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Joined: Oct 02, 2019

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mego-joe reviewed Action Comics #1084 Mar 12, 2025

The finale to this three issue storyline is rather mediocre. It feels very by the numbers, and while you can tell it’s supposed to be some sort of moving, “gray area” thing to “challenge” Superman it comes off very pedestrian. There’s no real insight, it just feels like something you’ve read before. Had the characters involved been more significant it would’ve had more impact. more

Action Comics #1084

By: John Ridley, Inaki Miranda
Released: Mar 12, 2025

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's been luring reformed villains back to a life of crime, but the question remains--why? When he tries to convince Scorch to help him, they're ambushed by a mysterious organization that holds the answers he's searching for. Is Superman ready to face the truth?

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BatSledge reviewed Action Comics #1084 Mar 13, 2025

This storyline was a waste of time and resources. I barely cared about any of the characters or their motivations. Poorly plotted, very little character development of any depth, no action except for a weak page or two of a very lame fight with paper-thin villains. John Ridley shouldn’t be writing Superman stories. Such a comedown after Waid’s epic.

Action Comics #1084

By: John Ridley, Inaki Miranda
Released: Mar 12, 2025

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's been luring reformed villains back to a life of crime, but the question remains--why? When he tries to convince Scorch to help him, they're ambushed by a mysterious organization that holds the answers he's searching for. Is Superman ready to face the truth?

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1084 Mar 22, 2025

Quick review. I didn't hate this ending, the build up to this entire story was garbage but the ending was decent, art wasn't horrible. Just having Lois be smarter or a therapist to Clark was totally forced. Don't forget without Lois he can't act on his own...Would have made more sense with him talking to Pa Kent instead of Lois. We can't have that though because we have to push that agenda of "Str more

Action Comics #1084

By: John Ridley, Inaki Miranda
Released: Mar 12, 2025

YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH! Superman is on the verge of discovering who's been luring reformed villains back to a life of crime, but the question remains--why? When he tries to convince Scorch to help him, they're ambushed by a mysterious organization that holds the answers he's searching for. Is Superman ready to face the truth?

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DC's Lex and the City #1

By: Sina Grace
Released: Jan 29, 2025

AS SUPERMAN FLEW AWAY YET AGAIN, I HAD TO WONDER...WAS I TRYING TO DESTROY HIM, OR WAS HE DESTROYING ME? Written by Brendan Hay, Sina Grace, Dave Wielgosz, Charles Skaggs, Callie C. Miller, Maggie Tokuda-Hall and More Art by Howard Porter, Serg Acuna, Stephen Byrne, Lisa Sterle, Leslie Hung, and More It's Valentine's Day, which means that love and ...

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fzanca reviewed Green Lantern Corps #1 Feb 16, 2025

I didn't hate this issue as much as some people did. I thought some of the jokes didn't land like the MIB reference and I do agree that there are too many human characters in the book. I did like some of the interactions. I liked the reveal as I'm a fan of the relationship between Hawkgirl and Stewart, however, I don't like the designs on either. Everyone said that Jeremy didn't really write this more

Green Lantern Corps #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Feb 12, 2025

THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...

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RKS - Feb 22, 2025 (edited)

Let's be honest here, if it isn't Hal, Guy, Kyle, or even John it isn't really interesting. The main question that should be asked on every single page of this book is "Where is Hal?" The other characters are just sort of there and to be honest silly. They can be written out of the book without hurting anything,

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Maud Benjamin reviewed Green Lantern Corps #1 Feb 19, 2025

Very disappointing that Jeremy Adams chose to pander to the DCAU fans who don't buy comics and ruin Shayera's character development. John/Shayera is just a shit pairng that has done dirty to the Hawks franshise. Also it is really a bummer that while every fan wants to see is Hal/Sinestro dynamics, Jeremy Adams stole Hal's frenemy relationship with Sinestro and gave that to John. Come on, hasn't Jo more

Green Lantern Corps #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Feb 12, 2025

THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...

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RKS rated Green Lantern Corps #1 Feb 15, 2025

Green Lantern Corps #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Feb 12, 2025

THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...

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RKS reviewed DC's Lex and the City #1 Feb 8, 2025

Who is this garbage written for? The demographic that dosen't exist and that DC Comics will never create? A waste of paper and ink.

DC's Lex and the City #1

By: Sina Grace
Released: Jan 29, 2025

AS SUPERMAN FLEW AWAY YET AGAIN, I HAD TO WONDER...WAS I TRYING TO DESTROY HIM, OR WAS HE DESTROYING ME? Written by Brendan Hay, Sina Grace, Dave Wielgosz, Charles Skaggs, Callie C. Miller, Maggie Tokuda-Hall and More Art by Howard Porter, Serg Acuna, Stephen Byrne, Lisa Sterle, Leslie Hung, and More It's Valentine's Day, which means that love and ...

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RKS reviewed Star Trek: Defiant #23 Feb 8, 2025

As if you needed another reason to hate the character of Alexander Rodchenko. His "Errand of Valor" is little more than an anti-capitalist fan fiction. Usally this book is one that I enjoy, this issue made me want to throw up. Yes, Star Trek has been progressive but it has been done in context of the story and in subtle details of the story. This just craps it out on the page and calls it Art. more

Star Trek: Defiant #23

By: Christopher Cantwell, Angel Unzueta
Released: Jan 29, 2025

Alexander's cha'DIch Worf has tasked him with a near-impossible task for his Errand of Valor: rescue the workers rebelling against a deuterium mega-power, Archanis Inter-Corporate. He must fight selflessly in the name of the helpless... even if it costs him his life. If that weren't enough of a challenge, a face from Alexander's blood...

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1082 Jan 25, 2025

The sole saving grace of Action Comics #1028 is that it exists outside the current "All In" disaster, sparing readers from that incoherent mess of a storyline. Unfortunately, any relief is short-lived, as this issue replaces one set of problems with another, offering up a misguided attempt to "modernize" Superman's world in ways that completely alienate long-time fans.

The central issue more

Action Comics #1082

By: John Ridley, Inaki Miranda
Released: Jan 15, 2025

"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?

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Superman Fan - Feb 3, 2025

I understand, so now wanting an opinion from a woman you actually care about somehow diminishes your masculinity or your ability to act. American comics haven't sold well for a long time, and often it's not about the quality of the story, but because of the wrong strategies for promoting the universe.

RKS - Feb 5, 2025

No, but not being able to act without asking her her opinion does. At one point in the book Superman gives up his role in a conversation so that Lois can speak and assume the role of main protagonist. I think I've made my points pretty clear that the writer has turned the Superman book into an avenue for him to deliver "The message" that takes over from telling a story that is good or that makes sense. As for sales see Marie Javins being empowered as Editor in Chief...

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fzanca reviewed Superman #22 Jan 26, 2025

Another strong issue. I like the beginning banter that allowed the villain to slip up. I almost thought they were going to submit to his request. The villa looks a bit too much like Dr. Manhattan, however. Poor Jimmy, always in the wrong place at the right time. I'm still not a fan of the Superwoman character and I am looking forward to everything going back to normal with Lois soorner rather than more

Superman #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Jan 22, 2025

SUPERMAN AND DOOMSDAY...TEAM UP? A secret alien strike team has arrived on Earth with their sights set on the greatest weapon in the universe...Doomsday. And the only person who can save the ultimate destroyer is Superman! While alien forces rain down on Metropolis, Superwoman trains with her new powers alongside an unlikely instructor...and you wi...

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daspidaboy reviewed Superman #22 Jan 22, 2025

Joshua Williamson has been killing it in Superman. And I love how Dan Mora is still going strong and puts out beautiful work on Superman as well. Dan Mora is slowly turning into one of my favorite artists of all time. I love the coloring and the writing for the characters.

Superman #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Jan 22, 2025

SUPERMAN AND DOOMSDAY...TEAM UP? A secret alien strike team has arrived on Earth with their sights set on the greatest weapon in the universe...Doomsday. And the only person who can save the ultimate destroyer is Superman! While alien forces rain down on Metropolis, Superwoman trains with her new powers alongside an unlikely instructor...and you wi...

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RKS - Feb 1, 2025

Anything of meaning to say other then praise backed up by nothing? If you're going to review the book then review the book, stop blowing smoke...

daspidaboy - Feb 26, 2025

lol you're hte one blowing up smoke when you're being really nitpicky and critical for no reason. If I read your reviews and it suddenly talks about Ideology, Pandering, Woke Feminism then I just ignore it. You accuse me of blowing smoke, I think you should check yourself first...

RKS reviewed Superman #22 Feb 1, 2025

Superman has long stood as the ultimate symbol of strength, virtue, and the responsibility that comes with great power. But in Superman #22, none of that seems to matter. Instead of a compelling story that respects its characters and mythology, we are subjected to a cringeworthy exercise in ideological pandering, where the actual Superman is sidelined to make way for Lois Lane—now rewritten as a more

Superman #22

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Jan 22, 2025

SUPERMAN AND DOOMSDAY...TEAM UP? A secret alien strike team has arrived on Earth with their sights set on the greatest weapon in the universe...Doomsday. And the only person who can save the ultimate destroyer is Superman! While alien forces rain down on Metropolis, Superwoman trains with her new powers alongside an unlikely instructor...and you wi...

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fzanca reviewed Catwoman #72 Jan 28, 2025

This is practically unreadable. It is quite evident that Torunn doesn't understand the Catwoman character. Catwoman should stay in Gotham, having her galavanting around Europe dilutes the character. I like Torunn's Red Sonja, but even that got nonsensical by the end. This is a drop for me. It's sad that no one can write Catwoman or Wonder Woman right now.

Jeremy Adams interview - https: more

Catwoman #72

By: Torunn Gronbekk, Marianna Ignazzi
Released: Jan 22, 2025

BURNING DOWN THE HOUSE! As Selina dances her way through devils and the damned at a Dante's Divine Comedy-themed party, a tale of pain and woe unfolds in Stockholm. There, Catwoman will find the first of her prizes as she does battle against the people after her head. By the end, Catwoman will find herself in a literal inferno of her own making!

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fthissite reviewed Action Comics #1082 Jan 16, 2025

I'm not a big fan of this superstars thing going on. Back and forth on writers and jumping to stories that take place before current events doesn't make me want to come back every month and John Ridley is certainly not a Superman superstar. This feels as boring as Straczynski's grounded run to me and the art is a bit of a let down. This is no where near a $5 book.

Action Comics #1082

By: John Ridley, Inaki Miranda
Released: Jan 15, 2025

"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?

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RKS reviewed Absolute Superman #3 Jan 10, 2025

New writing style for those who don't know how to constuct a proper story. Garbage

Absolute Superman #3

By: Jason Aaron, Rafa Sandoval
Released: Jan 1, 2025

MEMORIES OF KRYPTON! Years ago on Krypton, Jor-El and Lara became utterly convinced that their planet was headed towards cataclysm. But what could two lowly peons of the Labor Guild possibly do to save their entire species? The answer is decidedly not what you think...

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RKS is now following fzanca Jan 1, 2025


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fzanca reviewed Superman #21 Dec 31, 2024

This was purely a filler issue and was pretty disappointing. Playing darts on the moon by throwing boulders. I'm not sure if that would create tidal waves on Earth. From there they stop a war. it was good to see Amythest. Not sure about the costume though. There was no progression of the story whatsoever. And the Lex storyline of losing his memory is pretty stupid. Hopefully, we get back on track more

Superman #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Following Doomsday's fiery attack on Metropolis, Clark and Lois realize they have been so busy saving the world that they haven't had time together, so they plan an epic date night! What could go wrong? Well, for starters, a massive alien armada is bearing down on Earth looking for revenge against...SUPERMAN?! What secret has Clark not told Lois ab...

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RKS reviewed Superman #21 Dec 27, 2024

Superman #21 continues the baffling trend of sidelining Superman in favor of propping up Lois Lane as a superhero—a narrative choice that not only feels forced but actively undermines the timeless dynamic that has made this duo iconic for decades. The issue is yet another example of modern storytelling prioritizing novelty over the essence of what makes Superman’s world so compelling: his unwa more

Superman #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Following Doomsday's fiery attack on Metropolis, Clark and Lois realize they have been so busy saving the world that they haven't had time together, so they plan an epic date night! What could go wrong? Well, for starters, a massive alien armada is bearing down on Earth looking for revenge against...SUPERMAN?! What secret has Clark not told Lois ab...

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daspidaboy reviewed Superman #21 Dec 26, 2024

I genuinely believe Joshua Williamson is the greatest modern Superman writer of all time. He puts so much life and energy into superman that we desperately need in this polarized toxic divisive world. I hope he keeps on writing even after James Gunn releases his Superman movie so we can have a template on what a good Superman book is.

Superman #21

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Following Doomsday's fiery attack on Metropolis, Clark and Lois realize they have been so busy saving the world that they haven't had time together, so they plan an epic date night! What could go wrong? Well, for starters, a massive alien armada is bearing down on Earth looking for revenge against...SUPERMAN?! What secret has Clark not told Lois ab...

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RKS - Dec 27, 2024

So what exact drugs are you taking? The reason I ask is that has to be the only explanation for your "review". Whatever it is lower the dosage.

daspidaboy - Feb 26, 2025

Says the guy who blocks me on ComicbookRoundup because he was sensitive that I had a different opinion and I like Superman books. If the critics and fans like this series and issue, then I'm not the problem. You are the problem.

RKS reviewed Superman #20 Dec 27, 2024

Superman #20 is the kind of issue that feels like it's going through the motions without offering anything truly memorable. The story has all the trappings of a high-stakes showdown—a philosophical tête-à-tête with Doomsday, globe-spanning battles, and ominous foreshadowing—but it’s all executed with a distinct lack of emotional weight or creative flair.

Let’s start with the more

Superman #20

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 27, 2024

DOOMSDAY FROM HELL! Superman and Superwoman investigate Lois Lane's new powers as they deal with the unstoppable Doomsday...but when the mysterious Time Trapper reveals his ultimate secret, it shakes Clark, Lois, and the rest of the Super-Family to their core.

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Smithd33 reviewed Superman #19 Oct 23, 2024

Superwoman angle is pointless and unnecessary

Superman #19

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Oct 23, 2024

THE MANY DEATHS OF DOOMSDAY! Superman and Superwoman must deal with the return of the rampaging Doomsday and...wait...Superwoman?! After the events of Absolute Power, Lois Lane has new powers...but how long can they last?! And waiting in the shadows is one of Superman's greatest enemies...the Time Trapper. Jump on to a new exciting story arc that w...

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RKS - Dec 27, 2024

Oh it has a point but it isn't a good one and the aims of those behind it are not well intended.

Smithd33 - Dec 27, 2024

Can’t disagree

RKS reviewed Superman #19 Dec 27, 2024

In Superman #19, we are presented with yet another chapter in the gradual unraveling of Superman’s core identity—this time, through a narrative structure that seems more interested in diminishing the Man of Steel than celebrating his unique heroism. While the synopsis promises an "exciting new story arc," what we receive instead is a thinly veiled attempt to marginalize Superman in his own ser more

Superman #19

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Oct 23, 2024

THE MANY DEATHS OF DOOMSDAY! Superman and Superwoman must deal with the return of the rampaging Doomsday and...wait...Superwoman?! After the events of Absolute Power, Lois Lane has new powers...but how long can they last?! And waiting in the shadows is one of Superman's greatest enemies...the Time Trapper. Jump on to a new exciting story arc that w...

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SM80 reviewed Action Comics #1079 Dec 17, 2024

We are now seeing the pitfalls of a weekly comic. The art is lacklustre and the story feels like it’s plodding along with filler specifically to make it work weekly. If this was a 6-8 issue monthly book the story and art could be tight and really good but as we get further along the quality has dropped across the board.

As for the Supergirl backup well it’s gotten more interesting more

Action Comics #1079

By: Mark Waid, Michael Shelfer
Released: Dec 11, 2024

PRISON BREAK! In a last-ditch attempt to save both the Earth and the Phantom Zone from certain annihilation, Superman has been knocked for a loop and is only just now regaining consciousness. But what's that in the distance? The tiny silhouettes of every single Phantom Zone prisoner freed and heading straight for him? Uh oh... Plus, the true villai...

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1077 Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1077 is, regrettably, a perfect example of how a story can promise grandeur yet deliver nothing of substance. The issue postures as though it has something significant to say, yet it leaves readers with what can only be described as a "Big Nothing Burger"—a hollow and unsatisfying narrative experience. Its flaws are manifold, but the most glaring offense is the utterly wasteful B- more

Action Comics #1077

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 27, 2024

DEATH TO THE PHANTOM ZONE! Superman and Mon-El are reunited at last, but are our heroes too late to stop the impossible threat of Aethyr?! The mad wizard has breached the realm and begun decimating planet Earth...the Super-Family and the Justice League are holding on as best they can, but this sounds like a job for Superman! Plus, can Kara put her ...

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1076 Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1076 is a glaring example of squandered potential—a work that promises depth and grandeur yet delivers a shallow, disjointed experience riddled with narrative missteps and character mismanagement. The solicitation alone raises expectations for a tale brimming with existential stakes and familial tension, yet what readers receive is a muddled exploration that undermines the very es more

Action Comics #1076

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 20, 2024

ESCAPE FROM KRYPTON! Superman has uncovered the secrets of the Phantom Zone from the clutches of his own father, Jor-El...but now the real challenge begins: returning home in one piece! It's a daring dash for destiny in the latest installment of the Action Comics weekly! Plus, Supergirl discovers the crime that started it all!

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daspidaboy reviewed Action Comics #1076 Nov 24, 2024

the supergirl backup story drag this issue down hard

Action Comics #1076

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 20, 2024

ESCAPE FROM KRYPTON! Superman has uncovered the secrets of the Phantom Zone from the clutches of his own father, Jor-El...but now the real challenge begins: returning home in one piece! It's a daring dash for destiny in the latest installment of the Action Comics weekly! Plus, Supergirl discovers the crime that started it all!

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1075 Dec 22, 2024

Action Comics #1075 is an alarming example of narrative disarray, a collection of tales that stumbles over its own ambitions and ultimately collapses under the weight of its shortcomings. The issue suffers from a glaring tonal and thematic inconsistency, largely due to the contributions of Mark Waid and Mariko Tamaki, whose stories are, at best, indulgent distractions, and at worst, exercises in n more

Action Comics #1075

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 13, 2024

Art by Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer, Skylar Patridge and Jon Bogdanove Join the celebration as the original superhero series reaches its 1075th issue--packed with just as much Superman action as always nearly a century later! An all-star cast of talent and characters helps ring in this milestone, starting with the continuation of "Phantoms" by Ma...

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Dubcek rated Action Comics #1074 Nov 19, 2024

Action Comics #1074

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERMAN BACK IN TIME?! GREAT RAO! A dying planet, a desperate scientist, a last son...it could only mean one thing: Krypton! To uncover the secrets of the Phantom Zone, Kal-El must journey back to the days of his birth planet and into the lab of Jor-El himself. What shocking secrets will link the greatest prison known to the cosmos and the nefario...

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RKS reviewed Action Comics #1074 Dec 22, 2024

This book is in the crapper right now. Get Mark Waid off this book. Mark Waid’s Action Comics #1074 represents a profoundly perplexing exercise in storytelling, wherein the boundaries of narrative craft are disregarded in favor of an imposed ideological framework. Now, let me be clear: storytelling is a means by which we articulate truths—truths about human nature, about struggle, and, indeed more

Action Comics #1074

By: Mark Waid, Clayton Henry
Released: Nov 6, 2024

SUPERMAN BACK IN TIME?! GREAT RAO! A dying planet, a desperate scientist, a last son...it could only mean one thing: Krypton! To uncover the secrets of the Phantom Zone, Kal-El must journey back to the days of his birth planet and into the lab of Jor-El himself. What shocking secrets will link the greatest prison known to the cosmos and the nefario...

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