This issue we get another spotlight on the new recruits, and for the most part it feels like a classic New Mutants story with some unavoidable Gen Z BS on top. It would be a nice, entertaining transition issue, if it weren’t for the art.
Bressan is yet another artist who would be a great fit for an alternative small press book, but who is just not on the professional level I expect from a Marvel title. He might be great at some point in the future and I wish him the best for his career, but currently he’s just not capable of conveying Gail Simone‘s well thought out script.
Anyway, I can see the good intentions for this book and I’m starting to like the Outliers. I’m also willing to make a prediction: Calico will eventually turn out to not be a mutant, but her horse will. Which will make her some sort of trans mutant. Yes, I think that’s what they’re going for. I hope they don’t.
Writing 8, art 2. more
By: Gail Simone, Javier Garron
Released: Jan 22, 2025
The Outliers, still finding their place in the mutant world, are hunted by a lethal new set of foes: A bloodthirsty, relentless and unstoppable pack of stealth Sentinels! Cut off from their mentors and allies, with no knowledge of who built or aimed these deadly drones, four untrained mutants are on the run and com...