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Joined: Aug 15, 2018

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daspidaboy reviewed Wonder Woman #18 Feb 19, 2025

Daniel Sampere must be developing scoliosis because he is carrying this run hard on his back, even more so than Jorge Jiminez on Zdarsky and Tynion IV runs on Batman. I think the reason why this series hasn't grabbed my attention on the same level as Absolute Wonder Woman is that the way the dialogue is written feels very formal and old-fashioned. The blue thought boxes are clearly someone telling more

Wonder Woman #18

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Feb 19, 2025

WONDER WOMAN REJOINS THE FIGHT! After the birth of her daughter, Diana finally returns to the battlefield ready to take down those who dared to harm her Wonder Girls. To take down Sovereign's formidable general, Grail, she must call upon her friend turned foe...The Cheetah!

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mego-joe reviewed Wonder Woman #18 Feb 19, 2025

Well, Daniel Sampere continues to deliver great art on Wonder Woman. This issue feels a little stronger than most of this run, Diana feels like she’s featured more than most issues. However, that’s not saying much. It’s a classic case of “too little, too late” to improve the overall assessment of Tom King’s run on the character. Too much of the issue relies on buying into Tom King more

Wonder Woman #18

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Feb 19, 2025

WONDER WOMAN REJOINS THE FIGHT! After the birth of her daughter, Diana finally returns to the battlefield ready to take down those who dared to harm her Wonder Girls. To take down Sovereign's formidable general, Grail, she must call upon her friend turned foe...The Cheetah!

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Quinn - Feb 19, 2025

Good review. And is it just me who thinks basically nothing happens. Diana starts at the gates of the White House and ends with her at the front door. King did the same thing in his Batman run, have Bats at Arkham’s walls ends with him at the door. Or I could be wrong.

mego-joe - Feb 20, 2025

Diana hasn’t done much at all in this whole run. She actually does more in this issue than the entire run. Normally she just waits…. In this issue she actually took the fight to Sovereign. But, she’s done nothing to find Emilie. Was she mind controlled or seeking revenge? King’s totally dropped that story element.

Quinn commented on this:
flodid reviewed Batman #157 Feb 5, 2025

It was really an average run at best. The visuals were good, but every human is flawed, and Chip Zdarsky is too, case in point with this lukerwarm final issue that had me rolling my eyes at several moments.

Batman #157

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Feb 5, 2025

With the Court of Owls' plan revealed and the city in chaos, Batman must fid the strength to fight a war on multiple fronts and save Gotham from disaster. The fates of Jim Gordon, the Riddler, and all of Gotham rest in the hands of the Dark Knight in a climactic issue so big it takes two superstar artists to bring it to life!

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flodid - Feb 6, 2025

The scene with the jet was ridiculous, bordering on Con Air. Gordon saving the Riddler in a crashing building was also a lot to swallow. But the worst is really the conclusion of the whole thing, with all the toys put away and the morals like "We're all human beings, we're imperfect so let's try to forgive ourselves" Really some stuff we don't need a Batman book to tackle in such an obvious way.

flodid - Feb 6, 2025

And also the whole "I hate firing a gun, but I do what I have to do" oh come on....

Quinn reviewed Batman #157 Feb 5, 2025

Well that happened. The story tied up all the threads so quickly, threads that didn’t have time to play out. So the mystery box stuff just got dumped on the floor. The Russians were manipulating the court of owls because Gotham is their corrupt boogey man. John Wick is unimpressed. The ersatz Captain America was KGBeast. That plot doesn’t make sense. Destroy Gotham to scare Russian public? Why more

Batman #157

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Feb 5, 2025

With the Court of Owls' plan revealed and the city in chaos, Batman must fid the strength to fight a war on multiple fronts and save Gotham from disaster. The fates of Jim Gordon, the Riddler, and all of Gotham rest in the hands of the Dark Knight in a climactic issue so big it takes two superstar artists to bring it to life!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #156 Jan 1, 2025

A lot of stuff happens, but they happen so fast, there’s no tension. The court of owls guy flees Riddler’s hq but so what. What was his role in Nygma’s evil plan? Riddler says he won’t go back to prison, but Gordon punches him out. Apparently Ed’s magic glasses made Jim kill the mayor but sleeping with the wife is all on Gordon. So what? I never got the sense that Gordon cared about that more

Batman #156

By: Chip Zdarsky, Tony Daniel
Released: Jan 1, 2025

THE RIDDLER'S PLANS FINALLY REVEALED! The GCPD is closing in on their suspected killer--and on Batman! Wayne Enterprises is under attack as Nygma's plans come into focus. The Owls are not what they seem. Don't miss the thrilling penultimate issue of "The Dying City"!

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George - Jan 3, 2025

You are not wrong. If you haven’t, check out Batman Dark Patterns. A good Batman book. Detective also is great compared to this.

Quinn reviewed Wonder Woman #16 Dec 18, 2024

King doing a riff on Columbo with Detective Chimp could be considered clever, I guess. Except I don’t like Detective Chimp. He is a character from a bygone era, and the child-like humor doesn’t mesh with the more serious WW story.

Speaking of WW, King bringing in the chimp really messes with the whole Diana mourning the death of Steve arc, and the bonding with baby arc. King’s wri more

Wonder Woman #16

By: Tom King, Bruno Redondo
Released: Dec 18, 2024

As the war against Sovereign rages, new mother, Wonder Woman, relies on her allies to chip away at this seemingly unshakable villain. His greatest weapon is his anonymity, but now is the time to expose the truth with the talents of the greatest detective in the DC Universe. Detective Chimp swings into action for this bananas adventure!

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mego-joe - Dec 18, 2024

No…you’re right on all points. Diana’s approach is still doing nothing- letting others fight her enemy. Please let it end soon.

Quinn reviewed Superwoman Special #1 Dec 11, 2024

This is a hard issue to rate. I like the art, and I like the basic premise of Lois getting powers. Others have written that all the side characters getting powers like Oprah giving them away is not good. I won't argue. I get their point, and they're not wrong.

But Lois getting powers opens up a lot of story potential. Instead of the cliched "woman waits at home for her man" stories, we more

Superwoman Special #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Edwin Galmon
Released: Dec 11, 2024

The amazing story of how Daily Planet Editor-in-Chief Lois Lane got superpowers and became Superwoman is finally told. What does it mean for the matriarch of the Super family to fly alongside her family and friends? And how long will these powers last? And who wants these powers for themselves?! Guest starring the Atom, Mister Terrific, Supergirl, ...

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Quinn reviewed Batman #155 Dec 4, 2024

Um, ok. We learn that Jim Gordon killed the mayor while under the influence of mad hatter tech used by the Riddler. Gordon also had an affair with the mayor’s wife, presumably while under the influence of said tech.

Gordon also worked as a private eye, investigating insurance scams and affairs. Not the work I’d do if I had a commissioner’s pension. We also spend a lot of time see more

Batman #155

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Fornes
Released: Dec 4, 2024

After the shocking events of the last issue, Batman is reeling! But the investigation isn't over just yet! The Court of Owls is intent on destroying Bruce Wayne's life, while Commander Star continues to stoke the flames of civil unrest in Gotham City! It all heats up in the unforgettable new chapter of "The Dying City"!

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motorik - Dec 4, 2024

Mostly plot but definitely some character. Gordon specifically. However, you clearly aren't engaged with these versions of the characters. I thought Gordon's affair was very human. It was a good reminder that even the people you respect most can do things society looks down on. It was fun seeing Batman's faith in Gordon being tested. Did he place a bug on the shoe of his brother? I thought the whole deal was he couldn't see his brother until after 50% of the shares were transferred?

Quinn - Dec 4, 2024

Without rechecking the story, as I recall, there were two body guards protecting someone. If it was a court of owl guy, that is on me. Point about bug stands. But if I dish it out, I have to take it. Well said, sir

Quinn commented on this:
NerdDadBrad reviewed Batman #154 Nov 7, 2024

I love a great Mystery for Batman to solve. This one here is pretty good, as there are several that Batman needs to figure out. Who killed the Mayor? Who is Commander Star? What does Edward Nygma & the Court of Owls have to do with it? i really enjoy Chip's Batman, and I've been a fan of Jorge Jimenez's are for a long time now. If I have to give some critisim on this one, is I felt it ran long, an more

Batman #154

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Nov 6, 2024

Murder has rocked the heart of Gotham! Batman and Jim Gordon will have to piece together the clues and discover the truth, no matter how dark. Has the Riddler really gone legit? Is the Court of Owls involved? Meanwhile, public sentiment is turning against Wayne Enterprises' public initiatives, with new hero Commander Star sowing the seeds of discon...

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Quinn - Nov 7, 2024

Thanks for the like. I appreciate when people who may disagree overall with my review respect my point. Have a great day.

Quinn reviewed Batman #154 Nov 6, 2024

Nice art, continuation of a cynical trend I hate. Mainly taking morally good characters and deconstructing them to make them “human.” By That I mean taking good guys and making them creeps. Thomas Wayne has gone from a good man who became a doctor instead of sitting on his trust fund to a guy who cheats on his wife while ignoring her because he cares too much about his career.

Lesli more

Batman #154

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Nov 6, 2024

Murder has rocked the heart of Gotham! Batman and Jim Gordon will have to piece together the clues and discover the truth, no matter how dark. Has the Riddler really gone legit? Is the Court of Owls involved? Meanwhile, public sentiment is turning against Wayne Enterprises' public initiatives, with new hero Commander Star sowing the seeds of discon...

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Afre reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Oct 30, 2024

It's fitting that for a run that has been mixed for me ends with a book that is mixed for me. It's better than that garbage fire ending that Spencer made, but... yeah it's not that good either.

But must say, for a final arc that from start was all about loose ends, it did leave nothing but loose ends.

The resolution to Tombstone was very poor for me. It's basically the same e more

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Oct 30, 2024


Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!

Rated T

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DDJamesB - Oct 30, 2024

Zeb Wells was overall worse I think. Spencer at least had some arcs that were entertaining, I feel like most of this run was pretty uneventful.

Afre - Oct 30, 2024

Spencer was clearly worse. You can't enjoy that run without mention of Kindred who is one of the worst and most convoluted characters ever introduced in world of Spider-Man. The conclusion is a trash fire with worst artwork and editing I've ever seen. Plot points were introduced and then forgotten. Peter's life is only being Spider-Man halfway point. MJ just disappears.

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daspidaboy reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #60 Oct 30, 2024

I am probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but I think this ending was just as bad, if not worse than Nick Spencer's Spider-Man run. This run for me feels like watching the atrocious Joker sequel to me where its a big punchline.

We think there will be a satisfying conclusion to the Tombstone story, it wasn't. Literally nothing happens, Tombstone doesn't get punished. He literall more

Amazing Spider-Man #60

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Oct 30, 2024


Zeb Wells says goodbye to the AMAZING SPIDER-MAN in style with his collaborators JOHN ROMITA JR., ED McGUINNESS and some other special surprise guests. When one era ends though, another begins as THE EIGHT DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN gets a special prelude by JOE KELLY!

Rated T

Quinn commented on this:
myconius reviewed Absolute Batman #1 Oct 10, 2024

-Goofy Anime-looking art (Batman looks ridiculous)
-Too Subversive (This was built for the first time read. i doubt the twists will hold up upon re-reads)
-Too Deconstructive (There is only so much you can bend and deconstruct characters before they are NO LONGER the same character. I'll avoid going into spoilers, but you'll know who I'm referring to right from the start more

Absolute Batman #1

By: Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta
Released: Oct 9, 2024

BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!

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myconius - Oct 15, 2024

Sadly, DC doesn't seem to have any writers within their current roster that have even so much as a clue on how to write Alfred. One of the best additions to the Bat-mythos, and they seem to do nothing but continually disrespect him.

Toonstrack - Oct 15, 2024

Theres nothing blunt about this Alfred. He is shown to have morals and be on the right side of things, that hasn't changed. Hes also very clearly a gentleman, he just has an edge. Alfred has military expertise even in prime universe. Also Bruce isn't poor. They never said he was poor.

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Dave reviewed Absolute Batman #1 Oct 9, 2024

I tried to read it and made it to page 6 and just didn’t care to finish, I am going to try to read it again later . Might change my grade later. I just did not care to finish it

Absolute Batman #1

By: Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta
Released: Oct 9, 2024

BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!

+ LikeComments (11)
TotyGamer - Oct 10, 2024

Then don't rate it lmao it's not that hard. If you want to score it, you read the complete thing. It's one issue that barely takes time.

myconius - Oct 10, 2024

Agree to disagree. ....or don't agree. .... but disagree nonetheless.

Quinn reviewed Batman #153 Oct 2, 2024

No, just no. Chip actually did a decent Bat story last issue, but ruins it by bringing up Bruce’s long lost “brother” from Snyder’s court of Owls thing. It was a bad idea a decade ago. It was a bad idea in 1973 when Bob Haney wrote Bat-crap crazy stories in Brave and Bold. The stories had no impact on main continuity and ought to be considered alternate universe.

Points for fina more

Batman #153

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 2, 2024

A BRAND-NEW EPIC BATMAN STORY ARC STARTS HERE! Batman is back with a vengeance and Bruce Wayne's new public initiatives have Gotham on the verge of finally becoming a great city! Does that bright future include the Riddler, who's seemingly gone legit? Or the new, unnerving hero, Commander Star? And can Gotham survive the shocking murder of one of i...

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Smithd33 - Oct 4, 2024

I gave it higher than a 1 but I get the frustration. Rams run wasn’t good. How many more times is the bat gonna lose Gotham. Feels like we are just setting up to lose Gotham again.

fthissite - Oct 14, 2024

For sure not a 1 but I'll give u a like for the great written review

Quinn reviewed Batman #152 Sep 4, 2024

The score represents the fact that I was completely lost because I am not following the Absolute Power main story.

But for a tie-in, the writer has something to say about Bruce and Selina. He actually writes her as smart, insightful, and mature. She actually seems like a grownup and a partner who can hold her own physically and in the brains department. Bruce isn’t written as a lox. H more

Batman #152

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Sep 4, 2024

ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! In a thrilling Absolute Power tie-in, Batman and Catwoman must find the key to Amanda Waller's plans in an extremely remote--and shockingly dangerous--location! Living (dying?) up to their name, some of the Suicide Squad won't be coming back from their mission, but will Batman and Catwoman stay free to fight another day?! Plu...

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Bats44121 - Sep 5, 2024

I agree but I am going to rate it higher and only because of this. The story of Bruce and Selina really deserves mature writing. I could care less about the latest Absolute Power soap opera.

Quinn reviewed Batman #151 Aug 7, 2024

Actually, a pretty decent issue, especially for a crossover tie-in. I am not a fan of publisher wide events. They are usually written by committee, so even the characters are inconsistent from issue to issue despite the fact that they are supposed to be the same person in a single plot.

I also find the premise of these events to be eye rolling and the efforts to be shocking and edgy usu more

Batman #151

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 7, 2024

A device critical to Amanda Waller’s plans is hidden on a remote, highly protected island. Batman can get there, but only one burglar has a chance of stealing the device and getting it off the island safely. But the device isn’t what they expect, and getting off the island turns out to be the least of their problems! Plus: a backup story reveal...

Quinn reviewed Batman #150 Jul 2, 2024

This issue is fine. Daspidaboy beat me to it when he used that word in his review, so well played, sir.

This sort of story has been done several times before. You know, unknown person describes what just happened and how things were going and we see several incidents showing us a point of view from a previously unknown character with the hero coming in at the last minute doing something more

Batman #150

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jul 3, 2024

A milestone issue featuring art by the legendary DENYS COWAN (The Question) and series regular JORGE JIMENEZ! When a two-bit crook uncovers Batman's true identity, he becomes the most dangerous man in Gotham City! Can Batman stop him before it's too late? Does he even want to? Plus, an Absolute Power backup story by Chip Zdarsky and Mike Hawthorne ...

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superstan52 reviewed Batman #149 Jun 19, 2024

So, just like that Bruce is a billionaire again, Selina is back in good graces, and Bruce 2.0 is aged out. And there are no consequences for Bruce whatsoever for all the havoc he's unleashed on Gotham these past months. Only in the funnies.

Batman #149

By: Chip Zdarsky, Michele Bandini
Released: Jun 19, 2024

DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!

+ LikeComments (2)
Quinn - Jun 19, 2024

Well said, sir. And Bruce gets to rebuild Gotham. Again. Wonder when he will have to learn to trust family. Again.

Bats44121 - Jun 21, 2024

Bruce Wayne has had years of consequences. It was nice to see Chip finally give him a break for a change. I got tired of the negativity. I can get that for free.

Quinn reviewed Batman #149 Jun 19, 2024

Superstan52 said many of the same things I thought so good for him and bad for me since I want to be original. I will say they’ve set up two future stories. Clone that gave Bruce his hand and was buried in backyard of Wayne Manor 2.0 will be dug up and we will have another Dark reflection of Bruce villain who was dumped into a Lazarus pit for evil reasons.

Damian is also right about e more

Batman #149

By: Chip Zdarsky, Michele Bandini
Released: Jun 19, 2024

DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #148 Jun 4, 2024

Well the arc is over. Batman overcomes obstacle and reunites with family again. I would give points for originality except what is this, the 123,887,546 time it’s been done. We have yet another mastermind who, secretly, behind the scenes has manipulated all the players, but this one created both the Joker AND Batman, and DC has again given Bruce an excuse for not being responsible for doing horr more

Batman #148

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jun 5, 2024

DARK PRISONS--FINALE It all comes down to this: Batman versus Batman! With Damian's life--and the future of Gotham--hanging in the balance, nothing can prepare either version of the Dark Knight for what's about to happen!

Quinn reviewed Batman #147 May 7, 2024

This issue was so meh. Bruce is being saved by the power of love. Flash and Tim tell him he’s not alone, amazing considering the first five decades of Batman had him working with Robin, Superman, Justice League. Now we are told Bruce’s mind has been seeded so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for writers going edgelord. Also Damian realizes robot is not dad. Evil shrink, the 87th we’v more

Batman #147

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 8, 2024

With no allies, no weapons, and almost no hope...can Batman fight back before Zur makes a true devil's bargain? The world is about to know Zur's true power! Him and...his new sidekick? Dark Prisons continues!

+ LikeComments (2)
Bats44121 - May 10, 2024

The 2024 sci-fi crazy Batman era makes the 1950s era of Batman look so sober, intellectual, and thoughtful by comparison. I will be glad when Chip gets back to ruining Daredevil stories.

Psycamorean - May 10, 2024

Bats, have you actually read 50s Batman?

Quinn commented on this:
Von Esper reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

It's really annoying how many writers are just trying to retcon classic stories and characters these days. While the writers often try to expand on these classic stories or give them more depth, the opposite often occurs and they end up tarnishing them.

That's the case here. Zur-En-Arrh was a cool concept when Morrison introduced it, but now it's just a corrupt Batman. The Jokers motiv more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

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Quinn - Apr 4, 2024

I never bought ZurDeDodah. Instead of just accepting the simple fact that stories told in different eras for different aged audiences, are going to be, well, different and not internally consistent, especially after 75 years, Morrison created this break arm patting self on back story. A story as absurd as any Adam West Batman story. But at least those stories were meant to be comedies. Or or I could be wrong. Great review.

myconius - Apr 17, 2024

i know there are those that don't care for it, but Batman RIP is my all-time favorite Batman story. .....and zdarsky just took what Morrison did with Zur-En-Arrh and made it into some cheesy edge lord teenage fan fic.

Quinn reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

What the hell was that? Another issue where the evil at robot goes amuck Batman and Joker still at odds like a million times before but without a smart plot well devised. The writer has clearly shown Joker knows who Batman is but the result is so what? Actions have no consequences and characters spin their wheels doing nothing.

The bat robot is still at large after what a year? So far B more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

+ LikeComments (4)
DomesticatedGiraffe - Apr 2, 2024

Zdarsky's entire run needs to be burned to the ground and forgotten.

ResearchReader - Apr 9, 2024

Agreed. This run is a disgrace. Failsafe was the only good thing initially and he... well he is doing weird stuff with that.

Quinn liked this:
superstan52 reviewed Batman #145 Mar 5, 2024

Zdarsky's entire run has essentially been Batman creating menaces to save the world from a "Batman gone bad" who wind up as worse menaces than Batman could ever be. Failsafe throws Gotham into turmoil twice already in this run, and yet Bruce is not held accountable, or Batman arrested, when the dust clears. Where is J. Jonah Jameson when we need him, alerting the world to the danger that is Batman more

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #145 Mar 5, 2024

I rate this “oh, who cares.” We get the killer bat robot. Joker is playing psychological games with Batman as if the Joker being trained by the same as Batman was just some giant mindf#ck., some great plot that Zdarsky thought of that puts all others to shame. It doesn’t.

We also have the one-eyed mayor. I honestly forgot he existed. But killer batbot is actually proving the mayor more

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #144 Feb 20, 2024

I finally figured out what bugs me about this story. It doesn’t matter.Batman Year one mattered because it was a new Batman after Infinite Crisis. This is just a story where the Joker kills a lot. We know where it is going to end. Crazy Joker who kills a lot.

We also get another story where Jim Gordon doesn’t kill Joker. Again lather, rinse, repeat.

Also not a fan of the more

Batman #144

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

The climactic, chilling conclusion to The Joker Year One that will have massive repercussions for the future! The Red Hood Gang is on a rampage and the only man who can stop them...is The Joker! And can Batman stop a devastating new virus in a future where The Joker looms over him?

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myconius - Apr 17, 2024

zdarsky's run has been in-one-ear-out-the-other. ........it will be forgotten as so many others before it.

Quinn reviewed Batman #143 Feb 14, 2024

I rate this “whatever.” Despite trying to show how he Joker got so badass, it just shows me the Joker is badass because the writers tell and not show. He can take unlimited punishment and despite the fact everyone in Gotham has a gun and wants to kill him, no one shoots him.

There is no, for lack of a better word, logic behind this Joker. Chris Nolan made him an agent of chaos. He h more

Batman #143

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 14, 2024

The terrifying tale of The Joker Year One continues as a mysterious figure from Batman's past has come into Joker's orbit, changing the Clown Prince of Crime forever! And what secrets does the re-formed Red Hood Gang have for Batman's future?

Quinn reviewed Batman #142 Feb 7, 2024

I guess I reject the premise of the story - that theJoker’s origin is important. I totally agree with Christopher Nolan, in that the Joker’s origin doesn’t matter. He just is. He comes from nowhere with an agenda that only makes sense to him.

Trying to explain his origin just ruins the mystery. It is like trying to explain the origins of the immortals in Highlander. They did it tw more

Batman #142

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The tragic death of the leader of the Red Hood Gang in a vat of chemicals has become the subject of myth...but what is the heartbreaking and gruesome tale of the monster who walked away from that violent birth? And how does it affect Batman's distant future? The Joker Year One begins here!

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derbycomics reviewed Batman #141 Jan 4, 2024

The finale to “Failsafe 2.0,” errr I mean “Mindbomb” is essentially one extended chase sequence, with Batman desperately seeking a way to shut down the rogue AI now controlled by Zur-En-Arrh before it can fulfill its objective - the complete and utter replacement of Bruce Wayne as Batman. Stop me if this sounds like Zdarsk’y first “Failsafe” arc. The story is just barely saved the aw more

Batman #141

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Jan 3, 2024

Zur-En-Arrh has done the unthinkable. And now, cut off from everything and everyone, Batman has to face off against his most devastating enemy in a brutal fight for the future as the specter of The Joker hangs over everything. The stunning conclusion to Mindbomb is here!

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