Ya Doom has never tried and succeeded at manipulating people as an authority figure to serve his goals over the past 6 decades. What is Marvel thinking?????
This is my favorite issue of Hyde Street so far. While the protagonists in previous issues were pretty much horrible human beings before meeting their fate on Hyde Street, Oscar Oddman, the Matinee Monster, is relatable from the start, which makes his inevitable demise even more tragic.
The hit horror series continues! Witness, if you will, the demise of a good man in a town without pity. A caring man, with aspirations to be known among his peers as one of Hollywood’s finest actors, only to see these colleagues snicker at him when he’s typecast as a famous film monster made of human patchwork parts. But, as we’ll see, life i...
The only reason to pick up this book is for the art. I think the artist does a good job considering he's drawing nothing but people talking.
This is a loose tie-in to One World Under Door where Doom has taken over the world. Everyone seems pretty fine with it, however. Even the Fantastic Four seem not too worried about the situation. Sue and Ben send their kids off to school and then g more
The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran th...
I thought the art was okay, but only because I have lowered my expectations over the last decade. It couldn't save the book.
You've gotta be kidding me. This is how the FF deal with Doom taking over the world? By exchanging niceties with She-Hulk and fighting bigotry against vampires - who, by the way, should be their enemies?
FF #29 is not only a clumsily written superhero comic with almost no superheroing happening, it's also a misguided and inappropriate allegory that North uses to force-feed the reader hi more
The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran th...
I don't need to &$&$ anyone's $§%& to agree with them. I'm actually wondering why not everybody agrees with me, since this book is objectively idiotic. Well, I'm glad fzanca does.
We really can't expect people such as these to have an intelligent conversation. If you don't agree with them, they simply stamp their feet and yell obscenities. All good guys, You do you.
I found this issue to be a frustrating read. Firstly, it suffers from the same decompressed storytelling as all the other issues before. Secondly, so much in the story doesn't make sense. Why does Storm explain to Xavier that she has to play by the book now, but then decides to fight her former teammates for him, who basically want the same thing?
Then there's the uncalled-for mutilation of more
• Fugitive CHARLES XAVIER seeks refuge in STORM SANCTUARY, STORM's floating home in Atlanta City, and the (Alaskan) X-MEN take notice.
• Will STORM and the X-MEN join forces with PROFESSOR X to prevent his return to prison by any means necessary, or will they fall victim to opposing views that will send X-M...
The setup of this issue is puzzling, to say the least. When we last saw Prof. X, all he wanted to do was help his daughter. Now suddenly he is after the last Krakoan seed, which makes the inclusion of NYX in this crossover feel forced and unnatural. I also wondered if I had missed an issue of X-Manhunt.
Of course Kelly and Lanzing need to insert their usual moral lecturing into the plo more
• Charles Xavier is on the run, and his first stop is New York - but there are plenty of mutants in the city who want nothing to do with the most recent master plan of the disgraced Professor X!
• Will the return of their dearly departed mentor bolster the burgeoning community that calls itself NYX or tear ev...
There is a lot to like about this issue. While I found many issues in this run boring, this one grabbed my attention immediately and managed to hold it until the end.
There are a few confusing scene transitions, but overall it felt like the good old days of the 80s and 90s X-Men. The art by Javier Garron is different, but gets the job done.
• At the end of the Orchis War, Charles Xavier surrendered himself to the authorities and allowed himself to be imprisoned in Graymalkin Prison!
• But now something has spurred him into action, into escaping his incarceration and embarking on a mad scramble across the nation!
• What has caused Profes...
Why am I only discovering this series now? This was an excellent read.
Although the concept of giant dead bodies floating in space and being dissected by spaceships is a bit ridiculous even for comics, it serves as an interesting catalyst for what's to come. The world building certainly feels bold and intriguing.
The art is excellent for a sci fi book, but the blur and flare more
* For fans of Decorum and Something is Killing the Children comes a new sci-fi epic from Al Ewing (Immortal Hulk) and Simone Di Meo (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) on the edge of space where humanity is harvesting the corpses of giant alien gods to survive.
* No one has ever seen a living god, but Captain Malik is obsessed with being the first....
A fast-paced stand-alone issue with a predictable twist. The guest art by Andrew Krahnke reminds me of both Carmine Infantino and Jim Cheung, but doesn't reach those artists' quality. Definitely one of the better filler issues I read in the last months.
Roadblock and a team of special operatives-including Shipwreck, Tunnel Rat, and Tripwire-head out to rescue a young dissident, but nothing is what it seems! Featuring rising-star guest artist Andrew Krahnike (Bloodrik).
This was probably my favorite chapter in the story so far. The writing is spot-on and the art is just perfect.
Someone wrote in their review that the story is too political for their taste, because it supposedly criticizes juvenile prisons. Well... maybe it's just a story.
When did we start interpreting any individual situation, person or institution in a story to be an allegory more
ASEMA'S IDENTITY REVEALED?! The shadows of Gotham extend and darken as Asema's bladed grip on the city's underworld tightens. Now, while Batman struggles to keep his city safe, he begins to suspect that he has uncovered the identity of this bloodthirsty menace...and it may be someone very close to Bruce Wayne. Tom Taylor and Mikel Janin's epic jour...
I never thought this series could get even worse, but apparently it could. From the story, to the dialogue, to the art, this was abysmal.
As a horde of the galaxy's most fearsome killers descend upon the X-Men, help comes from an unexpected direction: across the border! ALPHA FLIGHT fly into action again - though at what price? And can even Canada's hardiest heroes turn the tide?
Rated T+
Rogue races to rescue Ka-Zar and discover what is happening to the Savage Land. But can she outrun her past, or is this ancient world her perdition? The Savage Land has a new god, but is she merciful?
Rated T+
With some great, believable dialogue and strong characterization, especially for Firestar and Blue Bolt, plus a relatively well-drawn action scene, this issue fares a bit better than the last one. However, if the quality of the art doesn't improve soon, I don't think this will be a very long run.
A troubled Firestar and the newest and least-tested member of the West Coast Avengers, Blue Bolt, make an unexpected connection - but will this volatile romance strengthen the team or burn it down?
Rated T+
Together on their very own X-team for the very first X-time - all in an X-tra-sized first issue! When a high-stakes mutant rescue mission from the ultimate global hot spot exposes the true enemy - possibly from within - an all-new team of all-action icons suddenly find themselves forged in...
Ororo Munroe has lived many lives. She's been a thief, a goddess, an X-Man, a queen and now an Avenger! She is the most prominent, most respected and most powerful mutant on the world stage; and in that role, she intends to be a force for positive change! First up: A major meltd...
Decent book, but not very accessible to readers like me who haven’t followed Laura Kinney and Hellion over the years.
Powerful. Troubled. Intense. He was HELLION and she was X-23 - two kids, more similar than different, battling a cruel world. Now Julian Keller's calling himself THE KRAKOAN, the proud new face of mutant terrorism. Laura Kinney is WOLVERINE, stalking silently from the shadows trying to keep mutants s...
I’m not a fan of two artists on one issue, even if both artists are as excellent as Cagle and Federici.
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
HOME ALONE IN WAYNE MANOR! A lead from Gordon provides Batman an opportunity to chase down one of the General's assets, but the best way to get close to them is not as Batman but as Bruce Wayne. But with Bruce off on his own, Dick is left stuck at Wayne Manor. What's a boy wonder to do when no one's watching...?
Can X-FORCE survive a fight with...COLOSSUS?! The mysterious LA DIABLA has X-FORCE on the ropes, and she's brought some unexpected allies! PLUS - what does FORGE's ANALOG device have to do with the FRACTURES threatening the planet...and La Diabla's designs?! The season's most surprising X-book packs a few more turn...
One of the better issues in the series so far, mostly because the ideological preaching is pretty much absent.
The art is great as usual.
AXO, the Exceptional X-Men's resident empath, goes to work for the creator of the wildly popular Verate app. Maybe Xenos and his inventions can bring mutants the support, recognition and connection they deserve. But the charismatic technology mogul seems to be hiding a secret...or two...or four...or...
Angel returns to lead X-Factor, just as Emperor Doom will lead the world to glory! But, in the utopic domain of the magnanimous Doom, what could X-Factor's mission be? And what could bring them to a small nation on the island of...Genosha?!
Rated T+
I really enjoyed the first half of the issue. The story was much more interesting than #1 and Coleman‘s art has improved a lot. But then there‘s the second half… something changes and it takes all the suspense out of the story. Plus, the guest art is not very good, which makes this issue a very mixed bag.
• The Infinity Watch is made up of the most powerful beings in the universe, which should at least make THEM feel comfortable.
• But after the mysterious antagonist who showed up last issue ran the table on them devastatingly, everything in existence is in deep trouble!
• Has this antagonist mastered Phil Coulson, a.k.a. DEATH ...
The amateurish art prevents the good moments in Simone‘s script (and there are a few) from shining.
The four potential mutant recruits known as the OUTLIERS are the target of a new, vicious and unstoppable anti-mutant weapon initiative, a cold-hearted pack of tracking Sentinels based on dogs, who use their enhanced senses and chainsaw-like teeth to hunt down and KILL mutants! Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, as ...
I haven’t been a fan of this series from the start, but I find myself more intrigued by Ayodele‘s story with each issue. Even Werneck‘s art is growing on me. This is also the first issue in which Werneck‘s oversized panels work for me. What felt like a waste of space in previous issues, makes much more sense when illustrating the raw spectacle of the cosmic powers of the Marvel universe.
Trivial is the fight with DOCTOR DOOM, SORCERER SUPREME. For in a realm beyond our own, in the DIMENSION OF MANIFESTATIONS, a trial-by-combat brews between ETERNITY (the physical embodiment of our universe) and OBLIVION (the physical embodiment of the void). The fate of our universe is at stake. Who shall fight...
The biggest comic book launch of the decade continues! The race is on! Both Cobra and the Joes are in a deadly contest to retrieve Cybertronian tech first. Meanwhile, a Joe learns Cobra Commander's secrets...the hard way!
Immortal mercenary Simon Pure is no Einstein. Lucky for him, Simon has the real one helping him. Except this Albert Einstein is 13 years old and still discovering the revolutionary genius he'll grow up to be. But, hey, that's still a lot smarter than Simon, who needs all the brain power he can get to defeat hooded cult called The Founding Fathers. ...
A tale 126 years in the making! The clandestine cult of hooded figures called The Founding Fathers has finally caught up to the cocky-and eternally unlucky-mercenary Simon Pure. For the first time since their macabre ritual gave Simon immortality in 1776, we learn new secrets behind that moment and the magic that powered it! Also: can 13-year-old A...
For some reason I enjoyed this issue more than the previous two. Maybe it was that apple tree moment.
The Unnamed's immortal hero, Simon Pure, has made a lot more enemies than friends through the centuries. None more so than the macabre cabal of hooded cult figures relentlessly chasing him through those centuries! But 12-year-old Albert Einstein claims to know how to help Simon unlock his true powers... if Simon will let him.