Tinman's Profile

Joined: Oct 30, 2019

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Tinman rated Batman / Catwoman #1 Dec 29, 2020

Batman / Catwoman #1

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Dec 2, 2020

At last, Tom King returns to the rocky, romantic saga of Batman and Catwoman with his Heroes in Crisis collaborator, superstar artist Clay Mann!
Echoing plot points from King’s epic Batman run, this sweeping tale is told across three timelines: the past, when the Bat and the Cat first fell in love; the present, where their union is threat...

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Tinman rated Batman: Three Jokers #1 Sep 12, 2020

Batman: Three Jokers #1

By: Geoff Johns, Jason Fabok
Released: Aug 26, 2020

Thirty years after Batman: The Killing Joke changed comics forever, Three Jokers reexamines the myth of who, or what, The Joker is and what is at the heart of his eternal battle with Batman. New York Times bestselling writer Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok, the writer/artist team that waged the “Darkseid War” in the pages of Justice League, reunite...

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Tinman rated Batman #94 Jul 19, 2020

Batman #94

By: James Tynion IV, Rafael Albuquerque
Released: Jul 8, 2020

The Designer’s machinations have left Batman’s life in tatters! Gotham City’s ambitious rebuilding has skittered to a halt as  new powers are rising to shape its destiny-and Batman is powerless to stop them! With no Alfred or Bat-Family to lean on, the Dark Knight stands alone against the ascendance of his greatest adversary! 

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Tinman rated Batman #90 Mar 19, 2020

Batman #90

By: James Tynion IV, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 4, 2020

The mysterious master criminal known only as the Designer once brought together Gotham City's greatest criminals to plot the perfect crime, and now his plan has been unleashed upon the city in all its might. Batman will go to any length to uncover the grand design, but Catwoman is the one who holds the greatest secret. If Batman wins against the De...

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Tinman rated Wonder Woman #752 Mar 18, 2020

Wonder Woman #752

By: Steve Orlando, Max Raynor
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Wonder Woman must stop Valda, a time-displaced knight from causing chaos in Boston. But the real question is: Is Valda friend or foe?! Plus: The secret origin of Warmaster revealed!

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Tinman reviewed Shazam! #11 Mar 17, 2020

Solid story and art that reminds me of Mike Grell.

Shazam! #11

By: Geoff Johns, Dale Eaglesham
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Billy and his family have seen so many marvelous things in their journey through the Magiclands, while facing tough opponents and even tougher questions about family, loyalty, and integrity. Now they're about to face an onslaught of all their greatest foes! Will they have the wherewithal to triumph? Find out in the penultimate chapter of "Shazam an...

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Tinman added Shazam! (2018) to their pull list Mar 17, 2020

Shazam! (2018)

The superstar team of writer Geoff Johns and artist Dale Eaglesham reunite to launch the first all-new SHAZAM! monthly title set in the DC Universe in almost 20 years! (What took you guys so long?!)
Teenager turned super-hero Billy Batson struggles to balance school and superheroics! (Guess which one is more fun?) But when Shazam unlocks a sho...

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Tinman reviewed Batman / Superman #7 Mar 14, 2020

First of what promises to be a great story arc.

Batman / Superman #7

By: Joshua Williamson, Nick Derington
Released: Feb 26, 2020

In the aftermath of "The Infected," Batman and Superman create new measures to prevent hidden and dangerous super-villain plots in the future. Using new technology to track villains throughout the DC Universe, the Dark Knight and the Man of Steel are startled to discover that General Zod has returned to Earth-and that his new target is...Ra's al Gh...

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Tinman rated Leviathan Dawn #1 Mar 12, 2020

Leviathan Dawn #1

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Alex Maleev
Released: Feb 26, 2020

Exploding out of the pages of the Event Leviathan miniseries, this all-new special blasts the DC Universe into a dangerous and brave new future! With Leviathan arrived, its leader's identity revealed, and its plans known, what happens next? Now the heroes fight back! Leviathan changed the rules of the game, so now's the time for the biggest players...

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Tinman rated Detective Comics #1020 Mar 12, 2020

Detective Comics #1020

By: Peter J. Tomasi, Brad Walker
Released: Feb 26, 2020

As Gotham City continues its rise from the ashes of "City of Bane," some familiar faces have returned to keep Gotham City exactly where they want it: Two-Face is back. But this time, he's recruited some like-minded individuals to help him in his cause. With an elite team of split-personality special forces at his side, Two-Face and Batman square of...

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Tinman rated Justice League #41 Mar 8, 2020

Justice League #41

By: Robert Venditti, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Invasion of the Supermen! Eradicator and his strike team sweep across Earth with devastating consequences. The Justice League finds itself battered and overwhelmed by an enemy more powerful than even Superman. Batman and Green Lantern plan a counter assault, but it can't work without the Flash, whose connection to the Speed Force has become unpredi...

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Tinman reviewed Flash Forward #6 Mar 6, 2020

Powerful and absorbing, Wally West probes why he is one of the great heroes.

Flash Forward #6

By: Scott Lobdell, Brett Booth
Released: Feb 19, 2020

The finale of Flash Forward is here, and Wally West must make the toughest choice of his life: save the day, or save his family. With the crack in the Dark Multiversal barrier reaching critical mass, Wally's mettle will be tested in ways the young hero has never seen before...and this surprise ending will leave you speechless!

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Tinman reviewed Batman #89 Mar 6, 2020

Worth it for the last panel alone.

Batman #89

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Feb 19, 2020

Batman must stop Deathstroke from killing the mayor of Gotham City! But to do so he has to figure out who ordered the hit in the first place. If his four main suspects aren't 'fessing up to the crime, then is there someone even more sinister lurking in the shadows waiting to deliver the coup de grâce? Whoever it is, one victim will fall under thei...

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Tinman reviewed Superman #20 Mar 2, 2020

A solid effort, balancing a battle with Mongul with the continuing news of Superman’s “Truth.”

Superman #20

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Feb 12, 2020

The United Planets is a perfect, beautiful idea...that completely flies in the face of everything the barbaric Mongul has been fighting for his entire life. Mongol will destroy the United Planets and Superman with it. And he said something about using Earth as his toilet. Which doesn't sound very nice. The return of one of Superman's biggest and ba...

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Harley Quinn & Poison Ivy #6

By: Jody Houser, Adriana Melo
Released: Feb 12, 2020

It's the end of the road for our Gotham City sirens...and the revelation of Poison Ivy's shocking secret will rock you to your core! Will Harley Quinn be able to make the ultimate sacrifice to become the hero she so desperately wants to be? Or will old habits die hard and end Harley and Ivy's friendship forever?

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Tinman rated Supergirl #39 Mar 1, 2020

Supergirl #39

By: Jody Houser, Rachael Stott
Released: Feb 12, 2020

After the Lasso of Truth reveals something unexpected about Supergirl's infection, Wonder Woman is quickly running out of ways to try to bring Kara back peacefully. Making matters worse, the government has sent robotic military backup to Smallville to deal with the possible atomic threat of Infected Supergirl-and neither Wonder Woman nor Supergirl ...

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Tinman - Mar 1, 2020

If it feels like its gone on long enough...it has.


Batman: Pennyworth R.I.P. #1

By: James Tynion IV, Eddy Barrows
Released: Feb 12, 2020

Alfred Pennyworth served the Wayne family for decades-even through the tragic loss of Bruce Wayne's parents. His death at the hands of Bane is the only event that could possibly compare to that fateful night in Crime Alley, and it leaves Bruce at a similar crossroads. If Alfred was the glue that held the Bat-Family together, how will Batman deal wi...

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Tinman reviewed Justice League #40 Feb 25, 2020

Wait...Alfred is dead, but he appears on Batman's monitor? Either it was a big-time blooper, or it needed an explanation to avoid reader confusion.

Justice League #40

By: Robert Venditti, Doug Mahnke
Released: Feb 5, 2020

The next chapter for comics' premier superteam begins! An unexpected arrival from the stars brings a dire warning to the Justice League: A new breed of conquerors is on the march. Led by Superman's nemesis Eradicator, a genetically engineered, super-powered strike team has come to subjugate Earth. To aid the Justice League, Batman makes the unprece...

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Tinman rated Batman #88 Feb 23, 2020

Batman #88

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Feb 5, 2020

The conspiracy that will rock Batman's world continues to unfold as the Dark Knight travels to Arkham Asylum to get answers from the Penguin! What dark secret does he share with The Joker, the Riddler, and...Catwoman? Plus, the plague of assassins descending upon Gotham City in its weakest moments continues! Will this be the moment when Deathstroke...

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Tinman rated Batman #87 Feb 23, 2020

Batman #87

By: James Tynion IV, Guillem March
Released: Jan 22, 2020

The Riddler has been lying low since his humiliating defeat as part of Bane's army- but as costumed assassins start to make their way into Gotham City, Edward Nygma may have the answers he's been looking for. Or at least, the answer to why Deathstroke is trying to kill him! Is it possible that Batman's tussle with Slade Wilson was all just a ruse t...

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Tinman rated Justice League #39 Feb 14, 2020

Justice League #39

By: Scott Snyder, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 29, 2020

In the wake of the Justice/Doom War, the Justice League finds themselves stranded at the far end of the universe and facing a challenge they've never faced before. But what will they find on their journey? Has their battle with Perpetua had consequences reaching farther across the cosmos than they ever imagined? Superstar scribe Scott Snyder says f...

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Tinman rated Flash #86 Feb 1, 2020

Flash #86

By: Joshua Williamson, Christian Duce
Released: Jan 15, 2020

The Flash battles Captain Cold for the last time! The Rogues' Reign is a brutal battle for power over Central City, but the tides are turning and the reign approaches a deadly end! With the Speed Force in chaos, can Glider help channel Flash's powers long enough to overthrow her brother, Captain Cold?

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Tinman reviewed Batman #86 Jan 23, 2020

Good start with the new creative team.

Batman #86

By: James Tynion IV, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 8, 2020

It's a new day in Gotham City, but not the same old Batman. With Bane vanquished and one of his longtime allies gone, Batman has to start picking up the pieces and stepping up his game. Batman has a new plan for Gotham City, but he's not the only one. Deathstroke has returned as well, under a mysterious new contract that could change everything.

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Tinman rated Harleen #3 Jan 9, 2020

Harleen #3

By: Stejpan Sejic
Released: Dec 18, 2019

In which our doomed doctor makes a choice she can never take back-one that seals her dark fate and gives rise to one of the most legendary villains of all time!

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Tinman - Jan 9, 2020

Great story. Fabulous art. A must for Harley fans.

Tinman rated Metal Men #3 Jan 8, 2020

Metal Men #3

By: Dan DiDio, Shane Davis
Released: Dec 18, 2019

In this issue, it's kaiju versus giant robot versus the Metal Men! After killing off one of the Metal Men, Nth Metal gets placed into a holding cell at the lab so Doc Magnus can learn exactly how dangerous it is! That is, until a giant, flying manta with lasers coming out of its eyes attacks the lab-and now the Metal Men must team up with a giant r...

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Batman: Last Knight on Earth #3

By: Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo
Released: Dec 18, 2019

Gotham City has been remade. Omega reigns supreme. Can Batman finally accomplish what no other hero has and free the world from his dark reflection's shadow? Or is it too late for the recreated Caped Crusader?

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Tinman rated Doomsday Clock #12 Jan 5, 2020

Doomsday Clock #12

By: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank
Released: Dec 18, 2019

This is it! The final showdown between Dr. Manhattan and Superman shakes up the DC Universe to its very core! But can even the Man of Steel walk out from the shadow of Manhattan?

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Tinman rated Batman #85 Jan 1, 2020

Batman #85

By: Tom King, Mikel Janin
Released: Dec 18, 2019

The stunning conclusion to "City of Bane" is here! How will Flashpoint Batman be vanquished from our dimension? What will become of Gotham Girl now that she's betrayed all she knows? How will the Bat team cope without Alfred? Will Catwoman stick around? Who will rebuild Gotham City? Is Batman ever going to be Batman again? The event of the summer n...

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Tinman reviewed Superman #18 Dec 25, 2019

A solid if unspectacular defining moment in the eighty-one year history of the character. The dialogue-free page with Perry White was the best part of the issue.

Superman #18

By: Brian Michael Bendis, Joe Prado
Released: Dec 11, 2019

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

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Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #5

By: Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber
Released: Nov 20, 2019

Jingles sell, Batman smells,
A prank war goes astray,
A Batmobile lost a wheel (literally),
'Cause Jimmy stole it from the valet!

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