Batman #86

Writer: James Tynion IV Artist: Tony Daniel Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 8, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 33 User Reviews: 87
8.1Critic Rating
7.8User Rating

+ Pull List

It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.
Beginning a whole new chapter in the life of the Dark Knight, the epic art team of Tony S. Daniel and Danny Miki are joined by new series writer James Tynion IV!

  • 10
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Jan 8, 2020

    If you were a lapsed reader or driven off by Kings run, Batman is back and The Dark Knights future looks incredibly bright with this new creative team and direction. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Word Of The Nerd - Jordan Claes Jan 8, 2020

    So welcome, James Tynion IV, and thank you. Thank you for saving our city, reigniting our hope, and for rescuing our Dark Knight. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Impulse Gamer - Jeremy Carr Jan 8, 2020

    There is no doubt in my mind this could reinvigorate some Batman fans and bring sales back up for the Caped Crusader. This issue is a hard 5 Stars from me and is way better than any 10 play Batman story we've gotten up to this point. This is a must read and I look forward to seeing where this story goes Read Full Review

  • 10
    Critical Blast - RJ Carter Jan 9, 2020

    Throw in the newer, more active role of Lucius Fox in Batman's life, some cutting-edge tech added to the arsenal, and the looming threat of The Joker, and you have the opening salvo of a Batman story that is going to have fans excited for Wednesdays again! Read Full Review

  • 10
    On Comics Ground - Travis Tucker Jan 8, 2020

    This first look into Tynion's vision has me very excited. Between you and me, Batman is about to hit some heights we've only spoken of with our fellow obsessed fans. Tynion and Daniel are serving it so even casuals can digest it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Jan 8, 2020

    While I am disappointed to see King's stewardship of Batman come to an end, Batman #86 clearly shows that he's leaving the title in good hands. Tynion is a great writer that has written the character before, which is evident in this initial issue. I have no doubts that Batman will remain one of DC's top books with Tynion writing it. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics: The Gathering - Wes Greer Jan 8, 2020

    Tynion's writing style just works so well in a Batman title and he made sure not to waste anytime proving just how strong his writing abilities are and leaving us on the hook and excited to see what the coming issues can bring and Tony S. Daniel and the entire art team really stepped their game up for this issue and not only was the work beautiful, it was flawless. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Kabooooom - Matt Morrison Jan 8, 2020

    If Tom King's run on Batman left you cold, for whatever reason, now is the time to come home to Gotham City. Or if you're a tourist looking for a good place to start with Batman's adventures, welcome " this is your stop. The new creative team offers a fresh start and a bold new direction while delivering everything we love about Batman in a single story. Highly recommended. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Vishal Gullapalli Jan 8, 2020

    This issue is an excellent start to what is looking to be yet another standout run on the main Batman title. Read Full Review

  • 9.2
    The Brazen Bull - Charlie Chipman Jan 8, 2020

    Well-written and visually stunning, Batman (2016-) #86 is not to be missed; this is the Batman comic that I--as well as fellow Bat-fans, I'm sure--have been waiting for. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Comic Watch - Cody White Jan 8, 2020

    2020 brings with it new hopes in the wake of fresh traumas withBatman #86(Tynion IV, Daniel, Miki). A fresh new story for a new decade. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Jan 8, 2020

    Tony S Daniel's art in this issue is sublime with its rich details and remarkable pacing. There are so many great character moments throughout and Daniel showcases the characters brilliantly. From the first shot of Batman crouched in the rain with the robust Gotham City behind him to the aftermath of his encounter with Deathstroke, there is a brutal beauty to every panel. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Jan 8, 2020

    So, a fine start. It's nothing we haven't seen before in a Batman story but we haven't seen this type of story much lately, and it's well-executed. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Black Nerd Problems - Mikkel Snyder Jan 8, 2020

    This is a start of a new chapter in Batman, and it's very much a solid Batman story. We have a good contrast of the continued duality of Bruce and Batman. We have a supporting cast that's there to support Batman in this time of mourning and transition. We have villains who are still going about their business and have no intention of giving him a break. But it is also just a start, and while the repeating of chorus of "Bruce Wayne has a design for this city" is a tantalizing one, we're going to need see more of what these designs are to figure out if it's more than just solid. Read Full Review

  • 8.2
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Jose "Jody" Cardona Jan 8, 2020

    The new creative team starts their Batman series on a high note. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Brett Jan 8, 2020

    Batman #86 is a new beginning and the next steps for the character. Long-time readers should be interested at what's hinted and winked at to come. New readers can slide into the comic without a need to catch up with what they've missed. The issue is a fresh start in many ways and hints at the next evolution of the character. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Multiversity Comics - Quinn Tassin Jan 13, 2020

    "Batman #86" is a strong, promising start to James Tynion's take on the World's Greatest Detective. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Batman Universe - Scott Waldyn Jan 8, 2020

    James Tynion IV and Tony Daniel set a very high bar in an issue thats action-packed, exhilarating, and a well-choreographed dance between dramatic, emotional weight and fun. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Big Comic Page - Craig Neilson- Jan 8, 2020

    A promising start then, and with Tynion gently easing himself into the mantle of the Dark Knight scribe, Daniels artwork is already pretty much worth the cover price on its own. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    GWW - Nicola Austin Jan 8, 2020

    Batman #86 is a well-paced, thrilling opener that establishes a sinister yet intriguing mystery, along with an exciting clash between hero and villain. I know that I'll definitely be picking up the next issue! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jan 9, 2020

    While darker than expected, Batman #86 serves as a bold and fast-paced start to the next phase of Bruce Wayne's life. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Batman-News - Joshua McDonald Jan 8, 2020

    James Tynion and Tony Daniel deliver a solid debut that makes the most of what came before it, while also embracing a new, different path. While the approach to storytelling is more traditional in many ways, it's still a fun, engaging read with quite a bit of promise. Hopefully, as fans, we can let go of what came before and embrace the elements that we enjoy as we move forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Kevin Lainez Jan 9, 2020

    Batman #86 was a solid beginning to James Tynion's run on this series. There is a nice balance between how Tom King ended his run and what Tynion plans to do with where Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle and others are right now. With the groundwork for his run established I have high hopes Tynion can deliver on the potential that was laid out for Batman moving forward. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Jan 8, 2020

    The art is very well done. The action is crisp and I like the way things moved. While the art elevates the book, it can not cover the feeling like something is lacking. And that is a shame. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Pierce Lydon Jan 8, 2020

    From a technical standpoint, this is a well-told piece of comics. But it's hardly doing anything new. It's hardly doing anything exciting. Tynion delivers on a couple of solid emotional beats. Daniel gives us a couple of nice splashes. But this high floor, low ceiling storytelling - it's too safe to really be revelatory. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Jan 14, 2020

    The fight between Batman and Deathstroke is truncated as much of it takes place off-panel and comes to a quicker conclusion than expected. Catwoman's own crime-fighting foreshadows more about what brought Deathstroke to town (suggesting it has ties to the cat burglar's past). Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Dan Mayhoff Jan 8, 2020

    We get a new creative team and we have returned to a more traditional style of writing in this book. That's not a bad thing at all! In fact, it makes a great contrast with the book we have been reading for 85 issues. We get a lot of set up for the future in this issue but we also get some really great character moments and some awesome action. This issue is just a lot of fun and that's something that I know a lot of readers have been missing. With Tynion writing and Daniel handling the art, I think this book is in great hands. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Newsarama - Kat Calamia Jan 9, 2020

    Overall, Batman #86 is a solid debut that gives us a peek at Tynion's unique voice for Gotham, while still staying in tune with past Bat creators. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Dark Knight News - Eric Lee Jan 11, 2020

    Tynion is a good writer with a decent track record of comics. This debut issue is no different. He hits all the appropriate beats, but because there is not enough time to establish a credible threat, it lacks urgency. Furthermore,Batman #86is a mish-mash of past plots make it seem more tired than provocative. While there is an underlying structure of a cool idea, it is hampered with retreads and an underdeveloped mystery. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Henchman-4-Hire - Sean Ian Mills Jan 11, 2020

    A perfectly fine, very enjoyable Batman comic that's more focused on the classics than on being some big, crazy statement on the character. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Impulse Gamer - Matt Fischer Feb 11, 2020

    James Tynion's first issue does some pretty good things. We get a new car, a new plot, and just a twinge of Joker. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    But Why Tho? - Lizzy Garcia Jan 8, 2020

    Batman #86 is as good of a start as you can ask for, considering the hand that was dealt to this creative team. That being said, the issue still is far from perfect and the emotional beats just fall flat because of its disjointed tone. Read Full Review

  • 2.0 - Nicole Drum Jan 8, 2020

    Overstuffed with far too many words"dialogue, narration, all of it"and further burdened by art that is disproportionate and poorly executed, Batman #86 drowns in its own failed attempts to imitate better works resulting in unrelenting mediocrity. Read Full Review

  • 10
    cincyfan Jul 26, 2020

    I absolutely loved everything about this! As usual with Tynion I loved the writing and this book was a joy to look at the artwork is beautiful

  • 10
    gustave154 Jan 10, 2020

    Very good start and I really liked Tom King's run too

  • 10
    Wrobinso Jan 9, 2020

    Yes. Tynion finally gets to take control of Batman

  • 9.5
    LunaMoody Jan 9, 2020

    I enjoyed this issue of Batman for the most part. I didn't totally like the art. This artist tends to draw people a bit oddly. Their features lean more on the side of cartoon-ish rather then real life. But other then that I liked it. It touched on Alfred's loss without being to much in it. I enjoyed seeing Catwoman/Selena being a major player in Bruce's life still. It's a interesting twist in the story that this seems to going to be a plan she had a part in to bring Bruce/Batman down. In the past Batman has had some of his secret plans played out by villains. Both in his comics and a few times in the Justice League comics. This time it's going to be one of Selena's plans. I hope this is not going to lead to the down fall of them being toget more

  • 9.0
    KFuqua Jan 8, 2020

    Thank goodness Tom King is finally gone. It's great to have a good Batman comic again. This one was good and I'm looking forward to more.

  • 9.0
    TheHyruleElf Jan 8, 2020

    I originally gave this an 8, but I changed my score upon a second reading. MUCH much better the second time around. I'm very interested about this mysterious new "design" for Gotham City and how the assassins in this issue tie into that design. Tynion delivers a formulaic, albeit entertaining opening and I can't wait to see where he goes from here. I followed his Detective Comic run from beginning to end and I loved it. So I'm excited to see what direction he takes this story.

  • 9.0
    Linkush Jan 8, 2020

    A promising start with an interesting set-up and some wonderful action scenes.

    I liked how Tynion didn't just ignore King's run and that we can see how Alfred's death affects Batman. I'm also pleased to see that Selina is still a major supporting character.

    Another thing that I enjoyed was the epilogue. I really like how Tynion is setting up the Joker. I hope this will pay off.

    Tony Daniel did an excellent job as usual and I hope that we'll see more of him in the future.

    Overall, this issue was a solid start to the run. I'm interested to see what Tynion has in store for us. Hopefully, it will be good.

  • 9.0
    M1sf1r3 Jan 8, 2020

    King's 85 issue Batman run is now over. After three and a half years of King, let's see how Tynion's Batman goes.

    The Good:
    I like the idea of Bruce using Alfred's death as a motivation to improve Gotham.

    It feels like a Batman book.

    It's good seeing how tactical smart Bruce is but also how he is still reeling from City of Bane.

    Selina's part of the story was interesting.

    Tony S. Daniel's art was great.

    The Bad:

    Nothing too revolutionary but it didn't need to be. It's getting the main Batman book back to being just that and Tynion has done a great job so far.

  • 8.5
    Federico Liguori Jul 1, 2023

    I completely skipped the last part of King's run as I was literally falling asleep. But this, this looks fun!

  • 8.5
    Tinman Jan 23, 2020

    Good start with the new creative team.

  • 8.5
    ICC Jan 18, 2020

    A very promising start

  • 8.5
    EDiakota Jan 11, 2020

    " You have a design for Gotham City, Master Bruce. Isn't it time the world saw it ? "
    - BATMAN

  • 8.5
    wakizashireviews Jan 8, 2020

    Gorgeous art by Tony Daniel. The writing is solid and the story is mostly set-up for what's to come. Selina looks stunning in that dress and I love the panel where Deathstroke is being pulled through the wall. There's a nod to Nolan's Dark Knight in the Joker scene at the end.

    Overall, it felt like an issue of Batman. And. The lines. Of dialog. Were not. Written by Tom King. Thank the Maker! I am looking forward to seeing where Tynion takes us with his run on the title.

  • 8.0
    DarePool53 Jan 4, 2021

    Solid, intriguing book with fantastic art.

    Feels great just to be reading a proper issue of Batman again, now that everyone's favourite divisive 'auteur' has been herded away to finish off his Bat/Cat fiasco under DC's Black Label.

  • 8.0
    Tony May 22, 2020

    Solid start

  • 8.0
    mrDovydas Feb 2, 2020

    This ain't bad at all, and I'm definitely sure that this story will be liked by a lot more people than King's stuff was.

  • 8.0

    It feels very plain after Tom King's run, but I still dig it.

  • 8.0
    Afre Jan 8, 2020

    Finally, a Batman comic with Daniel's great art that has good writing???

    I've been waiting for this. It is a good start, and I've always liked how Tynion handled Bruce.

    But I'm a bit skeptical. I liked King's first 30 issues too, and hated the last 30 issues.

  • 8.0
    myconius Jan 8, 2020

    It's a hell of a lot better than Tom King's trash run.

  • 7.5
    Eren Esirci Sep 26, 2020

    Tynion nispeten iyi bir başlangıç yaptı. City of Bane bittiği için de mutluyum bir yandan. Gerçekten çok kötüydü. Tom King'in hakkını da yemek istemiyorum. Sonuçta kaç sayıdır Batman yazıyor. İyi veya kötü Batman'e bir şeyler kattı. Tynion ise iyi bir başlangıç yaptı dediğim gibi. Bana kalırsa sayı oldukça hızlı başladı ve hızlı da ilerledi. Diyalogları ise beğendim. Tynion, biraz daha mutlu olmaya çalışan ve Batman'e ihtiyacınolmayan bir Gotham için çalışan bir Bruce Wayne tasviri sunuyor. Eksik bulduğum ufak taraflarına rağmen beğendimi söyleyebilirim.

  • 7.5
    Spacey Medicine Feb 19, 2020

    I didn’t love this as much as I expected (hoped?) but I also didn’t hate it, which is a great improvement.

  • 7.5
    Duster09 Jan 13, 2020

    Hopefully start of something good

  • 7.5
    DDJamesB Jan 11, 2020

    I havent read a Batman issue since #50 as I just couldnt take Tom King anymore. I got this issue and it was definitely a step up. It laid the ground work and ill be back for the next issue.

  • 7.5
    Psycamorean Jan 8, 2020

    This was a pretty good first issue. A godsend after Tom King, but not all that exciting on its own. I don't know, hopefully it will pick up next issue. I was excited for this one, so maybe my expectations were too high. Also, ironically, the Joker tease in this issue makes me less excited than last issue's tease. Guess that shows how fickle I am about the character.

    This was an insignificant glimmer of absolute "meh" in the world where arson burned down Australia, corruption bleeds into the Amazonia and Iran can't hit anything except the send button on a sheepish declaration of even-stevens. At least we'll have moderately okay comics to tide us over while the world continues to spin on its ever-boring axis.


    + LikeComments (2)
  • 7.5
    egonnn244 Jan 8, 2020

    "I believe"

    Tony Daniel certainly knows how to open an issue. Along with Miki's inks and Morey's excellent colors, he can make something great. That opening double-page spread is truly amazing. The rain, the lights, Gotham's skyline in the background... Yeah, the art in this issue is top-notch.

    Thankfully, the story doesn't fall short either. Tynion proved before in Detective Comics that he can write a nice Batman. It might be considered a tad narration heavy, but it's the hero narrating rather than some omniscient narrator, which is the way I prefer. The story itself is that someone is planning something big and this someone is the Joker, who takes a page right out of Heath Ledger's Joker book.

    Batman here more

  • 7.5
    Nihilist Jan 8, 2020

    A good Batman comic? Could it be?! Well, considering it's Tynion who took over the series, I expected nothing less, but still, I was afraid Tom King's awfulness preceeding this new run could affect it more, dragging it down. That didn't happen for the most part, naturally not including Alfred's death, which up to this point, has been just pointless, it was merely shock for the sake of shock.
    Tynion, in comparison, just laid down everything important, set up the big mystery, and even more. That's what we call a plan, which can't be said about King's nonsensical gibberish with no purpose and endgoal. Whether it's a good plan or not, time will tell, but at least there's something we can follow now.

    The art is beautiful, once ag more

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 7.0
    allenquanobi Jan 8, 2020

    This was just fine. It's as by the numbers as you can get for a new run, and it also doesn't help that tynion is writing and we got a Batman run from him in detective that ended just a little more than a year ago. The art is fantastic, and that saves the issue for me since I was finding myself bored with the plot throughout.

  • 7.0
    MKW69 Jan 8, 2020

    Standard Tynion nothing Great, but passable. Only problem is that The end rehashes count of owls.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 6.5
    AdmiralWhiskers Jan 8, 2020

    Rome wasn't built in a day, and course corrections after 85 issues and 3 years don't happen in one month. That said, James Tynion takes a thematic broom to the Bat-world of Tom King and starts over.

    The book is the opening stanza of a longer (presumably 15 or so issues, culminating with issue 100) arc. As such, you can't read a ton into it. But it's a strong statement of purpose, suggesting a Batman that will be operating on a number of fronts both as Bruce Wayne and as Batman, using every tool (some yet to be created) and person at his disposal. The villains are varied and colorful.. And the future - through Lucius Fox, father of presumed 5G Batman Luke Fox - is foreshadowed.

    I've read Batman in its various inc more

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 5.5
    Big Brother Jan 8, 2020

    Standard fill-in stuff. Don't use Deathstroke like that.

    + LikeComments (1)
  • 5.5
    Darkseid24 Jan 8, 2020

    It was ok, but not great. At least Tynion is writing dialogue, that actually is readable. However I hate, that Catwoman is still a part of the story. She is just pointless. Deathstroke was beaten pretty fast by Batman & while I don’t really think Deathstroke to be an interesting villain, he shouldn’t be beaten so easily. The D Villains in this issue also were pretty boring& I am wondering, why they were even in it. I liked the Bruce missing Alfred part, but I still hate, that DC actually goes through with his death. So overall it’s an ok issue, but nothing outstanding.

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 5.0
    DippingBird Jan 8, 2020

    There’s nothing bad, but there’s nothing that makes it good either. What should have been an exciting start to the first new run on the title since Rebirth started is just another mediocre Batman comic.

  • 5.0
    Quinn Jan 8, 2020

    What to say, what to say? The art is good. Tynion definately is taking the book in a new direction, but is it really a new direction? We see Bruce at Bats being ever so dedicated to fighting crime that he neglects his guests at a Wayne Enterprise event. That's not new.

    We see him fighting an unnamed evil organization with a secret goal. That's not new. We see Selina acting at "Mrs." Wayne at said event and still looking at shiny objects with lust. Could be interesting. She loves Bruce and wants to help Gotham, but she's still, at heart, a thief. Has potential if done right, but it's a tricky road to walk.

    Some point I bring up that could be exploited, but the writer will probably miss. The mayor says that thanks to Bru more

    + LikeComments (5)
  • 5.0
    Rascal4Hire Jan 8, 2020

    I was expecting this issues for a long time. Unfortunately Batman still fails to deliver. This is a bread and butter issue, nothing really exciting. No strong points. It's definitely better than King's emptiness but for it's price it's not good value for money. I'll give it three more issues but if things don't drastically change to the better, I think this will be my goodbye to the book till the next writer.
    I don't blame Tynion. The book was burned to the ground by King and he has to rebuild everything. But I don't have the time or patience to follow it.

  • 3.0
    CHolt Jan 18, 2020

    Very bland.

  • 3.0
    ohhaimark Jan 10, 2020


    -Good art. Daniel did not disappoint, for me at least.

    -The epilogue was the only interesting part for me, and it was basically the opening scene of the Dark Knight.

    THE BAD:

    -Maybe it's because it's been so long since I read a Batman comic, but I was not interested in this at all.

    -I've always been opposed to Tynion's writing. This issue was no different.

    -The mercenaries were interested, but the fact that they were shrugged off so easily was disappointing.

    -Man, Lucius and Batman have almost no chemistry.

    -Wow. They just threw Deathstroke right in there, huh?

    + LikeComments (3)
  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 9.5
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  • 9.0
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  • 9.0
    retcon_D Mar 25, 2021

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