Cheers Hex, you're one of the good ones on here!
The best Lemire book in years. This is the most I've ever cared about Wally West. I need to know what went down with him and a certain character!
The Absolute line is the best thing going in modern comics.
Unless you're Gabe Hernandez, of course.
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
Mark Waid continues to kill it. This is arguably the best DC book alongside Absolute Batman.
Such a great time to be a Batman fan.
A TRAP IS SET... Robin is caught in the General's clutches, and it's up to Batman to rescue his intrepid young protege. The Dark Knight knows he's running headlong into a trap, but is the General really prepared for Batman like he thinks?
I'm still intrigued by this rather long storyline, but in this issue it seems to lose some steam. Even Janin's usually stellar artwork is slacking a bit.
ASEMA'S BLOODY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES! Batman has employed the full force of the Bat-Family to uncover the mystery of the murders that continue across Gotham. But even Batman's most trusted allies have failed at preventing the deaths of young men at the hands of the bloodthirsty Asema. But who is Asema? As the World's Greatest Detective unravels...
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
This is the stuff dreams are made of. Thank you DC and Sega.
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
GOTTA. GO. FLASH-FAST. It's a crossover event unlike any other! The monstrous Darkseid crosses dimensions to invade the world of Sonic the Hedgehog, seeking the ultimate power. Sonic and his friends have faced everything from mad scientists to ancient spirits, but the forces of Apokolips may be too much for them. Thankfully, the full heroic might o...
As a much older fan off The Flash , I was seriously disappointed in this opening chapter. I understand the need at times to reinvent the wheel all over again but this was painful to read. The script was great but all the back and forward was to me so unnecessary and made the reading experience a whole lot disjointed. Hopefully as the story unfolds it will make it more enjoyable but to me there is more
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
Barry was my first Flash. Issue 306 to be exact (great issue). I read Barry backwards from there. Before the death of Iris, Barry met the stereotype of the silver age hero that had no hero’s journey. A hero right out of the box. Wally had a hero’s journey, which is why for me he is the better character. We are late stage in that journey in the main continuity (the whole main dcu feels late stage frankly), so I am looking forward to seeing where this goes.
I respect your opinion, but for me, Wally has always been my Flash (and for a lot of people too). I’ve always found Barry pretty boring (in fact, even in the CW show, they just gave Wally’s personality to Barry Allen). Plus, since this is a reinvention, it makes sense to go with the younger, more reactive Flash who still has to find his way. (I agree with you regarding the back and forward.)
This issue is not action-packed, but I like the mystery and slow-building intrigue. The art works, and I like Jeff Lemire's voice for Wally West. This was solid. Not as action-packed or hyped as Absolute Batman/Superman or well-written character like Absolute Wonder Woman. But who cares? As judging on its own merits it is a very solid book. I am very interested to see how Jeff Lemire takes Wally Wmore
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
ASEMA'S BLOODY REIGN OF TERROR CONTINUES! Batman has employed the full force of the Bat-Family to uncover the mystery of the murders that continue across Gotham. But even Batman's most trusted allies have failed at preventing the deaths of young men at the hands of the bloodthirsty Asema. But who is Asema? As the World's Greatest Detective unravels...
What a finale.
THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely ...
No way! I am stunned! Hope you are well my friend. Thank you for taking the time to tell me! Hell has frozen over.
This should be everything I dislike about Snyder writing Batman, but this bombastic comic just keeps entertaining me big time.
THIS IS IT! CATCH UP TO ARC ONE BEFORE THE START OF ARC TWO! Bruce Wayne, a young man who has built his entire life on leveling up, on becoming a bigger man than both his enemies and the obstacles that stand in his way, will have to break down the Black Mask and his gang of Party Animals. Will he be able to do this without the help of his unlikely ...
BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
Ignore what gabe says and enjot the book (=
Deep in the cosmos, an intergalactic inquisition descends upon Apokolips and New Genesis, carrying with it a sinister message: convert or be destroyed. Meanwhile on Earth, Mister Miracle and Big Barda, with their baby in tow, seek out the mysterious child spoken of in Metron's prophecy, desperate to find him before Orion does. Could this child--thi...
A glorious time for Two-Face fans!
THE TRIAL OF HARVEY DENT! Pushed to the brink, Harvey Dent's mask of sanity is slipping, leading him to the deepest recesses of his own twisted mind, as memories collide with haunting traumas from his past. This is the trial of Harvey's life, and Two-Face must face the ultimate judgment. Will he let go and rise above his shattered past, or will his...
Mark Waid is perhaps the most consistent writer in modern comic's.
Luthor has always fascinated me and Waid's love of the character is felt. How I wish this was a normal series.
His Batman and Robin comic is one of the best DC books I've ever read.
THE LONG AWAITED SECOND ISSUE ARRIVES! Superman continues his mission to find a cure for what's killing Lex Luthor. When the present has no answers, maybe the future will! But will the Legion of Super-Heroes help Clark find a cure for a man like Luthor?
Mark Waid and Bryan Hitch reunite to tell a tale centered on their favorite superhero. Superman learns Lex Luthor is dying, and he wants the Man of Steel to help him find the cure for whatever is causing his rapid decline. While the world wants to say good riddance to Luthor, Superman will go to the ends of the universe, through different dimension...
THE MYSTERY OF DARKSEID'S DEATH DEEPENS! The Challengers continue to investigate Darkseid anomalies throughout the universe...and...within themselves...? As more Challs members face isolation aboard the Watchtower and evaluation by Mr. Terrific, a closely guarded theory begins to form as to why the Challengers might have been particularly affected ...
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
This was the book’s first perfect issue as we see the end of Krypton brought to vivid, horrifying life thanks to the incredible creative team. I was brought to tears witnessing Kal experience the gut-wrenching loss of his parents, his dog and his planet in a way that countless earlier DCU retellings have failed to measure up to. It also gives this Superman a clear mission statement that the remore
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
Love the review, I'll be featuring it on my podcast Lunchbreak Reviews, check it out.
I still think that Absolute Superman is the best of the bunch. The new issue is engaging. I like the approach Superman-book-with-little-superman-on-it for now. The art is still excellent.
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
This is a time when it feels like practically everyone feels helpless and hopeless beneath the wealthy elites whose boot is forever on our necks, and ever-increasing numbers of desperate people are looking at this as broken world as one that can only be cleansed with blood. The idea of a newly-arrived Superman (who can fairly be assumed to be as non-lethal as any other version) being seen as the smore
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
BRACE YOURSELF FOR A HEARTBREAKING TALE OF THE FINAL FATE OF KRYPTON! Kal-El's life with his parents in the rural Redlands of Krypton is a happy one. But when that entire existence is suddenly threatened, the Els have no choice but to make a stand...and fight for the truth!
@mego-joe When Lemire is on point, he's fantastic. His more recent works have not hit high. Gideon Falls and Ascender/Descender were absolutely amazing. I do agree, his JLA is patchy but I'm enjoying it. We may disagree here but it seems we are all passionate and avid readers. We're keeping it alive.
His New 52 Animal Man was great, I loved his Frankenstein Agent of SHADE and The Terrifics. In enjoyed the first volume of Black Hammer, but that’s almost satire. It’s in a weird space.