman's comics, with a brief history of the character, and recap of what happened in Man of Steel mini series. For those of you who don't know, that's something Marvel embraced to the fullest, while DC ditched it completely. Sudden change of status quo may be a good thing - quick presentation of whatever's important will help furthe more

Superman #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jul 11, 2018

A bold new chapter for the greatest superhero of all time begins here as the superstar team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Ivan Reis begin their run on the all-new SUPERMAN! The fallout from the Man of Steel miniseries has Clark Kent looking at the world through new eyes... with new ideas about what Superman could and should do for the c...

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SloboSOY reviewed Superman #1 Jul 12, 2018

I will give to Bendis that he use superman like I like to see using. Making jump here & there to help & fight but quickly.
I also like the mood he is in missing is family. And the last part was very surprising. But I'm not a fan of what Manhunter suggest.

Cover - I take a David Mack Variant. Beautiful & in a way related to what I read. The shape of a hero in rebuilding. 2/2
Wr more

Superman #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jul 11, 2018

A bold new chapter for the greatest superhero of all time begins here as the superstar team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Ivan Reis begin their run on the all-new SUPERMAN! The fallout from the Man of Steel miniseries has Clark Kent looking at the world through new eyes... with new ideas about what Superman could and should do for the c...

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Simon DelMonte reviewed Superman #1 Jul 11, 2018

Sooo close to giving this a 10. Love the art. Love how BMB writes Supes and finally liked how he wrote Lois and Jon. But his J'Onn...what was up with that? Take over? And "it's garbage?" That is not how J'Onn talks. (Also not sure about his Flash.) Overall, though, it was a joy to read and to look at. Give me more.

Superman #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Jul 11, 2018

A bold new chapter for the greatest superhero of all time begins here as the superstar team of writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Ivan Reis begin their run on the all-new SUPERMAN! The fallout from the Man of Steel miniseries has Clark Kent looking at the world through new eyes... with new ideas about what Superman could and should do for the c...

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A Dawg Most Dirty reviewed Action Comics #1001 Jul 26, 2018

Really loved the start of this series. I love how Brian Michael bendis is taking the two Superman books in two completely different directions. I can’t wait to find out who red cloud is!

Action Comics #1001

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis' new chapter for the Man of Steel and the world of tomorrow begins here! The devastating repercussions from the Man of Steel miniseries still reverberate as Metropolis enters a new age! The Daily Planet teeters on the brink of disaster! A new criminal element has made its way onto the streets of Superman's home...

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Simon DelMonte reviewed Action Comics #1001 Jul 25, 2018

A few Bendisims aside, this is yet another strong Superman tale from a writer that I thought had nothing to bring to Metropolis. And I think this approach plays to Bendis's strengths (if not necessarily Superman's). And oh that art! Gleason at his absolute best, which is saying something.

Action Comics #1001

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis' new chapter for the Man of Steel and the world of tomorrow begins here! The devastating repercussions from the Man of Steel miniseries still reverberate as Metropolis enters a new age! The Daily Planet teeters on the brink of disaster! A new criminal element has made its way onto the streets of Superman's home...

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daddyT reviewed Action Comics #1001 Jul 25, 2018

Honestly, I was not looking forward to this. Why change something that's already good, you know? But, this is good too. An entirely different sort of story for Superman, which makes it very interesting to me.

It had a good deal of humor, but not over the top stupid like so many writers do. Just enough to be good without being silly.

I like the whole perspective going on. more

Action Comics #1001

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis' new chapter for the Man of Steel and the world of tomorrow begins here! The devastating repercussions from the Man of Steel miniseries still reverberate as Metropolis enters a new age! The Daily Planet teeters on the brink of disaster! A new criminal element has made its way onto the streets of Superman's home...

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MKW69 reviewed Action Comics #1001 Jul 25, 2018

It's Better than Superman 1, but Bendis still doesn't gets Superman that well, his Supes is like from JL movie. At least he knows his strenghts here, and uses it with his Dialogue.

Action Comics #1001

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Patrick Gleason
Released: Jul 25, 2018

Acclaimed writer Brian Michael Bendis' new chapter for the Man of Steel and the world of tomorrow begins here! The devastating repercussions from the Man of Steel miniseries still reverberate as Metropolis enters a new age! The Daily Planet teeters on the brink of disaster! A new criminal element has made its way onto the streets of Superman's home...

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myconius - Jul 25, 2018

i'm with you on Bendis missing the mark with Superman. i enjoy the inner monologues he gives Clark, but some of his actions just don't fit the character. in MoS and Superman #1 i wasn't thrilled seeing a mopey Superman who let his son and wife wonder the galaxy with a father that he doesn't even really know. i haven't read this issue yet. not really sure if i want to or not.

MKW69 - Jul 26, 2018

Supes just feels like so asshole, like a scene with firefighters, they say that he's a suspect, and he squints he's eyes and looks like he just wants to beat them all up.

Doomy rated Wonder Woman #46 May 12, 2018

Wonder Woman #46

By: James Robinson, Stephen Segovia
Released: May 9, 2018

"The Dark Gods" part one! In the wake of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, new secrets of the cosmos have been revealed and taken form... and though she doesn't know it yet, Wonder Woman is at the center of their plans!

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Doomy rated Wonder Woman #45 May 5, 2018

Wonder Woman #45

By: James Robinson, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Apr 25, 2018

"AMAZONS ATTACKED" finale! It's all-out war for Themyscira! Jason's been handed a gift from the gods that could turn the tide... but how will he use it? And is this gift actually what he believes it to be?

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Doomy rated Wonder Woman #44 Apr 29, 2018

Wonder Woman #44

By: James Robinson, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Apr 11, 2018

"AMAZONS ATTACKED" part four! When last they met, Wonder Woman was robbed of a chance to meet Darkseid in single combat-and she's certain she'd be able to take him down. At last, she's going to get her wish-but with Darkseid at full power, is she still sure she'll survive?

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themyskira reviewed Wonder Woman #43 Mar 30, 2018

In this issue of Wonder Jason, Jason continues to revel in his newfound superpowers. He's so cool, you guys. He's so powerful now, he's even stronger than his sister (you know, whatsherface. I wanna say... Dina? Diane, maybe?). He's so powerful, he's still discovering new abilities!

But Steve Trevor is not impressed! He doesn't want anybody hurting His Angel (swoon!). And, hoo boy, I wo more

Wonder Woman #43

By: James Robinson, Marco Santucci
Released: Mar 28, 2018

"Amazons Attacked" part three! All his life, Wonder Woman's brother Jason has longed to meet his mother, Hippolyta, but the machinations of the gods have made it impossible. But now, with the barrier between worlds at its thinnest, could they come face to face at last? Should Wonder Woman help him return home, if it could lead to the destruction of...

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Doomy rated Wonder Woman #43 Mar 31, 2018

Wonder Woman #43

By: James Robinson, Marco Santucci
Released: Mar 28, 2018

"Amazons Attacked" part three! All his life, Wonder Woman's brother Jason has longed to meet his mother, Hippolyta, but the machinations of the gods have made it impossible. But now, with the barrier between worlds at its thinnest, could they come face to face at last? Should Wonder Woman help him return home, if it could lead to the destruction of...

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