I'm sorry y'all but this run is terrible, as dull as it can be. Issue after issue after issue we basically spend time in an random events plot that's completely unexplored and just there to have an excuse to put Diana into contrived fight scenes.
King can't write to save his live. And by write, I mean literally. The dialogue, the words- The things we, as readers, are literally reading. Diana must have been replaced by a robot version of herself here the way she talks and Soverign's narration is both extremely tedious to get through and equally superflous 99% of the time.
It feels like King is actually afraid to write Wonder Woman, so he found himself a crutch (Sovereign) he felt much more confortable writing instead.
The story is barebones and there's basically no characterization beyond repeating some beats (how many times I've read Diana say "No, thank you") that don't really say anything about the characters themselves. It's been six issues and Diana doesn't feel like a character at all, just a collection of tropes.
And now for my hot take hotter than the sun: I don't really think Daniel Sampere's work is that good either. Don'tg et me wrong, they guy is a tremendous ilustrator and each panel, when looked independently, is pretty good. But when put together, it's clear Sampere isn't that great at making a comic feel alive, characters look stiff, like marble statues, and his action scenes, beyond some creative uses of stuff like the stars we link to WW's mark, are frankly pretty bad. No impact, no speed.
Well, that's kinda all for me tbh.
By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: Feb 21, 2024
WONDER WOMAN AGAINST HER GREATEST FOES! After thwarting each threat that the Sovereign has thrown at her, he decides to bring in the biggest guns the DCU has to offer. Let the battle royale begin! Plus, the Super Sons' bedtime story goes wrong!