Written by Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens, and Magdalene Visaggio Art by Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks and Matthew Clark As the Super-Family and Steelworks rebuild their city, a new Golden Age of Metropolis has begun...and not everyone is happy about it! As the charismatic but volatile young terrorist leader Norah Stone reveals herself and her vision for a city without Kryptonians, members of the Super-Family inexplicably start losing their powers...and a new team of metahumans emerges to take their place. Who is Norah Stone? And what's her strange obsession with Clark Kent? The newest arc of Action Comics begins here!
Although this is a dark and tense issue, there's an opening segment involving Superman's regular visits with an ex-con that sums up why Johnson's take on Superman is so excellent. Read Full Review
Fans of the series, or even so-so fans such as myself will definitely enjoy this issue. There is a strong main story that is balanced well and the bonus stories are sure to make followers of the Super Family happy to see more of the characters having their own adventures. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1057 is interesting in that the main story is phenomenalif not darkwhile the two backup stories leave a bit to be desired. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1057 has Clark Kent interview the mysterious young leader of the Blue Earth movement, Norah Stone. The art and colors from Rafa Sandoval and Matt Herms are great, and while there's not much action in this issue, the writing is okay. It's too soon to say whether Norah Stone is a solid villainess yet, and clearly there's more to Blue Earth than we've seen before. But aside from the interview, not much else happens in the main story, while the backups do some heavy lifting themselves with their stories. Read Full Review
I am a fan of Matthew Clark's art and the work here is lovely. The scene with M'Gann starts interesting. And the panel showing all the versions of Con is striking. Still, you hope that an anthology will give you solid stories throughout. This went 1 for 3. Read Full Review
All around, Action Comics #1057 has good moments but is overshadowed by shaky side stories and questionable character development. Read Full Review
Action Comics #1057 starts a new Superman arc that raises the Blue Earth's threat level, ends the Kent family's adventure with an alien princess in a wonky, rushed fashion, and undoes all of Conner Kent's character growth in a single blow. Collectively, the art is strong, but Johnson's new arc about the Blue Earth movement is the only winning story in the bunch. Read Full Review
Can't ask for much more from an issue of Action Comics, just exceptionally well done. Even the two backup stories were both really well written. I'll be very sad when Phillip Kennedy Johnson is off the title in a few months as he is easily the best Superman writer of the last decade.
All three stories are very solid this time around! Since moving to this format, the trend has been that the main PKJ story is great, and then there’s one that’s fine and one that is passable to horrible.
PKJ continues a run that has been phenomenal, with a beautiful opening nailing the greatest aspects of Superman. The rest of the issue adds some intrigue to Blue Earth, which has been in the background throughout the last story arc.
We also get the final installment of the Lois and Clark 2 story that has been going on for 9 MONTHS now. It’s been good, but boy this was way too drawn out. Still, this was the best entry of the story.
I don’t care about Superboy at all, and his story made me feel very b more
PKJ is truly making one of the best Superman modern runs
Rafa Sandoval's art is spectacular and captures Philip's writing very well
If Johnson and Williamson can both maintain the quality of each series, this will go down as a special moment for classic Superman stories.
First time ever giving Action such a low score. They need to get rid of the multiple writers and story format. No one cares about the supporting cast. Kill them all off and get back to a story about Superman. Also, Lois instead of Perry White...Yeah fix that. She is just so unlikeable the way these writers write for her, if she isn't flatly talking down to Clark as Superman she is publicly brow beating him at their job. Magdalene Visaggio has NO clue about how to write Conner Kent and seems hell bent on destroying the character. Thank God the editors said no. I'm hoping Action Comics corrects itself soon.