Agreed. I enjoyed the shit out of this book. Carnage was awesome.
A new crime series from three-time Eisner nominee Kyle Starks (Peacemaker Tries Hard, Where Monsters Lie) for fans of true crime and murder fiction.
Serial Killer Mark Christopher Ewing has been arrested and a SWAT team trap sprung for Daniel Dodson. Is this the end for our murderous protagonists? Does the dark competition between the ...
It’s saga. It’s great. What more can you say.
It's the shocking conclusion to another season of SAGA…but the smash-hit series is far from over!
Doctor Doom has taken over the world, and Earth's mightiest heroes have failed twice: first to stop him, and now to overthrow him. But the Fantastic Four know Doom better than anyone, which makes them ideally suited to take on Earth's new Emperor...except for the fact that he knows THEM just as well. As Reed Richards, Ben Grimm, and Sue and Johnny ...
After the horrors Peter and Harry endured during KRAVEN'S HUNT in the last issue, Spider-Man and Green Goblin turn the HUNTER into the HUNTED! But are they still prey in someone else's game?
Rated T
Whoa. Wasn’t expecting much from this book but it was actually fantastic. I pre-judged it on concept alone and didn’t even realize Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz were on this until I’d finished. Checks out. I’m excited for the next issue. May take venoms spot on my pull list…
THE MOST LETHAL PROTECTOR OF ALL! He's been VENOM, he's been ANTI-VENOM, he's been THE KING IN BLACK! Now Eddie Brock has made his darkest bond yet as he joins with the one and only CARNAGE! Can he control his new other's endless bloodlust? Or will he be give himself over to madness and murder? Writer Charles Soule (DAREDEVIL, DARTH VADER) and arti...
Val comes back to reality with the last thing she wanted stuck in her back-a knife.
Despite Val's target being oddly curious of her attacker, Val still has a mission to accomplish by any means necessary.
Like others have said, the letter chase was well done but took up too much of the book. If the other issues have a similar pacing, this is gonna be one of those “better in trade” series. Which isn’t a bad thing. It just means the individual reviews won’t reflect the story quality as a whole for some.
Series Premiere. Come one, come all, to the amazing new big top show! Your Ringleaders, Rick Remender and Paul Azaceta, invite you to this fantastical double-length premiere issue of their new ongoing series! A decade after the Seasons sisters' beloved parents disappeared, a wicked carnival arrives in town. Within its big tent is a da...
The mystery is keeping me interested enough to keep buying but it’s kind of annoying how they taunt you with it every issue. Dylan’s story is the highlight but them trying to use it to make you feel bad for Paul taints it. I really feel like once the reveal is made everyone will drop this book. And I think marvel knows it too…..
At last - the All-New Venom comes face-to-face with Dylan Brock! After all this time, how will symbiote and son react? Meanwhile, Madame Masque is making her move against A.I.M. - but is she doing it from inside a black-and-gold symbiote? As another suspect is eliminated, the answers are closer than ever...
I’m intrigued. A little cliche at times but it has some fun potential to be a good twist on your typical Godzilla story.
What if you could predict when and where Godzilla would appear? What if you knew of the perfect opportunity to pull off the heist of the century? Jai is a young man who knows two things: A heist needs a good distraction, and there's no distraction like Godzilla. So, when Jai discovers Godzilla responds to specific energy signals he can send into th...
This was…. Better I guess? Peter snaps out of his uncharacteristic funk and suddenly cares again. It’s done so unsmoothly though that it feel like the writer forgot how the story was supposed to go. Thankfully we are in the home stretch.
The Scions of Cytorrak are too much and Spider-Man has used up ALL of his lives. Is this the FINAL death of Spider-Man!?
Rated T
This is…. Bad. Peter doesn’t feel like Peter at all. If you’re making me wish Peter is a clone because of how out of character he’s acting, you’ve really missed the mark haha.
With his patron, Cyttorak, attacking the world, Juggernaut won't just sit aside. But he's not a solo act... THE X-MEN GET INVOLVED TO HELP SPIDER-MAN SAVE THE WORLD!
Rated T+
Solid start. I’d rather have spent more time in the first issue with the family/MC instead of the long intro to the bugs, although the art is fantastic. Also, I’m not letting it affect my rating(yet.) but the bug pun insults are a lot haha.
Mini-Series Premiere. Slade Slaymaker is a kid from Alabama suddenly lost in a vicious world beyond his imagining, a world of marauding ant armies, spellcasting spider witches, and beetle-riding barbarians. A kingdom of tiny but deadly warriors hidden in his own backyard. The same world that saw his father eaten alive by insects now plunges ...
This is imo the best series at DC right now easily.
SPECIAL FLIP-BOOK ISSUE! Grievously injured after her encounter with the Order of the Green Knight's master, Poison Ivy finds herself wandering a strange liminal zone inhabited by The Grey. Meanwhile, Janet, on a search for answers about the mysterious town of Marshview, finds herself lost amongst The Green. As the two friends attempt to find their...
CAN GOOD HARVEY OUTSMART BAD HARVEY BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE? When Scarface is kidnapped, Gotham's underworld is thrown into chaos. Is this an isolated incident or the work of the Shadow Hand that Harvey's been tracking of late? Only Two-Face can bring order to the proceedings, but the culprit isn't another mob boss or criminal mastermind--it's a once-...
LUKE CAGE AND THE ULTIMATE PRISON BREAK! Juan Frigeri joins Deniz Camp to bring us the history and the future of Luke Cage! Spider-Man isn't the only success story of Ultimates the man who has been quietly sabotaging the Maker's Council from behind bars!
Rated T+
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
Yeah it’s a bit rushed but it’s not a bad issue. The art is fantastic and Chip at least understands how to write these characters.
With the Court of Owls' plan revealed and the city in chaos, Batman must fid the strength to fight a war on multiple fronts and save Gotham from disaster. The fates of Jim Gordon, the Riddler, and all of Gotham rest in the hands of the Dark Knight in a climactic issue so big it takes two superstar artists to bring it to life!
Peter was willing to sell his soul to the devil to save a dying Aunt May. But now he won’t even help her with FEAST because she’s gonna die anyways? This issue wasn’t great. The little that did happen was pretty dumb.
• Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame?
• Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next?
• Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?
In the wake of the raid on Graymalkin, the X-Men are fugitives - and O*N*E knows exactly where to find them. Heavily armed Shrike squads are en route to the Factory to serve warrants and lock up the X-Men, and it won't be long until the X-Men find themselves right back in Graymalkin. Unless...
Chang’s art is great but not great enough to make this book… great. The story is pretty predictable and some of the pacing is jarring. One second a guy is saving the day, the next he’s somehow on top of the train?
28 Days Later meets The Ruins in this high-stakes standalone horror story.
After backpacking through Asia, a group of friends climb aboard the Siberian Express to start their journey home. Little do they know, they've bought a one-way ticket to hell, as one of them has been infected with a bioweapon that will turn them into a mons...
New Story Arc. Before she was the Undernet's remorseless assassin, PH34R was a little girl named Sammi, who just wanted to know what her big brother and his hacker friends were doing online all day... Multiple Eisner award-winner James Tynion IV and acclaimed artist Fernando Blanco return with the long-awaited story behind W0RLDTR33's...
It’s fine. I mean that in a more positive than negative way though. It’s pretty much what you’d expect but the writing is fun and fast paced enough that it’s enjoyable enough to get through. I’m not expecting it to make my top series of the year list by any means but I’ll probably pick up issue two.
WHO ARE THE NEW CHAMPIONS? What do four kids whose lives were derailed by Hydra, Scarlet Witch's mysterious protégé, a cursed roller derby jammer and a Wakandan runaway have in common? Not much! But when Hellrune's mysterious powers activate to bring them together, they'll have to learn how to work as a team quickly - or face the wrath of the Cul...
MEMORIES OF KRYPTON! Years ago on Krypton, Jor-El and Lara became utterly convinced that their planet was headed towards cataclysm. But what could two lowly peons of the Labor Guild possibly do to save their entire species? The answer is decidedly not what you think...
I can’t even be mad because this book is so nothing that I won’t even remember it in a few days. Sometimes taking a month off is better than a four dollar filler book.
ELEMENTARY debuted last issue and continues on her hero journey alongside BOTH SPIDER-MEN! But that journey is going to be rocky with TWO ELECTROS that a giant Lizard? Uh-oh.
Rated T
• Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got
Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!
All the weird exposition from Harlan McNeill is maybe the weakest writing Ewing has ever done. He’s like the robot meme from Rick and Morty. “What is my purpose” “You tell the audience this is a new host for venom is the most blunt way possible” I’ll keep reading because I know what Al is capable of tho. Plus Gomez is a pretty solid artist on this. Not a great start tho.
The smiling, swashbuckling spider-hero New York loves to hate to love is back - and more fun-loving than ever! That's right, it's... Wait, it's VENOM?! An all-new host is taking the symbiote in a whole new direction - but who? It could be the Journalist...the Terrorist...the Sidekick... or even the Mayor... We're...
Ps really fought through personal bias not to give it an even lower score for forcing more Paul on us. Haha.
With one of their own incarcerated, the X-Men move on Graymalkin Prison in order to free their teammate. But it's not just one team - in Alaska, Cyclops' X-Men scramble a rescue mission, while in Louisiana, Rogue's X-Men move to strike out on their own sortie. Doctrinal rivals each with their own objective, ...
In the conclusion to the mystifying first chapter of the new original series from Jeff Lemire, Theresa is worse for wear after her emotional encounter and first journey into The Unseen World.
Intoxicated on spirits, she channels her frustration in the front yard of an old ex, where the embers of a love lost are still painful.
Another amazing issue. Sampson art perfectly fits the story. The universe Tynion has built here is so interesting and fun. Every issue I’m surprised by the issue number. 27? Tynion along with the artists fills every issue with so much that it feels like I’ve read 50+ issues by now.
"Happy birthday, Mr. President..." Norma Jeane Mortenson wanted to be famous. What she got was so much more than that. Now she doesn't know where the real Marilyn Monroe ends and the fiction enshrined in the modern American pantheon begins. And that's very, very dangerous-especially when she's face to face with the Department of Truth's very first ...