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Joined: Jul 04, 2022

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Chris X reviewed Fantastic Four #29 Mar 4, 2025

You've gotta be kidding me. This is how the FF deal with Doom taking over the world? By exchanging niceties with She-Hulk and fighting bigotry against vampires - who, by the way, should be their enemies?

FF #29 is not only a clumsily written superhero comic with almost no superheroing happening, it's also a misguided and inappropriate allegory that North uses to force-feed the reader hi more

Fantastic Four #29

By: Ryan North, Smith
Released: Feb 26, 2025

The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran th...

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Chris X - Mar 5, 2025

I don't need to &$&$ anyone's $§%& to agree with them. I'm actually wondering why not everybody agrees with me, since this book is objectively idiotic. Well, I'm glad fzanca does.

fzanca - Mar 5, 2025

We really can't expect people such as these to have an intelligent conversation. If you don't agree with them, they simply stamp their feet and yell obscenities. All good guys, You do you.

fzanca reviewed Fantastic Four #29 Mar 4, 2025

The only reason to pick up this book is for the art. I think the artist does a good job considering he's drawing nothing but people talking.

This is a loose tie-in to One World Under Door where Doom has taken over the world. Everyone seems pretty fine with it, however. Even the Fantastic Four seem not too worried about the situation. Sue and Ben send their kids off to school and then g more

Fantastic Four #29

By: Ryan North, Smith
Released: Feb 26, 2025

The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran th...

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Chris X - Mar 5, 2025

I thought the art was okay, but only because I have lowered my expectations over the last decade. It couldn't save the book.

fzanca - Mar 5, 2025

agreed, Chris

fzanca reviewed West Coast Avengers #4 Mar 3, 2025

Looks like I have the same rating as everyone else on this book. It's just not working for me. Tony seems out of his depth. He took a quick look Ultron's code and said, "Yeah, we're good." I agree wholeheartedly with Firestar. Though they completely destroyed her character. Whenever Marvel doesn't know what to do with a character they make them an alcoholic. I grew up watching Spiderman and his Am more

West Coast Avengers #4

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Feb 26, 2025


A troubled Firestar and the newest and least-tested member of the West Coast Avengers, Blue Bolt, make an unexpected connection - but will this volatile romance strengthen the team or burn it down?

Rated T+

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fzanca reviewed Superman #23 Mar 3, 2025

I'm still not a fan of Lois having powers or Lex losing his memory, but the story itself is intriguing. Lois goes off half-cocked and bitch slaps Time Trapper only for him not to give her any additional time to save Jimmy. In essence, it was her fault that he was hurt. The shrinking was a good idea, but how did Lex put that device together so quickly when it was Brainiac technology? Also, when is more

Superman #23

By: Joshua Williamson, Dan Mora
Released: Feb 26, 2025

SUPERWOMAN...LOST IN TIME! As the man of steel battles for the life of his deadliest adversary Doomsday, Superwoman travels across time and space to unlock the secrets of the Time Trapper! What life-shattering secrets lurk at the end of time? What clues can Lois Lane find to save the future? And can these answers be uncovered in time to halt Time T...

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fzanca reviewed Green Lantern #20 Mar 1, 2025

I'm a bit confused about the resolution of the Hal Jordan story. Did the red lantern die? He acted as if he did. I was less impressed with the Kyle storyline as Jeremy made it no secret that he was emulating Raiders of the Lost Ark with Kyle even dressing as the character, which was a bit cheesy I have to say. I wanted to see more out of the alien thief. He made it incredibly easy as Conner simply more

Green Lantern #20

By: Jeremy Adams, Jack Herbert
Released: Feb 26, 2025

WILL HAL STOP THE SORROW IN TIME?! In an attempt to stop Sorrow from creating a Central Power Battery, Hal runs across an alien infected with red energy that threatens his life, all while Kyle and his team must retrieve a piece of source energy from one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the universe--The Source Wall! The Fractured Spec...

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fzanca reviewed Absolute Wonder Woman #5 Mar 1, 2025

Though I like the way this ended, I feel that the writing is very lazy. What I mean by that is there was plenty of time in the other issues to establish the lasso. Instead, it seems incredibly convenient that it's exactly what Diana needed to beat the monster. The idea of something that makes anything is going to drastically change future stories as the reader will constantly be thinking she can u more

Absolute Wonder Woman #5

By: Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman
Released: Feb 26, 2025

A COSMIC THREAT ENCROACHES ON GATEWAY CITY! Wonder Woman has thrown everything she can think of at The Tetracide, and still it pushes forward, devouring Gateway City. With everything on the line, Diana has one big idea left, but in her current state, she has nowhere near the power she needs to pull it off...

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fzanca reviewed Aquaman #2 Feb 16, 2025

As much as I love Jeremy and think he's incredibly talented, this does not feel like Aquaman to me. I know a lot of people are loving this version of the character, but as a long time fan, this just isn't him. He would never yell out that he was going to kill anyone. He didn't even say that after Black Manta killed his son. I'm still not a fan of him having Mera's powers and then using it to sling more

Aquaman #2

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Feb 12, 2025

ATLANTIS...OBLITERATED! After the shocking events of Aquaman #1, Arthur Curry is now a king without a home! But is hope truly lost? The answer lies in Aquaman's mysterious new water-morphing abilities, and a portal into the unknown. Earth's uncanny undersea hero must train like never before to stand a chance of recovering Atlantis from its untimely...

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TJMB3891 - Feb 26, 2025 (edited)

How much Aquaman have you read? I asked because he's been pretty brutal in a few runs.

fzanca - Feb 26, 2025

I'm a purist. So, I'm a fan of the Peter David run. I've read the entire early run by Levitz, the rebirth run, by Geoff Johns, and the Abnet run. Those are the runs I think capture the character the best.

fzanca reviewed Zatanna #1 Feb 22, 2025

The bottom line for this is: just because you can draw, doesn't mean you can write. None of what happens has any setup whatsoever. Everything just comes out of left field. However, it is pretty. I'll stick with it for a few more issues to see how it goes.

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Zatanna #1

By: Jamal Campbell
Released: Feb 19, 2025

SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...

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fzanca added Zatanna (2025) to their pull list Feb 22, 2025

Zatanna (2025)

SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...

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fzanca reviewed Storm #5 Feb 22, 2025

What is this? This doesn't feel like a Storm book in the least. There are gods everywhere, she is a deity fighting against Doom. Storm isn't even in this book for 2/3rds the time. It's more about the Eternity and Infinity. Dropping this in a hard way.

My Comic Review Channel -https://youtu.be/ZgWaACulBS4

Storm #5

By: Murewa Ayodele, Lucas Werneck
Released: Feb 19, 2025


Trivial is the fight with DOCTOR DOOM, SORCERER SUPREME. For in a realm beyond our own, in the DIMENSION OF MANIFESTATIONS, a trial-by-combat brews between ETERNITY (the physical embodiment of our universe) and OBLIVION (the physical embodiment of the void). The fate of our universe is at stake. Who shall fight...

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Labetedunoire - Feb 26, 2025

So drop it. Thousands more picked it up lol. It’s really okay. See ya.

fzanca added Storm (2024) to their pull list Feb 22, 2025

Storm (2024)


Ororo Munroe has lived many lives. She's been a thief, a goddess, an X-Man, a queen and now an Avenger! She is the most prominent, most respected and most powerful mutant on the world stage; and in that role, she intends to be a force for positive change! First up: A major meltd...

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fzanca reviewed Titans #20 Feb 22, 2025

I don't hate this storyline. I do dislike that Nightwing is still a part of the team after giving this big speech about how he was putting the team in danger by staying. It just feels like a gimmick instead of Donna earning the position. Even Cyborg still sees Dick as the leader. He pulls him aside to tell him he's leaving instead of going directly to Donna. I do like the beserk emotion plotline a more

Titans #20

By: John Layman, Pete Woods
Released: Feb 19, 2025

TEMPERS FLARE! Take an overly-emotional empath and add a hearty dose of psychosis, and what do you got? A recipe for disaster! Also: A belligerent boyfriend, an enraged archer, an unsound cyborg, an agitated alien, a testy tactician, and a livid team leader. Yes, Titan tempers are running hot, but the angriest person of all, dear reader, will be yo...

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fzanca reviewed Catwoman #73 Feb 22, 2025

I gave it to the new storyline, but the new storyline is the same as the last storyline. It's just apparent that THorunn just doesn't understand Catwoman. No matter how long she's on this title it will never get any better. It's a shame that I can't collect Catwoman or Wonder Woman because their respective writers just don't understand the characters. This will be my last issue until a new writer more

Catwoman #73

By: Torunn Gronbekk, Marianna Ignazzi
Released: Feb 19, 2025

CATWOMAN TAKES ON TOKYO! Selina arrives in Tokyo looking for an old ally and a much-needed respite. Unfortunately for the feline fatale of crime, her enemies are already one step ahead of her. As she struggles to outwit them, Catwoman is offered a proposition: what if she were to completely disappear and give up being Selina Kyle forever?

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fzanca reviewed G.I. Joe #4 Feb 22, 2025

This continues to be a good book. I like that Cobra is actually organized and winning. I also like that Duke surrendered rather than put the bystanders at risk. I really abhor the coloring in the is book, but the writing is good. I continue to look forared to this book every month.

My Comic Review Channel -https://youtu.be/ZgWaACulBS4

G.I. Joe #4

By: Joshua Williamson, Jordie Bellaire
Released: Feb 19, 2025

The biggest comic book launch of the decade continues! The race is on! Both Cobra and the Joes are in a deadly contest to retrieve Cybertronian tech first. Meanwhile, a Joe learns Cobra Commander's secrets...the hard way!

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fzanca reviewed Green Lantern Corps #1 Feb 16, 2025

I didn't hate this issue as much as some people did. I thought some of the jokes didn't land like the MIB reference and I do agree that there are too many human characters in the book. I did like some of the interactions. I liked the reveal as I'm a fan of the relationship between Hawkgirl and Stewart, however, I don't like the designs on either. Everyone said that Jeremy didn't really write this more

Green Lantern Corps #1

By: Jeremy Adams, Fernando Pasarin
Released: Feb 12, 2025

THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...

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RKS - Feb 22, 2025 (edited)

Let's be honest here, if it isn't Hal, Guy, Kyle, or even John it isn't really interesting. The main question that should be asked on every single page of this book is "Where is Hal?" The other characters are just sort of there and to be honest silly. They can be written out of the book without hurting anything,

fzanca added Green Lantern Corps (2025) to their pull list Feb 16, 2025

Green Lantern Corps (2025)

THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...

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fzanca reviewed Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #5 Feb 16, 2025

Though this issue is a bit all over the place, I like the action and the reveal. I like how this story is really harsh on our heroes, so much so that there is infighting. Every part of the team is feeling the pressure while still wanting to do good. It's taking a bit to get there and the pace is a bit slow, but I'm in for it. Still the best title McKay writes.

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Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #5

By: Jed MacKay, Devmalya Pramanik
Released: Feb 12, 2025

Still reeling from the brutal events of the past two issues, Marc Spector and what's left of his Midnight Mission have no choice but to retreat and regroup. As the dragnet closes around him, Marc and his allies are more vulnerable than ever before! Cornered, angry and wrathful, MOON KNIGHT is in for the fight of his life...but he's going down swing...

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fzanca reviewed Magik #2 Feb 16, 2025

This issue was quality drop from the last one. The action is good as is the art, but all the plot points are completely random and convenient. They randomly go to Tokyo and then conveniently get invited to a party at a dance club where miraculously, a demon is playing a guitar who is the previous friend of the male lead. I do like the ending. I think this entire issue wa a filler issue for no reas more

Magik #2

By: Ashley Allen, German Peralta
Released: Feb 12, 2025

Magik's hunt for the Liminal Seals takes her and Cal deep into the Tokyo underground. But who is watching Illyana from backstage? And has Cal teamed up with Earth's best chance against the demon invasion or its prophesized leader?

Rated T+

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fzanca reviewed One World Under Doom #1 Feb 15, 2025

This book seems extremely hollow to me. We have already seen Doom take over the world and he ran it so well that he became bored. I really don't need a rehash of that story done exactly the same way. Ryan North is not a great writer. He's been on Fantastic Four going on three years and no one talks about it. Why would you have a mediocre writer kick off your multi-book event? He should have taken more

One World Under Doom #1

By: Ryan North, R. B. Silva
Released: Feb 12, 2025


Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...

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fzanca reviewed Conan The Barbarian #17 Dec 14, 2024

Though it has good action, I feel like this is a step backward. It's a simple story, and flashback, of Belit and Conan having a good time until they are set upon by thieves. Characters that Conan and Belit should have made short work of, take a bit longer to dispatch. They are offered a job. I'm confused about what happened to the last arc. Did that end? If it did, it was not a satisfying conclusi more

Conan The Barbarian #17

By: Jim Zub, Danica Brine
Released: Dec 11, 2024

Conan the Cimmerian and Bêlit, Pirate Queen of the Black Coast, are in their prime, enjoying a life of decadence and debauchery, but a flagrant flash of wealth brings unwelcome attention from thieves with a taste for danger and agents from Stygia on a d...

+ LikeComments (2)
ConanBronan - Feb 13, 2025

I totally agree and everybody seems to forgwt that this arc of conan and the chick already did this stuff. We ended after the frost giants daughter and their was a fortress on the horizon and snake dudes to be killed. But#17 has not only failed the story but the art and characters and dialogue were a far cry from what we have had in 1-16 ive bought them all and the trade paperbacks . I really hope after 17 and 18 its not still bad.

fzanca - Feb 13, 2025

Thanks, Bronan

fzanca reviewed Batman and Robin #18 Feb 13, 2025

Another great issue. Though I thought Damien listening in the conversation with pretty stupid. Wouldn't Batman know if someone was listening in on his conversation? What if someone hacked into his comms? There should be some kind of alert. I understand that he needed Damien and Bruce to have a miscommunication, but there could have been another way. I liked all of the other scenes, especially betw more

Batman and Robin #18

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Javi Fernandez
Released: Feb 12, 2025

MEMENTO'S GRUESOME RAMPAGE ACROSS GOTHAM CONTINUES! A hospital erupts in flames. A boat careens into a dock. Fresh corpses are found in the ruins of Arkham Asylum. These are but a few of Gotham's historical atrocities, committed in disturbing, copycat-like fashion by the foul creature known only as Memento. While the dynamic duo fails to prevent th...

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fzanca reviewed Mark Spears Monsters #3 Feb 13, 2025

Of course, the art is great. This issue took a turn into dilution as it introduces so many different characters and storylines that it's hard to keep track. We get the man looking over the boy, the Slayer fight, the kids with the disc, the sheriff with the cows, the cops with the painting, and the guy answering the door for Patch Girl. I hope some of these storylines merge in the next issue.

Mark Spears Monsters #3

By: Mark Spears
Released: Jan 29, 2025

From the hit trading card series Mark Spears Monsters, superstar cover artist Mark Spears (Spawn, DC, Power Rangers) has created, written, and illustrated this spine-tingling series. In this thrilling third issue, the mysterious Slayer clashes with a formidable foe in an explosive showdown that will leave readers ...

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fzanca added Mark Spears Monsters (2024) to their pull list Feb 13, 2025

Mark Spears Monsters (2024)

From award-winning artist Mark Spears (Spawn, Action Comics, Kneel Before Zod, Power Rangers, Rat City, and upcoming Spawn '77) comes all-new horror series Monsters! Based on his hit trading card series of the same name, Spears brings classic monsters to life with a modern twist. Set in the ea...

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fzanca reviewed Avengers #23 Feb 13, 2025

This story is just going nowhere. It's got good art, but no story. Every other page is a flashback. There are literally three splash panels of the flying Avengers looking down at Kang and Black Cat with their arms crossed. Three times in the same issue. So repetitive. Then at the end, I felt that McKay said to himself, "I need something BIGGER!" If Kang has an entire armada, why does he need to st more

Avengers #23

By: Jed MacKay, Farid Karami
Released: Feb 5, 2025

ONCE A THIEF...ALWAYS A THIEF! The Avengers never should have trusted Felicia! Can they stop BLACK CAT from escaping the space casino with Kang's stolen intel? To do so, they'll have to get past Black Cat's newest bodyguards...Avengers, get ready for your first clash with GATECRASHER & THE TECHNET!

Rated T+

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fzanca reviewed The Sacrificers #14 Feb 13, 2025

I still don't like that he does one issue with Pigeon and one issue with Soluna. I think he should split each issue between the two characters instead of bopping. Another good issue nonetheless. It doesn't look like she is going to have to control the glob for much longer as the God seems like he can control it and take it out of her. I'm not sure how much longer Rick Remender can continue to tell more

The Sacrificers #14

By: Rick Remender, Max Fiumara
Released: Feb 5, 2025

"No Light Beyond," Part 3 (of 4). When making a choice of who to trust in a life-or-death situation, do you choose what you've seen with your own eyes or what you feel in your heart?

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fzanca reviewed Namor #7 Feb 13, 2025

This issue is god aweful. He literally takes on 7000 troops by himself and he ruses to kill anyone. They only stab him and don't cut off any limbs, then after he's got a dozen swords him and he looks like a pin cushion, everyone says, "Okay, that's it for today. Time to go night night." And they all leave the battle. It makes no sense. Then he beats them by singing. WTF. Then at the end Attuma car more

Namor #7

By: Jason Aaron, Alex Lins
Released: Feb 5, 2025

The dark secrets of Atlantis laid bare! While World War Sea rages in the deep, Namor learns the dark truth behind the original sinking of Atlantis, a revelation that will forever change the course of the undersea realms!

Rated T+

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fzanca reviewed JSA #4 Feb 13, 2025

This is the escape from capativity issue. I think they could have divided this two plot points up into two different issues so it didn't seem repetitive. The Dr. Mid-Nite is the stronger storyline though I don't buy her literally dodging bullets. I'm going to stick with it, but this should be a mini-series as I don't feel like there's a big story here.

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JSA #4

By: Jeff Lemire, Joey Vazquez
Released: Feb 5, 2025

INTO THE CLUTCHES OF THE INJUSTICE SOCIETY! Beth Chapel has searched for answers on what is keeping Jakeem Thunder in his coma but has come up with only more questions. But will her quest for a cure lead her into the lion's den of the Injustice Society itself?!

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fzanca reviewed Red Sonja #18 Feb 11, 2025

I thought this arc really lost it's way somewhere in the middle. Though I was somewhat pleased with this ending, the story had taken such a sidetrack and became so convoluted that threads were completely forgotten. She needed to plot the arc better. The battle was not even referenced for two issues. I think she started the battle too early and then it got in her way as Sonja would never run from a more

Red Sonja #18

By: Torunn Gronbekk, Walter Geovani
Released: Jan 29, 2025

In this issue: It all ends here! Lingering between life and death, Sonja watches as her world is consumed by moving shadows, its creatures condemned to suffer deaths beyond death. Kulan Gath has assumed a new form and, with it, a terrifying power that bends reality to his will. Once an observer, Gath is now an unstoppable force of destruction, and ...

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fzanca reviewed West Coast Avengers #3 Feb 1, 2025

I'm not sold on this book. I have a hard time taking anything that happens seriously, mostly because Tony doesn't seem like he's taking it seriously. The Blue Bolt characer is a joke and Firestar doesn't act like herself. The whole Ultron storyline of them trying to be good guys goes everything we know about Ultron. I'm going to give this a couple of more issues and probably drop it.

M more

West Coast Avengers #3

By: Gerry Duggan, Danny Kim
Released: Jan 29, 2025

As a second Ultron appears and declares himself leader of a terrifying new religion, Iron Man and War Machine reveal at last how their Ultron became a hero!

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fzanca reviewed Dick Tracy #7 Feb 1, 2025

I like how gritty this book is getting. He even scolds Tess for releasing information that could jeporarize the investigation. What I don't understand is: did the guy at the end committ the murders and the Blank punished him, or is the Blank committing the murders and making it look like these criminals did it? If anyone knows the answer, please let me know. I think this book continues to get bett more

Dick Tracy #7

By: Alex Segura, Geraldo Borges
Released: Jan 15, 2025

As a new player cements their place in the city's underworld hierarchy, detective Dick Tracy and his allies must follow the trail of a deadly killer--a path that puts him at odds with one of his closest friends. Get in on the ground floor of a new arc in the acclaimed crime series featuring the iconic Detective in Yellow!"

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