DiegoLDUganda's Profile

Joined: Apr 06, 2021

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DiegoLDUganda rated Shazam! #20 Feb 5, 2025

Shazam! #20

By: Sina Grace, Dan McDaid
Released: Feb 5, 2025

THE SUPER SON AND THE POWER OF SHAZAM! A special guest writer stops in to tell a very special one-off story! Jonathan Kent, son of Superman, is in Philly when something funny happens in the Rock of Eternity. Jon is caught in the lightning and transforms...back into a little boy?! While Jon gets a second chance at childhood, Billy better figure out ...

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Batman / Superman: World's Finest #31

By: Mark Waid, Adrian Gutierrez
Released: Sep 18, 2024

A BRAND-NEW ARC BEGINS, AS RISING STAR ARTIST ADRIAN GUTIERREZ JOINS MARK WAID! DARKNESS FALLS! Eclipso, master of light and shadow, has risen to plague the World's Finest team of Superman and Batman! Powered like never before, Eclipso threatens to plunge the Earth into a state of eternal night--and eternal despair!

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DiegoLDUganda rated Superman #18 Sep 19, 2024

Superman #18

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Sep 18, 2024

Waller has the powerless heroes of the DC Universe on the ropes! Can the powerless Superman and Zatanna find the mystical map to the Dark Roads in time to get some major back-up?! Lex Luthor, Lois Lane, Mercy, Jimmy, and Silver Banshee are on the run from the superpowered Amazos but find themselves pulled into a battle for the soul of Metropolis! D...

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Absolute Power: Super Son #1

By: Sina Grace, John Timms
Released: Sep 18, 2024

JON KENT FIGHTS BACK IN THIS OVER-SIZED ABSOLUTE POWER SPECIAL! Jonathan Kent has suffered more than most at the hand of the Trinity of Evil - but the son of Superman will summon the will to FIGHT BACK. In this special, over-sized edition of ABSOLTUE POWER, we'll travel to the depths of despair as one of the most powerful beings on planet Earth mus...

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Absolute Power: Task Force VII #2

By: John Layman, Max Raynor
Released: Jul 24, 2024

Atlantis now has a new ruler—long live Depth Charge! Amanda Waller’s loyal Amazo Robot known as Depth Charge has stolen Aquaman’s powers along with his throne, and now all Atlanteans must stay in line or risk having their powers taken as well. It’s up to Jackson Hyde and the rest of the Aqua-Family to launch a revolution…without being dis...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Superman #9 Dec 20, 2023

Superman #9

By: Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 20, 2023

SUPER-ARMOR! Superman's battle with the Chained has left him wounded in unexpected ways, but the Lex Luthor Revenge Squad is still forming! To save Metropolis, Superman has no choice but to put on a special armor built by Lex! Featuring artwork from Eisner Award-winning Nightwing artist Bruno Redondo!

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Green Lantern: War Journal #4

By: Phillip K. Johnson, Montos
Released: Dec 20, 2023

Still one of the most powerful beings in the universe, John Stewart is fast succumbing to the Radiant Dead, becoming something both more and less than human. With John's power corrupted, Earth is doomed to fall to the Revenant Queen...unless John finds a way to forge a new Green Lantern ring, more powerful (and unpredictable) than any we've seen. J...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Flash #2 Oct 24, 2023

Flash #2

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Oct 25, 2023

As Wally West faces massively powered-up old foes as well as a new, mysterious being, he encounters a group of alien explorers who are very interested in Wally's powers (which continue to glitch). Also, something seems to be literally bubbling up in Keystone City, as the new era for the Scarlet Speedster continues! New Character Debut: THE STILLNES...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Power Girl #1 Sep 27, 2023

Power Girl #1

By: Leah Williams, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Sep 27, 2023

PRETTY, PUNCHY, AND POWERFUL! After the events of Knight Terrors, a long-dormant Kryptonian threat has returned to take down Superman and his family. Who could possibly stop it? Well, according to the Man of Steel, it's Power Girl! Witness a road trip race against time as Paige reconnects with her roots to save the world from her deadly past. Power...

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John Daniel reviewed Action Comics #1057 Sep 26, 2023

PKJ is truly making one of the best Superman modern runs

Rafa Sandoval's art is spectacular and captures Philip's writing very well

Action Comics #1057

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Sep 27, 2023

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Magdalene Visaggio Art by Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks and Matthew Clark As the Super-Family and Steelworks rebuild their city, a new Golden Age of Metropolis has begun...and not everyone is happy about it! As the charismatic but volatile young terrorist leader Norah Stone reveals herself and her vis...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Action Comics #1057 Sep 26, 2023

Action Comics #1057

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Sep 27, 2023

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Magdalene Visaggio Art by Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks and Matthew Clark As the Super-Family and Steelworks rebuild their city, a new Golden Age of Metropolis has begun...and not everyone is happy about it! As the charismatic but volatile young terrorist leader Norah Stone reveals herself and her vis...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Flash #1 Sep 26, 2023

Flash #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Sep 27, 2023

WALLY WEST RACES TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH ALL-STAR NEW CREATIVE TEAM SI SPURRIER AND MIKE DEODATO JR.! Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses ...

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Dark Knights of Steel #12

By: Tom Taylor, Yasmin Putri
Released: Aug 23, 2023

The cataclysmic conclusion to the bestselling series is here. The Three Kingdoms are united for the first time in a generation against a common threat-but can even their combined might prevail? Will a traitor in their midst turn the tide of the final battle? The shocking finale…but is this truly the end?

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Vaya puta de mrd de historia, ni el final lo salva. Y si, lo escribo en español porque ni vale la pena el esfuerzo de ponerlo en ingles.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Aug 2, 2023

It’s Batman versus Superman. Super Son versus Super Son. Injustice Superman is ruling with a fist of steel. Can Jon Kent free an entire world? And what could he lose if he tries?

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justonemore - Aug 2, 2023

Menudo crack JAJAJAJAJ


World's Finest: Teen Titans #1

By: Mark Waid, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Jul 12, 2023

Spinning out of the pages of the runaway hit Batman/Superman: World’s Finest comes a modern retelling of the early adventures of the original Teen Titans! Led by Robin, the Boy Wonder, a new super-team has burst onto the scene-meet the Teen Titans, DC’s grooviest group filled with super-teens with super-problems. When they’re not fighting alo...

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol #4

By: Dennis Culver, Darko Lafuente
Released: Jul 12, 2023

Saving the world by saving the monsters isn't easy and the World's Strangest Superheroes need someone even stranger to help them process everything they endure. Join Doom Patrol's resident therapist. DR. SYNCHO, as she channels five Fifth Dimensional entities into one SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS to delve deep into the psyche's of ROBOTMAN, ELASTI-WOMAN, NE...

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Knight Terrors: Zatanna #1

By: Dennis Culver, David Baldeon
Released: Jul 12, 2023

Annataz si kcab! Zatanna, one of the last people awake on Earth, must defend her unconscious allies Wonder Woman and Detective Chimp from Insomnia’s Sleepless Knights-led by their horrifying Sleepless Queen! But the outnumbered Zatanna can’t do it alone. She uses her magic to summon any champion that is still awake, which puts her in an unlikel...

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Knight Terrors: Green Lantern #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Eduardo Pansica
Released: Jul 12, 2023

Back in space to face his greatest fear! Something is wrong in Sector 2814, and Hal Jordan, Kilowog, and a few other Lanterns must find the mysterious disturbance, despite a ban on any of Earth’s Green Lanterns leaving their world. What they discover is a planet controlled by a familiar face-the face of Hal’s greatest fear! And in a backup stor...

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It was better than I expected

Knight Terrors: First Blood #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jul 5, 2023

When Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman find the body of one of their earliest enemies inside the Hall of Justice, their investigation takes them past the land of the living, beyond the land of the dead, and directly to a new villain called Insomnia…who uses his powers to engulf every single hero and villain in their own dark and twisted nightmar...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Green Arrow #3 Jun 29, 2023

Green Arrow #3

By: Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Arsenal and Black Canary versus Peacemaker and the new Peacewrecker! While Arsenal and Black Canary's quest for answers has sent them into danger, Green Arrow is lost in time and space--but at least he's not alone now. Two members of the Green Arrow family join Oliver Queen in the last place you'd expect!

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DiegoLDUganda rated Action Comics #1056 Jun 29, 2023

Action Comics #1056

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Max Raynor
Released: Jun 28, 2023

Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Dorado Quick Art by Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks, and Yasmin Flores Montanez A shocking new character makes their debut as the thrill-packed Speeding Bullets concludes! Superman and Metallo must reluctantly join forces to stop the Cyborg Superman. With Tracy Corben's life (or at least her humanity) h...

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Amazing Spider-Man #28

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 28, 2023

The new-and-improved Doctor Octopus takes his upgraded tentacles for a rampage through Oscorp! Can the deadliest Doc Ock ever be stopped?
Rated T

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Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #4

By: Tom Taylor, Darick Robertson
Released: Jun 7, 2023

The faces are familiar, but the situation is a nightmare. Jon Kent finds himself on an Earth where his friends and loved ones are at war--a place where his personal heroes fight each other for control of the world. What will he do when he discovers that this world's version of his father, Clark Kent, is on the verge of becoming a dictator?

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DiegoLDUganda rated Shazam! #2 Jun 6, 2023

Shazam! #2

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jun 7, 2023

Shazam versus S-H-A-Z-A-M! Billy Batson was given the powers of the gods by the Wizard Shazam--but Solomon, Hercules, Atlas, Zeus, Achilles, and Mercury never gave the Wizard their permission. Displeased with how Billy is representing them, the disgruntled gods engage in a six-way fight for sole control of the World's Mightiest Mortal...or, if they...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Flash #800 Jun 6, 2023

Flash #800

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Jun 7, 2023

Written by Jeremy Adams, Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson, Geoff Johns, and Simon Spurrier Art by Fernando Pasarin & Oclair Albert, Todd Nauck, Carmine Di Giandomenico, Scott Kolins, and Mike Deodato Jr. An oversize anniversary issue concludes writer Jeremy Adams's acclaimed tenure, with special guests Mark Waid, Joshua Williamson, and Geoff Johns join...

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Unstoppable Doom Patrol #3

By: Dennis Culver, Chris Burnham
Released: May 24, 2023

The Green Lanterns are in hot pursuit of the World's Strangest Superheroes! When a brand-new metahuman unwittingly becomes a galactic fugitive, Robotman and Negative Man embark on a cross-country road trip to save him! Cliff Steele may be the best driver in the DCU, but can he outrun its best GLs, Guy Gardner and Kyle Rayner?! Find out in the story...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Action Comics #1055 May 23, 2023

Action Comics #1055

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Rafa Sandoval
Released: May 24, 2023

Superman's true enemy has been revealed: the Cyborg Superman, Hank Henshaw! Everything the Super-Family has built stands on a knife's edge, and Superman and Metallo become the unlikeliest of allies as they hunt for Metallo's missing sister. Can they prevent the inevitable devolution of Metallo's mind and body long enough to save his sister from Hen...

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DiegoLDUganda rated City Boy #1 May 23, 2023

City Boy #1

By: Greg Pak, Minkyu Jung
Released: May 24, 2023

First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there's a new Korean hero named...City Boy! Or at least, that's the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to paw...

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DiegoLDUganda liked this:
wakizashireviews reviewed Superman #2 Mar 21, 2023

Another good issue with some excellent art by Campbell. I'm enjoying the Parasite clone army idea. There's a great moment where we see a drained Superman temporarily lose the ability to fly and have to leap and climb his way up a tall building. He isn't able to do it "in a single bound!" I'm not sure about the new character yet, but I'm looking forward to reading more about her.

Shame more

Superman #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: Mar 22, 2023

NIGHT OF THE PARASITE! Superman is overwhelmed as Parasite's new powers are unleashed! Can Superman stop all of Metropolis from being consumed by the power-hungry Parasite or will he need Lex Luthor's help to save the day? Introducing a new antihero-Marilyn Moonlight, the Spirit of Metropolis-who only operates at night! Is she friend or foe to the ...

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DiegoLDUganda rated Action Comics #1053 Mar 28, 2023

Action Comics #1053

By: Philip Kennedy Johnson, Rafael Sandoval
Released: Mar 29, 2023

"No livin' thing's supposed to have power like this. No matter how blue your eyes are or how pretty your face is, you're just as much a monster as me." War rages on between Metropolis's two men of steel, Superman and Metallo! As Metallo's new body continues to evolve in unexpected and nightmarish ways, the voice of his "operating system" has been c...

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