Read waid and johns runs You will like
Wow, this was fantastic.
The origins of the Harvesters are finally revealed as we jump back thousands of years to see the dawn of the robotkind and the the secrets of the Ancient Robot and how it connects to Tim-21 in the present.
Secrets that have been building since issue one are finally revealed in this shocking ...
This was awesome. Kieron Gillen is so great with X-Men.
They said the mutants were humanity's future. It's 10 years later and they were proven to be right. The X-Men exist in a world that adores and respects why are they sworn to crush it?! But while they do, Emma can take a few minutes out to crush Mister Sinister.
Rated T+
The fall's big DESCENDER event concludes in explosive fashion as the UGC and the Hardwire converge, and Tim and Telsa make their final stand against the murder machine known as Tim-22. This issue forever alters the course of DESCENDER.
Each issue in this arc will have variant covers f...
The fall's big Descender event continues as Tim 21 enacts a daring escape from the Robot Resistance, but will he make it in time to save Telsa? And Andy and Bandit are betrayed by an unexpected source when they come face to face with the UGC!
Each issue in this arc will have variant covers featuring one ...
"RISE OF THE ROBOTS," Part Three-The fall's big DESCENDER event continues in the strangest and most shocking issue of DESCENDER yet, as the fate of the fan-favorite robot, DRILLER is finally revealed! Stranded on the planet Woch, Driller meets an old nomad called Mizerd. But he soon realizes that Driller may be a real killer and Mizerd is a real wi...
The new DESCENDER event explodes as Tim-21 makes his daring escape from the clutches of the Hardwire. Meanwhile Andy, Effie, and Bandit are taken prisoner by the UGC until one of them shockingly turns traitor. And deep below the ocean planet of Mata, the final fate of Telsa is revealed.
Tim-22 makes his move on Telsa and Quon, Andy and Effie attack the Machine Moon, and Psius and The Hardwire have Tim-21 in their grips.
As the various factions hunting Tim-21 close in, the galaxy is on the verge of all-out war. This is it! Everything D...
DENIZ CAMP AND JAVIER RODRIGUEZ TRANSFORM THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Beyond Mars...beyond physical form...beyond Human Understanding...all that's left is the ultimate alien: the Absolute Martian Manhunter!
Tim-22's nefarious plans are revealed, and the results are deadly for Quon and Tesla. Meanwhile, the UGC confronts the Robot Resistance, putting the galaxy on the brink of war with Tim-21 and Andy at the center of the conflict. As this story arc comes to its explosive conclusion, the stage is set...
The best Lemire book in years. This is the most I've ever cared about Wally West. I need to know what went down with him and a certain character!
The Absolute line is the best thing going in modern comics.
Unless you're Gabe Hernandez, of course.
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
@mego-joe When Lemire is on point, he's fantastic. His more recent works have not hit high. Gideon Falls and Ascender/Descender were absolutely amazing. I do agree, his JLA is patchy but I'm enjoying it. We may disagree here but it seems we are all passionate and avid readers. We're keeping it alive.
His New 52 Animal Man was great, I loved his Frankenstein Agent of SHADE and The Terrifics. In enjoyed the first volume of Black Hammer, but that’s almost satire. It’s in a weird space.
Felt like X-Men meets Star Wars. Good stuff. Art was just okay.
Ten years from now, Mars has been destroyed - and now STORM wants revenge! To get it, the New Brotherhood will battle their way through Hell to seek the greatest secret of the Sinister Age... but are they fighting to save the world - or end it? And who is the man called IRONFIRE?
Rated T+
"ORBITAL MECHANICS," Part Four-The fate of Driller is revealed as he crashes on a dangerous new planet and comes face-to-face with something no one else in the DESCENDER universe has yet encountered... MAGIC! And Bandit makes a startling new discovery about the Tim-22 that will send shockwaves through the galaxy!
Incredible. Ambitious as hell, but Gillen absolutely nailed it. What a way to kick off an event!
POWERS OF ESSEX! It's the end of the world as we know it, and at least Sinister feels fine. For now. Can that last? Especially when we discover that he really is his own worst enemy... The universe-melting X-event begins here, in a horror timeline that makes Age of Apocalypse look like the X-Men Swimsuit Special. Join Kieron Gillen (IMMORTAL X-MEN,...
"ORBITAL MECHANICS," Part Three-Driller's terrible secret is revealed to Andy, and their uneasy alliance is shattered. Meanwhile, across the galaxy, Tim-21, Quon, and Telsa make their way to the ocean planet of Mata where the secrets of The Harvesters may finally be revealed!
Reading this, I felt insulted on behalf of women everywhere and anyone who enjoys good stories. Laura saying "It's beer-o'clock sluts!" honestly made me want to throw up. It's possibly the most out-of-character moment I've ever read in comics, and it perfectly encapsulated this mini-series. The only slight positive in this whole book was that the art wasn't bad. The story? Nonsensical. The writingmore
THE FINAL BEAT DOWN! These X-Ladies have been through one HELL of a night?and it's not over yet. They might have managed to escape the trouble that found them?but that trouble hasn't escaped them! It's time to make these suckers regret they ever crossed their paths!
More of the same. Williams doesn't do a great job of giving these characters unique voices; they all talk and act exactly the same, like absolute bimbos.
SEXY COSPLAY OF DEATH! It's not the clothes that make the badass, it's the asses they kick! Dazzler, Boom-Boom, Jubilee and Wolverine might not be dressed for a beatdown, but that's not gonna stop them from handing them out! Make a joke about them - they dare you!
Parental Advisory
I don't know's all just explosions and quippy jokes about female body parts. I'm not really seeing the appeal. I also find it funny how a lot of feminists will complain about men objectifying women, but then some of those same feminists will turn around and write issues like this where a character flashes her tig ol' bitties for hundreds of cheering vampires.
Does it count as killing a man when the man in question is already undead? This problem is one the lovely ladies of bombs and blades are going to need to wrestle with as they brutally separate bloodsuckers' heads from their bodies! Just when you thought the night couldn't get more bonkers...
Ha! Got heem!
The cyborg cult known as The Between are hit by a Gnishian attack fleet with only Andy, Driller and Tullis standing between them. Will Andy's love for Queen Between be enough to save them? One of Decsender's cast members makes the ultimate sacrifice.
"ORBITAL MECHANICS" starts here, launching the bestselling series-with Eisner Award-winning art-into high gear. All the various factions hunting Tim-21 begin to converge, and explosive revelations are made as Tim, Telsa, and Quon escape the Machine Moon, but they may have doomed themselves and the Universe in doing so!
"Ladies and gentle-theys"? The hell does that even mean? You can say ladies but not gentlemen? Other than that enormously stupid line, this was decent. I hope this story finds some semblance of purpose at some point though...if it's just mindless gore and wisecracks for 5 issues, that would be disappointing.
When three explosive ladies hit the town, they had no idea it was going to hit back so hard...and shockingly, running into their stabby friend Wolverine hasn't made the night any less blood-soaked. Join Dazzler, Jubilee, Boom-Boom and Wolverine for a bloody, sexy gut-punch of a series that will leave you begging for anoth...
This was bananas, not sure if it's in a good way yet.
When Jubilee and Boom-Boom agree to take Dazzler out for a night on the town to console her after her nasty breakup, they have no idea they're about to be kidnapped and put into elaborate death traps for their efforts! What are three girls with the power to blow things up to do? Leah Williams and Carlos G mez put the ...
Easily the best of the flashback issues so far. Made me emotional for a freaking drill robot.
"SINGULARITIES" comes to its shocking conclusion. The secret sins of one of our main cast members are revealed, and the eff ects will shatter allegiances and change the world of Descender forever!
I liked it, but it moved too quickly. This backstory should've taken two issues.
At long last the story of the mysterious QUEEN BETWEEN is revealed and her connection to Andy and Tim-21 will rock the galaxy.
Well, there you have it. Soule's run comes to a close, and I have some thoughts.
Firstly, while the ending wasn't terrible, it was much weaker than this run deserved. The whole "it was all in his head" shtick is really hard to do well, and I don't think it was done particularly well here. It took a lot of the meaning out of the final arc, and what wasn't all that interesting of a story more
• The whirlwind adventure of the fall ends here, in an oversized and overwhelming DAREDEVIL epic as only Charles Soule and Phil Noto could deliver it.
• Face forward, True Believers, this one'll have you talking for MONTHS!
Rated T+
I know people are mad that these flashback issues don't really advance the plot much, but I really enjoyed this one. Lemire used silence really well to convey some powerful emotions in a somber issue that looks at Bandit and Tim's backstory.
"SINGULARITIES" continues as the secret history of everyone's favorite pet-bot, Bandit, is revealed. What did Bandit do on the mining colony all those years while Tim-21 slept? And what does it mean for the future?
Not really sure how Soule is planning on tying things up from here...but this was pretty good when judged on its own.
• As DAREDEVIL's crusade against the Kingpin moves into its endgame, the stakes have never been higher.
• But a mysterious new villain has arrived in Hell's Kitchen, with Daredevil squarely in his sights...
Rated T+
"SINGULARITIES" continues as the mysteries of Telsa's past are finally revealed. They may threaten not only Telsa, but the universe itself!
The Vigil is a cool villain, I just wish the run was longer so that we could see more of him.
• Determined to prove the Kingpin cheated his way into the mayor's office, Matt is pulling out all the stops!
• His resolve has set him down a path that will either tear down the Kingpin's empire or will cost Matt everything.
• When the final bell rings, only Fisk or Murdock will be left standing!
JEFF LEMIRE AND NICK ROBLES SPEED INTO THE ABSOLUTE UNIVERSE! Without the mentor...without the family...without the Speed Force, what's left is the Absolute Scarlet Speedster!
• The eleventh hour draws near as Matt Murdock prepares to square off against the Kingpin of Crime!
• Matt is forced to ask himself how long he can take hits against the ropes as Daredevil before he has to hang up the horns.
• But first, Matt will have to embark on a crusade to free the city of New ...