Read waid and johns runs You will like
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
THE WAVES CRASH! Superman and Batman have a code against killing...but does a king of Atlantis? As the Floronic Man makes his final play for dominion over the seas, Aquaman is forced to react as a warrior, not a superhero--and the consequences will surprise you! Guest-starring Swamp Thing...and featuring a very special celebrity cameo variant from ...
The best Lemire book in years. This is the most I've ever cared about Wally West. I need to know what went down with him and a certain character!
The Absolute line is the best thing going in modern comics.
Unless you're Gabe Hernandez, of course.
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
@mego-joe When Lemire is on point, he's fantastic. His more recent works have not hit high. Gideon Falls and Ascender/Descender were absolutely amazing. I do agree, his JLA is patchy but I'm enjoying it. We may disagree here but it seems we are all passionate and avid readers. We're keeping it alive.
His New 52 Animal Man was great, I loved his Frankenstein Agent of SHADE and The Terrifics. In enjoyed the first volume of Black Hammer, but that’s almost satire. It’s in a weird space.
As a much older fan off The Flash , I was seriously disappointed in this opening chapter. I understand the need at times to reinvent the wheel all over again but this was painful to read. The script was great but all the back and forward was to me so unnecessary and made the reading experience a whole lot disjointed. Hopefully as the story unfolds it will make it more enjoyable but to me there is more
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
Barry was my first Flash. Issue 306 to be exact (great issue). I read Barry backwards from there. Before the death of Iris, Barry met the stereotype of the silver age hero that had no hero’s journey. A hero right out of the box. Wally had a hero’s journey, which is why for me he is the better character. We are late stage in that journey in the main continuity (the whole main dcu feels late stage frankly), so I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I respect your opinion, but for me, Wally has always been my Flash (and for a lot of people too). I’ve always found Barry pretty boring (in fact, even in the CW show, they just gave Wally’s personality to Barry Allen). Plus, since this is a reinvention, it makes sense to go with the younger, more reactive Flash who still has to find his way. (I agree with you regarding the back and forward.)
Jeff Lemire turns in a fairly strong script, but it’s non linear nature doesn’t serve a first issue well. It’s definitely executed better than in his recent JSA #1, and it works for the most part until the “one year later” jump at the end. It’s entirely unnecessary as there’s plenty of mystery and intrigue to go around without it. There’s a lot of characters, and like all the Abmore
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
Then you're just being a stick in the mud. Things aren't working in the mainline so they tried something new. Sure you can not enjoy it but you acted like it wasn't even there/tried to dismiss their intentions passing it off as being boring. It's at least an idea, just not one you can engage with. Doesn't mean it isn't there.
Well, that’s my opinion. It’s as valid as any other. It’s an idea…just not a good idea.
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
SINESTRO...BACK IN GREEN?! The Lanterns return to Thanagar, decimated in the aftermath of the Civil Corps! But this time John Stewart and company are fighting with Hawkwoman by their side. Meanwhile, the mystery of the Fractal Lanterns deepens, as Atrocitus seeks revenge for the theft of his powers! So why is the answer seemingly within the remains...
That hater Morgan Hampton needs to fuck off.
And the scene of John and Shayera hiding in the closet is way too cringy and gross. It's like a creepy sex fantasy of a pathetic incel.
SINESTRO...BACK IN GREEN?! The Lanterns return to Thanagar, decimated in the aftermath of the Civil Corps! But this time John Stewart and company are fighting with Hawkwoman by their side. Meanwhile, the mystery of the Fractal Lanterns deepens, as Atrocitus seeks revenge for the theft of his powers! So why is the answer seemingly within the remains...
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
In Lemire we trust!
THE JSA, CORNERED BY KOBRA! The JSA have a lead on a KOBRA facility preparing for their next terrorist attack. But which faction of the team will make it to the facility first, and what will it mean for the future of the world's first super-team?!
THE NEW ERA OF THE JSA BEGINS HERE! Long-time fan favorite characters Hawkman, Hawkgirl, Jade, Obsidian, Jesse Quick, Hourman, Ted Grant, and Sandman are all back on the roster as DC's first super team faces their greatest and most personal challenge yet. Will golden age ideals hold true in a world recovering from the events of Absolute Power? Or d...
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WILL HAL STOP THE SORROW IN TIME?! In an attempt to stop Sorrow from creating a Central Power Battery, Hal runs across an alien infected with red energy that threatens his life, all while Kyle and his team must retrieve a piece of source energy from one of the most dangerous and mysterious places in the universe--The Source Wall! The Fractured Spec...
SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...
SUPERSTAR JAMAL CAMPBELL KICKS OFF AN ALL-NEW ZATANNA LIMITED SERIES! Zatanna Zatara, the Mistress of Magic, is back on tour! She's got her stage crew back together and is looking forward to a new, less chaotic chapter of life. However, her plans are disrupted before they even begin when her stage crew is abducted by a ghostly new adversary, The La...
Ignore what gabe says and enjot the book (=
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
RAM V AND EVAN CAGLE RESHAPE THE MYTHOLOGY OF THE DCU! An old god has died, and the reverberations of his passing are felt across the universe, setting forth the soldiers of an intergalactic army and awakening the latent powers of a mysterious child on Earth. But this has all been foreseen--prophesized by the Source and fed as enigmatic images to i...
THE GREEN LANTERN CORPS RETURNS WITH A BRAND NEW ONGOING SERIES! The corps is back! And just in time for the deadly new fractured spectrum saga to kick into full gear! Join the newly formed Green Lantern Corps as they head out into the galaxy in order to stop Sorrow and his master from creating a power battery. John Stewart, Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cr...
METROPOLIS IN THE CROSSHAIRS OF A VILLAINOUS CONSPIRACY! The second chapter of this tale of truth and hope! As Clark Kent digs into what drove Major Disaster back to crime, he begins to uncover a greater conspiracy involving previously reformed villains. But when the noble reporter gets too close to the truth, he finds himself under attack? Now, on...
The sole saving grace of Action Comics #1028 is that it exists outside the current "All In" disaster, sparing readers from that incoherent mess of a storyline. Unfortunately, any relief is short-lived, as this issue replaces one set of problems with another, offering up a misguided attempt to "modernize" Superman's world in ways that completely alienate long-time fans.
The central issue more
"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?
I understand, so now wanting an opinion from a woman you actually care about somehow diminishes your masculinity or your ability to act. American comics haven't sold well for a long time, and often it's not about the quality of the story, but because of the wrong strategies for promoting the universe.
No, but not being able to act without asking her her opinion does. At one point in the book Superman gives up his role in a conversation so that Lois can speak and assume the role of main protagonist. I think I've made my points pretty clear that the writer has turned the Superman book into an avenue for him to deliver "The message" that takes over from telling a story that is good or that makes sense. As for sales see Marie Javins being empowered as Editor in Chief...
THE RETURN OF LEX LUTHOR? During the battle of the House of Brainiac, Lex Luthor's memories were wiped clean...but now, after the events of DC All-In Special #1, the world needs Lex to remember his past. There is a key piece of information in Lex's lost memories that could unlock an epic mystery that plagues Superman and the Justice League! But wha...
"Superman Superstars" continues with an unforgettable tale about Superman's greatest gift to the world...hope. Major Disaster returns to Metropolis and his old ways much to the dismay of the Man of Steel. Can his alter ego Clark Kent discover the reason behind this villain's decline back into the world of crime?
THE INJUSTICE SOCIETY ATTACKS! After sacrificing his reincarnation for one last life with the woman he loves, Hell is the last place Hawkman wants to be right now! With his allies at the Tower of Fate under siege by the Injustice Society, can he escape Wotan's clutches--or is his goose truly cooked?
The shocking second chapter of the Worst Bizarro Story Ever! Jason Aaron's first time writing Superman sees the Man of Steel trapped in a world gone mad, a Metropolis transformed into the City of Bizarro! While Superman struggles to save the lives of people who despise him, he's also battling the most powerful Bizarro of all...the one inside his ow...