Dan Mayhoff's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Weird Science Reviews: 266
6.2Avg. Review Rating

A-Force (2016) #8

Aug 22, 2016

Aside from some nice art, this book has little to offer. It'snot a terrible read but it's also nothing to get excited about or bring in newreaders. Crossovers are a great chance for a book to pick up new readers wholiked what they read during the crossover. Unfortunately, this book hasstumbled out the gate to entice me. Ultimately, this book receives one of theworst descriptions that I can give a book: Unmemorable.

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A-Force (2016) #9

Sep 19, 2016

A-Force #9 fails to raise the series out of the hole that itfinds itself in now that we are dealing with Civil War II. The series isattempting to use the tone of old 1950's sci-fi horror films and someincredible art to win the reader over, but unfortunately the story is what tieseverything together and if it fails, everything else does too.

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A-Force (2016) #10

Oct 24, 2016

The set up was sloppy and turns out the rest of the storyfollowed suit. The issue is just filled with a bunch of nonsense and has thingsjust happen without explanation. It was poorly thought out and I wouldn't besurprised if they knew the book was going to end after this storyline and justhalf-assed their way through it. They picked up the magic score that we allknow and love.

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #8

Aug 22, 2016

Read as Coulson finally picks a side of this conflict thatmakes sense with his character but is ultimately surrounded by story that haslittle stakes but is ultimately very nice and entertaining to look at. At leastthe ending left us with a cliffhanger that legitimately has me intrigued forthe future of this series.

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #9

Sep 26, 2016

This issue gives us less flip-flopping from Phil and moreawesome action sequences so it's already getting better, however overall thisissue is far from being anything special. Despite the strides it made, it'sonly slightly better than previous issues but is a bit more coherent. I'm stillnot looking forward to more of this series and I doubt many people are.

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Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. #10

Oct 31, 2016

While the final issue of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn'taddress many of the ongoing storylines that have been introduced in the lastcouple issues, the storytelling aspect of this issue is actually very wellhandled. It does seem that the creative team learned this was going to be thefinal issue in their run and just did everything they could to end it as closeto the status quo as they could. That is a little frustrating but I understandit. Ultimately, it has a satisfying ending.

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All-New Wolverine #19

Apr 10, 2017

This is a brand new jumping on point for readers and this is the perfect introduction to this series. We get an amazing and action packed issue that gives us plenty of story in this one issue while setting up the path we are going to be taking in the next few issues to come. The art is really special, with exception to a couple of close up panels but the story was incredibly satisfying and seeing the two different storylines come together in more than one place was amazing.

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America #1

Mar 6, 2017

This has got to be one of the safest stories I have ever read. You have a character that is so different from any other that we have in comics right now and instead of embracing that this creative team has put her in the most basic and clichd storyline possible. Granted, it would seem that this book is aimed at a different audience than myself but there are plenty of great books that do appeal to that audience so this book will really need to step up it's game in order to stand out amongst the crowd. If they don't, we may see readers drop this book very quickly.

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America #2

Apr 10, 2017

The America book seems more preoccupied with a warped idea of diversity rather than telling a compelling story. We jump from scene to scene at breakneck speed all for nothing to really happen. If America wasn't in this issue, nothing would have changed and I consider that a loss. Instead of setting up the next chapter of a compelling story we get ideological rhetoric that starts out great and then trips at the finish line and dialogue that, while better than the last issue, comes dangerously close to a stereotypical interpretation.

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Batman (2016) #71

May 15, 2019

The issue is filled with switching storylines, broken continuities, and beautiful art from panel to panel. So basically, it's a Tom King book. This issue finally brings our hero face to face with his enemy and yet it feels like almost nothing happened in this book until the very end. It feels like we keep building and building to something and we never end up getting there. Hate to start my time with this book on such a down note but unfortunately, that is the case. The saving grace of this book is the art and it is damn beautiful. Unfortunately, not much else to say about it.

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Batman (2016) #72

Jun 5, 2019

What a complete waste of my time. This book manages to impress with some of its monologue writing and beautiful art. However, it also fails spectacularly when it comes to story progression. If you've been reading this book, then you are completely able to skip this issue and when you pick up issue #73 in 2 weeks, you will not have missed a single thing. We continue to have our questions unanswered, there is no story progression, no character development. This issue and its monologue are literally a long recap of the past 70 issues of Batman and add absolutely nothing to this story at all. If it wasn't for some amazing art and a slight appreciation for the wordsmanship in this book, my score would be MUCH lower.

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Batman (2016) #73

Jun 18, 2019

We actually get story progression in this issue which is a welcome change to the Batman book. That being said, a lot of it makes you scratch your head and wonder where King is going with this whole thing. I'm willing to give it the benefit of the doubt for now because I am interested in seeing where this book goes from here but its got a short leash.

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Batman (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Two men walk through a desert and talk about a child's folktale. We once again leave a Batman book without any real progress on the questions that we need answered the most. I can appreciate a slow burn but this has been going at a snail's pace. Slow burns only work if there is actually a burn. This book feels like we are trying to fan the flames of a dying fire until we finally get to the finish line.

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Batman (2016) #75

Jul 17, 2019

Batman makes a big turnaround in this issue as we leave most of the convoluted, hanging plot points behind and instead just focus on what is happening in Gotham. Seeing familiar faces in new positions was really cool to see and while this issue suffers from the mistakes of this book's past, the things that we get are so much fun and so interesting that I found myself not caring about the problems this book still has.

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Batman (2016) #76

Aug 7, 2019

Tom King gives us a glorified filler issue where we reinforce the ideas that the reader already knew about. If you read the issue before this, you have a pretty solid idea of everything that is happening in this issue. It's redundant and lazy. However, the scenes that we do get aren't bad by any means. They are simply inconsequential at the current moment. Perhaps the future will show that these scenes mattered, but we don't give an issue credit for what MIGHT happen.

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Batman (2016) #77

Aug 21, 2019

The latest issue of Batman gives us some amazing art and a fairly entertaining story that progressed our storyline. However, it also gives us yet another major even that I'm sure comic fans will be arguing about for a while. I don't think this will change anybody's mind about this run though. I think that fans of Tom King will praise this issue and I think his critics will denounce it. The reality falls somewhere in the middle.

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Batman (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

Tom King deserves a lot of criticism, even when it comes to the main idea of this issue. However, at least for this issue, his execution was immaculate. Add some really beautiful art on top of that and this issue is really amazing. If it had come at a different time, I might have called it perfect. I don't know how the rest of this story arc will turn out but this issue deserves praise.

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Batman (2016) #79

Sep 17, 2019

This issue continues the story with Bruce and Selina but unfortunately, the quality is nowhere near the same caliber. It's not a total loss. We finally get answers when it comes to the mystery of how Bruce and Selina really met but at the same time, that one revelation doesn't save this issue from feeling like a filler issue. This issue isn't that bad, but it feels very bland.

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Batman (2016) #80

Oct 2, 2019

We finally get some story progression in this book but it's beginning to feel too little, too late. This book needs to pick up. Instead, we get four identical scenes in one issue. This book needs to take chances and make me excited to read the new issue. I'll give credit where credit is due for the things we did get, but we're on our last legs here.

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Batman (2016) #81

Oct 16, 2019

While this issue isn't without some good parts, it ultimately ends up incredibly disappointing as the majority of the issue is, once again, simply recapping the events that we already know. The most interesting part of this issue finishes with an off-panel fight scene that would have been much more interesting than the actual panel that we got which basically just looked at a clock while the sounds of battle happened elsewhere. I've given this book a lot of leeways but this issue I cannot hold back on. The good parts of this book do not even come close to outweighing or even balancing out the bad.

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Batman (2016) #82

Nov 6, 2019

One big long fight scene is a pretty common staple of the comic book industry and sometimes they are done very well and other times they are done poorly. This one kind of falls somewhere in the middle. It's not particularly amazing and the art is a bit weird but we finally have reached a major plot point of this book and we are finally moving forward. To top it all off, we get a pretty interesting cliffhanger to end it all off. This book is heading in the right direction, but I'm worried that it won't get there fast enough for the finale.

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Batman (2016) #83

Nov 20, 2019

While the scenes in this issue are powerful, they come at a bad time in that this run is about to comes to an end and at the end of the day, nothing really happened in this issue. Batman listened to a message. It was a powerful message but at the end of the day, that's all it was. I'm giving credit to this issue for how good the dialogue was. However, I also have to discredit the issue for once again giving us a classic Tom King issue, where nothing seems to happen. 5.5/10

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Batman (2016) #84

Dec 4, 2019

This issue gives us some much needed context when it comes to Thomas Wayne's character. In addition we have a great artist working on this book. Unfortunately, this all comes with the extremely poor decision of putting the issue in reverse order of events. Now, there is a way to do it properly. I don't want others with great ideas that involve playing with story structure to be discouraged. However, understand that you are swinging for the fences and unfortunately that means you have a high chance of failing. That is the case with this new issue of Batman. That one decision affects the book so greatly that all the good that this issue does is immediately and decisively undone. This is beyond disappointing.

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Batman (2016) #85

Dec 18, 2019

The ending of Tom King's Batman will be just as divisive as his entire run with this book but at the end of the day, most of the things that I felt needed to be addressed were indeed addressed. King does it in his signature style which may turn away some fans but this run is over and it was all tied together at the end with a nice bow. We even got an interested epilogue for where the story will go from here on out. Overall, it wasn't the epic finale that we all wanted it to be, but it ended in a satisfying manner and there aren't too many books that can properly say that.

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Batman (2016) #86

Jan 8, 2020

We get a new creative team and we have returned to a more traditional style of writing in this book. That's not a bad thing at all! In fact, it makes a great contrast with the book we have been reading for 85 issues. We get a lot of set up for the future in this issue but we also get some really great character moments and some awesome action. This issue is just a lot of fun and that's something that I know a lot of readers have been missing. With Tynion writing and Daniel handling the art, I think this book is in great hands.

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Batman (2016) #87

Jan 22, 2020

The latest issue of Batman, unfortunately, fails to follow up properly on the first issue of Tynion's new run. That being said, it is still filled with intriguing moments and some really beautiful art. We get a mountain of exposition and yet somehow, I still find myself very much in the dark about what is happening. Overall, this issue was a little above average and hopefully the book will return to the heights of Tynion's first issue.

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Batman (2016) #88

Feb 5, 2020

While Batman continues to give us a large exposition dump, Tynion seems to have reigned it in a little bit as we are also treated to some great action scenes and get some of the first twists and turns of the story. Slowly we are getting answers about what's really going on in Gotham and we are getting exciting storytelling in the moments in between. Still plenty of room for improvement but a decent issue and I'm interested in seeing where Tynion will take us.

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Batman (2016) #89

Feb 19, 2020

Despite some small reveals and story progression in an issue filled with amazing art and well constructed fight scenes, this issue ultimately doesn't give the reader a whole lot. We still have most of the questions that we started with and there wasn't enough meat in this issue to really sink our teeth into. I'm willing to be patient with this book for the time being but I expect the creative team to really bring it in the coming issues if they want to continue to keep the reader's interest.

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Batman (2016) #90

Mar 4, 2020

We finally get some answers to the questeions that we've been having but the answers are so simple that most of us have had them figured out for the past few issues. It's not the worst thing in the world but it was a very safe way to keep this story going. That being said there is a great twist near the end that gives us the most interesting plot point of the entire arc up to this point. So once again, Batman falls somewhere in the upper-middle, quality-wise.

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Batman (2016) #91

Mar 18, 2020

Tynion's first story is ramping things up to it's conclusion and there are plenty of hanging threads still around that an occasional reveal is a welcome sight. There is a ton of action in this book and the writing just has a lot of heart in it. The art team has quite a few artists in it this time around but you can tell that they all really put a ton of effort into this book as it has some of the best art in the comic book industry today. Can't recommend this issue enough. Hopefully the rest of the story will continue to have things at such a high quality.

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Batman (2016) #92

Jun 9, 2020

While there are certainly a few continuity issues with this book as well as logic issues, this issue of Batman is extremely well done. It's a lot of fun and is really well done as far as storytelling goes. Batman is constantly overcoming his enemies while at the same time is being introduced to new obstacles and revelations that give the reader a sense of “what's gonna happen next?” and that's exactly what a book like this needs. Add some beautiful art to this already great issue and you've got yourself one hell of a comic book.

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Batman (2016) #94

Jul 7, 2020

This issue of Batman is neither exciting nor does it really develop our story. We have some setup for the upcoming Joker War but other than that this issue doesn't really do much of anything. The art is great in this issue though, even though (at least for right now) nothing else in this issue really holds any weight.

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Batman (2016) #95

Jul 21, 2020

Tynion and the crew give us a snorefest of a first issue. We spent nearly ten issues getting here in the previous story so why do we have to keep setting the same thing up? We know what's happening in Gotham, we want to know what happens NEXT. Move the story along. Stop delaying us to fill out your trades. There's some good art but boy this felt like a waste of time.

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Batman (2016) #96

Aug 4, 2020

I give this book a lot of credit this time around because I found myself enjoying it from almost start to finish. That being said, from a critical standpoint I have to look at this book and say that almost everything they did in it was of no consequence and pretty much left me exactly where I was when we started this issue.

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Batman (2016) #97

Aug 18, 2020

This issue is not without some bright spots as we get a little more information about what is going on and we get a new vigilante character who is incredibly interesting and makes me want to follow them even more. However, the rest of this issue is pretty lukewarm and ultimately we end up in a situation almost identical to the one we previously were in. Almost nothing has changed in two full issues.

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Batman (2016) #98

Sep 1, 2020

What would normally be considered a pretty good turning point for another book instead becomes a frustrating read as customer who have been keeping up on this Batman book have been waiting for any kind of excitement or story progression to take place and in this issue, some things are resolved but it is hard to not think that we are in the same place we were at the beginning of this issue. An issue that slows things down can be amazing, but when everything about the series has been slow up to this point, it just makes things drag.

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Batman (2016) #99

Sep 14, 2020

Batman continues to rob audiences of what they actually want. I can only assume that they decided that the ending should happen on issue 100 and thus, they are stalling for time. This is a disappointing title and I really want this Joker War to come to an end and hopefully, it won't haunt the book for too long. Great art, but this story is crap.

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Batman (2016) #100

Oct 5, 2020

Unfortunately, there are so many parts of this story that are never capitalized on and require you to go to different titles in order to see the end of a story that started in this book. Very poorly done and I hope we don't do something like this ever again.

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Batman (2016) #101

Oct 20, 2020

This latest issue of Batman serves mostly as a transition issue. We have just come out of the Joker War so we need to set up how the circumstances of that crossover have changed things going forward in the Batman book. It's nice for us to have something like this but ultimately the issue itself is not very exciting. Nice to see a surprise appearance in here though.

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Batman (2016) #102

Nov 3, 2020

Batman gets a new storyline underway as we dive into a brand new villain for the series and it's being presented very well so far. I feel like the few pages we got with them gave me plenty of understanding as to the character's motivations. We even got a little bit of their backstory but we didn't dive too deep as things are just getting started. Perhaps this will end up falling flat in the future but as for right now, it's a very nice start to a new story.

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Batman (2016) #103

Nov 17, 2020

While far from perfect, this issue of Batman is very fast paced and action oriented. We get several long fight scenes that are occasionally broken up by dialogue but the dialogue is meaningful and provides context. It isn't just simple quips back and forth. It honestly feels like legitimate story beats are being hit during these scenes and that's what I want from a book like this. While some of the choices makes me scratch my head, I'm willing to see how things turn out from here and I'm excited for the next issue.

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Batman (2016) #104

Dec 1, 2020

The Batman book stumbles as all the momentum we had in the previous issue grinds to a halt and we slowly meander through a flashback scene for the majority of the issue that provides very little context that will be relevant to this story. Thankfully the book ramps the excitement back up near the end, but the issue as a whole is really boring. This score is more reflective of the ending scene because without it, this issue would have been a total flop.

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Batman (2016) #105

Dec 15, 2020

The Batman creative team brings this story arc in for a satisfying ending and one that I'm very happy with. While there are some issues that I have with it, overall most of the story lines in this story arc were brought to a nice conclusion (or jumping off point for the future) and the ending is great. There is some really good art in this issue as well. I wouldn't say it was an amazing issue or anything, but at least I wasn't bored and I would consider this issue to be worth the price.

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Batman (2016) #106

Mar 2, 2021

Our returning issue of Batman is a bit slow as much of the book is used to reestablish the setting of Gotham at the current moment. While it is a bit dull at times, the refresher was nice since we haven't been in this story for a while. There is also some great art to accompany this issue which is always nice. That said, this issue isn't going to set the world on fire.

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Batman (2016) #107

Apr 6, 2021

This issue of Batman is a long winded one as page after page of dialogue gets thrown at the reader, and not necessarily important dialogue. Sure, it will appease the fans that want every little thing explained, but most fans just want the important things covered. What is important to the story? That's all the majority of readers really care about. Overall, this issue is kind of dull but shows promise.

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Batman (2016) #108

May 4, 2021

Batman has changed into a full cyberpunk genre book with all the staples you would expect from the latest Blade Runner film. I know that we suspend our disbelief a lot with superhero stories, but this has taken the Batman book to a very different place than we are used to. This story feel far more Batman Beyond than the standard Batman book. Maybe that's a good thing? They're trying to mix things up. However, this issue is mostly exposition and is very dull.

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Batman (2016) Annual #4

Oct 30, 2019

While the issue starts slow and there is a MOUNTAIN of text for the reader to get through, this has to be one of the most entertaining and fun Batman stories that we've gotten in years. It still has that Tom King feel to it but it manages to borrow from the past to really add color and excitement to this annual. I really enjoyed it and I would recommend it highly.

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Batman (2016) Annual #5

Jan 1, 2021

While the issue really does nothing to add or expand upon the story that we already know, we finally get to see Clownhunter's backstory come to life on the panels of a comic book and that is something that I've been looking forward to. However as much as I enjoyed seeing it, the fact that nothing new was given to us and the rest of the issue was lackluster, does hamper the effectiveness of the annual.

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Batman (2016): The Joker War Zone #1

Sep 29, 2020

There are some really good stories in this collection and there are some pretty "meh" ones as well. However, it all comes down to the main event and frankly, it is a homerun! Clownhunter is the most interesting part of the Batman book right now and unfortunately he isn't being used all that much but we get to see him in all his glory this time around and that alone is enough to make me believe that this book is worth buying. The other stories are pretty good too, so there's plenty to like about this.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #1

Dec 1, 2020

This book is really only for people who already like Tom King. If you don't, this book will drive you through the roof! I cannot recommend this book if you disliked Tom King or were on the fence about him. I like Tom King, and even I think this issue is a bit much. However, despite its sloppy execution, the actual stories in this book are very interesting to me. Each of the three interwoven stories are intriguing. I just wish they were a bit more concise.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #2

Jan 19, 2021

This series continues to give me stories that I'm legitimately interested in and that I'm looking forward to seeing more of. In addition, the art in this book is top tier and might be one of the prettiest books in DC's lineup. That said, there are blatant mistakes when it comes to continuity and one of the three stories in this issue becomes stale and uninteresting. It is offset by the good parts of this book, but the mistakes are so glaring that I cannot bring me to ignore them.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #3

Feb 17, 2021

The latest issue of Batman/Catwoman brings us some great things as we get one of the best scenes from Tom King in a long time. We also get to see some fan favorite characters and what they are up to in the future. That said, most of this issue did not do much to move the story forward. There are small things that move the story slightly but nothing really that big takes place in this book. It's a bit disappointing, but overall the book was still very good.

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Batman / Catwoman (2020) #4

Mar 30, 2021

This issue is a drag and almost completely pointless. Most of the issue involves scenes that do very little if anything to move the plot along and the one scene that does has been done before in this very series (we're only on issue 4 to be clear). In addition, there are some hints of a storyline that could go extremely badly in almost every scenario and I really hope that Tom King doesn't do what I think he is going to do. I know in a series like this, you can't skip an issue, but if you could, this one would be a prime candidate.

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Batman: Gotham Knights #1

Apr 24, 2020

This digital-first issue shines a light on our special forces and does so in an incredible way. The first story, in particular, is very impactful especially with the reveal at the end and the short paragraph we got that told us the real story behind it all. We then got a nice story about Kate Kane and her past in the military which told a more traditional DC story and while it wasn't perfect, it was simple and very enjoyable. I think I would feel confident recommending this issue to anyone.

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Batwoman (2017) #1

Mar 15, 2017

While the issue is mostly about setting up what is to come, it does so with clever dialogue, beautiful art, and wonderful storytelling. This is a much different issue than the rebirth one-shot and that's a good thing. This could be the beginning to a great story. I'm keeping my fingers crossed and I'm staying optimistic.

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Batwoman (2017) #2

Apr 19, 2017

Batwoman #2 is at best predictable and at worst a complete waste of my time. Batwoman is one of my favorite comic book character of all time. I shouldn't be bored by her comic. This issue simply throws exposition at the readers and expects them to remember it but it doesn't give us a reason to remember. At this point, it all seems like a bunch of arbitrary details that will be slightly important for this story arc and this story arc alone. In addition, for all the praise that the artist has gotten, I expect some far better art than we are getting at this point in this book. A die hard Batwoman fan like me can't even get behind this book so far. What hope do we have for a new reader? I'm begging for this book to get better but I have yet to see anything that's going to keep my attention long.

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Batwoman (2017) #3

May 17, 2017

More of the same from this issue of Batwoman. We are learningabout this situation at a snail's pace and I still can't bring myself to careat all. We get a couple more fights that are indistinguishable from the othersso far in the series and the art is at least pretty good this issue. However,overall the book is still a bore and nothing really seems to be changing and Icouldn't care less.

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Batwoman (2017) #4

Jun 21, 2017

We get more the same old song and dance from Batwoman as an all too familiar fight plays out the same way it has for the past four issues and the other major plot points of this story are wrapped up off panel. What little progress we actually had in this book is thrown out the window and we are basically where we were at the beginning of this entire story. It begs to question why I should even be so invested in a series like this that clearly just slapping a predictable fight scene in every issue and surrounding it with loose and barely readable story that has no consequence.

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Batwoman (2017) #5

Jul 19, 2017

This run on Batwoman continues to disappoint and I wanted it to be the best book that I read but it's honestly in the running for the worst book that I read. We get a more in depth look at Kate and Safiyah's relationship during “the lost year” but ultimately, if you haven't bought into this story at this point, this issue will feel slightly different but mostly the same. This series suffers from chronic laziness and clearly nobody is looking at this and saying, “Let's try a different angle.” Does this book even have an editor at this point? What a mess…

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Batwoman (2017) #6

Aug 16, 2017

We finally get something exciting from the Batwoman book but it also disappoints due to the previous set up we had received from the book up to this point. The build up to Batwoman being a part of the Colony turned out to be in a future timeline which has seen a dystopian Gotham ruled by a future Batman. Overall, this is miles better than what we've been getting this entire series but I fear that with this most likely being a one-off issue that we will soon return to the disappointing storyline we just got away from.

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Batwoman (2017) #7

Sep 20, 2017

Batwoman continues to be a dumpster fire but now it's set in the desert. The ending is a bit interesting and has me interested but I know exactly what kind of book this is and it's a book devoid of fun or intrigue or anything else that would entice readers to pick it up. The book is sloppy, it doesn't make sense most of the time, and at one point the author just decides to blatantly lie to the reader for seemingly no reason. I don't want anyone to read this book. I don't want anyone to buy this book. I want you to save your money and spend it somewhere else. The Batwoman stock is dropping fast with this book and you need to abandon ship.

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Batwoman (2017) #8

Oct 18, 2017

Batwoman actually manages to do something that I thought impossible for this book—be entertaining. Whether this rise in quality is due to the incorporation of Scarecrow into this story or a long fight sequence that removes any need for dialogue, one thing is for certain, I enjoyed this issue and I'm almost looking forward to the next one. Granted, I can't suggest anyone hop on this book yet. It needs more than one successful issue to do that but this could be the start of something good.

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Batwoman (2017) #9

Nov 15, 2017

Batwoman #9 continues an already taxing story that most readers will most likely be fed up of at this point. Not only have we continued the Many Arms of Death storyline but we also revisit Kate's relationship with Colony Prime and spend most of the issue dealing with an argument that they have debatably had several times before. Nothing really changes in this issue and so far it has played out exactly as expected and that's not a good thing.

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Batwoman (2017) #10

Dec 20, 2017

Despite some good looking art, this issue continues down the same road that very few care about at this point and it does so in the most clunky and awkward way that it can. We're stuck on the same storyline that after 10 issues we finally have some real development in but I am trying to find fans that are invested in this book and they just aren't coming to me. This book needs a complete overhaul. Please save your money. There is no joy or excitement to be found in the pages of Batwoman.

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Batwoman (2017) #11

Jan 17, 2018

While it was a welcome departure from the Batwoman story we've been getting for the past year, this book falls a bit short and it's clear that the writer was only given a single issue and tried to crush a larger story into those pages. It's very straight forward and not in a good way. Many of the things that happen are questionable and border on deus ex machina—a tired and horrible storytelling element that writers only use when they've written themselves into a corner. It's better than it has been but not by much and we go back to the same old same old in the next issue.

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Batwoman (2017) #12

Feb 21, 2018

While we are still suffering through the Many Arms of Death storyline, this issue actually gives us a small amount of pay off with some of the story threads that have been given to us so far. Because of that, the issue is actually pretty enjoyable. It's still suffers from some aspects that continue to carry over in this issue but for the most part this issue is a nice read which is a welcome diversion for this series so far

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Batwoman (2017) #13

Mar 21, 2018

This issue of Batwoman is elevated by some great art and inner dialogue. The rest of the issue is just kind of bland. The twist is pretty predicable once you're halfway through the issue and a lot of the issue feels like it dragged us along on a ride that no one wanted. However, I can say that this issue is at least competent when it comes to storytelling which is something I couldn't say about most of the issues in this series.

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Batwoman (2017) #14

Apr 19, 2018

While the reveal in this issue may be lackluster at best, Batwoman continues with it's currently uptrend. It's still not a great book but it's at least a book that has become engaging with the audience. Maybe once we finally get out of this story arc which has lasted over a year we will get some great content but as for the current state of this book, I still don't feel comfortable recommending it. While the book may be better now, we had to wade through a ton of crap to get here.

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Batwoman (2017) #15

May 16, 2018

Obviously, this is a spoiler-free section and I won't spoil the issue at all but I wanted to say that I could tell you exactly what happens in this issue in a seven-word sentence and I could save you all four dollars and you wouldn't be lost in the next issue. Very little happens but somehow we still have time to tell Kate and Beth's origin for the twelfth time in this series. This book had some nice momentum going into this issue and it spoiled nearly all of it. The ending has a nice eye catcher that will keep most readers interested in what comes next but the rest of this book was a waste of time.

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Batwoman (2017) #16

Jun 20, 2018

This issue is pretty enjoyable. There's lots of great art and action and I liked the way most story points played out. I felt that it was especially appropriate for a Batwoman title. That said, there are a lot of head-scratching moments in this book. It didn't ruin this issue for me but I can see it turning off a lot of readers. A book shouldn't make me think, “well that's not how that works but okay…” The issue was pretty good though, even if the ending is a bit lackluster.

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Batwoman (2017) #17

Jul 18, 2018

This issue is beyond boring. It's a basic premise that is being stretched out to fill a trade. If we're being honest, this probably should have been the final issue with all the aspects of an epilogue that are strung throughout the issue. All the loose ends from the previous storyline are being tied up and it really feels like an ending that doesn't have a proper end. It's left a bad taste in my mouth.

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Batwoman (2017) #18

Aug 15, 2018

Batwoman comes to an end and it was actually on a high note. This series has been a chore if I'm being honest but at least we end with a storyline that I actually could care about. The art is great and I love seeing Kate and Renee interacting again. I'm happy where we ending and I'm glad that this run has officially ended. Hopefully we will get another Batwoman book in the future and hopefully it will be much more entertaining.

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Batwoman: Rebirth #1

Feb 15, 2017

If you aren't familiar with Batwoman as a character, thisissue will do very little to help you. If you are familiar with Batwoman, thisissue will seem like a very basic recap of her past with a few scenes of thefuture sprinkled in. At least the art in this book is good. I'm still lookingforward to this series and I have a feeling that once the first story arc getsunderway, we are going to see a much better comic in general. Unfortunately,this is a bad first step for this new comic.

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Black Widow (2016) #12

Apr 3, 2017

We finally get a finale to this epic Black Widow story andonce again Chris Samnee and Mark Waid hit it out of the park with this book. Itwas an incredibly satisfying ending and gave me nearly everything I could wantfrom a comic book. Granted, there were a couple plot points that could havebeen done better but the book ultimately has been one of my favorites for thepast year. I hope Chris Samnee and Mark Waid come up with a new project becausewhen these two are together, incredible comics are made.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #7

Aug 1, 2016

Overall, issue 7 of Captain Marvel is not going to havemassive reactions throughout the universe. It's not going to make the lastissue into something amazing. There is one scene that is really great and wellmade, but then there is a massive fuck up when it comes to the dialogue. Therest is a boring board meeting and a scene of action where they beat the crapout of a throwaway villain. At least the art is really amazing to look at.Regular fans of Weird Science DC Comic know the significance of the followingscore.

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Captain Marvel (2016) #9

Oct 3, 2016

Fans of Captain Marvel will continue to be depressed by whatMarvel has chosen to do with the character. In addition, we get more meetingswith board members as if that's not what we've been doing for every issue sincethis crossover started. At this point, I completely understand why so manypeople are jumping ship on this book. I look forward to when this crossoverends and I no longer have to read this book.

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Champions (2016) #1

Oct 10, 2016

This issue is nearly the perfect comic as we get almosteverything we could ever want from a comic book. The art is incredible andreally jumps off the page and Mark Waid knows these characters inside and out.The only thing that holds this comic back is the fact that it has to seteverything up and that can usually be a little tedious. However, this book doesit in style and shines from beginning to end. I hope this series continues tohave this kind of quality because this could be the beginning of something reallyspecial.

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Champions (2016) #2

Nov 7, 2016

This issue just doesn't live up to the previous one. Thereare plenty of character moments that are nice and seeing how this groupinteracts with each other is nice. However, the majority of this issue is usedto try and catch new readers up with previous storylines and introducecharacters that regular readers already know. In addition, the cliffhangerwhile initially shocking seems like it could go very wrong if the creative teamchooses to go down the most predictable route of storytelling. The art is stillgood and I understand that some issues are meant to provide context and buildcharacter. Honestly though, this was a massive drop in quality from theprevious issue.

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Champions (2016) #4

Jan 9, 2017

While it doesn't have the same weight that the previousissue brought, Champions is able to provide some awesome action and teambuilding in this issue and it really is a joy to read. I like seeing how thesecharacters interact with each other and seeing them take on the Atlanteans wasreally awesome. That said, we seem to be getting more of the same from thisbook right now. I'm looking forward to a point when we get something differentfrom this book but I'm still enjoying myself right now.

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Champions (2016) #5

Feb 6, 2017

Some things just don't mix well together and are best kept apart.Like ice cream and cheese. This is the case with Gwenpool and the Champions. Goodon their own, but together they make a low quality comic. I'm a big fan of MarkWaid, but I'm not sure he knows enough about Gwenpool to properly write her likeHastings does. This issue is a mess because of her presence and the issue feelsalmost redundant at times. I like that the issue is trying to deal with somecurrent events but overall, it's a waste of time.

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Champions (2016) #8

May 8, 2017

Champions gives us great interactions between the team and ultimately solves the issues that our team was facing after the situation with the Freelancers but not a whole lot actually happens. First off, the whole idea behind this team was that they weren't going to be a part of the Avengers anymore. So, why are they constantly in fear that the Avengers are going to come and scold them? I honestly would have loved to see one of them say “Screw what the Avengers think!” There's just not a whole lot to this issue and it's important to develop the relationships in this team but I think it could have been done much better.

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Champions (2016) #9

Jun 12, 2017

Champions once again lets down regular readers in hopes ofpeople jumping on wherever they want. It shows a blatant misunderstanding ofhow the comic book industry work and the way that customers buy comics as wellas exhibits a clear laziness with this title. For a book that was going to bethe big new hit and was talked about so much, it has become such adisappointment and I cannot believe how much I loved this series and how fastit fell.

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Civil War II: The Accused #1

Aug 22, 2016

This issue is perfect. This is the story that we all wantedfrom this crossover. It's a damn shame that it is only around for a one-shot.The rest of Civil War II has left a bad taste in my mouth but this issue showsthat there were truly amazing stories that writers wanted to tell in thiscrossover. This one-shot gives us some of the best storytelling that I've readin years and the dialogue is incredibly sharp. I cannot sing the praises ofthis one-shot enough.

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Civil War II: The Oath #1

Jan 30, 2017

While it doesn't make up for the mistakes of the past, thisepilogue to the Civil War II crossover does everything it can to not onlyapologize to comic readers but also to set up an exciting future. The art anddialogue in this book is beyond incredible and I consider it a must read evenif someone chose to skip the Civil War II crossover. I love this issue and it'seasily one of the best comics I've read in the past year. Everyone should readthis issue!

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Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #2

Jul 25, 2016

This issue proves that the whole idea behind Civil War IIhas some real potential to be amazing (pun intended). The writing andstorytelling of this issue are incredible and the art really fits in the bookvery well. I cannot stress this enough. This is the BEST part of Civil War IIand if you are at all invested in this crossover, this is the book you must bereading.

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Civil War II: Amazing Spider-Man #4

Sep 19, 2016

This issue doesn't really live up to the impressive storythat we've gotten so far but ultimately it wraps everything up fairly well andstill provides an entertaining read for any reader. The art is really nice tolook at and I still believe that this book should have been bigger.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides #2

Jul 25, 2016

One section of this issue was really well executed.Unfortunately, the other sections really failed this issue. It was certainlybetter than issue #1 though.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides #3

Aug 1, 2016

There have been a few really special parts of thisminiseries so far. Unfortunately, these parts are few and far between. One goodstory out of three is not worth the price of this comic. I haven't been a hugefan of this crossover in general but, for all the competition that it has, thisbook is easily the worst part of Civil War II so far. This issue may be thebest one so far but it's still a chore to read through. No offense to thecreative teams. Some of you have done something really special. It's just ashame that it's a one off short story.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides #4

Aug 29, 2016

This issue gives us one great story, one “meh” story, andone story that's so blatant that it insults the very reader. Thank god for thecreative teams who were given these small stories and decided to really shinewith them and put a considerable amount of effort into making them great. Ifnot for them, this miniseries would be a complete wash.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides #5

Sep 5, 2016

Don't waste your cash on this miniseries. It has been acomplete shit show for a long time and this issue isn't going to fix it at all,but it is nice that the Nick Fury story is finally going somewhere. I guess wewill have to see if the final issue can save this series. My bet? It won't be.

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Civil War II: Choosing Sides #6

Sep 26, 2016

Choosing Sides finally has ended and it really stuck to it'soriginal idea of being just godawful. Granted, the White Fox story wasenjoyable and the art was unbelievable but aside from that this is anotherwaste of our time and money. If you're like me and you bought every issue, I'msorry because clearly you must be feeling the same regret I feel right now.

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Civil War II: Gods of War #2

Jul 25, 2016

Dan Abnett gives us a fun and exciting story. We get to meeta few new characters that some readers may be unfamiliar with but thosecharacters are quickly established and even likable. The art compliments Abnett'sgreat writing and storytelling by being gorgeous and really being able to showmovement and action in an incredible way. This issue got me investing in thisbook and I'm excited for next month when issue 3 comes out.

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Civil War II: Gods of War #4

Sep 19, 2016

Dan Abnett finishes off his run with Hercules without anysort of style or grace. This is a half-assed issue that was clearly throwntogether at the last second with dialogue borrowed from everything that camebefore it. This issue is really pretty to look at and I praise the art team butthis is a terrible way to end this series and the entire thing has beentainted. A week ago, I would have recommended this series to anyone interestedin Civil War II. Now, I'm putting up caution tape and hoping nobody crosses theline.

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Civil War II: Kingpin #1

Jul 18, 2016

Ultimately, I found myself enjoying one part of this bookfar more than the other but still found both intriguing and very well executed.Usually a book that has two parts sees the stories fail to mesh well together.That said, this issue did not fail in that regard. It's basically like tellingtwo different parts of the same story and I like that. The dialogue was niceand the art was interesting.

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Civil War II: Kingpin #2

Aug 15, 2016

Rosenberg gives us an amazing story and incredible dialogueas he leads us through the Marvel Universe's villains. That said, not a wholelot seems to be happening yet and this series is half over. The art fits thetone of the book but overall I'm not a huge fan.

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Civil War II: Kingpin #3

Oct 3, 2016

Kingpin finally reaches a new level as a battle with ThePunisher (not a spoiler, it's on the freaking cover) gives us intense actionthat will have most turning page after page excited to see what comes next.Something that couldn't have said prior to this issue I now say with pride. I'mlooking forward to the reset of this series.

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Civil War II: Kingpin #4

Oct 24, 2016

Out of a terrible crossover event we might have gotten oneof the most entertaining Kingpin stories in a long time. This issue finishesoff this miniseries will a bang and will lead the creative team into the newKingpin series on a VERY high note. I cannot recommend this series enough now.

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Civil War II: Ulysses #1

Sep 5, 2016

The book about Ulysses ultimately ends up focusing on Karnakfar more. It's hard not to as Karnak is one of the most interesting of theInhumans but it was a bit disappointing to not have any more insight intoUlysses than what I had before. In the end though, the beautiful art andamazing storytelling really won me over and I'm looking forward to the nextissue.

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Civil War II: Ulysses #2

Sep 19, 2016

Aside from some interesting panel layout and some gorgeousart, this issue doesn't have a lot of stuff happen. We get a little glimpseinto who Ulysses is as a character but it's not much and I only have a vaguelybetter idea as to who he is. Karnak shone in the first issue of this series andmade the issue really interesting. Unfortunately, things didn't turn out asnicely in this issue.

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Civil War II: Ulysses #3

Oct 17, 2016

Civil War II: Ulysses ends with a whimper and does little tochange the game. Rather, the series only reinforces what we already knew whileadding a little of a story as possible. The art in the book is really nice tolook at but for a $4.99 price tag, it's easy to say that this book is a ripoff.

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Daredevil / Punisher #3

Jul 18, 2016

While this issue of Daredevi/Punisher is certainly not goingto surprise you in any way, it is still a fun and action-packed issue. CharlesSoule really does know how to write dialogue for Daredevil very well and hemade the Punisher very impressive and intimidating. There's not much else Iwant from a miniseries like this.

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Deadpool & The Mercs For Money (2016) #9

Apr 3, 2017

While this issue doesn't hold the same weight as the other series in this crossover, it gives us a much needed break from the main story and adds some humor back into a very serious Deadpool storyline. The team is great as always and the art is absolutely incredible. Hastings has been doing a great job with the Gwenpool book and you can see that experience has really helped him shine in this book as well. It's a shame this book seems to be ending because I would love to see more of the Mercs for Money but I guess all things must come to an end. I have high hopes for the final issue next month.

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Deadpool (2015) #29

Apr 24, 2017

This crossover ends on a sour note for our main character but also for readers who were expecting a big finale to really cement the end of this chapter in Deadpool's life. However, it kind of just ends and is mostly cause by a character that hasn't shown up in Deadpool since All-New, All-Different Marvel began. It has decent art and it has a solid ending but it's not very satisfying in any sense.

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Deadpool (2015) #31

Jun 4, 2017

This issue proved that Deadpool is in good hands going into this new crossover. The last summer event left a lot to be desired in this series and this one seems to be doing something better. Not only were there high stakes in this entire issue but it also tied directly into the main event rather than being a side story that has very little to do with the actual event. I'm excited to see where this goes.

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Deadpool vs. The Punisher #1

Apr 17, 2017

It may seem like the beginning to yet another disposableversus book but this issue really shines. The creative team showed incredibleskill in understanding who these characters are and really nailing the voicethat each has. Despite the fact that these characters are different, it's nice tosee the writer acknowledge how they are also similar and in some aspects, theymirror each other in this issue. This was an exciting and action filledbeginning to this series and if the rest of this series is this good, we areall in for a treat.

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Death of X #1

Oct 10, 2016

Death of X starts off very promising as we get thebeginnings of this major conflict between the Inhumans and the Mutants. Whileone group faces a new golden age, the other group faces extinction and they areon a collision course. This issue sets everything up very nicely and using somevery impressive storytelling devices. I'm looking forward to the rest of thisseries and I would definitely recommend this issue to anyone. How the rest ofthe series will go, I haven't a clue but this is one of the best ways to startit off.

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Death of X #2

Oct 24, 2016

Halfway through this series and we are still going verystrong. I expect the next issue to see direct conflict between the group ofMutants and the Inhumans and I'm really looking forward to it. So far, Lemireand Soule are doing some incredible work together and if this is the level ofquality that we can expect from the rest of this series and the Inhumans vs.X-Men crossover event that is coming, then we are all in for an amazing treat.

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Death of X #3

Nov 7, 2016

While this may be the weakest issue so far, Death of Xcontinues to provide legitimately interesting storytelling and shows how smallmistakes or misunderstandings can lead to large conflicts between two groups ofpeople. This issue had some problems and I'm afraid that they final act will berushes and predictable. However, I'm still very excited for the conclusion ofthis series and I can't recommend it enough so far.

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Death of X #4

Nov 28, 2016

The final issue of this series takes what was an intriguingstory and lead up to a crossover event and instead turns the whole series intoa head scratching mess. At this point, Soule and Lemire aren't even keepingcontinuity in their own damn miniseries. This issue gets a very special ratingbecause not only is this issue bad, but it also makes the rest of a veryenjoyable series worse by association.

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Defenders (2017) #1

Jun 19, 2017

The first issue of this new Defenders series really shines with incredible art, sharp dialogue, and exciting story telling. It was a masterful first issue and I believe that if this book remains on a smaller scale like this first issue, that we will see it really shine. This first issue may be a red herring and we may end up hating this series by the end of the first story arc but after this first issue, I'm incredibly excited to see where this goes.

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Doctor Strange / The Punisher: Magic Bullets #1

Dec 19, 2016

The first issue of this new crossover miniseries does verylittle to build up the story. Instead we get an introduction to characters thatmost will already know and the rest of the issue is creating a situation forthese two characters to team up. It's not exactly creative but it gets the jobdone. Hard to say that this issue is good, but it certainly isn't bad.

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Flash (2016) #52

Aug 8, 2018

This issue is a lot of set up. It establishes what is happening across all the characters involved in this book at the moment. The book jumps around a lot which doesn't allow any of these storylines to really progress but I don't dislike any of them. I'm legitimately interested by almost every subplot but I just didn't get a lot of any of them to really sink my teeth in. However, this is an issue to just set up where things go from here. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and look forward to seeing how this book goes forward.

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Flash (2016) #53

Aug 22, 2018

The Flash is back on track and this issue DELIVERS! We get solid and meaningful progression in every subplot that has been introduced and we have a main story that is interesting and enticing to read. I am excited to see where this book goes from here. Sure, the story may be a little fantastical but I like seeing that kind of risk taking in books and frankly, it succeeds very well in this issue.

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Flash (2016) #54

Sep 12, 2018

This latest issue of the Flash is the best in this new storyline and gives us some great development for our main characters as well as some amazing action that is accented with phenomenal art. There are a couple things that are a bit convenient but I don't think they harm the story in the end. I am confident in recommending this book to new readers now because this latest storyline is pretty great.

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Flash (2016) #55

Sep 26, 2018

Unfortunately, this issue of Flash is a bit of a disappointment. Instead of learning anything new about all these mysterious forces affecting Central City, we got our hero chilling at a bar with her cop friends and Iris. It takes up so much of this issue and doesn't inform us about nearly anything. The art in this book is pretty good at least and I didn't hate the issue but this was a major let down from the previous issue and that's saying something.

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Flash (2016) #56

Oct 10, 2018

If your idea of a great comic book is a lot of backstory and no legitimate story progression, this is the book for you. Honestly, so very little happens in this issue that I hesitate to say whether the casual fan could completely skip this issue and wouldn't miss a thing. Even bad comics can progress a story and get fans excited for the next issue. That just doesn't happen with this book and frankly, I'd rather read a bad book that is going somewhere, than a good book that is stagnant.

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Flash (2016) #57

Oct 24, 2018

This book goes the way you would expect it to. There aren't any big twists or turns and while the art is good, a lot of this book just feels dull. The book leads up to the conclusion that most of us were able to come to about 4 issues ago. This story wasn't new or exciting enough to warrant such a detour. The book wasn't bad but it wasn't really good either.

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Flash (2016) #58

Nov 14, 2018

Do you like to have a recap every issue for no reason? How about the Flash breaking up petty crime? How about covers that have nothing to do with the actual issue? If you said no to any of those, this isn't the issue for you and frankly, it's hard to think of someone that this issue is actually for. At least the art is great.

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Flash (2016) #59

Nov 28, 2018

Despite being better than the previous issue, this book continues to move forward in the most confusing and frustrating way possible. At least some things happen in this book and we get more information that we've been craving for about the new forces. Hopefully it gets better in the next issue.

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Flash (2016) #60

Dec 12, 2018

Finally, the Flash decides to give us a really great issue. We get amazing character development, a proper introduction to a new villain, and some really incredible art. What more can you ask for? I'm happy to finally give this a great score instead of tearing this book apart.

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Flash (2016) #61

Jan 2, 2019

The Flash has managed to pull itself up from mediocrity and now we are blessed with wonderful storytelling and beautiful art. The issue is a bit fast and that may turn some readers off but I think we did everything we needed to do with this story to this point and I'm more than ready to see what comes next.

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Flash (2016) #62

Jan 16, 2019

Just when you thought the Flash was on an upturn, we get an issue like this. One that isn't bad but isn't good either. If anything, it was forgettable and that's probably the worst thing that a book can do. A couple weeks from now, we may remember the bullet points but all the good will this book was building is lost again. I really liked Williamson's run for a long time but now we are stuck on this quest storyline and I can't be less interested.

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Flash (2016) #63

Jan 30, 2019

I hate to do it, I really do. However, this book is terrible. Everything that was hyped up in this storyline was revealed to be harmless or meaningless. Sure, there are some interesting parts and we do get a decent lore dump in the middle of this issue but it's disappointing to have all this buildup and only for it to end this way. This was incredibly disappointing and I wasn't even expecting that much. That's how much this issue falls flat. This book is getting a very familiar score that our readers are quite familiar with.

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Flash (2016) #64

Feb 13, 2019

This new crossover continues to fall on its face at every given moment. Two heroes engage in small-talk for the majority of this issue without finding out a whole and then they spring a trap. That's it. That's the whole book. Sure, there are some small reveals and one that I think was interesting at least but I can't in good faith give this book any real credit because while the art is very nice to look at, the rest of the book is very bland.

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Flash (2016) #65

Feb 27, 2019

The Price finale finally brings some weight to the issues that our heroes have been dealing with recently and that is exactly what has been missing from this crossover from the beginning. It's a shame it took so long to get here but thankfully, we did get here. This issue is emotionally charged with enough action to entertain the casual fan as well.

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Flash (2016) #66

Mar 13, 2019

While this may set up the coming storyline surrounding Trickster, I personally found this issue to be a little dull. It wasn't horrible or anything and maybe some of this stuff will be relevant in the coming story but, until that happens, I kind of feel like we could have just started the storyline that we have waiting.

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Flash (2016) #67

Mar 27, 2019

This issue is puzzling. On one hand, I like the mystery that is set up in this issue. I hope it leads to an interesting story. However, a lot of the story is Barry going between the same couple of locations and wondering the same thing at each of them. It's a good start, but not a great one.

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Flash (2016) #68

Apr 10, 2019

What a great read this issue was. From beginning to end, the book is interesting and doesn't seem to repeat itself like the previous issue did. The art and story are fantastic and everything in this issue is done to make this book better. I can finally give The Flash a great rating once again and that makes me very happy.

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Flash (2016) #69

Apr 24, 2019

Williamson was able to bring this storyline to a satisfying end. This story turned out to be really fantastic and it makes me wonder where this quality of storytelling has been for the past few months. It just goes to show that Williamson can really shine when he wants to. Here's hoping that he continues with this quality instead of what we've been getting recently.

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Flash (2016) #70

May 8, 2019

Have you been reading this book for seventy issues and have been asking yourself, “What is the Flash's origin story?” If so, this is definitely the issue for you. If not, you have to reread an origin story that you probably know like the back of your hand at this point. It should be said that a Year One story needs some context for the reader but did the entire issue have to be the same story that we all know already? Just take a couple pages and move on. This is lazy. At least the art and cliffhanger and cool.

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Flash (2016) #71

May 22, 2019

I honestly don't know where this story is going but what I was most excited for in this book has proven to be an afterthought and that is so disappointing. It's bad that I'm already looking forward to this story ending.

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Flash (2016) #72

Jun 12, 2019

While this issue is much more fun than the previous two issues in this storyline, it is still flawed. We aren't really getting a new story at all with this book. Instead we are playing the Greatest Hits of Barry's past. When it comes to comics though, I can always just go back and read the previous stories. I don't need a whole storyline to remind me about who our main character was when he started his journey. But still, a lot of great art and fun moments are in this book. So despite the problems with this issue, it's still a lot of fun.

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Flash (2016) #73

Jun 26, 2019

This issue starts off really slow but we get some nice character progression and see how Barry and Iris' relationship grows. However, once we get to the cliffhanger, everything comes around and brought this book back to life in what was previously a dying storyline that was going nowhere. Now, for the first time in months, I can honestly say I am looking forward to the next issue of Flash.

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Flash (2016) #74

Jul 10, 2019

Williamson and Porter land an amazing issue that not only is great on its own but raises the quality of the issue that came before. It delivers on things that we've been setting up for the past two months and does it in a beautiful and creative way. The art compliments the story and I was hooked from beginning to end. It's been a while since I've really got to sing the praises of this book and I'm happy to do so after an issue like that.

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Flash (2016) #75

Jul 24, 2019

This Year One storyline comes to a close with this extra-sized issue and while it has a satisfying end, it all ends in typical fashion. Nothing new or exciting happens and this plays out like any typical third act in a superhero story. Lots of great art and cool scenes really pull this issue together and I still found myself enjoying it. Perhaps I would have liked more, but I'm satisfied with what I got.

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Flash (2016) #76

Aug 14, 2019

The Flash is finally out of the Year One storyline and we jump right into exciting new possibilities. Williamson takes this opportunity to set up a lot of great and interesting plot points in this book that make me excited to see where this book goes. Now, I'm not a huge fan of issues that have to set everything up that is to come but this one was great and the art was amazing. I find myself seriously excited about this book.

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Flash (2016) #77

Aug 28, 2019

Some gorgeous art and interesting interactions take place in this issue which carries the book for another issue. That said, not a whole lot happens in this book and it deserves some criticism for that. However, I cannot say that you should skip this issue at all. So, the book is still in a good place for now and I'm looking forward to the next issue. Not a whole lot else to say about it.

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Flash (2016) #78

Sep 11, 2019

This issue raises the bar for the Flash comic, which was somewhere in the middle, quality wise. This new issue gives us great action, amazing art, interesting characters, and incredible story progression We even get a cliffhanger that has me already thinking about how the future issues will deal with the consequences. I can't wait to read more. 8.0/10

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Flash (2016) #79

Sep 25, 2019

As per usual, we get some amazing art in this issue of the Flash. However, if you were hoping the quality would remain high like the last few issues, you are sadly going to be disappointed. Two-thirds of this book is about one character telling other characters information that we mostly already know. The whole issue is kind of a slog to get through. Thankfully the last bit of this book gives us a really cool twist on the story we are currently telling and adds a new element of the conflict. Without it, this issue might have been a huge waste of time.

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Flash (2016) #80

Oct 9, 2019

Flash takes a step in the right direction but we need a couple more big strides in order to get this book where we want it. We are progressing but not quickly enough for this issue. Even though plenty of things happen, most of them just feel empty. Add into this issue an art style that doesn't feel like it really fits yet and while I'm usually a fan of Kolins, I did not enjoy his art this issue. Hopefully the next issue will take several steps towards making this book as entertaining as it can be.

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Flash (2016) #81

Oct 23, 2019

Flash manages to have so much going on and yet also makes the reader feel as though none of it matters. This issue feels like it has been more preoccupied with setting up the Rogue storyline that is yet to come rather than finish the storyline we have been dealing with for the past few months. It is a huge disservice to this book and this is a lazy issue. Perhaps inner workings of the universe is to blame for the sorry state of this issue but regardless of the reason, this issue is bad.

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Flash (2016) #82

Nov 13, 2019

Flash takes a huge step forward an introduces an almost completely new world that has formed since the previous issue. For an issue that would typically be all about set-up this issue takes huge steps to not only set up the new world but to progress the story with some huge implications for this book going forward. Add an amazing cliffhanger to that mix, and we have an amazing issue.

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Flash (2016) #83

Nov 27, 2019

This issue takes the world that we established in the previous issue and puts the wheels in motion for a proper storyline. We get a few surprises along the way and we get a sense of how things will be in the coming issues. Granted, the explanations that they give in the issue are very underwhelming but I'll forgive it for now. This issue also ends of a great cliffhanger and gave us some really amazing art. Hard to argue with a recipe like that.

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Flash (2016) #84

Dec 11, 2019

Williamson shows off his talent as this stories continues in this book. It would have been so easy to go forward with the book in the way we all believed it would. However, he took the chance and changed things up on us. It keeps things fresh and allows new stories to be told that weren't available before. It's really masterfully done and I am enjoying the hell out of this book right now. Add some beautiful art to the mix and this is just an all around job well done.

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Flash (2016) #85

Jan 1, 2020

The Flash takes some inspiration from its title character and races through this issue to take us to the big climax of this story. Along the way, we get a few entertaining but confusing scenes that eventually take us to a big face-off between our hero and his main villain. The issue has some great art and the story is still good enough to give us plenty of entertainment, but this issue did not live up to the standards set by the previous issues.

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Flash (2016) #86

Jan 15, 2020

The climax of this great Flash story has come and now gone and it was a real treat to read. The art was amazing and we got some great storytelling to go along with it. There are some things that happen without explanation but overall, this was a great end to the latest chapter in the Flash mythos.

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Flash (2016) #87

Jan 29, 2020

Man wasn't that previous storyline a lot of fun? Well I hope you didn't want to see how everything that happened would affect The Flash going forward because Willamson takes an entire issue to let us know that things are back to normal. Nothing that happened in that story really matters and now we are back to the status quo to see the Flash continue to juggle work, his personal life, and his life as a superhero. It begs the question, why are we even getting invested in these stories when they are just going to change them back when they're over?

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Flash (2016) #88

Feb 12, 2020

This issue gives us the origin story of our new villain Paradox. However, since we know basically nothing about him, it is incredibly dull and feels very basic. As readers, we've seen this type of story hundreds of times. Unfortunately there is nothing unique enough about it to drag us in and we have no context for this character so it doesn't even give us more information about a character that entertains us. Instead it just a bunch of information thrown at the reader without really meaning anything to us.

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Flash (2016) #750

Mar 4, 2020

The Flash takes a gigantic issue to catch up new readers and we have gotten a renumbering for the book. While this may be good for the book as a whole, the writers dropped certain storylines in order for things to go back to a more traditional Flash set up and readers that have been with this book since the beginning may be upset to drop a large amount of money on a giant issue where the main issue inside doesn't really move the story forward. Overall, this wasn't horrible but I just found it incredibly dull.

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Flash (2016) #751

Mar 11, 2020

The Flash seems to really be hoping to build a new reader base as this book continues from the last issue in taking several panels to dump exposition on the readers which long time fans will already know. It drags down the issue horribly but thankfully there is a ton of great art in this book to look at.

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Flash (2016) #752

Mar 25, 2020

A new low for this book is reached as we quickly find the easiest way to undo the cliffhanger we left on in the previous issue. Instead of some brilliantly clever plan, instead our hero simply finds old tech and is able to build exactly what he needs to escape. Basically, Paradox did nothing to actually stop The Flash but instead got him away from the battlefield so that he could regroup instead of taking him out when he had the chance. This issue is lazy and frankly, as a reader, I feel as if my intelligence has been insulted. This is REALLY bad!

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Flash (2016) #753

May 5, 2020

This issue is basically split into two halves. The first half is incredibly boring and feels like a complete waste of time as the writer has already told us in the previous issue that this is simply a pit stop for our character. This section feels like padding and might be one of the worst offenses in this long storytelling medium. That said, the second half of this book borders upon brilliance as we see one of the most striking and powerful scenes in this book's recent history. The second half of this book is so incredibly good but it also shows the flaws in this book so clearly. Going forward, this makes me incredibly worried about the book going forward, but as for this issue itself, that second half does some serious legwork.

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Flash (2016) #754

May 26, 2020

All of the good will that this book earned in the previous issue has been immediately lost as the most interesting plot points are almost immediately thrown away in favor of some more of the most predictable and boring storytelling you can think of. I've officially thrown in the towel when it comes to hoping that this story will rise in quality. At this point, I'm hoping that we quickly are able to defeat this newest villain and we can move into the next story arc where hopefully we will have some great storytelling, because clearly it isn't going to happen in this one.

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Flash (2016) #755

Jun 9, 2020

This story arc gets wrapped up quickly and conveniently as to be expected and it's all rather by the numbers. That said, it is the aftermath that brings new intrigue and renewed interest in this book once again. Whether they immediately follow this up or go a different direction, this is something that they can hold over this book that makes us feel as though Flash's greatest enemy could come back any time, stronger than ever. The ending and art in this book is amazing! I just wish the rest of this book was similar. However, we've finally come to the end of this arc, so I'm optimistic for the future.

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Flash (2016) #757

Jul 7, 2020

The characters in this issue of Flash seem to have just accepted their roles in the Flash comic because they don't really seem to care about what's happening. A major villain is on the lose, Barry is unable to find him so everyone just goes on, business as usual. We see that the CCPD is plagued with gross incompetence without Barry in the evidence lab and it all leads to an inciting incident which will be what the rest of this story focuses on. This issue is pretty boring and doesn't seem to do much other than continue to set up a storyline that we already set up in the previous issue.

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Flash (2016) #758

Jul 21, 2020

Most of this issue feels like we are just stalling for time. We are building and building until we hit that point in which the villain finally makes their move. The cliffhanger is really great and intriguing but the majority of this issue is just kind of dull. There is virtually no follow up on the attack from the previous issue and we spend most of the issue just waiting around and focusing on things that for the moment do not have any bearing on the story. I'll give credit for the great cliffhanger and some good art but this series needs some new energy breathed into it.

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Flash (2016) #759

Aug 11, 2020

The Flash finally stops tiptoeing around the story and instead finally lets us sink our teeth into it as we go from 0 to 100 real quick. Are we going to spend time seeing the consequences? Partially, but those scenes serve to further the plot as we make our way through this issue. So many issues feel like we could just skip to the cliffhanger and we would know everything that is going on in the issue. This issue actually decides to be different an add stakes to their story. A real treat to read. Good job creative team. You finally got one.

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Flash (2016) #760

Aug 25, 2020

This Flash issue shows that this creative team can give us amazing stories when they try their best. We got an exciting issue from beginning to end and while some things may have been handled a bit quickly, overall, we can look past those small mistakes because, in exchange, we get some of the most remarkable scenes in Williamson's entire Flash run. Every page turn moves the story forward and ultimately leads up to an extremely exciting cliffhanger for the next issue that I cannot wait to get my hands on.

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Flash (2016) #761

Sep 8, 2020

This issue masterfully melds big epic fight scenes with proper story development. The fights are a backdrop for what is actually going on in the story so we get to enjoy them and be in awe of the artistry while still not being distracted from the story at hand. Now, some of the more ludicrous story points fall a bit flat, but for the most part, this issue is expertly handled and gives us more of this amazing story that this team has been making while showing us some artists really flexing their abilities with page after page of exquisite art. Can't wait for more of this one.

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Flash (2016) #762

Sep 22, 2020

Flash ends rather simply with a satisfying ending that you would see at the end of any writer's run with any character. A hopeful and triumphant end for this story and while I do give it a little flack for not doing something a little more original, the book is ultimately brought to a nice conclusion that I enjoy. Overall, I think I will remember Williamson's run with the book fondly, even though there were some serious down moments along the way.

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Flash (2016) #763

Oct 13, 2020

This first issue with the new creative team gets off to a bit of a slow start. It isn't bad or anything but if you want something to really sink your teeth into and think about where it's going to go, there isn't anything like that. But frankly, I don't think it needs to have that. It's a silly and fun issue of Flash that gives me a really old school comic feel. I like it plenty. The art is odd in some places but overall, it's nice to just goof around every once and a while.

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Flash (2016) #764

Oct 27, 2020

The Flash continues with the storyline that was teased in the previous issue as we see Flash face off with Dr. Alchemy and seeing these two fight is a real joy for the eyes. The artistic team really shines in this book and the writing, while nothing too special, is really well done. I'm enjoying this book so far. Perhaps there is a few issues here and there but nothing that really ruined the experience for me. A solid title right now and I hope that continues.

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Flash (2016) #765

Nov 10, 2020

The new creative team really drops the ball as the book that they had so much promise with has begun to tear at the seams. Major plot points are resolved with quick fixes that ultimately don't make a ton of sense and more things that don't make sense happen in an effort to move the story along faster. Normally, I'm a fan of moving things along, but not at the expense of common sense.

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Flash (2016) #766

Nov 24, 2020

The latest issue of The Flash still holds on to some of the problems that the previous issue brought to us, but rather than linger on those issues for too long, the book decides to give us more of what we want and that is ridiculous fun. It's not gonna blow anyone away, but the book is a nice read and I'm looking forward to more.

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Flash (2016) #767

Dec 8, 2020

Unfortunately, our fears were realized in this issue. Nothing really of proper note, aside from a conversation with Black Adam, takes place. We spend most of the issue explaining everything that is going on and the rest of the issue is Barry running around accomplishing mostly nothing. Most of the actions Barry takes are throwaway lines used for one or two panels before moving on to the next thing. It really feels like this was just done for that one conversation with Black Adam and the rest was to justify a 4 dollar price tag and frankly, it isn't worth it. There's some great art in this book but that's about all I can find to praise. Even the pivotal conversation with Black Adam only lasts for 2 pages and then we continue doing nothing. Just another blatant attempt to increase sales by involving this book in a crossover.Bits and PiecesWhile there is some great art in this issue, there is almost no reason for the average reader to pick up this issue. There is one scene in it that seem

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Flash (2016) Annual #2

Jan 30, 2019

This issue doesn't really set the world on fire. It's completely fine. The art is good and the story is pretty enjoyable, if very sad. Unfortunately, this story does take away from a lot of the character development we have seen from the Flash in the past year. You can argue that it is an extreme situation or just an annual but it's still disappointing.

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Flash (2016) Annual #3

Jun 16, 2020

A fun issue that just feels like an old fashion superhero romp. Williamson brings his best and let's just just enjoy ourselves with this extra issue. It has some plot points which will be relevant in the future but overall it's just a goofy issue that is there to let comic book fans just fall in love with the characters and leave the issue with a smile.

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Flash: Fastest Man Alive (2020) #1

May 1, 2020

This digital-first issue starring The Flash doesn't really feel like a Flash comic. To me, it feels more like a classic Superman comic than anything else. The inner dialogue for Barry feels almost completely different from what fans have been experiencing for a very long time in his regular series and the dialogue for King Shark is horribly repetitive. This is King Shark, not Soloman Grundy. Overall, you could get some enjoyment out of this short issue but there are plenty of better books out there. This issue isn't really bad, but it isn't really good either.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #2

Jan 23, 2021

This new issue in the Future State series picks up where we left off and does a great job of it. I like watching this new Batman tackle new challenges all while holding true to the vision of Batman that we all know. I still question whether a book like this needs to extend the amount of content in the main book to justify an 8 dollar price tag, but for now, I'm still enjoying it.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #3

Feb 3, 2021

If you felt like you got your money's worth in the previous two issues, then this issue will also be a solid pick up for you. If you think the price is too high, well unfortunately nothing is really going to change. Luckily this Batman story is actually well done and entertaining. This issue was more action focused but with some great art, it came off very well and I left the issue interested to see what comes next.

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Future State (2021): The Next Batman #4

Feb 17, 2021

The Future State book for Batman comes to an unsatisfying conclusion as major story points that were focused upon during previous issues fall to the waist side as we focus on a long action scene instead of tying up any loose ends. I assume that the creative team was asked to leave things open so that the company can make an ongoing series if the books are popular enough, but ultimately it does a disservice to this book which has been pretty good up to this point. Unfortunately, this ending is incredibly unsatisfying.

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Gamora #1

Dec 26, 2016

Gamora gets a slow start out of the gate with this issue. Itcertainly isn't bad but this is the kind of issue that's value will bedetermined by whether or not the story that follows it is any good. If it is,we will look back on this issue fondly, if not we will wish this issue hadstarted something better. This is a middle of the road book at this point buthopefully we will get something more exciting in the issues to come.

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Gamora #3

Feb 20, 2017

If you've been enjoying the Gamora title to this point, youwill most likely continue to do so. This issue hits the same beats as theprevious one but adds a bit more story near the end of it. The art continues tobe absolutely gorgeous in this book and it's worth buying for it alone.However, art isn't enough for most comic fans and have a book like this withsuch low stakes is going to make for an uphill battle to keep sales up.

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Gamora #4

Mar 27, 2017

This is probably the best issue of Gamora and despite all the problems that I do have with this series, I find it incredibly enjoyable. The art in this issue is phenomenal and the dialogue is very well done. Unfortunately, the lack of stakes and the speed in which we fly through plot points really hurts this comic and I don't see how this story can continue after this story arc. This book is missing from future solicits and I can understand why.

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Ghost Rider (2016) #1

Dec 5, 2016

Robbie Reyes is back and it's very exciting to see him backbehind the wheel of his Hell Charger. This book doesn't pander to new readersand while I may enjoy that as a regular reader, it may alienate some newreaders which could lead to this book's downfall. However, I'm really lookingforward to the future of this book, despite the jarring tone difference betweenthe two stories that we got in the main issue.

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Ghost Rider (2016) #2

Jan 2, 2017

Despite a strong start, Ghost Rider has hit a bump with its second issue. Instead of focusing on Robbie Reyes and his struggle with Eli Morrow, we get a weird team-up between The Hulk and Wolverine who despite allowing a creature that could destroy a city get away have time to provide comedic relief and Amadeus tries and fails to hit on Laura. This comic was weird and felt completely different from the first issue and frankly, didn't make a lot of sense. At the very least, we got an incredible cliffhanger that has me really excited for the next issue but this issue was not enjoyable.

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Ghost Rider (2016) #3

Jan 30, 2017

Ghost Rider has fallen hard since its awesome first issue. Once again we focus more on Hulk and Wolverine than we do on Ghost Rider and now we are even throwing Silk and S.H.I.E.L.D. into the mix. It's frustrating to read a Ghost Rider book that doesn't have a lot of Ghost Rider in it. The fight between Hulk and Ghost Rider is fucking sweet but it doesn't make up for the rest of the comic. I can no longer recommend this book. Please let this story arc be over so we can move on. 

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Ghost Rider (2016) #5

Apr 3, 2017

While the ending of this story arc provides some epic fight scenes and beautiful art, it doesn't make up for a poorly written story arc that we had to go through. This series started off well and it's taken this long to come close to that level of quality once again. At least we ended on a high note but this comic deserves to be cancelled. If you are going to put a creative team on a character, make sure they actually want to write that character.

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Hulk (2016) #1

Jan 2, 2017

This issue shows that the creative team is going to be taking a more cerebral approach to this character and I find that to be incredibly clever. This issue is a lot of set up and it took me a couple days after reading the story to fully appreciate what the writer was planning on doing with this book. That said, I'm impressed and I can't wait to see more.

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Hulk (2016) #2

Jan 30, 2017

Aside from some contrived and forced moments, Hulk continuesto take us along this cerebral journey with Jen. We get a lot of other greatmoments but a few seem to be repeating the same plot points as the previousissue. Granted, this is only the second issue of the series and we do still needto establish different aspects of this character and the characters surroundingher but I'm more looking forward to the future.

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Hulk (2016) #4

Mar 27, 2017

Hulk has been pretty good up til this issue but this one finally falls a bit flat. Not a lot happens. It feels like an issue that was meant more for a trade paperback collection rather than an issue by issue story. That being said, the dialogue is great (except for any scene with Bradley which is incredibly stereotypical and poorly written) and the art really shone through this issue. In the grand scheme of this story, this issue won't really hurt it but it's definitely a low point so far.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #1

Nov 14, 2016

While this new #1 catches readers up with this new characterand spoils unfinished stories to do it, not a whole lot is show to the audienceexcept for the fact that Riri Willaims seems capable at the very least. Thecomics made some safe choices that I don't necessarily agree with but this isoverall a good start to this story and this character. All eyes are on thisbook right now and I hope it thrives despite that pressure. For me, I'd saythis book is good. It's not great…. Yet. Some readers will enjoy it more but Ithink most will agree that this is a very solid start for this book.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #2

Dec 26, 2016

Not a lot happens in this issue. In the present day we haveRiri undergoing a training exercise and while it is entertaining and fun tolook at, it does little to advance the plot. Meanwhile, in the past we get astory about a loss in Riri's life that we already kind of explored in the firstissue. While it added a little more context, it ultimately felt redundant. Thisissue does give us a nice rapport between Riri and Tony and a cliffhanger thatwill hopefully get the ball rolling in this comic. This wasn't as good as thefirst issue but I found it to still be an enjoyable read.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #3

Jan 23, 2017

We once again get more of the same from this book and it'sfrustrating. These last three issues have been a result of Bendis not properlyintroducing this character prior to this moment. We know this character's barebones now though and we can finally start diving into an actual story and thecliffhanger gives me some hope on that front. I'm begging this book to pick upat this point. If it doesn't, I'm not sure how long I'll continue keeping upwith it.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #5

Mar 27, 2017

While some of the flaws that exist in the book are still glaringly obvious, this issue raised the bar for this entire series and for that I have to give it props. We are slowly but surely getting to know this new character more and we got some really fun and exciting action scenes. The art is fantastic but that has been obvious this entire run but honestly, I think the book is finally where it should have been at issue #1. We finally have an understanding of who Riri Williams is (a small understanding but a understanding nonetheless) and we have a compelling storyline that I'm looking forward to see it develop.

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Invincible Iron Man (2016) #6

Apr 24, 2017

Invincible Iron Man once again gives us great art and smart dialogue. Unfortunately, that's all we get from this issue. We get a lot of set up that may or may not change this book completely. The fact that we don't know is pretty scary. This issue will be remembered as the beginning of a huge chapter in Riri's book, or it will go down as the most inconsequential issue of a comic in the modern era. At the very least, we got to know Riri a little better in this issue.

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Jessica Jones #1

Oct 10, 2016

This issue starts off slow. It certainly doesn't stumble outof the gate but it takes its time to get to something really exciting. However,so far this series has the feel right but we just need more before we can saywhether it's good or not.

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Jessica Jones #2

Nov 21, 2016

Jessica Jones gives us one small answer to one of the dozensof questions that we had after the first issue and introduces a brand new batchof questions going forward. Gaydos' art is really hit or miss for me and thisissue felt like a big miss and the dialogue is done so carefully so as not tospoil any of the questions that we have already. I understand wanting to leavethe reader in suspense, however the book is suffering from it heavily at thispoint.

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Jessica Jones #3

Dec 19, 2016

Jessica Jones finally gives us an intriguing and compellingissue as we are given some answers that reveal the overall idea behind thisfirst storyline. It is incredibly satisfying but doesn't end the questions thatI still have about the book. It reveals enough without revealing everything andI think that's pretty damn impressive. New questions race through my mind andinstead of it being tedious and enraging, it is terrific and engaging.

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Jessica Jones #4

Jan 16, 2017

This issue of Jessica Jones isn't just good, it's so goodthat it makes all the issue that came before it even better. This issue issatisfying and so real I cannot praise it enough. When it comes to stories likethis, I tend to know what I like and I wasn't getting that in the first coupleof issues but now I'm going to have to rethink everything I thought beforebecause this issue was such an enormous pay off.

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Jessica Jones #5

Feb 13, 2017

This issue of Jessica Jones continues to give us incrediblestorytelling and is surprisingly dealing with the aftermath of the universechanging event that was Secret Wars. The dialogue is amazing and the issue isengaging. While I may have one issue with one aspect of this story so far, itdoes not ruin the book at all for me and I can't wait for what happens next.

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Jessica Jones #6

Mar 13, 2017

Leading into this issue, this series was on a high point and it wavered just a little bit. The ending it incredibly satisfying but aside from the resolution, the book struggles. Storylines are wrapped up quickly, the dialogue isn't at the same quality and there is an unnecessary scene at the beginning. However, the lead up was so good that it made this issue still enjoyable and I can't wait to see what comes next.

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Jessica Jones #8

May 8, 2017

The dialogue in this latest issue is perfect. Nothing about it is flawless. Granted, most of this issue is setup and that's not usually very exciting but somehow, Bendis has taken a relatively down issue and turned it into a legitimately entertaining issue. I think this is the best book that Bendis is writing right now and I highly recommend it. I'm not even a huge fan of Michael Gaydos art at all but the dialogue in this book is so good that it doesn't even matter.

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Kingsway West #1

Jul 30, 2016

Greg Pak is at it again with a new story and he hasn'tmissed a beat. He is joined by an amazing art team as the first issue ofKingsway West gives us everything you would want from a first issue. We aregiven a compelling story, beautiful art, and are introduced to a brand newworld that harps upon both fantastical and realistic themes and makes them feelas if they always belonged together.

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Monsters Unleashed #1

Jan 23, 2017

This comic is balls to the fucking wall right off the gateand it's fucking awesome. We jump right into an action-packed event and itdoesn't slow down at all. We get enough story to keep a clear plot for thestory but the rest is just amazingly drawn action sequences. Usually that doesn'tusually deserve such high praise, but this was so awesome that I thoroughlyenjoyed myself and if we get more of this, this could be the best event Marvelhas put out in recent years.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #9

Aug 1, 2016

Despite a quick turnaround from the last issue, this issuegives us amazing storytelling and incredible art. I cannot recommend this bookenough. One of my favorite books from Marvel and probably one of my favoritebooks. Period.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #10

Sep 5, 2016

If you want a book that is written in the tradition of oldcomics while bringing it into the modern age, this is the book for you. It hasso much heart and Kamala really feels like the perfect example of a new hero thatwill resonate with new readers. If the day comes where I'm poor and living onthe street, hopefully I'll still have enough cash every month to buy a copy ofthis book because I never want to stop reading it.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #11

Oct 3, 2016

Despite dealing with Civil War II, Ms. Marvel has managed togive us one of the best issues that it's ever had. It has the fun that regularreaders love but the team was smart enough to give the serious moments theirdue and treat them as they should be treated. The serious moments weren'tcheapened and the fun moments weren't weighed down. With this issue, Ms. Marvelmay be in the running for my favorite book at the moment.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #12

Oct 31, 2016

Ms. Marvel starts off its Marvel NOW! imprint perfectly asit gives us a story that will be a great jumping on point for new readers whilestill continuing to deal with the consequences and issues that previousstorylines introduced. The issue is funny, serious, heartwarming and everythingin between and it does it all masterfully. Ms. Marvel has been one of myfavorite books for a long time but with this issue, I consider it to be a mustread for any comic fan.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #13

Dec 5, 2016

This issue of Ms. Marvel comes out a bit too late as itdelivers a ton of information in a comic PSA about the importance of voting inour elections. Unfortunately, due to the election being over a month ago, thiscomic feels a bit out of place. However, a decent story and some delightful artfrom our creative team really pulls this comic together. Hopefully this comicwill be reprinted and brought up again by Marvel when elections roll aroundagain because it is an important message.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #14

Jan 15, 2017

Ms. Marvel has returned to form as we get an amazing set upissue for the next story arc. It is filled with awesome action, entertainingdialogue, and leaves us with an amazing cliffhanger. The comic is able to holdon to the effects of the previous story arc and doesn't ignore them. We can seehow the affect Kamala and this comic has me excited to see where this issuegoes.

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #16

Mar 20, 2017

This issue comes close to being perfect. It has given us incredible art, wondrous dialogue, and one of the biggest pay offs for fans of this comic. Regular fans of this comic will appreciate how far these characters have come since the beginning and new fans will simply enjoy a heartfelt issue with some really emotional scenes. Ms. Marvel continues to be one of the best comics. Period. 

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Ms. Marvel (2015) #17

Apr 24, 2017

This final issue of the latest Ms. Marvel story arc is a bit disappointing. Our big threat seems to be defeated rather easily and in a very strange way. However, we got amazing art and the scene at the beginning with Zoe and the school will tug on any reader's heartstrings. This is still an amazing book and one well worth buying. This one issue just kind of falls flat.

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Nova (2015) #9

Jul 25, 2016

The latest Civil War II tie-in from Nova gives us a reallyimportant story to his character and a very interesting take on how youngerheroes fit into this crossover event. These kids are supposed to be equalmembers of the Avengers and yet some of them (mostly Nova) are being left outof one of the biggest issues in their universe. In addition, the art isincredibly impressive and really makes this book something special.

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Silk (2015) #11

Aug 15, 2016

Aside from a few odd scenes, Silk continues to give us consistentlyamazing content and I'm loving every second of it. In addition, it would seemthat Tana Ford has really found a groove and has created the best art so far inthis issue and I hope that it continues in the future. The issue was a bit of adialogue heavy but I loved it and look forward to the future.

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Silk (2015) #12

Sep 12, 2016

The creative team behind this series has really set the barvery high for themselves. Unfortunately, this month they did not reach thatsame level of quality. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very excited to see whathappens next and the art in this book is really incredible. Honestly, the artis probably what kept my score high for this book. That said, this issue isultimately a bit unsatisfying.

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Silk (2015) #13

Oct 24, 2016

Silk has been an amazing book since the relaunch (with theexception of Spider-Women) but has finally hit a bump in the road. The serieshas been building up to this reunion and unfortunately it all feels rushed,most likely due to the crossover event that Silk will tie into next month.

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Silk (2015) #14

Nov 21, 2016

Silk spends its debut Clone Conspiracy tie-in setting up thefuture of this storyline rather than giving us anything really big or juicy buthopefully that will pay off. Unfortunately, that doesn't make for an extremelyentertaining issue but some great art really pulls this comic along and I'mstill looking forward to the future that this series will give us.

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Silk (2015) #15

Dec 19, 2016

While I am a huge fan of this series, we seem to be enteringa bit of another crossover slump with it. We get an issue that startssemi-exciting only to end in the most predictable and boring way possible.Maybe something will happen later in this storyline that will give us more togravitate to but right now this issue is only a little better than theSpider-Women crossover issues.

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Silk (2015) #16

Jan 15, 2017

This comic is boring and until the end we don't get a wholelot. We have character that we are familiar with exchange dialogue that seemsto be repeating itself over and over again. I love this comic but this issue isnot very good. At least the art is good but I've grown tired of it. I'm veryfrustrated and I want everyone to know that this book is usually not like this.

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Silk (2015) #19

Apr 24, 2017

The finale of Silk has some really nice moments but ultimately the entire issue feels rushed. Perhaps the creative team wasn't told in advance that this series would be coming to a close. The ending feels a bit poor but ultimately very satisfying. The art is great and the panels with the fight scenes are well done. However, it certainly feels like this series should have ended a while ago but I guess it's better than nothing.

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Spider-Man (2016) #16

May 8, 2017

This book is far from bad. Hell, the art in this book is good enough to entertain any reader. However, this is a set up issue and those are rarely very exciting. However, this issue will hopefully pay off in the next few issues. However, I have begun to wonder whether the many crossovers that this book has been involved in have finally taken a huge toll on this book. This is the 16th issue of this series and only 8 of those issues haven't been involved in a crossover.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #9

Jul 18, 2016

Having a book with such a lighthearted tone while tacklinggruesome situations would be very intimidating for most writers and artist butthis book handled it flawlessly. Ultimately the rest of the book is set up forJess's role in the Civil War II crossover. The part of the book that stood onits own was very fun and entertaining as well.

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Spider-Woman (2015) #10

Aug 22, 2016

The previous set up issue is followed by another set upissue. There's little that makes this issue important with exception to thefinally couple of pages. I actually liked the art a lot more than I did in theprevious issue but my enthusiasm for this series is fading fast.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #9

Jul 25, 2016

This issue is equally a good jumping on point and a bad one.The fact that we are getting a character's backstory makes it accessible but wealso harp upon storylines from previous issues which the average reader did notread. The art was good but nothing special. Overall, a strange issue to be atie-in to the Civil War II crossover. It just seems forced to me.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #10

Aug 15, 2016

If you've been reading this book since the first issue, thismay address storylines that you were wondering about. However, if you jumped onthe book for the Civil War II tie-in like I did, you will have little knowledgeof what's going on and the issue will all but ignore the Civil War IIstoryline. The art is a mixed bag and the storytelling of this issue is boring,contrived, and unoriginal.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #11

Sep 12, 2016

Another ultimately unexciting and contrived issue ofSquadron Supreme this month, except this issue has Spider-Man. It's really awaste of my time and I have little idea of what any of this has to do with theCivil War II crossover.

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Squadron Supreme (2015) #12

Oct 10, 2016

Don't waste your money on this comic. Nothing of importhappens in this comic that you wouldn't have already known based on theprevious issues. If you're a Squadron Supreme collector, I'm sorry becauseclearly no one care about giving you quality content. Frankly, the creativeteam might as well have beat you up, stolen four dollars, and then spit in yourface. I really want to give this issue a classic “Fuck You Five” score but Iremember hearing that it was only worse than a three and that's just not enoughat this point.

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Supergirl (2016) #21

Aug 8, 2018

The first issue of a brand new run for this book starts now and it immediately breathes new life into this dying book. Andreyko has come in after a fairly big change to the landscape of the Superman adjacent books, and new beginnings are hard to pull off. However, Andreyko has succeeded through incredible dialogue to engage the reader and make them care about Kara's new mission. The only let down from this books is the art that we're getting. Art is subjective and I'm sure there are many that will enjoy this art. I'm just not one of them. Overall though, I really enjoyed this issue.

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Supergirl (2016) #22

Sep 12, 2018

This issue has a bit much when it comes to recapping but for the most part, the new developments that we've gotten have elevated the issue. We still get amazing dialogue from Andreyko as we learn more about who Kara is in this new storyline. However, I'm still not a fan of the art for the most part. It was slightly better this issue when it came to the setting but I'm not a fan of the characters. Overall, this was a delightful issue that gave us enough to keep us coming back.

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Supergirl (2016) #23

Oct 10, 2018

While this book only has a couple of long scenes, I still found it very entertaining. It didn't reveal enough of the mystery in my opinion but it has given me enough to be interested in seeing what happens next. And isn't that really the goal of any book?

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Supergirl (2016) #24

Nov 14, 2018

The issue focuses around a single scene that doesn't really go anywhere for most of the issue. Maybe there are aspects that have been dropped that will affect the book going forward but until then it was a bit weird for the book to not go anywhere in this issue. The book was good but it wasn't great.

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Supergirl (2016) #25

Dec 12, 2018

This issue is a bit odd. Our main story has basically a long fight scene that while entertaining, doesn't really push this story further but perhaps the cliffhanger will give us something good in the future. We also got two smaller stories that were okay. Z'ndr's story gives us a little about his past but I feel like it only helped me get to know the character a little better. Not really anything of real substance. However, I really enjoyed the Christmas story from Dan Jurgens. Usually Christmas stories are a bit dull and cliche and this was was a bit cliche too but maybe I'm just in the Christmas spirit or it melted my Grinch heart, but I really liked it.

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Supergirl (2016) #26

Jan 16, 2019

Supergirl continues to move as far from the main plot as possible but its hard to criticize when the issue is just so much fun. Think of those old sci-fi adventure films you used to watch as a kid. This issue feels exactly like that. I had so much fun reading this issue that I can't really be as harsh as usual on it. I'm a simple man. If something is fun, I'm going to be a little more lenient on it. That's just the way it is.

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Supergirl (2016) #27

Feb 13, 2019

We continue to have a fun space adventure with Supergirl. Though our main plot has become lost along the way, we are still getting quality content from this book as it is fun and makes me look forward to each issue. I'm not that picky. If a book can do that, I'm very happy with it

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Supergirl (2016) #28

Mar 13, 2019

Andreyko brings this small arc to a wonderful conclusion filled with action and intrigue. He drops hints at what is to come in the future and I for one cannot wait. We even got actual progression in the main story. This book is consistently one of the most entertaining on DC's entire lineup and I can't see that changing any time soon.

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Supergirl (2016) #29

Apr 10, 2019

While this issue remains good, it's a bit of a down issue for the series. It seems that after this issue, the writer wanted the book to be in a certain place to wrap up this storyline. Unfortunately, going about it at a normal pace was apparently out of the question. It's a bit frustrating to be so invested in a series and then have it rush to get to the end all of a sudden, but the book is still good, the characters are still interesting, and I'm still looking forward to the next issue.

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Supergirl (2016) #30

May 8, 2019

This issue is basically just one long fight scene which normally, while exciting, doesn't usually add very much to a story. Well, that is not the case with this issue. Among the exciting fight scenes, we also get really well-done storytelling by Andreyko. I'm honestly very impressed by it. Add that with this art team and you have one hell of an issue. There is one part that is a bit disappointing but that is a reflection on the comic industry and not a fault of this book at all.

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Supergirl (2016) #31

Jun 12, 2019

This book struggles with catching up readers of both book on the events of others and it hinders the quality that this book usually has. That being said, there is still some amazing art and the fight in this book is a really entertaining read. Is this book up to usual Supergirl quality? Absolutely not. Is it bad? No.

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Supergirl (2016) #32

Jul 10, 2019

Supergirl gives us a fairly basic and “by the numbers” issue this month as we get our classic monologuing villain that leads into a big fight scene. Some really great art in this issue really brings this battle to life and it really is great to look at. Unfortunately, the rest of the issue is just very basic. Not bad, but not good either.

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Supergirl (2016) #33

Sep 4, 2019

Supergirl is finally done with the crossover that the book got sucked into but we had to dredge through this final issue and it was a struggle. Everything is horribly disconnected and if you haven't been keeping up with other books, then it is a completely confusing issue. Also, for as many great artists working on this issue, I didn't find the art all that great either.

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Supergirl (2016) #34

Sep 18, 2019

While set up issues are only occasionally really exciting, this issue is a disappointment. Instead of using our blank slate to come up with something that will entice new readers who may be looking to jump on to this book, we lean too heavily on the events of the Leviathan Rising story and how that affects Supergirl going forward. Sure, the rest of this story may prove to be something we really enjoy, but it has stumbled out of the gate.

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Supergirl (2016) #35

Oct 9, 2019

Supergirl continues to lean on the Leviathan Rising storyline but we are finally progressing at a pace where new readers who haven't read that story will be able to follow along more easily. We get more action and story progression in this book and it's pretty entertaining all around. It's far from perfect but it was an enjoyable read that will tide me over until next month's issue.

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Supergirl (2016) #36

Nov 20, 2019

Supergirl is once again dragged into another crossover event instead of establishing it's own identity. I am struggling to find reasons why anyone would keep putting their time and money into this series. At this point, it has become a companion series to whatever is happening in the universe. That doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. At least we got some fantastic art.

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Supergirl (2016) #37

Dec 11, 2019

Supergirl's brand new crossover gives us an issue that is criminally by-the-numbers. Thankfully we get some really nice art to entertain us through the pages of this issue. The issue is extremely predictable and it just seems like we had to have this issue to get the story points set up to have a much more interesting issue in the future. Unfortunately that means that we have to deal with this issue for now.

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Supergirl (2016) #38

Jan 8, 2020

Some decent art isn't enough to save this book as the writer clearly has no idea where to take this book. Perhaps DC is forcing them to keep it vague because of their future plans for the storyline that Supergirl has been dragged into. However, this book is quite literally three different, at times random, monologues from Supergirl. Then Wonder Woman shows up and they fight. That's it. I used to really look forward to this book. Unfortunately, DC won't let me have nice things. They were talking about cancelling this book before Andreyko took over… Maybe they should revisit that idea.

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Supergirl (2016) #39

Feb 12, 2020

While this issue is a significant improvement on the previous issue, it still has some rather big mistakes. I assume that this comes from a relatively young creative team as I cannot see one of the big names in the industry making the same mistakes but they also shouldn't have gotten past the editor so there is plenty of blame to go around. At least, the main plot points of this issue make enough sense that the book still is able to pull the story forward and set up an exciting next issue. It's it good? No, it very much isn't but at least it's not completely incompetent like the previous one.

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Supergirl (2016) #40

Mar 25, 2020

As is the case with most crossover tie ins, this book is unable to really make it's own strides in the overall story and thus, we pretty much end where we began with this book. The Supergirl book has been dragged into crossover after crossover and I'm frankly kind of sick of it. We need to see new and exciting stories for this title and unfortunately DC doesn't seem to keen on giving us that. This book is a disappointment and I wouldn't waste a dime on it.

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Supergirl (2016) #41

May 26, 2020

Supergirl finally starts it's own story after being dragged into another crossover, but unfortunately that story is full of ridiculous reasoning and dumb decisions by characters as well as unappealing art and unrecognizable facial expressions. I really hope things change soon but after reading this issue, it's hard for me to say that this book wouldn't be better off just being cancelled.

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Supergirl (2016) #42

Jun 30, 2020

This story wants to make a statement about something but each set piece flies by so quickly that none of them have the time to develop. That's not surprising considering it is a final issue of this series, but it is still a problem nonetheless. The “villain” is completely inconsequential to the story itself and is replaced more often than she appears. At least we saw significant improvement in comparison to the previous issue but I wouldn't consider this to have been a great end. This book was a mess and I hope that when it is eventually revived, that the book is given a creative team and enough separation from crossovers to really do the character justice.

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Supergirl (2016) Annual #2

Nov 27, 2019

This issue was a bit unnecessary and didn't really add anything to the current story. In addition, it repeats a familiar story with a twist so obvious that the readers will get the gist of the entire issue within the first few pages. The art is pretty damn good at least.

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The Mighty Captain Marvel (2016) #0

Jan 2, 2017

This is a great issue for people to jump in on and this comic really breathes new life into a character that had fallen on some hard times. The origin of Carol Danvers that we are given is a really touching and human tale and couple it with some amazing art and decent introduction and we have got ourselves one hell of a zero issue. I really enjoyed this book and I hope it is able to build on the momentum that it has received.

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The Unstoppable Wasp #1

Jan 9, 2017

This book is an incredible way to start a series and I can'twait to see more of this story and more of Nadia Pym. This issue is smart andimmediately gets the audience to like our new Wasp. Frankly, I've never beenfamiliar with the old Wasp and I didn't know much about this new one going intothe book but I'm all in now with this series and I can't wait for more.

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The Unstoppable Wasp #2

Feb 6, 2017

The Unstoppable Wasp started out perfectly for me which makes me a bit saddened by the fact that this second issue is so lackluster. Granted, this is a book aimed at a much different demographic than I belong to and perhaps that will have some bearing on whether those fans will continue to stick with this book. I found this issue to be VERY exposition heavy and not in a good way. I need more from a comic to keep me interested. 

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The Unworthy Thor #1

Nov 7, 2016

While it's to be expected of a first issue, this one doeslittle more than set up story and recap the past. We get some greatcharacterization of The Odinson and we end on a nice cliffhanger, however thisissue falls a little flat. No need to jump ship from this book yet though asthe future still seems bright. 

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The Unworthy Thor #3

Jan 9, 2017

The Unworthy Thor seems to continue its pattern ofmediocrity as we once again get a story that is good but not great. I wasincredibly excited for this series when it was announced by now I find itrather dull and while the pieces are certainly cool, the comic as a whole is abit of a disappointment.

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The Unworthy Thor #4

Feb 13, 2017

This comic finally brought me up to the same page aseveryone else with this book. I've been a little hesitant and critical of thisbook in the past but this issue really brought it all together for me. This isthe book I wanted with it was first announced and we've finally reached the climaxof this story. It has heartfelt scenes, incredible action, and a cliffhangerthat will stick in my mind for the next month. I can't wait for more.

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The Unworthy Thor #5

Mar 27, 2017

Some of the biggest questions in the Marvel universe areanswered in this issue and they fall flat. Honestly, I'm not sure any answercould have been satisfactory after they made such a HUGE deal about this for solong but there had to be a better option than this… The panel composition inthis issue is amazing and the art is great but ultimately this issue is disappointingand left me scratching my head.

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Titans (2016) #24

Aug 8, 2018

Titans continues banging on the same drum that it did in the last issue. The team remains the same in how they interact with each other and the mission is exactly the same but in a different area. Bickering ensues but victory is eventually achieved. It's a fairly by the numbers issue of this series with not a lot of meat on its bones. Hopefully, the story gets more exciting as we get more issues.

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Titans (2016) #25

Sep 12, 2018

Hopefully we can say goodbye to the bad issues because this latest issue of Titans really brought the quality of this series up. It made me care more about certain characters and a lot of amazing aspects really made this issue shine. I'm actually excited to read more from this series and that is something I couldn't have said previously.

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Titans (2016) #26

Sep 26, 2018

For an issue that is pretty much a long fight sequence, this issue isn't horrible. We get some character development throughout the issue and even though the biggest twist is one that we've seen dozens of times over the years, it's not the worst development in the world. Overall the issue is fine. It's good. But it's not great.

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Titans (2016) #27

Oct 10, 2018

When a book relies so heavily on the reader being familiar with the other books in the universe, the book has failed in my opinion. I can understand that people like having a connected universe but this is basically a bonus read for people who read other books rather than continuing the story that this book's audience has become invested in. This is comics at their worse and that deserves a very specific score that our regular readers will know the significance of.

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Titans (2016) #28

Oct 24, 2018

Titans takes us on another tie-in issue that doesn't move the story along for this book at all and only slightly gives Donna Troy more character moments. The rest of the team is completely shelved for this issue to the point that one of them is literally taken away with no explanation. This book is one long fight scene that isn't even that eventful. Thank God that the art in this issue is great or this would be a monumentally low score which is saying something considering where it is now.

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Titans (2016) #29

Nov 14, 2018

This issue is a waste of money. The issues that we were already dealing continue rather than any real development taking place. The art is good but even that wasn't enough to keep this issue interesting. The cliffhanger is decent but honestly, you should skip this issue.

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Titans (2016) #30

Nov 28, 2018

Our team goes through a bit of a therapy session in this issue and while it is far from the most exciting issue of this series, it leads to actual progress in this book which is what this book has been desperately needing.

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Titans (2016) #31

Dec 12, 2018

Our issue falls in the middle as we get some good progression with our characters but for the most part, we see our characters standing around and talking about situations that we already know about. It's just rehashing old information and that is a big disappointment.

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Titans (2016) #32

Jan 2, 2019

This issue is really entertaining and well written for the most part. However, near the end it drags quite a bit and there isn't a whole lot of story progression if any at all. That being said, It was a page-turner and I can't really complain too much about that.

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Titans (2016) #33

Jan 16, 2019

While the momentum was lost in the previous issue, we are able to regain it almost immediately in this new issue. This issue was fairly fast paced and we kept on target with our goal while still having our character engage in fun interactions. This is the book I've been waiting for. Who would have thought it would come in the world that I hated just 9 issues ago.

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Titans (2016) #34

Feb 13, 2019

This book is a long monologue that is occasionally interrupted by some pretty decent fight scenes. I will say that the art in this book is really great. However, the plan of the villain is so complicated and convoluted that most of this book is just about her trying to explain it to everyone. It's honestly gotten to the point where I'm wondering why I even give this book my time.

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Titans (2016) #35

Mar 13, 2019

We are speeding toward the end of this series and it cannot come soon enough. At least this issue is significantly less frustrating than the previous one. This issue doesn't really fix any of the issues that this book has faced but at least we are getting our characters back to the status quo.

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Titans (2016) #36

Apr 10, 2019

The finale of this series hits some nice moments before wrapping up a mediocre story and bringing everything back to the status quo. I'm happy that this book is finally over. At least the art was great on the way but this series became a huge disappointment.

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U.S.Avengers #5

Apr 24, 2017

While the art in this book is some of the best in Marvel's lineup, the book lets it down in this issue with setting up future storylines and the Secret Empire crossover. Instead of giving us actual progress in this book, we get set up. Granted, set up is important, but the issues that focus on it solely are never very entertaining.

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Uncanny Inhumans #12

Aug 15, 2016

If you want to see all the potential in the world be blatantlywasted, this is the issue for you. It blows my mind that the same person whowrote the previous issue also wrote this one. I was so blown away by theprevious issue and it may be a little unfair to hold this issue to thatstandard. That said, even if this comic existed in a vacuum, it would still bebad. This issue has certainly earned our very special rating.

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Weapon X (2017) #1

Apr 17, 2017

We get amazing action and beautiful art in this first issue of Weapon X. This is the kind of issue that will really attract new readers and I hope that is the case. Marvel has just revamped its X-Men books and in my opinion, this is the best one so far. We've only had one issue from these new series so far so that can easily change but if I had to pick only one book to continue with, it would be this book. I could have done with a bit more story to give me hints of what is to come but it doesn't really change my opinion on this book so far.

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Weapon X (2017) #5

Jul 17, 2017

This issue mostly feels like a filler issue but there isplenty of enjoyable moments and some pretty good art to go with it. So while Idid enjoy the comic, I have to admit that there are some problems that can't gooverlooked. The heroes kind of just sit around and the villains have become soevil that it is hard to believe that they actually exist (in the context ofexisting in a comic book that is…). Overall, the slow nature of this issue hasn'tspoiled this crossover for me yet.

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X-Men Prime #1

Apr 3, 2017

This issue is able to accomplish catching everyone up for the upcoming X-Men titles. Granted, issues like these are rarely very exciting or memorable but everyone who reads this book should feel prepared to pick up one of the upcoming X-Men titles and having read this issue, I think that's the case. The art is beautiful and the dialogue is really nice and flows very nicely. This issue won't wow you, but it will get you prepared for the future.

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