"The Dark Gods" part one! In the wake of DARK NIGHTS: METAL, new secrets of the cosmos have been revealed and taken form... and though she doesn't know it yet, Wonder Woman is at the center of their plans!
This is a solid issue. I like the premise. This is a potentially interesting story with an intriguing mystery. Additionally, the art is gorgeous which makes the story a lot more engaging. Read Full Review
Dark Gods has a ton of potential. Based on the issue's cliffhanger, Robinson has some good ideas in store and this could be one of his strongest arcs yet. Read Full Review
Despite its narrative flaws, Wonder Woman #46 "The Dark Gods part one" is an enjoyable, must-have issue. Even those who have yet to dive into Dark Nights: Metal can enjoy Wonder Woman #46. It is a new, exciting chapter in the Wonder Woman saga that marks a new direction for the DC Universe. Wonder Woman #46 is a fun read that offers some intriguing additions to Wonder Woman's story. I am excited to see where this new story arc goes and how Darkseid might play a role in the rise of the new gods. Read Full Review
If you liked DC's last event, Metal, then Wonder Woman #46 is right up your alley. It begins a new arc for the series entitled 'The Dark Gods', and has a thrilling last second surprise for Diana. The premise, despite being familiar, has a fresh take to it as well as a sense of urgency throughout. Read Full Review
Wonder Woman #46 is a refreshingly good issue in this recently troubled title. The story is interesting and paced well. There is a lot of action to cut up the metaphysical nature of this new threat. While Wonder Woman and Cheetah may not be given the emotional depth previously granted by Greg Rucka and Shea Fontana, this book manages to stay interesting with its premise and energy alone. Plus, the art team does great work. This one gets a recommendation. Pick it up. Read Full Review
I'm still not a huge fan of Robinson's Wonder Woman or this whole Jason thing, but this issue does give me a little hope. Bringing back fan-favorite villains like Cale and Cheetah really makes this issue feel like Wonder Woman's book again. As usual, any misgivings I have about Robinson's script are made up for with absolutely stellar art. Read Full Review
There's some potential here for a nice upswing if Robinson gets the story right and manages all the spinning cups he's initiated this issue. Fingers crossed he can do all the characters justice, and that this arc stays interesting. Read Full Review
Despite a few missteps, the opening to the Dark Gods arc promises an entertaining story for the Wonder Woman series. Read Full Review
While Wonder Woman's been a bit of a rocky book lately, this issue at least piqued my interest in this new arc and what it has to offer. Is it perfect......... No, but it has some fun elements that kept me entertained and got me on board for at least the next issue. I just wish the pacing of this book would slow down a bit because it just rushes over a lot of story that could have been told instead of just skipping where it needed these characters to be here. Read Full Review
Despite a few missteps, the opening to the Dark Gods arc promises an entertaining story for the Wonder Woman series. Read Full Review
This was an interesting start to a new plot. I have a few theories and ideas as to where it's going, but nothing confirmed yet. This issue did drag on a bit, but considering it's building up for something bigger I'm content to let that slide, especially since it looks like the next issue will be more action packed (at least it certainly appears like it'll be starting with a big fight!). Read Full Review
Overall, Robinson still has a lot of improvement to make in his handling of Wonder Woman. Its frustrating to read his run on this book, because he is a proven, stellar writer, but it seems like he is just going through the motions, barely caring about taking time to craft a good story. All of the ingredients for a classic run are there, but he just keeps missing the mark. With the promising ending of this issue, there is still time to save it, but its not likely Robinsons run as a whole will be remembered fondly by anybody. Read Full Review
There are a few interesting ideas in this issue, but the execution is still lacking overall. Read Full Review
Looking at the final page it's easy to forget everything that preceded it because there is so little of substance to be found. Read Full Review
I wanted to try some Robinson arc on wonder woman & this one seem better that the last. So where I am.
And I'm not disappointed at all. Ok it's again around Cheetah but with a very great & intriguing story.
Maybe Diana appear too quickly. But Robinson choose to go quickly in this story & that give a very strong one.
Cover - I take the variant. Nice but we will see later if this is related or not 1.5/2
Writing - I like how Robinson construct his story. Even if the only time (Long ago) I seen Veronica Cale, she seem not to be a awful woman. 3/3
Arts - Very nice even if that's not the cheetah I would like to see. My favorite was the one before the New52 looking more like Tigra ^^ 3/3
Feeling - Robinson is on more
the start of a new arc and I have to say it's starting out well! nice enough art, tho I really miss the early days of this series with Liam Sharp and Nicola Scott... everything looks great except Wonder Woman herself :(
some more introduction of the brother and the powers of his armor... is he gonna be Shazam or something?
the cliffhanger is kinda silly but fine. now THAT's a book in need of a reboot! looking forward to next issue.
Something is coming. People are going crazy and not just regular people, superpowered beings also get affected. And it seems that perhaps only Diana maybe capable to fight this Dark Gods.
This was an enjoyable issue. Great art from Stephen Segovia and finally no cringy dialogue from James Robinson. Just keep at it Mr. Robinson.
Will those be the first new gods since Kirby created Darkseid and the rest of the Fourth World?