Joshua Page's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Word Of The Nerd Reviews: 28
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Analog #1

Apr 3, 2018

Analog #1 establishes a very ambitious story that is very promising. Though it could use more character depth and maybe some more color variations, this may be a must-read series. I thoroughly enjoyed Analog #1, despite the few criticisms I mentioned above. It appears that this will be a worthwhile series that is not only interesting to read, but also relevant.

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Analog #2

May 10, 2018

Unlike the previous issue, Analog #2 is a lackluster entry that adds little to the world we were introduced to in Analog #1.

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Gears of War: The Rise of RAAM #3

Mar 20, 2018

The Rise of Raam #3 leads to a grand climax in the expanded Gears of War universe. Each panel keeps up a consistent pace, which will keep readers on the edge of their seats even during lulls in the action. The entirety of this series takes place from the perspective of the Locust, making it a unique addition to the Gears of War franchise. Once this particular series is over, I could see fans reading this before replaying the first game. Furthermore, I believe several other comics based around the Locust could tell compelling stories and be very successful.

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Gears of War: The Rise of RAAM #4

Apr 11, 2018

Gears of War: The Rise of Raam #4 appears to be the final issue in the Rise of Raam miniseries from Kurtis Wiebe. The issue does its best to tie up loose ends. It left me wanting a little more and to re-experience the first Gears of War game.

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Harley & Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #5

Feb 8, 2018

While the story itself is clich in nature, the writers have done a fantastic job at making the story enjoyable. The nature of the plot makes it predictable. However, it is still extremely fun to read due to the antics of the characters. Harley and Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica is a character-driven story that seamlessly blends the "coming of age" themes of Archie with Batman's psychological themes, which is more clearly realized in issue five. While the miniseries is quite fun, it deals with issues that both teenagers and adults can easily relate.

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Harley & Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #6

Mar 7, 2018

While I did not particularly like Harley and Ivy Meet Betty and Veronica #6, I can see its appeal to some. It's filled with light-hearted fun that brings the best of Archie and DC Comics together. However, the previous issues were also fun and light-hearted at times, and yet they were unpredictable. Why did the writers play it safe in this issue? When one has the opportunity to create a miniseries such as this one, it seems as though they could pull out all the stops. I think that's what issue #6 needed. It needed to get a little crazier and maintain its unpredictability.

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Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker #1

May 2, 2018

With Blevins's beautiful artwork and Dini's writing, Harley Loves Joker #1 is a fantastic tale that most"if not all"Harley Quinn fans will probably enjoy. Harley's character is consistent and the story elements fit the tone of this issue. Additionally, the story and the tone match up perfectly with the modern Harley Quinn many fans know and love. It's a great first issue that is very likely to end with a bang!

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Harley Quinn: Harley Loves Joker #2

May 16, 2018

Harley Loves Joker #2 ends in such a fitting way for Harley Quinn and the infamous Joker. It's a rather nostalgic story that amalgamates comedy with poignancy and psychology in a way that I have not seen a quite a while. While it is kind of sad to see this series end, Dini conceived the best possible ending for the Harley Loves Joker series. This issue is a must read/must have issue for Batman and Harley Quinn fans alike. Some may be disappointed that it's over, but I doubt any will be let down by its conclusion.

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Jazz Legend #1

May 15, 2018

Obviously, there was a lot I did not like about Jazz Legend #1. While its story is fascinating and its visuals are great, the characters are flat and sound like copies of one another. Maybe that's the point, maybe that is where this series is heading. Maybe this is all in Martin's or Benjamin's head. If that's the case, then that could pretty cool if executed better than this first issue. The plot has a lot of potential, but Jazz Legend #1 does not leave a lasting impression, unfortunately. If you are a fan of genre-benders, you may like Jazz Legend #1. I happen to be a fan of genre-benders, but there just is not enough here to warrant a second read or peak my interests further, just like jazz.

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Lucy Dreaming #1

Mar 21, 2018

Lucy Dreaming #1 is the start of an intriguing miniseries with endless possibilities.Fans of Bemis's other works, such as Moon Knight, won't be disappointed by his latest project. Most readers will find themselves immersed in both the real world and the dream world. Lucy Dreaming #1 grabs your attention from page one and makes you want more even after the final page.It is that immersive quality of the storytelling thatactually caught me off guard. I am definitely intrigued and looking forward to the second issue in this series.

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Lucy Dreaming #2

Apr 19, 2018

Max Bemis and Michael Dialynas have put together a truly unique miniseries. I hope that it continues to show off Bemis's talent as a writer and Dialynas's talent as an artist. Lucy Dreaming #2 presents readers with some new discoveries and a delightful story. Both set up some intriguing possibilities for the future of this miniseries. It will be exciting to see what Bemis and Dialynas do in the follow-up issue to Lucy Dreaming #2.

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Lucy Dreaming #3

May 17, 2018

If you have been reading this miniseries since issue #1, then Lucy Dreaming #3 is a must-read. However, if you have just become interested in the series, then you should definitely go back and get caught up. Lucy Dreaming is a series that should definitely be checked out. If you're not into the story, then seeing the shift in art styles will keep you interested. Though Lucy Dreaming #3 has a predictable conclusion, it will definitely be interesting to see how the event affects everything moving forward.

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Musketeers #1

Feb 20, 2018

Filled with great artwork and decent writing, Musketeers #1 is definitely a fun little story. Though there was quite a bit of exposition, I believe a lot of that is due to this being the start of a miniseries. I think having Musketeers be an eight to twelve issue series would benefit it well. It would give Terry Kavanagh more time to develop characters further and build up more of the fantastical world Musketeers #1 is set. Overall, Musketeers adds to the Grimm Universe and is pretty fun, but lacks memorability.

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Postal: Laura #1

Mar 13, 2018

Postal: Laura #1 is a fantastic addition for fans and a great place to start for those that have never read a Postal comic before. The story is self-contained and very powerful. From start to finish there is not a lot to complain about. The narrative is straightforward and does not stray from its intended message. Additionally, Eden's Fall gives readers just enough to get excited about the new crossover series. Hill has done a great job with this particular entry.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #35

Feb 14, 2018

With Amanda Waller falling apart along with the Squad itself, things are looking grim. As a fan, it's exactly what I want in a Suicide Squad issue. There's a great moment towards the end of this issue that left me wanting more. The over-arching theme of being destroyed from the inside due to secrecy fits within the narrative perfectly. It will be interesting to see where Williams takes Task Force X moving forward. In a way, Suicide Squad seems to have become a commentary on the dangers of deception. While Amanda Waller uses deception and secrecy as a mask, the members of the Squad have nothing to lose and therefore do not need to hide. They may be the only ones that can save the Suicide Squad initiative as Waller's mask begins to slip away.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #36

Feb 28, 2018

Suicide Squad #36 continues issue #35's themes of being destroyed from the inside. The theme itself plays out multiple ways throughout the issue. The plot of this particular issue intrigued me. Furthermore, I enjoyed seeing Amanda Waller in such a vulnerable state. It helps develop her character a little more and readers have been able to see a slightly different side of Waller in this arc.

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Suicide Squad (2016) #37

Mar 14, 2018

While this issue raises some interesting questions, it does little more than act as a precursor to a new arc.

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Swamp Thing Winter Special #1

Feb 8, 2018

Swamp Thing: Winter Special #1 is a bittersweet, nostalgic treat for both new and old fans of Len Wein and Swamp Thing. The Winter Special offers something new and special in its own way. King's story and Fabok's art pay homage to both Wein and Bernie Wrightson in the best way possible. King created a somber story that reflects the impact that Wrightson and Wein's deaths have on the comic industry. However, King's story includes images of what readers should remember Wrightson and Wein brought to the industry: life!

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The Curse of Brimstone #1

Apr 4, 2018

The Curse of Brimstone #1 adds a great new series and character to DC's catalog. It appears to be a supernatural coming-of-age series that will definitely interest DC fans and newcomers. This is a series that anyone can jump into if they are interested. Readers do not need to have read anything from Dark Nights: Metal in order understand the events in The Curse of Brimstone #1. It is a series that I will be looking forward to in the future.

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The Curse of Brimstone #2

May 2, 2018

Curse of Brimstone #1 was very promising and unique. It offered something fresh. It offered a new kind of hero. Curse of Brimstone #2 continues to promise something very different and interesting to the DC Universe. However, the execution of those ideas seemed a little sloppy to me. As I mentioned previously, this issue felt very rushed. Characters just accept things without question and move on like nothing happened. That can be frustrating. Granted, things could really pick up in the next issue. The Curse of Brimstone #2 falls into some clich territory and the story moved along a little too quickly, but it is entertaining. It is not necessarily a boring issue, just not as great as it could have been. Despite this, I am hopeful for the next installment and can't wait to see where this series goes from here.

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The Curse of Brimstone #3

Jun 6, 2018

While the artwork makes Curse of Brimstone #3 great to look at and fun to read, so too does some of the story elements. Apart from my gripes with characterization, I found Curse of Brimstone #3 to be quite enjoyable. Curse of Brimstone #3 is action-packed and fast-paced. It is a quick read that will most likely satisfy most fans of the series.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #42

Mar 14, 2018

So far, the story of the Amazons Attacked arc is very intriguing. I am excited to see what Robinson has planned for future installments. I am interested in seeing who does the artwork for the next installments, as both Merino and Stephen Segovia's have been superb thus far. Additionally, I do hope that Steve and Diana will continue to discuss the mental effects of her many adventures in the future. And, I do hope we learn just where Jason disappeared to and how that will affect Wonder Woman. Overall, the plot thickens in this issue and very intriguing details arise as to Darkseid's true motives. Will he travel back in time to rule over Themyscira as a god? One can only hope, as that would be amazing and give Wonder Woman a truly formidable foe!

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Wonder Woman (2016) #43

Mar 28, 2018

While Wonder Woman #43 does not answer every question about Darkseid's plans or even where Jason got his powers, it is a fun issue. There was a moment where Trevor mentioned that Amanda Waller had offered the services of the Suicide Squad to him. That would have been an interesting crossover event, had it played out that way. However, allowing Trevor and Jason's relationship to grow a little more added extra depth to Jason's development as a character. He wants Steve Trevor to trust him and he is willing to do whatever he needs to earn Steve's trust. In the final events of the issue, Wonder Woman #43 ensures that readers are going to see a lot of action in the next issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #44

Apr 11, 2018

Wonder Woman #44 is an exciting read that will keep readers entertained. It ends with a chilling cliffhanger that will make readers want to stick around for the next issue. As I mentioned before, this issue is action-packed. The issue primarily focuses on the action and little else. There are some references to Wonder Woman's shortcomings, such as being too weak to face Darkseid alone. It does seem that that very subject will be addressed in the next issue or in later Wonder Woman installments. Given the ending, it seems likely that Wonder Woman will face at least one of her fears in the next issue.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #45

Apr 25, 2018

Wonder Woman #45 surpassed my expectations with its thrilling action and an incredible ending. Robinson provides fans with a great run of Wonder Woman thus far. Though Wonder Woman #45 has a few moments that detract from the scene's urgency, overall, it's a great finale. It ties up several loose ends from many past story arcs. Though, if you were hoping to learn where Jason disappeared to at the end of the Swan Song arc, you'll have to wait just a little longer. While it would have been great to see just what happened with him, I trust that Robinson has something exquisite in store for readers in the future.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #46

May 9, 2018

Despite its narrative flaws, Wonder Woman #46 "The Dark Gods part one" is an enjoyable, must-have issue. Even those who have yet to dive into Dark Nights: Metal can enjoy Wonder Woman #46. It is a new, exciting chapter in the Wonder Woman saga that marks a new direction for the DC Universe. Wonder Woman #46 is a fun read that offers some intriguing additions to Wonder Woman's story. I am excited to see where this new story arc goes and how Darkseid might play a role in the rise of the new gods.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #47

May 23, 2018

Fans and casual readers alike who have been following the new "Dark Gods" story arc will not want to miss out on Wonder Woman #47. It adds new dimensions to Jason's character and to his and Diana's relationship. Wonder Woman #47 also opens up a very compelling new storyline. Though the twist ending is rather gimmicky, I enjoyed it and can't wait to see what Robinson has planned for future installments.

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Wonder Woman (2016) Annual #2

Jun 6, 2018

While Wonder Woman Annual #2's dialogue and story are intriguing, the artwork and clichs hold it back from being the perfect issue. However, on its own, with no prior knowledge of the previous story arc, Wonder Woman Annual #2 could, in fact, be a quintessential Wonder Woman issue. In that regard, it is a must-read. If you were expecting something new that did not play it safe, then you might be disappointed. We shall see if Wonder Woman #48 will give us something that treads new ground.

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