"Death of the Speed Force" begins! With renewed resolve following the events of "The Flash Year One," the Flash is back with a new mission, a new outlook and a brand-new speedster HQ. But the Fastest Man Alive is slowing down-and there's only one explanation: the Speed Force is dying. Plus, the Year of the Villain heats up as Captain Cold uses Lex Luthor's offer to boost Heat Wave to the next level!
Overall, if youve been looking for a good point to jump onto The Flash, or if youve been tired of the mopey, screwup Barry Allen of late, then this is the issue for you. Everything from previous issues is explained at a brief pace, while establishing a new threat, and even dropping in a fun surprise at the end. This is the best this book has been in over a year, and it looks like Williamson is just getting started. Read Full Review
Williamson definitely has Barry on the right track now. Although the Flash has more than one major threats hanging over his head, I have no doubt that Barry will overcome them with a little help from his friends. This is truly a great time to be a Flash fan. Read Full Review
But with some excellent writing and some spot on artwork, this book really delivers. I'm excited about the possibilities ahead and the fun yet to come. Read Full Review
As always Flash stays one of my favorite titles every other week. Williamson keeps raising the bar in taking the series to new heights and this issue shows theres so much more in store. Read Full Review
There's a LOT going on in this issue, but it makes for a great start to a new arc filled with familiar heroes and villains. Read Full Review
Rafa Sandoval delivers some amazing art in this issue. Everything is filled with a sense of speed and movement in the visuals. A great looking issue. Read Full Review
This is the prefect jump-in issue for The Flash if you haven't been reading Williamson's run so far. Read Full Review
Barry Allen is back I for one, finally feel like this book is gaining some type of momentum. Read Full Review
The Flash Family comes back with fun action and a brand new home. Read Full Review
The Flash is finally out of the Year One storyline and we jump right into exciting new possibilities. Williamson takes this opportunity to set up a lot of great and interesting plot points in this book that make me excited to see where this book goes. Now, I'm not a huge fan of issues that have to set everything up that is to come but this one was great and the art was amazing. I find myself seriously excited about this book. Read Full Review
Writer Josh Williamson continues to return the Flash to true form in this engaging, lively installment. If you're a lapsed fan, now might be a good time to revisit the Fastest Man Alive. All signs point to positive gains going forward. Read Full Review
Event Leviathan #3 may not be the strongest issue so far, but it certainly gives readers a lot to consider ensuring they'll want more. Read Full Review
This continues to be fantastic! Beautiful artwork in this issue
I remember this artist from Hal Jordan & the GL Corps, they are welcome as the main Flash artist is good but gets a bit old. The story is off to a cool start.
" We get the band back together."
"You promise to behave yourselves?"
Alright, now that's the Flash I like. Zipping around and saving people with a big ol' smile on his face.
Huh. I liked this one?
This issue was actually probably the best one in a long time. The art was way better, that’s for sure. I want more Rogues and less Forces so tbh I’m delighted that cloak man got shanked.