Christopher Landers's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: You Don't Read Comics Reviews: 191
8.1Avg. Review Rating

Aquaman (2016) #32

Feb 16, 2018

All in all, this book was trying to accomplish a lot in a limited amount of space.  Essentially, the entire issue is a series of conversations about the fate of Mera and Atlantis.  In lesser hands this could have been completely, mind-numbingly boring, but with Abnett it just seems like a slightly slower issue necessary for setup.  It could have used at least one big action sequence purely for pacing purposes, but the next issue will probably be heavy on the fighting, so it can be forgiven.  The creative team definitely has my interest for the next issue, based on the last page alone.

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Aquaman (2016) #33

Feb 26, 2018

In the end, even though this was mostly an action issue, with very little character work going on, the creative team pulled it off very well.  The warrior side of Aquaman was fun to indulge in, even if only for an issue or two, but it also leaves the reader wondering whether this might be the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Arthurs anger.  Between that hint at the darker side of Aquaman, and the inevitable showdown between him and King Rath next issue, its shaping up to be an extremely exciting time to be a fan of the underwater hero.

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Aquaman (2016) #34

Mar 21, 2018

In the end, this issue was a dark spot in an otherwise very enjoyable story arc. Raths backstory, while needed to flesh the character out, should have come earlier and not have been concentrated into a single issue. Aquaman is missed, but surely he will be back next issue to continue his violent siege of Atlantis. One can only hope that Abnetts stalling is over and Arthur will finally get his hands on Rath next month.

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Aquaman (2016) #35

Apr 18, 2018

In the end, this was a satisfying issue in a compelling arc that has questioned who Aquaman is, what his role in Atlantis should be, and how he will be changing as he moves forward with his life. It seems like Arthur will no longer be the king after this arc and, while it wont be the first time that has happened in the history of the character, Abnett has put Aquaman in a place, character-wise, that seems to say that hell be okay with that and wont necessarily be trying to retake the throne any time soon. That should be an interesting story moving forward, if it is allowed time to breathe and explore Arthur further.

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Aquaman (2016) #36

May 19, 2018

Despite this issue being one more chapter in an overly-long story arc, the pacing is picking up nicely, and Rath has finally become a serious threat, so its definitely enjoyable. If youre at all interested in the fate of Aquaman now that he has agreed to hand the throne over to Mera, or you just like great art, you should definitely be picking up this series. There is plenty of good story ahead.

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Aquaman (2016) #38

Jul 27, 2018

In the end, Abnett delivered a satisfying ending to what has been an epic story of Aquaman losing his kingdom and fighting to regain it, even if it means he cant be king anymore. This arc, right down to its mind blowing final pages, has literally changed everything about Aquamans current status in the DCU. If Abnett isnt remembered for being one of the best Aquaman writers of all time, there is no justice.

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Aquaman (2016) #39

Aug 15, 2018

All in all, this was an enjoyable book that mixes the fun of a crossover with the epic change that Atlantis is going through in a very organic way, thanks to the storytelling of Abnett and Williams.

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Aquaman (2016) #40

Sep 25, 2018

In the end, this was an enjoyable issue, but by far the weakest of the arc. With a lack of any kind of development for Aquaman, and a focus on action instead of character to wrap up the story, it was a less than satisfying concluding chapter. Yes, everything wraps up neatly, but it still felt like Abnett and Williams were just going through the motions of ending the story, rather than providing a big finish.

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Aquaman (2016) #41

Oct 24, 2018

In the end, even though this gave some nice story time to Mera, it was lacking as a leg of a big Justice League story. Despite all of the world being overrun by toxic water that transforms anyone it touches, this issue just felt like filler while readers were waiting for Snyder to continue the real story over in his book. If youre picking up this title just to complete the Drowned Earth arc, its really not necessary, and if youre picking it up because youre a regular reader, youre probably just going to be disappointed.

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Aquaman (2016) #42

Nov 28, 2018

To put it simply, this being the legendary Dan Abnetts last issue of Aquaman, it should have been something special. The concept and broad strokes of the story are there, but being wedged into another writers mega-event didnt do Abnett any favors. This was a waste of a good writer, and a waste of a potentially great story. Heres hoping DeConnick is spared this treatment in her upcoming run.

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Aquaman (2016) #43

Dec 30, 2018

Overall, this may not have been the most exciting first issue, but it definitely grabs your attention, and draws you into the mystery laid out by DeConnick. After such a big story like Drowned Earth, it doesnt hurt to pull back, and reconstruct the character of Aquaman. If done right, the readers could end up with a stronger Arthur Curry, with a more defined set of personality traits that go deeper than stoic. Fingers crossed.

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Aquaman (2016) #44

Jan 23, 2019

If youre looking for a change of pace from the same old Aquaman comics, this is the story for you. It can honestly be said that no one has done this type of character arc with Arthur Curry in recent memory. Hes no longer the hero the readers know, and sure, hell inevitably remember who he is...but there is no guarantee that hell be that same person once all is said and done. Arthur is about to embark on a journey of self-discovery, and by definition, no one remains unchanged after that type of event.

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Aquaman (2016) #45

Feb 22, 2019

Overall, this was a sleepy, little issue that, while managing to add something to the story, did so in the least engaging way possible. If the rest of this arc is going to revolve heavily around Caille and her mother, then DeConnick is going to have to find a way to make the readers give a damn about them.

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Aquaman (2016) #46

Mar 27, 2019

Overall, even if youre not a fan of the Namma/Caille angle for this arc, this issue still gives the fans something they have been waiting for five chapters for. Its worth checking out if youve been on the fence about continuing to pick up this book, but the next few issues will be the real test of whether or not DeConnick has an excellent long-term plan for Aquaman.

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Aquaman (2016) #47

Apr 19, 2019

In the end, this issue, and the arc it concludes could have done more to make the readers care about DeConnicks take on Arthur. There are new directions teased at the end of the story that should provide enough incentive for those who might be on the fence to pick up the next issue, but if the pace doesnt pick up soon, there is no doubt that this book will be shedding readers within the coming months.

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Aquaman (2016) #48

May 17, 2019

DeConnicks first arc was promising, but a little uneven, but this current one is off to a strong start. If she can maintain her momentum, and keep telling her quirky, character-driven stories, this could be one of the most unique Aquaman runs in decades.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #17

Feb 16, 2018

In the end, this book was kind of a mess.  The plotting and dialogue were sloppy, and the whole issue felt rushed.  It would be easy to place these problems squarely on the shoulders of Christopher Sebela, the writer, but it was also really hard to decipher what was supposed to be going on in the art for a good bit of the issue.  Scott Kolins has turned in some great work in the past, especially on The Flash, but his storytelling was really hard to follow in this issue.  Maybe he was under some kind of time crunch, because he is usually much better.  Its also possible that Sebela and Kolins just dont mesh well together.  Either way, Blue Beetle #17 really suffered for it.

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Blue Beetle (2016) #18

Mar 8, 2018

Overall, this issue served its purpose of wrapping up Jaimes story, while still hinting at more adventures to come, but it was too rushed, and came across as sloppy. The next time DC tackles Blue Beetle, they need take more time to clearly define his position in their universe, where he is coming from, and where they want him to go. Instead of launching another solo series, putting him on a team, such as the Teen Titans or the Justice League, might serve the character better while allowing him to build a bigger fan base.

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Deathstroke (2016) #29

Mar 8, 2018

All in all, despite having a few too many storylines to wrap up, this was a strong issue that focused on Wilson, and the consequences of his mistreatment of the people closest to him. Its likely this is just the beginning of Slades fall, considering where he ends up at the end of the arc, but considering Batman and Slade are facing off in the next story, the readers are in for a fun ride, either way.

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Deathstroke (2016) #30

Apr 5, 2018

Overall, despite being a little confusing as to when this story is happening exactly, this is a fantastic start to a much-anticipated showdown/team-up. Priest seems to perfectly understand both of these characters and their motivations, so, as long as he can keep up the good work, the rest of the arc could prove to be an instant classic.

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Deathstroke (2016) #31

May 2, 2018

Overall, despite some less-than-clear plotting, this is still one of the best single issues of a comic DC will put out this month. Priest is an A-list writer, and he is proving it with his recent comeback. If the first two chapters of this arc are any indication, this will become a legendary Batman/Deathstroke story before all is said and done.

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Deathstroke (2016) #32

Jun 13, 2018

In the end, if youve been enjoying this story, you know its been great and theres no reason to jump off now. But, if youre just a fan of Batman and Deathstroke and you havent been picking this story up, there is zero reason you shouldnt be reading this book. Priest looks to have no interest in holding back anything when it comes to this epic showdown and he only keeps upping the ante with every issue, such as the stunning ending to this issue that might make you want to re-read the previous issues to see if you missed something. This is one of DCs better books out right now, and its not getting nearly enough buzz for the quality of its content, so its highly recommended that you run out and pick it up.

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Deathstroke (2016) #33

Jul 6, 2018

Overall, even though not much really happens in this leg of the arc, its without a doubt one of the best issues of the story so far. If you enjoy Damian, and your idea of a good time is seeing two trained assassins annoy each other to near death, then this is the comic for you. As for Batman, while he wasnt exactly missed in this chapter, fingers are crossed that hell be back in full force next issue. Until then, try to keep calm waiting on the beginning of the two part conclusion to this (so far) spectacular crossover story.

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Deathstroke (2016) #34

Aug 8, 2018

All in all, this is one of the stronger chapters in an already great story arc. There are the emotional beats of Wilsons flashbacks to his son fighting for his life after his throat was slit, and Bruce having to tell Damian to back off, and then there is the crazy Batcave fight that just might go down in history as one of the best Batman fights of all time. You couldnt ask for more from a Batman vs Deathstroke story, and you shouldnt get it if you did. These two characters are so similar, and yet so different, and Priest is mining that for all its worth. If youre not reading this story already, youre missing out. Any comic fan would enjoy it.

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Deathstroke (2016) #35

Sep 12, 2018

Overall, this issue could have been stronger as a conclusion to a well-told arc, but it still comes off as a good story. No, things arent quite as well resolved as they should have been, because Priest seems to have painted himself into a corner with certain plot threads, but its still not only one of the best Deathstroke stories in years, but one of the best Batman stories in recent memory, too. If you missed this story as it was released, definitely pick up the trade when it comes out.

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Deathstroke (2016) #36

Oct 10, 2018

All in all, this was not the strongest start to a much-anticipated arc, but Priest has earned readers patience with his storytelling. Its a given that he is going somewhere with this, and wants to challenge not only Slades perceptions of his sanity, but the audiences too. Surely, things will start to make a little more sense as the story goes, and the overall narrative will come together.

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Deathstroke (2016) #37

Nov 11, 2018

All-in-all, this was a pretty solid issue. Despite a lack of action or adventure, Priest is telling a mystery story that really grabs the audience and pulls them in. If he can stick the landing on the reveal of just what is going on with Arkham and Slade, then he just might have a classic Deathstroke story on his hands. Only time will tell, but, as of this issue, its quite a ride.

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Deathstroke (2016) #38

Dec 19, 2018

In the end, despite Priest still building a decent mystery, it feels like he should be starting to zero in on some answers, (or, at least big hints about answers). Instead, he is just piling confusing questions on top of even more confusing questions. If there isnt, at least, something pointing in the direction of answers starting next issue, its going to start seeming like an exercise in futility trying to make sense of this arc.

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Deathstroke (2016) #39

Jan 16, 2019

In the end, while the premise of this arc seemed great at the start, Priests pacing has made the story seem tedious. Maybe he didnt have enough story to fill the arc, or maybe he just thinks turning in circles over and over again makes for a good mystery. Either way, there feels like there is a missing ingredient that could have made this issue, and overall story, much more entertaining. It is, however, unfair to judge a mystery until its conclusion, so the readers will just have to see how it all turns out to determine whether this arc stands the test of time in coming years.

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Deathstroke (2016) #40

Feb 8, 2019

In the end, this was a frustrating issue full of head scratching moments, but it seems the story isnt over yet. Its questionable if Priest has earned the readers patience with this arc, but given his legendary history as a comic book writer, its probably best if full judgement is withheld until all answers are on the table. Cross your fingers, and hope against hope for a genius conclusion that ties it all together, and makes it worth your while.

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Deathstroke (2016) #41

Mar 6, 2019

All in all, this was a sleepy (but somehow, still action-packed) issue, but it managed to do a capable job of setting up Wilsons new status quo while teeing up the big Deathstroke/Teen Titans crossover coming up. If youre a fan of either book or love the idea of seeing Damian and Wilson squaring off again, it should be worth sticking around to see what happens.

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Deathstroke (2016) #42

Apr 4, 2019

Overall, the transition between parts one and two of the Terminus Agenda could have gone much smoother, but Priest still manages to provide a story worth reading. If youre a fan of the recent interactions between Deathstroke and Robin, or youve just been dying to see this iteration of the Teen Titans go up against Slade, this book is worth picking up. Hopefully, Glass and Priest will find a way to better collaborate moving forward, but even if they dont, the story is still entertaining enough.

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Deathstroke (2016) #43

May 7, 2019

In the end, this concluding chapter of The Terminus Agenda proved a better read than the rest of the story, which felt overall rushed and lacking substance. Its almost as if Priest and Glass only had the solid idea of Deathstroke and Robin squaring off once again, with the Teen Titans caught in the middle, but had to pad out the entire story before getting to the meat of it in the final issue. Luckily, for the readers, the conclusion makes the rest of the arcs light story worth the read, especially when you take into account the shocking final scene.

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Flash (2016) #39

Feb 21, 2018

In the end, this was not the most exciting, or satisfying, 700th issue that could have been provided to the readers, but it does seem to be kicking off a story arc of epic proportions.

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Flash (2016) #40

Feb 26, 2018

Overall, this was an issue that delivered a fast-paced, fun adventure that didnt stop from the first to final page.  Minor character issues from Barry aside, Williamsons writing was on-point, and he has earned the audience sticking around long enough to see if The Flash will step up to act like the hero we all know he should be.

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Flash (2016) #41

Feb 28, 2018

Overall, this was a solid issue, and Williamson has built his story up to this point nicely. Every arc he has been working on since he started The Flash, has seemingly been leading up to this one, and more than likely further into the Flash War. Its difficult seeing Barry Allen act so far out of character, but there is no doubt that its happening for a reason, and he is in good hands with Williamson moving forward.

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Flash (2016) #42

Mar 14, 2018

All in all, this continues to be a great arc, making fantastic use of all of the supporting characters, and even the villains that Williamson has set up over the course of his run. Hopefully, Barry Allen will snap out of his funk and start making the right decisions soon, but if the end of this issue is any indication, it might already be too late for him to redeem himself. Either way, the future of The Flash looks like its going to be a must-read.

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Flash (2016) #43

Mar 28, 2018

In the end, this issue may be a letdown in terms of Barrys actions seeming out of character, but its still a fun ride. Grodd was as menacing as ever and the action didnt stop, so there is very little to complain about. With Barrys bad choices adding fuel to the fire for the coming Flash War, surely Williamsons questionable story elements will be addressed some time in the near future.

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Flash (2016) #44

Apr 11, 2018

In the end, this was a satisfying, but rushed issue, that wraps the arc up in a nice, neat little bow. The answers given about Barrys odd behavior arent as detailed as they should be, and Grodd is swept off the page with little care, but the Flash is left in a nice place emotionally, surrounded by family, and the love of his life, so the weaknesses are excusable. Especially, when the last page promises an epic arc to come next month.

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Flash (2016) #45

Apr 25, 2018

Overall, this was one of the best issues of the Flash for the fact that it slowed down after an exciting arc and just let the characters breathe. That momentary rest doesnt last for long, though, because this book ends on a revelation that could not only have long-lasting effects on the Flashes, but the entire DC universe. This moment will not be spoiled here, but after you read it, you will be extremely frustrated that you have to wait for the next issue to see what happens.

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Flash (2016) #46

May 9, 2018

This issue may just be a prelude, and parts of it certainly seem like obvious stretching of story to fill a certain amount of space, but Williamson still manages to skillfully build tension for the coming arc, showing the madness of Zoom and the deteriorating, but still strong, relationship between Barry and Wally. The goal was to set up the coming arc, and if youre not dying to see what happens next after this issue, there just might be something wrong with you.

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Flash (2016) #47

May 23, 2018

All in all, this was a solid start to this hugely-anticipated storyline, and if the last panel doesnt make you wring your hands in anticipation of the next issue, then this just isnt the book for you. This is the story long-time DC fans have been waiting for: Wally remembers everything, and he is not happy with all that he has lost. Couple that with the fact that Barry was seemingly responsible for all of the changes to the timeline in the first place (see Flashpoint), and its easy to see that this story could have long-lasting effects on the DC universe as a whole, not to mention the Flash Family itself.

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Flash (2016) #49

Jul 2, 2018

All in all, this issue gives readers everything they could possibly want out of a Flash story and more, plus a shocking ending that will leave them wondering just where this arc is going to leave its protagonists. Any Flash fan, whether it be from the Barry or Wally eras, should be reading this story, because Williamson is delivering one of the best Flash stories of all time.

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Flash (2016) #51

Jul 27, 2018

Overall, this wasnt the most exciting issue, but it did neatly wrap up the Flash War story, and it does leave readers with a sense of intrigue, not just for the future of this book, but also the future of Wally and the DC universe as a whole. This arc introduced the Sage and Strength forces, brought back Wallys memories of his family, re-established the link between Iris and her nephew, and managed to alienate the Kid Flash from the Flash Family. Williamson covered a lot of ground, and managed to do it in the most exciting, entertaining way possible.  This was one of the most epic, memorable Flash stories of all time, and it will be providing material for the book for years to come, but without this final issue, it would have just been a fun story. This epilogue anchors it emotionally, and really drives home the effects it will have on the Flash Family in the immediate and extending future.

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Flash (2016) #52

Aug 15, 2018

As a whole, if youre interested in the new Forces, this issue is the ground floor of getting answers to your questions. If youre not interested in that, there is still the exploration of Barry Allen and his demotion from being the fastest man alive. Williamson has laid the groundwork for plenty of new concepts to explore with his recent Flash War story, and this is the issue where all of that starts to pay off. So, if you like what hes been doing the last few months (and any Flash fan probably would), then you should enjoy sticking around for the fallout.

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Flash (2016) #53

Aug 22, 2018

If youre a fan of the Speed Force and like the idea of seeing it explored more, now is the time to come back to The Flash.

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Flash (2016) #54

Sep 12, 2018

Overall, this has been a low key arc that provided big answers to mysteries Williamson has been setting up since the end of the Flash War story. This issue brings the introduction to the Strength Force arc to a satisfying close, but leaves the door open to a lot bigger stories. Next issue promises to delve into the Sage Force in, surely, a similar way to this story, so if youve enjoyed what Williamson has done so far with the new Forces, you should definitely stick around.

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Flash (2016) #55

Sep 26, 2018

Overall, this was maybe not the most exciting issue of The Flash, but as a first chapter that is setting up the rest of the arc, it gets the job done. There is still plenty to learn about the Sage Force, and Heat Wave hasnt had the spotlight in a while, so there is a lot to look forward to in the upcoming issues. As stated before, Williamson is building up the Flashs world, as well as a new lore, and many writers after him will benefit from it. Its worth sticking around to see all of the exciting new facets of the Flash mythology that are rising up from his run.

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Flash (2016) #56

Oct 17, 2018

All-in-all, this chapter of Williamsons Sage Force arc doesnt have the same magic as most of his recent issues, but the potential for great storytelling is still there. The problem lies with the choice of villain for the arc, because there just isnt much left to explore in Mick Rory. Hopefully, Williamson will provide more answers on the Sage Force next issue, and then move on to Barry fully pushing the boundaries of his powers and his connection to these new Forces.

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Flash (2016) #57

Oct 31, 2018

This issue may not dazzle you or leave you with fond memories for years to come, but its solid, and ends on a couple strong notes. Granted, those notes are pretty much epilogues that have nothing to do with the main story, but they are powerful nonetheless, and they leave you wanting to come back for more. Theres plenty more exciting things to come in the Flash, so, even though this arc was less than stellar, it would be wise to stick around to see what Williamson has planned next.

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Flash (2016) #58

Nov 23, 2018

In the end, if youre just picking up this book for the first time with this issue...apologies are in order. Its normally a much better read. Stick around to see what happens with that cliffhanger, because its pretty much guaranteed to be uphill from here on out. And, if youre a longtime reader of Williamsons Flash, you know he has been building to something big with Barry for a while now, so it will definitely be worth waiting to see that plan unfold.

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Flash (2016) #60

Dec 19, 2018

In the end, despite the main villains not making any major plays at taking down Flash, or stealing a lot of Force energy (or whatever theyre actually supposed to be attempting to do), this was a fun issue that does exactly what this arc set out to do: inform the readers and Barry Allen about the Forces. Fuerza was a great way to dole out that information, and Williamson presented her in a manner that made you want to know more about her. Gemini arent really needed in this story, so far, but Williamson is probably taking them somewhere big. If only hed get there a little faster, because they are the worst part of a very fun story.

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Flash (2016) #61

Jan 8, 2019

Overall, this was a fun issue that does a lot for the new character of Fuerza, but very little for progressing Barrys story. In an arc about Barrys self-discovery, he hasnt really been learning much. Four issues in, it feels like Williamson didnt have enough story to stretch across the entire arc, and its really starting to hurt the impact of what could have been an instant classic. Keep your fingers crossed that he can pull out some epic twists and turns for the final issues.

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Flash (2016) #62

Jan 16, 2019

In the end, this was a solid issue that introduced a fun new character to the Flash mythos, but Williamson still isnt quite delivering on the promise of the arc. Based on the title Force Quest, one might expect an epic exploration of the Forces, and a deep journey of self discovery on the part of Barry Allen. Instead, the readers are being given a breezy story that doles out information on the new Forces bit by bit. It leaves you wanting more, and questioning whether Williamson will deliver by the storys end.

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Flash (2016) #63

Jan 30, 2019

In the end, only one word can sum up this issue--disappointment. Yes, there is a new, eyebrow-raising revelation for the Forces in this issue, and yes, Barry finally has to confront some terrible things that have been happening back home in his absence, but none of that has any weight to it. It just breezes over you, like the rest of this story.

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Flash (2016) #64

Feb 20, 2019

In the end, this issue was a major improvement over the first part of The Price story, but its still a little uneven tone-wise. At times, it feels like a fun team up, with a thin excuse for its heroes to get together, and then it abruptly reminds you that said heroes are dealing with major losses, and are barely holding it together. Only the upcoming issues will tell if this is a memorable addendum to the terrible events of Heroes In Crisis, or a fruitless filler story. As of now, its leaning towards the latter.

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Flash (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

In the end, this issue was mostly able to make up for the first three issues of the story having severe pacing issues, if only because Williamson was able to stick his landing and tie everything together nicely. Yes, the arc as a whole does come off as just a tie-in to the Heroes In Crisis event, but its conclusion manages to majorly affect the status quo of Flashs life for the foreseeable future, and it hints at some exciting things to come in the near future for the DC universe.

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Flash (2016) #66

Mar 19, 2019

Some people might not be looking forward to this one-and-done chapter, as it takes a break from Barrys story to focus on one of his least impressive rogues, but that would be a mistake. Williamson cracks the code on the Trickster and delivers a fun, compelling version of the character that sets up the upcoming arc perfectly. Give this one a try, and you wont regret it.

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Flash (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

In the end, there are the ingredients of a good Trickster story here, but Williamson isnt quite delivering with the first issue of the arc. Yes, the mystery of how Jesse is doing what he is doing, and what his real plans are, is intriguing, but there is no excitement there. The story needed a big hook to get peoples attention, and it falls extremely short of that goal. Hopefully, Williamson has a larger master plan at work, or the readers are in for a disappointing arc.

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Flash (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

Even though a lot is happening in this issue to push the story forward, and the Trickster comes off looking pretty cool, some of the execution is a little clunky and forced. Williamson has suffered from pacing issues before, but more often than not, he ends up sticking the landing in the finale. Cross your fingers that this is one of those times. Either way, James Jesse is getting the polishing up that he was in desperate need of. And, if thats not enough for you, the horrific cliffhanger of this issue is worth the price of the book alone...

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Flash (2016) #69

May 7, 2019

In the end, this was fun, but all-too-brief arc, that could have been milked for a lot more of an epic standoff between the Flash and his newly-revived enemy. Sure, its an excellent problem to have, wishing for more of an already-good thing, but one cant help but wonder how much better this story could have been if Williamson would have expanded the story a few more chapters and really shown the readers how much of a threat James Jesse can be.

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Flash (2016) #69

May 7, 2019

In the end, this was fun, but all-too-brief arc, that could have been milked for a lot more of an epic standoff between the Flash and his newly-revived enemy. Sure, its an excellent problem to have, wishing for more of an already-good thing, but one cant help but wonder how much better this story could have been if Williamson would have expanded the story a few more chapters and really shown the readers how much of a threat James Jesse can be.

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Flash (2016) #70

May 9, 2019

This may not have been the best opening chapter one could imagine for Flashs Year One story, as most of the issue seems like Williamson slapping another coat of paint on an old house, but the premise for this arc is so powerful, so it seems like it might be worth sticking around to see what happens. Especially, with such a crazy final page that leaves you wondering what this story is really about.

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Flash (2016) #73

Jul 3, 2019

Overall, you might start off asking yourself if this title needed to devote a whole story arc to re-telling the origin of the Flash, but by the end of the issue, you will be asking why nobody ever dug this deep into the Turtle. Williamson may not be giving the readers the story they asked for, but he is delivering a story nobody knew they wanted.

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Flash (2016) #74

Jul 23, 2019

Overall, this storys conception is flawed because the fans werent clamoring for an update on Barry Allens origin. But the added bonus of Williamson reinventing the Turtle makes it more than worth a read. Hopefully, the newly-revamped villain will be carried forward to future stories in this book. It would be an awful waste to throw him away after Year One. Especially as he seems to tie into the four Forces Williamson has been building up lately.

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Flash (2016) #76

Aug 14, 2019

Overall, if youve been looking for a good point to jump onto The Flash, or if youve been tired of the mopey, screwup Barry Allen of late, then this is the issue for you. Everything from previous issues is explained at a brief pace, while establishing a new threat, and even dropping in a fun surprise at the end. This is the best this book has been in over a year, and it looks like Williamson is just getting started.

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Flash (2016) #77

Aug 30, 2019

This story, and particularly this issue, has been what this book has been needing for quite a while. Williamson had the makings of a classic Flash story with the introduction of the new Forces, and then he put it on the backburner to tell other stories. Now that hes back on track, this book has become a cant-miss read again. If youre looking for a good time to start reading the Flash, or the perfect time to jump back on, this is the story you have been waiting for.

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Flash (2016) #80

Oct 13, 2019

If you havent been picking up the Flash, this story arc is a great jumping on point. Especially, considering how much of a fresh start Williamson seems to be giving Barry Allen, and how much he is doing to catch readers up to all of the fun, new additions he has been making to the Flash lore lately. Under Williamson, this book is experiencing a revival that can only be likened to the days of Johns and Waid. If you were a fan of those runs, now is the time to catch back up with an old favorite

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Flash (2016) #82

Nov 23, 2019

In the end, the creative team is doing the best they can with a forced tie-in, and they are to be commended for their work. This may not be a story anybody was dying to see again, but everyone on board is trying to take it in as compelling a direction as possible. If youre patient enough to give it a chance, its probably going to be one of the better of the mandatory tie-ins for the Year of the Villain crossover.

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Flash (2016) #83

Dec 6, 2019

Overall, two issues into this arc, it's just not delivering on its potential. It's been a while since there has been a Rogues story where they were actually a big threat. Unfortunately, any sense of real danger is lost to the "who cares" feeling of its connection to an already-exhausted crossover event. Hopefully, Williamson will use this story to launch into something more meaningful for the Rogues in the near future, or it will be a mighty big waste of these great characters.

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Flash (2016) #84

Dec 16, 2019

All in all, this story arc has been a bit of a slog, and thats unfortunate because Williamson is normally one of the best Flash writers since Geoff Johns. The good news is, this issue has provided some hope for Rogues Reign to turn around. If Williamson can keep his upward momentum steady through the end of the story, he might just be able to save it in the end.

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Flash (2016) #85

Jan 13, 2020

This arc finally shows signs of improvement with part four, but its a little too late to make you care about the overall story. This is already a tie-in to another story, so unless youre heavily invested in Scott Snyders neverending Justice League epic, you will probably be rolling your eyes at the power-ups and new looks for the Rogues. This could have been a much better Rogues-centric arc if it wasnt suffering from crossover-itis, and was allowed to be its own thing, growing organically from Flashs book. As it is, this issue is a bright spot in a so-so story.

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Flash (2016) #87

Feb 4, 2020

In the end, this was an improvement over the last handful of issues, because it got back to what matters most: character. The best thing that could have happened was to get past the crossover event and get back to business as usual. Hopefully, Williamson plans to return to the stories focusing on the mysteries of the four Forces, which have been the best of the last couple years arcs, but until then, at least he seems to be back on an upward swing, quality-wise.

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Flash (2016) #751

Apr 1, 2020

Williamson is always at his best on this book when he is writing about the Speed Force or his newly-created other Forces (Still, Strength, and Sage). So this cosmic story of a man simultaneously gifted and damaged by Flashs time manipulation lends itself to his strengths. He falters a little this issue, but theres still time for him to dig deep, and focus on what works best about this arc: the fact that Barry Allen was wrong to try to alter the timeline, and he should probably pay for it in some way, shape, or form. If not, it might just be another generic story with a one-off villain nobody will remember two years from now.

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Flash (2016) #752

Apr 1, 2020

This issue felt like filler for the most part, but it ends on such a strong note that you cant help but want to pick up the next chapter. Hopefully, Williamson has something big and exciting planned for the end of the arc, or Paradox is going to turn out to be one of the most disappointing villain debuts in a long time on this title.

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Flash (2016) #756

Jul 7, 2020

As opening chapters of stories go, this one could have been stronger, but there is a lot of potential, considering the sheer magnitude of the concept of the Flash taking on this many of his biggest threats all at once. Couple that with the surprise ending to this issue, and the readers could be in for a major treat. Cross your fingers and hope against hope that Williamson has something fun up his sleeve.

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Flash (2016) #758

Aug 1, 2020

This arc could have been so much more than it has been so far, with Barry Allen having to defy all odds to take on his most dangerous enemies all at once. Unfortunately, Williamson is going in a different direction. Not that that direction wont end up being exciting in its own right, especially considering hes only two issues into his story. Its just concerning that the first two issues didnt do their job of providing a strong hook to the arc. Continue reading at your own risk.

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Flash (2016) #759

Aug 20, 2020

Williamson has been coasting for months now, not exactly bringing his A-game. Still, the idea of writing one last Flash story as he prepares to leave must have reinvigorated him, because this single issue gives you everything you could possibly want. It's like he finally realized he had access to one of the coolest cast of characters in all of comicdom, and said, "oh yeah, this was what I should have been doing all along." Surely, his hands have been somewhat tied by editorial, due to long term effects from the New 52 era, but it's so nice to see his Flash book live up to its true potential, even if it's right at the end of his run. If you've been looking for this title to recapture some of its old magic, this is the issue you've been waiting for.

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Flash (2016) #761

Sep 23, 2020

This is it. Flash comics dont get much better than this. Some might call these last few issues fan service, but thats a bit unfair when the fans have been waiting this long for something. Williamson and DC Comics have finally heard the readers, and they are delivering pure joy in 2D. Enjoy it while you can, because it never lasts long, folks.

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Flash (2016) #767

Jan 19, 2021

Overall, if you read and liked the first issue of Endless Winter, you might get something out of its second chapter. Otherwise, youll find little in this issue to draw your interest. The brief flashback might get you on the hook, but the story that follows is little more than the next baby step in this 9 issue story. Heres hoping a regular writer with an inspired vision comes aboard The Flash soon because the last few months since Joshua Williamson left have been rough.

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Immortal Hulk #1

Jun 7, 2018

If you're on the fence about trying this book, keep in mind, the creative team isn't reinventing the wheel, here. They're just showing it from a different angle.

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Immortal Hulk #2

Jul 7, 2018

All in all, Ewings slow burn storytelling might drive away some fans of the classic Hulk Smash version of the character, but if youre a fan of Peter Davids prolific run, which was all about Banner and his ever-changing, fractured mind, then you just might enjoy this story if you give it a shot. Ewing is flexing dramatic muscles he rarely put to use in his runs on Mighty Avengers and U.S. Avengers, and hes turning in some of the best work of his career, so this book is worth checking out for his writing alone.

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Immortal Hulk #3

Jul 18, 2018

Overall, this is not a bad issue. Its actually pretty entertaining, but the placement of it, three issues in, while readers are still clamoring for details about what is going on with the main character, makes it come off more as filler than an extension of the last two issues. Filler is fine when its done well, but three issues into a series is not the place for it. Hopefully, given the intriguing ending, this was just Ewing providing the quiet before the storm. Either way, it should be worth sticking around as long as he keeps moving forward, instead of treading water.

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Immortal Hulk #4

Aug 8, 2018

Overall, despite Banner and the Hulk playing much smaller roles in this issue, this turned out to be one of the stronger chapters of the book so far. Ewing really knows how to build suspense, and he is definitely working towards something big with this story. His pacing has been slow, but purposefully so. Dont expect things to stay that way, though, especially with next issue promising a huge throwdown between the Hulk and Sasquatch. This book is only going to get better as it goes, so sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

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Immortal Hulk #5

Sep 12, 2018

In the end, if youre not reading this book, youre missing out. Even if youre not a Hulk fan, this is something different, and unique enough, that you should be at least giving it a look. Ewing is turning in the best work of his career with this dark, violent take on the Hulk that still manages to stay true to everything that came before it. It should be at the top of everyones pull list, no matter what kind of comics you like.

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Immortal Hulk #6

Sep 25, 2018

While not exactly a super exciting issue, it's a tension-builder for the start of something much bigger, and the cliffhanger ending will have you holding your breath for the next issue.

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Immortal Hulk #7

Oct 17, 2018

In the end, this was a perfectly-constructed Hulk story. Its everything a fan could ask for, including a knockdown, dragout brawl, great guest stars, spot-on writing, wonderful art, and a shocking ending that pushes the limits of what you thought the capabilities of the Hulk were. If youre a fan of the Jade Giant, and youre not reading this book, youre missing out.

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Immortal Hulk #8

Nov 18, 2018

If youre not reading Hulk right now, and you claim to be any sort of fan of the character, youre doing yourself a disservice. This is the best the book has been since Peter David left. Dont let the horror/immortal angle throw you off; this is a Hulk book for Hulk fans, written by a man who is obviously very familiar with Hulks history. Pick it up now, and youll be happy you did.

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Immortal Hulk #9

Dec 5, 2018

Overall, this is another slam dunk issue from Ewing and company. Even though it started out slow, this story has hit a breakneck pace in a matter of a few issues, and it only gets better as it goes. Even with half of the issue focusing on an old villain that the Hulk has defeated many times, the story is still compelling, and honestly, one of Marvels best books out right now. Run, dont walk, to pick up this series today.

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Immortal Hulk #10

Dec 19, 2018

In the end, this is yet another spectacular issue of Ewings run on the Hulk. Excitement, terror, great character work, and instant-classic storytelling: these are all things Ewing brings to this book on a monthly basis. And this issue even has a big reveal about the hidden big-bads motivations with its cliffhanger ending.

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Immortal Hulk #11

Jan 2, 2019

After all is said and done, this may not have been the most exciting issue of the series, but it had some powerful character moments, and you can tell that Ewing is heading somewhere big with the story. The only worry is that he seems to be wrapping it up with the reveals of the big bads plans and Hulk literally being dumped into Hell to, presumably, face him head-on. Hopefully, Ewing has many more stories to tell, though, because this is the best the big, green guy has been written in years.

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Immortal Hulk #12

Jan 23, 2019

If youre not reading this book, you are doing yourself a disservice. Even if youve never been a big fan of the Hulk, give it a try. Ewing is crafting a story that is somehow, everything a classic Hulk fan would love, while still being completely different than anything thats come before it. This will be a beloved piece of Hulk history years from now, if theres any justice in the world. Jump aboard now, while history is still being made.

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Immortal Hulk #13

Feb 9, 2019

In short, this book hasnt had a creative team on it this good since the days of Greg Paks first run. Ewing understands that even if youre creating a new personality for the Hulk, you have to understand what came before. Hes treading new ground while completely playing by the rules of the great stories and writers that preceded him. This issue is a perfect example of that, portraying Banner as the vulnerable man that needs his monster, even if he doesnt always want him. If youve ever considered yourself a fan of the Hulk, you should be reading this book.

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Immortal Hulk #14

Mar 6, 2019

Overall, if youre a Hulk fan thats been wondering where Betty has been the last few years, this is the issue youve been waiting on. Ewing is pulling all of the classic elements of this title back into place, and it seems like hes just getting started. The Immortal Hulk is a flawless book, and it only gets better as it goes.

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Immortal Hulk #15

Mar 21, 2019

Overall, this issue might be light on action, but Ewing took advantage of the slower pace to give the readers the answers theyve been clamoring for. If youve been following this book from the start, this is a must-read. It is, without a doubt, one of the most critical issues of the series, so far, not just for its main characters personal revelations, but also for the startling, game-changing cliffhanger.

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Immortal Hulk #16

Apr 4, 2019

In the end, this review was just the tip of the iceberg in discussing the exciting things taking place inside the issue. There are significant reveals for several characters, plus the insane swerve ending that will leave readers heads spinning, so there are plenty of reasons to pick up this book. Ewing is defining this title for years to come, in the same way, that Peter David defined it for a generation in the 90s. If youre a Hulk fan, and youre not currently picking up this comic, youre missing one of the best possible versions of one of your favorite characters. Run out and pick up the Ewing trades immediately!

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Immortal Hulk #17

May 17, 2019

In the end, this wasnt a plot-heavy issue, but it will be held in high regard for longtime fans of the Hulk. Others may find themselves a little confused by Fixits presence, and what he means to the story, but Ewing does give a brief explanation that should keep people from being completely lost.

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Immortal Hulk #18

May 29, 2019

If youre not already reading this book (and the sales indicate that many people are), then youre missing out on a modern classic in the making. Not since the days of David and Pak has the Hulk been portrayed so pitch perfectly. This is a run for the longtime Hulk fans who have been hoping for a return to glory for the character, and it genuinely does seem like Ewing is just getting started.

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Immortal Hulk #19

Jun 12, 2019

If you're a Hulk fan, and you haven't been picking up this book, this might be the one to start with. Yes, it's in the middle of a story, but it can't be beaten for sheer insane storytelling and visuals.

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Immortal Hulk #20

Jul 3, 2019

In the end, if youve been enjoying this book (and many people have), then theres nothing here that will turn you away. Its more of the same greatness the creative team has been delivering all along. And, if you havent been reading this book, you really should be. The first trades are out now, and they do not disappoint, whether youre a longtime Hulk fan, or looking for a natural entry point to the character.

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Immortal Hulk #21

Jul 17, 2019

Even though Ewing slowed down a bit to fill you in on the background of his chief antagonist, this issue still has plenty of excitement to keep your eyes glued to the pages. Hulk may be all but absent, but Ewings signature creepy storytelling, and attention to character, are still present, so you wont want to miss this one.

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Immortal Hulk #22

Aug 7, 2019

If youre a fan of this book, then you know that there is some genuinely groundbreaking storytelling happening here. Not just as a Hulk story, but as a comic book story, in general. If youre not a fan, do yourself a favor, and start picking up the trades now. If Ewings writing has one flaw, its that you really have to have been following the story to know whats going on, but it truly is one of the best comics out right now. This issue is no exception. May Ewing, and his entire team, never leave this book, because they will be an impossible act to follow.

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Immortal Hulk #23

Sep 5, 2019

Overall, this issue doesnt have a sour note. If youve been reading this book, you know this is what been building to for a while. Ewing definitely seems to be coming up on a milestone for the title, but he also appears to be nowhere near slowing down or running out of ideas. This is one of Marvels best books out right now, and if youve been sleeping on it, you should take some time to catch up. It is, without a doubt, history in the making.

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Immortal Hulk #24

Oct 13, 2019

In the end, theres not one bad thing that can be said about this book. If youre a Hulk fan, its a must-read. If youre a horror fan, its a must-read. If youre neither of those things, you should probably still give it a try, because its just plain, excellent writing. Ewing is crafting a Hulk story that will go down in history as one of the bests. Dont let it pass you by.

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Immortal Hulk #25

Oct 29, 2019

Overall, this issue breaks up the steady pace and momentum that Ewing has had going, but it does so with purpose. Some wont appreciate the break, but this chapter seems to be setting up the next leg of Ewings epic, so it should be worth it in the long run.

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Immortal Hulk #26

Nov 6, 2019

Overall, this issue is the perfect jumping-on point for new readers. Theres a fresh, new direction for the book, and the story that leads to this point is referenced well, making for minimal confusion. The Hulk is left on the backburner for this chapter, but you would hardly notice hes missing for all the exciting, new groundwork being laid by Ewing. Even if youre not a Hulk fan, this is one of the best-written books in stores at the moment, and youre doing yourself a disservice if youre not reading it.

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Immortal Hulk #27

Nov 23, 2019

This is the time to jump onboard this story if you missed the first part of Ewings run. Issue #26 started the title in a new direction, and this issue really kicks everything into gear. From the disturbing confidence of Banner/Hulk to the unsettling final panels, youll find Ewings new take on an old classic impossible to put down. Turn away at your own risk.

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Immortal Hulk #28

Dec 16, 2019

Overall, this issue isnt quite up to the level of excitement of other recent chapters, but its still a solid story by a top-notch creative team. It is clearly filler, meant to extend the arc a little more past its natural runtime. Still, Ewing draws you in with his fun take on Dario Agger, and his poignant B story about an average Joe who cant maintain his relevance in an ever-changing world. You could skip this issue and not miss much, but its still some of the best writing in the biz today.

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Immortal Hulk #29

Jan 13, 2020

If youve been enjoying this story so far, Ewing and company arent showing any signs of slowing down. In fact, they seem to just be getting their second wind. Banner and the Hulks continue to evolve as one of the most complex and rich characters in the Marvel pantheon. Its impossible to guess where Ewing is taking ol Jade Jaws, but you wont want to miss the journey to get there.

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Immortal Hulk #30

Feb 4, 2020

Overall, if youre a fan of this series, its still firing on all cylinders, and this issue wont disappoint. If you havent been reading, what are you waiting for? Havent you heard people singing the praises of this book yet? Go out and pick up the Immortal Hulk immediately.

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Immortal Hulk #31

Feb 29, 2020

This chapter doesnt shake things up too much, but if youve been enjoying Ewings run on this book so far, you wont be disappointed. Xemnu is a great fit in the horror-themed story, but McGowans flashbacks are equally compelling, and much needed development for one of the newest characters. This book is already an instant classic, but it only gets better as it goes. If youre not reading it, start picking up the trades immediately.

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Immortal Hulk #32

Apr 1, 2020

This arc is a tiny, but not abrupt, change of pace from the usual tone of this book, adding a little bit of humor to its horror. Thats not a bad thing at all, though. Xemnu makes for a terrifying Hulk villain, and Agger continues to be an unexpected, but worthy foe for ol Jade Jaws. Ewing can do no wrong, and if youve been missing out on this book, youre passing up one of the all-time great Hulk runs.

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Immortal Hulk #33

Apr 1, 2020

Altogether, this was another slam dunk from the team of Immortal Hulk. This book only gets better the deeper into the story, and character Ewing digs. If youve been missing this title, you will no doubt regret it in the long run. This story will go down in history as one of the best Hulk runs of all time, and this issue is one of the greatest of the whole thing.

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Immortal Hulk #34

Jul 7, 2020

In the end, this issue was a nice break from the usual focus on the titular hero and still managed to move the story forward in a meaningful way. The Leader is always a fan favorite, and his hard, science fiction edge may have been expected to be a challenge to fit into the horror story Ewing has been telling, but that kind of genre-bending seems to be his specialty. This chapter of The Immortal Hulk adds yet another layer to the already complex story and pulls off the return of a major player in a very satisfying way for longtime fans.

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Immortal Hulk #35

Aug 1, 2020

If you've been enjoying Ewing's run on this book, so far, this issue isn't going to change your mind. Hes taken the last couple of chapters to slow down a bit, but it feels more like the calm before the storm than any kind of real lull in the story. Especially, given the Leaders arrival, and the big ending to this issue. This title is a high recommendation for any Marvel fan, and its easily one of the best series of the last decade, so do yourself a favor and start picking up the trades if you haven't already.

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Immortal Hulk #36

Aug 20, 2020

If youve been reading this book, you already know its great. If you havent been reading it, you have no idea what youve been missing. The Immortal Hulk is, possibly, the best book Marvel is publishing right now, with the arguable exception of Hickmans X-men. Do yourself a favor, and start picking up the trades now, so you can catch up before Ewing ends his run with issue #50.

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Immortal Hulk #37

Sep 23, 2020

This book is one of the best on the shelf today. Best of Marvel, DC, Image, and any other comic book company you could think of. And this issue stands out as one of the best of its entire run. Do yourself a favor and catch up immediately if you havent been reading this book.

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Immortal Hulk #41

Jan 19, 2021

Overall, this may not have been the story you showed up for, but you got something much better that should go down as a definitive moment for the Hulk and Thing moving forward. Immortal Hulks creative team continues to deliver one of Marvels best products month after month, and this month was no different.

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Immortal Hulk #43

Mar 9, 2021

This may not be the most exciting issue, but it does leave you wanting more in the best of possible ways. If youve been a fan of this series, this chapter is yet another worthy addition to the overall epic Hulk story that Ewing is telling. If youre not already a fan of this series, then youve clearly taken leave of your senses, and the world mourns the loss of your taste.

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Immortal Hulk #44

Mar 17, 2021

This book wasn't exactly what the cover promised, and it may have only inched the plot forward a little bit, but it's still tons of fun and leaves you wanting the next issue immediately. In the end, isn't that what any reader expects out of a comic book?

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Justice League of America (2017) #24

Feb 16, 2018

In the end, this story was a lot of fun, and provided some epic moments that harkened back to the Grant Morrison and Mark Waid runs on the JLA.  The only weak point in the issue, was that Killer Frost seemed to be getting no punishment for letting the Queen into their reality.  She should be going to jail, but instead, the League is offering its support in helping her deal with her disease.  This leads the audience to believe that there will be zero-to-no consequences for her, as the end of the issue seems to be springboarding directly into the next arc.  Nevertheless, its unlikely her arc is finished, so it will be intriguing to see where Orlando is taking the character.

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Justice League of America (2017) #25

Feb 28, 2018

Overall, this book was akin to watching paint dry. Orlando might have a love for the Extremists and their story, but its not being shared very well with the audience in this issue. The next part of the arc will have to bring in more members of the League, and up the action, if it has any hope of salvaging interest in this storyline.

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Justice League of America (2017) #26

Mar 14, 2018

In the end, this issue was a bore, unless you just love diving into the 90s nostalgia of the Extremists. Fortunately, the final scene teases an upcoming adventure that should be a lot more fun, especially since it will most likely include the whole team and center around time travel. Orlando has done better work and its likely this arc was just here as a little bit of filler before diving into his next big story, so it might be worth sticking around if you were put off by the last two issues.

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Justice League of America (2017) #27

Mar 28, 2018

Overall, this was a solid read that really showed what is possible when an enemy with the power of time travel sets his sights on destroying the League. Chronos should have always been a big threat, and Orlando seems intent on proving that. Odd introduction of a superhero god aside, this was a promising first issue of this arc that should leave readers wanting more.

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Justice League of America (2017) #28

Apr 11, 2018

Overall, this was a fun issue, but it was lacking in forward movement of the plot. Orlando pretty much ends the book one beat after he begins it, with a lot of fighting in-between. Thankfully, there were some nice character moments for the newer heroes on the team, so it wasnt a complete loss. However, the upcoming issues in the arc will have to keep the story moving, and provide more background on Ahl, or risk getting mid-story lag.

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Justice League of America (2017) #29

Apr 25, 2018

In the end, this book could have used another issue to wrap up its overall story instead of cramming it onto the end of the Chronos arc, but it still concluded on a satisfying note. Hopefully, Scott Snyder will pick up on the giant concept that Orlando left on the table when he starts his Justice League run next month, or alternately, they can give Orlando another book to explore that idea. Either way, there are big things ahead for the team, so the story will go on regardless.

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King Thor #2

Oct 29, 2019

In the end, if you've been reading Aaron's run on Thor, you'll want to pick up this book, as it is the wrap up of his massive tale. The last of his storylines are being tied up here, even some that you thought were already concluded. If you haven't been reading Aaron's run, however, you might feel a little lost with this book. As mentioned above, it leans heavily on what Aaron established years ago, and it does so unapologetically. That's not necessarily a bad thing, though. It just means you should go back and start at the beginning of Aaron's unparalleled run and enjoy every bit of it. This is a legendary comic book story coming to an end, and it should not be missed for any reason.

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King Thor #3

Nov 23, 2019

In the end, this is yet another great chapter in the endgame of Aarons work. There is a visible end looming over the horizon, and it doesnt necessarily promise to be a happy one. After all, when someone sets out to tell the final adventure of Thor at the end of the universe, its not likely youre going to end on anything but a bittersweet note. If youre not picking up this miniseries, you might just be missing out on one of the most essential Thor stories of all time.

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King Thor #4

Dec 21, 2019

If youve been a fan of Aarons Thor, this is a must-read issue. Everything hes put into his run is present in this final chapter of the thunder gods story, and it all comes to a beautiful conclusion. If, however, you are one of the people that missed out on Aarons masterpiece, told over approximately one hundred issues, for whatever reason, you have shorted yourself hours of entertainment and superior writing. Go back. Please read it all. His original run on Thor: God of Thunder, both of the Jane Foster books, The Unworthy Thor, King Thor--all of it makes for a legendary character piece that will never be forgotten. This final issue is the crown jewel in Aarons most worthy achievement, and it should not be overlooked.

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New Superman #20

Feb 16, 2018

Overall, this issue was a decent introduction to the new direction of the book, but it could have really driven home the point that the Justice League of China is an outlaw group now, and given them a clear mission statement. Instead, the team just bumbles around, going from fight to fight, and moving forward in no particular direction. At this point, its unclear if the team is supposed to be rudderless, or if its just a lack of long-term planning by Yang, but the story is intriguing enough to hold the audiences interest for the moment.

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New Superman #21

Mar 15, 2018

Overall, this issue was a fun read with great character moments, and it leaves the reader wanting to know more about the North Korean Aqua-Man, with his mysterious powers and his heartbreaking story of oppression. The creative team had a little bit of a rough start last issue with the title change, and the new focus on the League, but part two of the arc found its footing, and the story is shaping up to be one of the best this book has seen since it began.

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New Superman #22

Apr 15, 2018

All in all, this arc has been a great read so far, and the book itself is turning out to be one of DCs best kept secrets. It almost seems inevitable that this title will be canceled, as these little books not starring the A, B, or C list characters that fans know and love often are. And what a shame that will be, given the books uniqueness in the market, with an entirely Asian cast, a location in another country, and quirky, well-developed characters that draw you in over time. If youre not already reading this title, do yourself a favor and at least pick up these last three issues. You might find that trying new things can be rewarding.

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The Mighty Thor (2015) #706

Apr 25, 2018

In the end, this final chapter in Janes time as Thor could have been a downer, but Aaron chose to end on a hopeful note. It would have been easy for him to just kill Jane Foster, wrapping up her story in a neat bow and giving the readers the cheap, emotional one-two punch of her death, but he decided on a higher degree of difficulty in his storytelling. Jane does lose her title as the God of Thunder, but her story goes on. Odinson doesnt get the grand moment of reclaiming Mjolnir, but he does still get to reclaim his name. Its obvious there are great things ahead for both characters and hopefully Aaron will be sticking around a long time to tell their stories.

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The Mighty Thor (2015): At The Gates Of Valhalla #1

May 21, 2018

In the end, this was a pleasant one-off story that sets up the near future stories of the upcoming Thor book while also wrapping up the previous era in a not-so-tidy bow. Its clear Aaron is not done with Jane, and thats just fine. Odinson, the returning star, is curiously absent from the special, which may be disappointing to some readers, but he is not really missed in this particular story, and Aaron will be giving him plenty of spotlight over the next few arcs, so its understandable. If youre looking hints about the fate of Jane Foster and the upcoming story involving Malekith, this book will tide you over until perfectly until Thor #1 hits next month.

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Thor (2018) #1

Jun 13, 2018

Overall, if youre the fan thats been waiting on Odinson to reclaim his mantle, this is the book for you. He may not be back at full power yet, but Aaron is crafting a story that will eventually have Thor show how worthy he is, and the ride on the way to that goal will surely be entertaining. Not all of the answers youve been asking are immediately presented to you, but that is in-character for Aarons writing style; he likes to draw out a mystery. It was a while before readers found out Jane was the new Thor, but it made total sense when it was finally revealed. Aaron is always good for the payoff, so its worth sticking around for the answers.

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Thor (2018) #2

Jul 4, 2018

In the end, even though this issue drags a bit, every series deserves a moment to slow down and set things up for the future. Aaron has certainly earned the readers patience with his storytelling, and, given the promising ending to this chapter, readers are in for a treat in the coming weeks. Be patient, and you will surely be rewarded.

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Thor (2018) #3

Jul 25, 2018

All in all, after a slower previous chapter, this issue brought all of the up-tempo action and rich character moments it needed to regain any waning interests of the readers. Hopefully, Aaron will be able to keep this momentum going and maintain this books status as one of Marvels most entertaining titles, despite Thor still not being worthy. If youre not already reading the Thunder Gods return to greatness, now is the time to jump on.

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Thor (2018) #4

Aug 22, 2018

In the end, this book was perfectly fine, and even provides some great comedy beats, but Aaron is going to have to bring back a little bit of the emotional weight he tossed out the window after Janes departure. A Thor book should feel epic in every way. Gods move amongst mortals, having earth-shaking battles in this title. Everything is big, and the consequences should always matter at that scale. Humor is great, especially coming from Aaron, but there needs to be a little bit more balance. He had a strong start, but once the Hel arc began, it just felt like Aaron wanted to do pure comedy, despite that not matching the contents of the story. Hopefully, hell get back on track soon, instead of descending into the wackiness that was his X-men run.

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Thor (2018) #5

Sep 25, 2018

All in all, this was a pretty flawless issue. Even if youre not a big fan of the Old Thor stories, this one is the one to read. Even if you thought Wolverine as the Phoenix was a goofy concept, give it a shot. Its not played for laughs. This is a deadly serious story, and both characters are written exceptionally well. This is, by far, one of Aarons best issues of Thor so far. If youre not currently reading this book, you should at least give this one a try.

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Thor (2018) #6

Oct 24, 2018

In the end, this was an amazing, action-packed, super-fun detour into the future of Thor and the Marvel Universe. If youve enjoyed Aarons take on King Thor in the past, you will love this issue. If youre new to Aarons Thor altogether, buckle up; its a wild ride full of pure insanity, but its worth sticking around for the next big ball of crazy hell inevitably throw your way.

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Thor (2018) #7

Nov 23, 2018

If youre looking for a definitive Thor story, or a single issue you could show to a new reader to get them onboard, your search is over. This issue, in many ways, is the not-so-obvious origin of Odinson. No, it doesnt tell of his first time picking up Mjolnir, but it does show how he became worthy of picking it up in the first place, which is what Aaron has been telling us is the defining trait for Thor all along. Its why he felt like he had lost everything when he became unworthy, and its why hes been trying so hard to regain it ever since.

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Thor (2018) #8

Dec 31, 2018

This is, without a doubt, one of Marvels best books running, and if youre not picking it up, youre missing out in a major way.

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Thor (2018) #9

Jan 16, 2019

Overall, even though Thor is largely absent from this issue, and its essentially a prologue to The War of the Realms, it doesnt suffer any loss of quality from previous issues. There are still big moments that will have great importance in the upcoming story, including the game-changing Agents of Wakanda, and a few reveals on Malekiths side of things that will make Thors job a lot harder in the chapters to come. Aaron has big plans, and it is clear that he is meticulously laying out the details for his most epic story yet. If youre having trouble with the pacing of recent issues, hold tight, The War of the Realms is coming soon.

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Thor (2018) #10

Feb 20, 2019

Overall, theres not a missed note to complain about in this issue. Aaron is setting all of his pieces in place for The War of the Realms, and each chapter in his prologue is important to the upcoming epic. If he manages to pull it all together for the main story, Realms might go down as one of the greatest Thor stories of all time.

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Thor (2018) #11

Mar 20, 2019

Overall, this might not be the most important issue of Thor youll read in the coming months, but it serves as a nice breath of fresh air before all hell breaks loose in The War of the Realms. Yes, its slow in pace, with even scenes of Thor and Freyja stopping natural disasters all over the world, seeming sleepy and mundane, but its also an important emotional beat that sets up the story to come. Could you skip this issue, and be fine going into Aarons mega-event? Yes. Is it recommended that you do? No.

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Thor (2018) #12

Apr 19, 2019

Overall, if youre understanding of the circumstances of Thor not starring in his own book, and youre a fan of Loki, or youre just plain curious as to whether the trickiest god of all managed to cheat death for the millionth time, youre going to want to read this issue. Nearly all of the questions you have are answered here, and Lokis fate probably isnt anything you could have guessed.

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Thor (2018) #13

May 29, 2019

This being a supplemental story to The War of the Realms, it is not absolutely necessary to read it to understand what is happening in the main book. No one could blame you for skipping out on it. You would, however, be doing yourself a big disservice if you did decide to pass on this tremendous, heartfelt singular chapter. Cul Borson may not be one of your favorite Asgardians at the beginning of this issue, but by the end, you might have your mind changed, if not your heart.

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Thor (2018) #14

Jun 27, 2019

In the end, despite containing a crucial moment in Young Thors life, this book felt like filler, only taking place between the moments of a better story. Its sad to see a great writer like Aaron stumble just as hes only steps away from the finish line, but it wont keep him from being remembered as one of the greatest Thor writers of all time.

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Thor (2018) #15

Jul 10, 2019

In the end, this quiet, peaceful little ending to The War of the Realms is exactly what was needed. Its not brimming with excitement, or action, but instead focuses on the characters, what the war has meant for them, and where they will go next as a result of it. If youve loved Aarons run on Thor, as most people have, this issue is a must read.

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Thor (2018) #16

Aug 28, 2019

Overall, if youve followed this title throughout Aarons run, and you read The War of the Realms, you could probably skip this issue. And still, feel pretty satisfied with what you read as an ending. If everything else is a tasty ice cream sundae, this issue serves as the cherry on top. Its not necessary, and you wouldnt necessarily miss it if it wasnt there, but you wouldnt complain about it being there, either.

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Thor (2020) #1

Jan 13, 2020

Overall, if you were worried Marvel wouldnt have anything up their sleeve after Aaron left his Mjolnir-sized mark on this book, you can breathe a sigh of relief. Cates is bringing it big-time, and hes not the least bit boxed in by Aarons ending. If youve been enjoying his work on Venom, this is a little bit different flavor, but its just as ambitious. Big ideas and unexpected directions are what Cates does best, and hes off to a great start with issue number one of Thor.

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Thor (2020) #2

Feb 4, 2020

The art team of Klein and Wilson work well together, and really shine when it comes to drawing the bombastic battles between Thor and Galactus. Actually, seeing Thor's hammer tear through the world devourer is the kind of image that sticks with you, and it is rendered with such energy that you can nearly feel the shockwaves as these two titans clash. Overall, two issues in, Cates is off to a pretty solid start, despite some minor problems with character choices. If he can avoid bending the plot to his will, despite it making little-to-no sense for the characters and the decisions they have made, so far, he might end up with one of the more memorable iterations of Thor in the long, hallowed history of Marvel Comics.

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Thor (2020) #3

Feb 24, 2020

At the end of the day, this was a fun issue, but it slows the story down to a glacial pace. In three Chapters, Thor and Galactus have traveled to the first of five planets they need to find, and proceeded to fight over how theyre going to do the job, despite having discussed all of that before starting their journey. This pacing cannot keep up. The fun of this story should be in moving along to each planet, and encountering difficulties as they go, but not at the slow crawl of 3 issues a planet with little-to-no development. While the fisticuffs of this chapter were fun enough, and the outcome somewhat unexpected, story progression must come soon.

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Thor (2020) #4

Apr 1, 2020

Overall, its too early to tell if this story is really working yet. It started as one thing and seems to be evolving into something else, resulting in somewhat confusing pacing. In the long run, that could be a good thing. Right now, it just seems sloppy or uneven, at best. Cates, over his time at Marvel, has earned enough goodwill with the readers to keep them around a little longer, though. Just how long, nobody knows.

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Thor (2020) #5

Jul 7, 2020

Overall, some of this issue feels like its stretching the story until the real fight begins, but the scene on Asgard, plus the powerful ending, makes it worth picking up. The next issue promises a quicker pace, and a downbeat chapter can be very important in a story for pacing purposes, but there could have been more to Thors first encounter with the Black Winter than pointless mind games.

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Thor (2020) #6

Aug 25, 2020

In the end, this was an exciting and shocking conclusion to Cates' first Thor arc, and it sets up the rest of his run perfectly. If you're not intrigued about what he has in store for Odinson after reading this issue, your vital signs should be checked. This title is history in the making, and if you're a Marvel fan, you'll want to stick around to be on the front lines of it monthly.

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Thor (2020) #7

Sep 23, 2020

This is the installment of the story that proves Cates has something a little more up his sleeve than the initial gimmick of Thor becoming Galactus herald. There are several intriguing ideas introduced here that indicate Cates seems to have long term plans, and theyre more than enough to hook you into reading more. If youre a fan of Cates, this book has been some of his best work. If youre a fan of Thor, this story has delivered a classic understanding of the character while pushing him into unfamiliar/uncomfortable territory, making for a great read so far.

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Thor (2020) #11

Jan 19, 2021

If you enjoyed Cates brief run on Dr. Strange (some consider it to be his best work), then this book is the one for you. He seems to be in his element when dealing with magic and all the horrible things that come with it, and he is showing no signs of running out of ideas for the God of Thunder. Jason Aarons epic run on Thor was always going to be a tough act to follow, but it seems Marvel chose his replacement well.

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Thor (2020) #12

Mar 9, 2021

This issue was pure, wacky fun, but still managed to up the threat of Donald Blake. Cates is doing such a great job of building a new villain for Thor that you cant help but hope this isnt a one-off story where Blake dies or returns to a normal life of his own in the end. He needs to stick around in some capacity as a nemesis to Odinson, especially with Loki (sometimes) working on the side of the angels these days. Either way, this arc has been spectacular, despite the main character being lost in another dimension, and this issue has been the best of them all so far. Heres hoping Cates can stick the landing in the last two chapters.

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We Only Find Them When They're Dead #1

Sep 9, 2020

This may not be the strongest first issue, but the concept is top-notch sci-fi/fantasy, and with time, it could grow to be a very cool book. Ewing, a highly praised (and deservedly so) comic book writer, has earned the readers patience with letting him ease into the story and characters. Hopefully, next issue will lead to a little more of the character and plot development everyone knows he is capable of.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #40

Feb 20, 2018

Altogether, this book had a good bit of action, but simultaneously did not get a lot accomplished storywise. Silver Swan is defeated, and Jason feels inadequate in his ability to follow in Dianas footsteps. Thats the gist of it. Unfortunately, it feels like the entire arc was just filler, or a prelude to the real story. One could say that every story arc in a comic book hints at what will be happening next, but it truly felt like nothing important happened in this one, except for the big story beats at the end. Hopefully, there will be further development for Silver Swan coming.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #41

Mar 5, 2018

All in all, this issue was a sleepy tale of Diana and Steve unwinding at the end of their day, with little to nothing happening to move the story along. Its hardly the way anyone would have hoped the next big Wonder Woman story arc would begin, but given the opening scene with Darkseid, and the eyebrow-lifting note the book ends on, it is hopeful that this is just the extreme tip of the iceberg, with much more excitement to come.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #42

Mar 19, 2018

In the end, this was a solid read, despite the wonky pacing, and it promises to pick up next issue. The teaser at the end alone pretty much guarantees an epic battle is coming, and Darkseid hasnt even reached the shores of Themyscira as the title of the arc promises, so there is plenty more excitement on its way.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #43

Mar 28, 2018

All in all, this issue felt like filler, and poor filler at that. By the end of the book, Robinson finally delivered on the promise of the teaser from the issue before, but its too little, too late. If this arc has any hope of being saved, the pace is going to have to pick up on the back half.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #44

Apr 14, 2018

This issue was light on character work, but still managed to work in a few satisfying moments while giving the audience the action it had been sorely missing the last few issues. If Robinson can continue this pace for the remaining issues of the arc, he should be able to deliver a pleasing conclusion that would make up for the weak start to the story.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #45

Apr 25, 2018

All in all, the only thing the reader can take away from this arc is that it could have, and should have, been better. Robinson clearly phoned in this story, and it shows. All of the right ingredients were there, and it just fell apart in the end. As the next series of issues deal with fallout from Scott Snyders Dark Nights: Metal event, hopefully Robinson will be able to draw inspiration from the wealth of material provided by another superstar writer. Until then, readers will likely be stuck with the bad taste in their mouth from this arc.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #46

May 9, 2018

Overall, Robinson still has a lot of improvement to make in his handling of Wonder Woman. Its frustrating to read his run on this book, because he is a proven, stellar writer, but it seems like he is just going through the motions, barely caring about taking time to craft a good story. All of the ingredients for a classic run are there, but he just keeps missing the mark. With the promising ending of this issue, there is still time to save it, but its not likely Robinsons run as a whole will be remembered fondly by anybody.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #47

May 23, 2018

In the end, this was another disappointing chapter of Wonder Woman from Robinson. The shift needs to come back to Wonder Woman and really focus on her being the hero of her own book. Even the end of this issue, while meaning to set up the upcoming annual (why in the middle of this arc?), really only seems to serve the character of Jason and his heros journey. Hopefully, Robinson can bring it back to Diana and fix his consistently-wonky pacing before the end of this arc, or it wont even be worth finishing.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #48

Jun 13, 2018

In the end, Robinson is failing to sell this story to readers when hes barely gotten to the point of the arc three issues in. It also feels like the readers have seen this from Wonder Woman before. The whole story seems uninspired, as if Robinson is just trying to fill his time left on the book. Hopefully, he finds inspiration as he moves forward, because he is a talented writer (Starman is one of the best comic book stories of all time as a whole), but so far, this story is dead on arrival.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #49

Jul 2, 2018

Overall, Robinson showed some improvement this issue, but he could use an editor that would challenge him as a storyteller and not let him get away with giant, confusing plot holes that negate the effectiveness of the story. He has improved his pacing with this issue, but, considering the next part of the arc is the conclusion, its just not enough for this story as a whole to be recommended to anyone.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #50

Jul 18, 2018

In the end, if you havent been loving James Robinson's run on Wonder Woman, this issue wont change your mind. He is quickly clearing the table for the next writer, with varying degrees of success.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #51

Aug 1, 2018

In the end, this was an extremely satisfying issue, providing a great one-off story with amazing character work, not only for Wonder Woman, but for the villain Mayfly as well. Few writers get the delicate balance of Wonder Womans love of peace and her skills as a warrior, but Orlando nails it. She is not in Mans World to fight. She does not enjoy violence. If possible, she will talk to someone first, because she truly cares about all people. Thats the character in a nutshell, and Orlando proves he understands her perfectly with this story.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #52

Aug 15, 2018

Overall, Orlando has been hit and miss on JLA in the past, but he seems to have a good handle on the character of Wonder Woman and what makes her tick. Add in Aztec, one of the strongest new characters from his League run, and the extremely entertaining Artemis, and youve got a story that is off to a fun start. If you werent a fan of James Robinsons recent run on this title, give Orlandos mini-run a shot. Its sure to wash the bad taste out of your mouth.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #53

Aug 22, 2018

As stated above, this is an intentionally simple story, by Orlandos design, and thats fine. He has a limited amount of time to work on this title before the permanent creative team comes in, so he cant set up a long-term story. Given those limitations, he has been doing a heroic job as a fill-in writer, so far. This issue is no exception, and he seems to have more fun planned for his makeshift trio of heroes next issue, so it should be worth sticking around to see what happens.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #54

Sep 12, 2018

In the end, this was the weakest chapter so far of the current arc. Its just disjointed and out of place, leaving the whole issue feeling messy and rushed. Maybe there were constraints with the amount of room Orlando had to tell his story, especially with a new permanent writer coming on after him, or maybe he just doesnt like exposition, even when its necessary. Either way, the story was hurt by the abrupt changes and new characters being wedged in. With any luck, Orlando will regain his footing next issue, because his run has been pretty solid up to this point.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #55

Oct 10, 2018

In the end, for a finale issue, it felt like Orlando could have done more. Stronger character development for Rustam and Faruka II, or a better sense of who they were or where they were coming from, could have helped make this arc infinitely better. Instead, readers were thrown into a story that feels like it began in another book, and there was no work done by Orlando to catch the audience up. If he had extra room to work, this would have been a much more enjoyable read. As it is, it was hard to feel invested in any of the characters or story for this concluding chapter.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #56

Oct 11, 2018

Even if you missed the first chapter of The Witching Hour, you shouldnt let that scare you away from picking up this issue of Wonder Woman. Everything is pretty well explained, and you wouldnt feel lost as long as youre willing to wait for Tynion to fill you in later in the book. The story itself is entertaining, and marks the return of the epic magic story that hasnt been seen in a while from DC, so its definitely worth a look if thats what youve been missing from this company.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #57

Oct 31, 2018

Overall, not much happens for Wonder Woman in this chapter of The Witching Hour, but the story around her was enough to keep the average person invested, and the threat of the rules of DCs magic being completely rewritten is more than enough to draw readers back in for the next issue. Even if youre not picking up the rest of this story, Tynion has done a fine job of making the Wonder Woman chapters self-explanatory, so its not completely necessary to spend the extra money so far.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #58

Nov 23, 2018

Overall, this issue was lacking, and could have been much stronger all around. A first issue for a new creative team should strongly establish the lead character and the mission statement of the book under said team. Wilson chose to focus on the mission statement for Ares instead, possibly because she feels that Diana is already well established, but that choice hurt the book in the end. Fortunately, there is still time to turn it around, and Wilson is a well-known writer with a good reputation, so readers should be willing to give her a chance to win them over.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #59

Dec 6, 2018

In the end, this book seems to have hit the ground running a little too fast. If Wilson can slow it down and refocus on Diana as the lead of her own book, it could be greatly improved. As it is, Ares is the star, and readers dont even really know whats going on with him. If the arc doesnt improve quickly, Wilson will lose her audience.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #60

Dec 30, 2018

Overall, this issue was an improvement over the previous two introductory issues for this creative team. It seems like theyve ironed out their initial problems, so hopefully, the story only keeps getting better. If this chapter is any indication, the readers should be excited about the future of Wonder Woman.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #61

Jan 2, 2019

This story has gotten better with each issue, and this chapter was no exception. If you had worries about Wilson not fitting the book quite right in the beginning, they should be gone at this point. She has proven that she understands the character, and can bring fresh ideas to the book. Particularly, her version of the Greek Gods having identity crisis is a fun idea that could be explored in great detail as she gets deeper into her run.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #62

Jan 16, 2019

Overall, this was a perfect conclusion to an arc that started off a little weak. Chalk up that uneven beginning to Wilson getting her bearings, though, because she finished with strong, and has managed to lay a solid foundation for what will, hopefully, be a long run. If youre a fan of Wonder Woman done right, stick around to see where this story is going. People will, no doubt, be talking about this run in a few months time.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #63

Jan 30, 2019

Overall, if you missed this issue, you wouldnt be lost moving forward, but you would also be doing yourself a disservice by skipping out on one of the most enjoyable chapters of Wilsons run so far. Hopefully, there will be more of these one-shots to come in the future, as they provide a delightful breather between big arcs. Wilson seems to be having fun restructuring Wonder Womans world for a new era, and her attitude is contagious.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #64

Feb 20, 2019

All in all, this wasnt a terrible opening to Wilsons new arc by any means, but it should have been stronger in order to win over possible new readers, or people who were on the fence after the first arc. Theres no strong hook for the story, and that is a must in a first chapter. Wilson has earned enough good will on the title so far, but it will run out quick if she doesnt pull up out of her nosedive fast.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

Overall, this issue was a marked improvement over the last, which was a worrisome start to the new arc. So far, Wilson has been hit and miss, but she has produced more good issues than not, and her general understanding of Wonder Woman as a character is among the best in the history of this book. Hopefully, she is just getting her plan for the larger picture of her run together, and things will continue to even out.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #66

Mar 19, 2019

Overall, Wilson has set up what looks to be a fun arc with its opening chapter. This issue will leave you wondering (pun intended) if Diana can use her Titan-hunting time to turn Giganta to the side of the angels, or if the overly-tall villainess will take advantage of Wonder Womans good nature, and try to escape. Either way, there seems to be plenty to look forward to in this book in the coming months, so it would be wise to stick around.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

This was the arc this book has been needing to show off its creative teams skills because they really got off to a rocky, hit-and-miss start. The issue perfectly balances Wilsons humor and ability to flawlessly tune into Dianas character, while still packing tons of entertaining action into its breezy story. If this momentum can be sustained, Wilson could have a memorable Wonder Woman run on her hands.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

This might not have been the most exciting story, but in it, Wilson might have defined her tone on this book. She tells enjoyable, light stories best, and she has flexed that muscle big-time on Wonder Woman. Adding a ton of humor, while still keeping the big action pieces that this book is known for, Wilson has carved out a nice, memorable niche for herself, so far. Is it ever going to be the most exciting take on Wonder Woman? No. But it is a unique and satisfying take on the character that is carefully crafted, with exceptional attention to Dianas inner workings, and thats worth applauding.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #69

May 7, 2019

Overall, this is the start of what seems to be a light, fun arc by Wilson, which is fine, because she does that kind of thing well. But, mixing up the tone of each arc would do a lot to give her story more stamina in the long run. Arc after arc of light and airy stories, with no little-to-no emotional weight to be found, could start to lose its charm, and very soon. If Wilson can manage to steer back towards more solid substance for an arc or two, it could really make a difference towards the positive in the story as a whole.

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Wonder Woman (2016) #70

May 9, 2019

Overall, this isnt an issue that is densely packed with plot, but its a fun read, and its populated with interesting characters that you want to spend time with. Hopefully, the next chapter gets to the point of the story a little quicker, but as a setup issue goes, this one did its work just fine.

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