Superman #18

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Joe Prado, Ivan Reis Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: December 11, 2019 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 21 User Reviews: 54
8.7Critic Rating
5.9User Rating

With Superman's family scattered across the galaxy, our hero must confront some of his greatest concerns about himself and his place in the galaxy. Legendary artist Ivan Reis joins writer Brian Michael Bendis as they introduce the biggest change in the Man of Steel's life ever!

  • 10 - Christian Hoffer Dec 11, 2019

    As evidenced by the last two pages, there will be some big ramifications for Superman moving forward, but I think Bendis and Ivan Reis did a fantastic job bringing this milestone to life. Read Full Review

  • 10
    DC Comics News - Derek McNeil Dec 22, 2019

    DC has been marketing this story as a major milestone in their comics. Bendis has a difficult task in living up to this hype, but I believe he is up to the job, and he is off to an amazing start with the landmark issue Superman #18. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GWW - Percy Waelchl Dec 11, 2019

    This issue could easily carry the page number and price of an oversized special issue, but the standard size and price allude to the subtle nature and natural eventuality of this reveal. Regardless of how any reader feels about removing the secret identity, this issue is a master course in comic book execution. Superman #18 is focused tightly on what it wants to accomplish while remaining emotionally grounded and heartfelt. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Monkeys Fighting Robots - Zac Owens Dec 11, 2019

    Instead of pulling out all the punches, the creative team restrain themselves in SUPERMAN #18 and tell a beautifully quiet story instead. Read Full Review

  • 9.8
    Comic Watch - Cody White Dec 13, 2019

    Superman #18 (Bendis, Reis, Prado, Sinclair, Sharpe) reveals the Man of Steel's identity to the DC Universe at large but what will the underlying impact to the character of Superman be as we move forward? Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    The Super Powered Fancast - Deron Generally Dec 11, 2019

    Ivan Reis delivers some beautiful and compelling moments throughout this issue and everything looks amazingly detailed. There are so many visual things to love in this issue, especially the quiet moments. Reis conveys so much emotion in moments with no dialogue and the moment Clark tells Perry is perfectly captured visually with no dialogue at all. It's a powerful moment beautifully captured. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Dec 16, 2019

    I reserve the right to dislike this arc as a whole. But for an opening chapter, this grabbed me. Read Full Review

  • 9.6
    You Don't Read Comics - David Harth Dec 11, 2019

    Superman #18 is a way bigger deal than it seems. If this was a Marvel book, it would have been announced over a half year ago, have 20 variant covers, and be priced somewhere around $7.99. Bendis lays out his case for why Superman should reveal his identity and why he made that decision at this point in time, and it makes perfect sense. Its a move that is entirely in character for the Man Of Steel, and, strangely, it never happened before now. Ivan Reiss art really captures the emotion of the event. This is a beautiful start to a story. Theres always the chance that what comes next wont be as good- this is Bendis, after all- but much like his Action Comics #1017, this is a near-perfect beginning to a story. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Geek Dad - Ray Goldfield Dec 11, 2019

    We're in a brave new world now, and this issue has me 100% sold. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Sequential Planet - Ethan Maddux Dec 17, 2019

    Superman #18 is shockingly great. Given it's premise, it was expected to sour me on the book, but instead it has me more excited for the future than ever. Bendis delivers a tight script brimming with outstanding character moments, and Reis takes those moments and exemplifies them with what is maybe the best work of his career. This is one of the good ones, folks.  Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Nerdly - Dean Fuller Dec 13, 2019

    Although I'm not in general a big fan of these types of ‘reveal' issues, this was superbly done. A very nice character piece. Bendis putting the Super into Superman. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Dec 21, 2019

    The reveal is a smart, calculated move by a hero led as much by his internal struggle of the split in his life as what he views is best for all concerned going forward. There will obviously be ramifications to the events both in large and small ways across the entire DCU (and you have to wonder if Clark's admission accidentally outs any other characters accidentally through his connection to them). If anything, Bendis underplays events (rather than make an event comic out of the story). I'm curious to see what happens next. Worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 9.0
    Forces Of Geek - Lenny Schwartz Dec 13, 2019

    We also get to see Luthor's reaction to it all. The question is then asked "What's next?" It is a good question that I can't wait to find out the answer. Bendis and Reis have opened up a can of worms. Now it is time to see what comes of it. Read Full Review

  • 8.9
    Multiversity Comics - Kenneth Laster Dec 16, 2019

    "Superman" #18 had the huge task of changing the status quo of an 81-year-old character and managed to pull it off. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    AIPT - Vishal Gullapalli Dec 11, 2019

    This issue has its flaws, but as a whole I'd say it's the strongest single issue that Bendis has written since he came over to DC. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    On Comics Ground - Timothy Quail Dec 11, 2019

    Superman telling the world he is Clark Kent is a shallow gimmick. But this pivotal issue is really well written and hard to dislike. While the general idea of the comic still has not been "sold" at least it has some real emotional moments. A contrast of a bad story idea married with incredible character moments and writing. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Word Of The Nerd - Jordan Claes Dec 11, 2019

    What Brian Michael Bendis is doing isn't just a great move for the Boy in Blue but for all superheroes. It's high time we explored the consequences, both good and bad, that inevitably come once the hero sheds his (or her) "secret identity". Of all the foes Superman has fought and vanquished, the truth may prove to be his most worthy adversary yet. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Chuck's Comic Of The Day - Chuck Dec 12, 2019

    That same cynic says they'll be "fixing" this issue's revelation at some point, too. Give them a few years to figure it out. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Lyles Movie Files - Jeffrey Lyles Dec 11, 2019

    Im not a huge fan of this decision or Bendis loose understanding of DC continuity, but The Truth is at least taking the book in a unique direction. Long-term Im not optimistic, but for now Bendis and Reis have my attention. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weird Science - Eric Shea Dec 11, 2019

    While I hate the idea of revealing Superman's identity, I have to admit that I didn't hate this issue for the way it was done.  Yeah, there's some aspects that could have been handled better, but all in all the art and the dialog came together this issue in a way that doesn't happen very often for Bendis in my mind.  Now we'll just have to wait and see what comes from this big reveal and if it flops just as hard as the last time Superman revealed his identity. Read Full Review

  • 3.0
    Newsarama - David Pepose Dec 11, 2019

    Even with Ivan Reis' solid artwork, there's little to get readers excited about Superman #18, as Clark Kent's biggest decision winds up feeling more anticlimactic than you could imagine. Read Full Review

  • 10
    skyounkin Dec 12, 2019

    Amazing issue, top down AMAZING!! Great dialogue from Bendis as usual and incredibly touching it follows Clark as he reveals those closest to him that he is Superman. Even if you aren't a fan of Superman, this issue alone is definitely one you do not want to miss.

  • 10
    AdmiralWhiskers Dec 11, 2019

    IN SHORT: A fantastic issue of Superman...bringing the various "Bendis-verse" storylines to a head and setting the stage for some fascinating tales to come.

    STORY: Brian Michael Bendis has FINALLY tied the different story arcs from his different books into one climactic moment -- the announcement by Superman revealing that he and Clark Kent are one and the same. We've seen this build up through the Unity Saga stories with Jor-El and Jonathan Kent playing their roles, and then with Event Leviathan with the looming threat of all secrets being revealed (and who has a bigger secret in the DC Universe than Superman?). This, of course, played out in Action where the new Daily Planet owner and new writers tried to get to the bottom of more

  • 9.5
    cincyfan Dec 16, 2019

    great book fantastic writing!

  • 9.0
    Walleyes Dec 12, 2019

    A fantastic issue. I don't get what people's problem is. Clark's identity is becoming meaningless now that Leviathan has come. Governments, some villians and heroes already know who he is. Lois has been a solid support to Clark along the way telling if he needs a breather he can take it. Her reveal to Jimmy was the right thing, because after Perry he was going to Jimmy straight and tell him anyway, he didn't go to work and he was his oldest friend which made her feel guilty. Bendis hit the right notes. Only problem is Clark didn't pick up the phone when she called to inform him that she was doing it. Bendis rarely allows them a good heart-to-heart talk.

  • 9.0
    Simon DelMonte Dec 11, 2019

    Better the second time around. And gives me a modicum of hope on a rather hopeless day.

  • 8.5
    Mail2g Dec 12, 2019

    A pretty solid issue. I loved the little snippets of Perry getting emotional and Jimmy laughing at Clark. Lois did try to tell Clark that she was going to inform Jimmy, but he was busy with Perry, and knowing that Jimmy's been her close and much longer friend, it is fitting that Lois informs him as she knew he would react very emotionally, and especially not to keep lies with the bad fate of Jor-El due to his secrets and Jon growing up but Clark not having enough time with him. I don't know why some people are complaining that Lois told him first, especially as she did try to discuss it with Clark. And no Lois didn't reveal Clark's secret identity during Event Leviathan or betray his trust. She told her dad during "Leviathan Rises" arc, and more

    + LikeComments (4)
  • 8.0
    Tinman Dec 25, 2019

    A solid if unspectacular defining moment in the eighty-one year history of the character. The dialogue-free page with Perry White was the best part of the issue.

  • 7.5
    egonnn244 Dec 11, 2019

    "Thank you for inspiring me"

    Holy crap! You did Mr. B. You pulled that off. You went through with it and it didn't feel cheap or forced or gimmicky.

    After Leviathan and recent issues of Action Comics and Superman, I was dreading this issue. But the solution was simple. Keeping the Bendisisms to a bare minimum and focusing on a cohesive story with the Man of Steel at the center.

    The reveal to Perry was great, my favorite part of the issue. Those six panels, with no words, really delivered. Reveal to Jimmy was lighthearted and funny (except the pee joke). And the reveal to all the rest was satisfying and very Superman (?) with the dialogue about showing both parts of himself.

    Keep at it Mr. B and I more

  • 7.5
    Grifter Dec 11, 2019

    Well, it wasn’t badly executed, I just don’t understand the purpose of doing it

  • 6.5
    allenquanobi Dec 11, 2019

    Surprisingly not terrible, given how much I hate this series and action comics. I felt genuine emotion when Clark revealed his identity, but framing it around Adam strange felt odd to me, thought it'd work better if he was speaking to a more important character. I liked the setup for the ending, but this looks like it's all going down a very generic path. I like Ivan reis a lot, I think he's a very talented artist and should be given more credit where it's due.

  • 6.0

    I am more excited for the reactions from villains written by the likes of Matt Fraction, Greg, and others than Bendis' Superman's forced and nonsensical identity reveal.

  • 6.0
    superstan52 Dec 12, 2019

    Perry's reaction in 2015, when he slapped Clark, was more on the mark: Clark destroyed his - and Lois'- credibility as reporters. Any Superman stories they wrote are totally compromised. Lois will lose her Pulitzer. The Daily Planet loses its integrity. Lois is now "Mrs. Superman" which cant make her happy. The Planet's employees, Clark's neighbors, and the entire town of Smallville now are endangered and/or have their lives thrown into turmoil. Very selfish decision by Superman, although it will be interesting to watch. Smaller point- if this was a 'mystery press conference' called by the Daily Planet, as the first pages imply, there would have been 4 people outside waiting, instead of throngs.

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  • 5.5
    Psycamorean Dec 13, 2019

    This was fine if I turn my brain off and bask in the moment. The speech Superman gave, and the reactions from his supporting cast were both pretty good. I didn't like the initial set up with Adam Strange and more Unity of Planets bullshit. But once we moved past that, it wasn't so bad. However, and I really doubt Bendis is going to tackle this, there is no way Clark or Lois can still be journalists after this. They've been discredited, right? They've been using Superman for their stories for years and years and years... and now everyone knows Clark is Superman. On top of that, we do not need more Legion of Doom in these Superman comics. There's already too much going on.

  • 4.0

    December 2019: It's a BAD Idea and nothing good will come of it.
    June 2020: 6 Months have passed and It was a STUPID idea and nothing good ever came of it. Leave the Marvel crap where it belongs Bendis. With them. The problem is how to undo this lame concept. Most likely another reality-altering crisis where "Nothing will ever be the same again" is on the horizon again, and likely EVERY DC title will start over at #1 again, right?
    Don't waste time or money on spare copies for future profit. In 10 years this issue will more likely be found in $1 comic bins rather than displayed between Amazing Spider-Man #3oo and An Autographed second edition Batman #608 at conventions.
    Still, I'll give deserved credit to Ivan Reis, whose Sup more

  • 4.0
    Spacey Medicine Jan 3, 2020

    Everybody you have ever met is going to be asking you to help move their shit when they’re moving and you won’t be able to say no because you’re Superman and you don’t want anybody to call you a dick, you fool, you absolute chump. Also lol @ him delivering a speech while hovering like fifteen feet in the air, away from every single microphone. Who is going to hear you, Superman. They are normal people.

  • 4.0
    Above Average Joe Dec 11, 2019


    I wish I could say my disappointment was anything other than expected. The idea is unoriginal, especially given the events of the last several years. The execution is lacking, with the most interesting revelations done in silence and shadow. Ivan's art plays well in these moments but I can't help feeling cheated of much-needed character interaction between Clark & Perry in favor of downright idiotic reasoning and bloated dialogue that does little more than remind the audience that Bendis obviously never watched Superman IV

    "why do i hide my identity?" Oh, gee. I don't know, maybe because Clark has a wife, a child, is the most prominent hero in the DC universe with a cavalcade of rogues who show no compunction a more

  • 3.0
    RBL Dec 11, 2019

    What a joke, I mean they already did this same thing before in a story also called 'Truth', so to treat this as new ground is ridiculous.

    Dialogue is more bearable than past issues but 'bendis-speak' continues to be as irksome as it has always been. Some moments played out well enough, others were borderline nonsensical; the entirety of the panels that occur in Thanagar are asinine. The humor is also, as always, off the mark.

    Lois is incredibly out of character, but she's already broken Superman's confidence by sharing his identity without his knowledge in Event Leviathan. In the previous 'Truth' storyline she was the one to share this news and it led to Superman becoming a fugitive; Lois is acting more like this when more

    + LikeComments (8)
  • 3.0
    KFuqua Dec 11, 2019

    Garbage from Bendis. Enough of this garbage already.

    + LikeComments (2)
  • 3.0
    M1sf1r3 Dec 11, 2019

    Welp, it's here. Let's be optimistic and see how Bendis handles "The Truth". Plus Reis is here for art and he's fantastic.

    The Good:
    Reis' artwork is great. Some hiccups with continuity but I think that's the colourist's fault.

    I liked the lead up in this issue to the big reveal.

    The Bad:
    Look, it's a poor idea. Clark has revealed his identity in recent years and it never sticks. Can it be interesting? Yes. But is it a good idea to do so. Never.

    The reactions from everyone on the hero side are off. It's overly happy but these are people who know the risks of their lives, why they need a secret identity. They should be questioning this action, not applauding it.

    C more

  • 2.0
    RKS Feb 9, 2020

    Art is good, the writing style is crap, the character of Lois is written to be simply unlikable. Really no reason for these events to happen. None, so just a silly story all around. SJW Bendis is just going to crap all over your favorite character because that's just what he does.

  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 10
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  • 9.0
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