• There's a new DAREDEVIL in town, and Matt Murdock has no idea who it is!
• Neither does Cole North, the tough-as-nails detective who's been hot on the Guardian Devil's trail for weeks.
• Can Matt Murdock truly live a life without Daredevil? Can Cole?
Rated T+
Matt feels like a changed man, and Zdarsky has been planning this since the beginning. Any savvy reader knows that Murdock will become Daredevil once more. The actual trick is when, and how. Matt remains the king of bad decisions, and Zdarksys latest twist will come back to haunt Matt. The question, again, is when and how. Zdarskys crazy train isnt done yet. Read Full Review
A great piece of a great series this is the Daredevil we deserve. Read Full Review
The story was just beautiful. Zdarsky really brings Daredevil to a familiar, yet exciting place. Read Full Review
Daredevil #9 progresses the plot while furthering the complex sub-textual elements of the narrative in extremely satisfying fashion. Zdarsky places Matt's sometimes questionable decision making front and center, adding some new ingredients to the already proven recipe this issue reaches the bar and sets it a bit higher for the next insightful and intriguing chapter in the dramatic tale of Matt Murdock. If you haven't been reading Daredevil, this is unfortunately not the best jumping on point, however as the conclusion of this arc draws ever nearer, the beginning of the next story is sure to provide an accessible entry into Hell's Kitchen and the adventures of Daredevil therein. I highly recommend you cease the opportunity. Read Full Review
Daredevil #9 reads like an indie film, and that's a great thing in this instance. Read Full Review
The creative team for "Daredevil" #9 is paying off the status quo shift of this arc by putting Matt Murdock through his usual paces in a new and satisfying way. Read Full Review
Daredevil #9 advances the endless debate about Matt Murdock and the choices he makes by adding some new (old-new and new-new) choices to the discussion. It looks good and it's amply stocked with intriguing ideas; this volume's reputation for thoughtful insight is further enhanced by this latest serving. Read Full Review
Another solid issue of Zdarksy's Daredevil run. It's let down by some art issues, but the story continues to be interesting and compelling. Read Full Review
“Adventure, thrills, romance, chills. All in a book.”
Zdarsky is the new Miller
Whole issue he wonders if it’s ok in God’s eyes to be Daredevil then doesn’t blink an eye to phuck the married librarian😭😭
Matt noooo.
This is such a great comic.
Huge improvement over the last issue. Zdarsky writes an amazing Matt, and it falls in line with every version of the character we've seen from the TV show to comics, etc. My only complaint if there is one, is that Sharma's art isn't as good as Chechetto's in the first couple issues. Not to say it's bad, just not as good. Chechetto will be a welcome comeback in later issues. Overall, this series is shaping out to be one of the best Daredevil runs in a character who has had amazing writers: Miller, Bendis, Brubaker, Waid.
Matt’s into some deep shit now man.
Sharma does not fit this series's tone
Onward and upward! Zdarsky continues to improve from the issue #4-7 lull.
-Great opening panels with Reed and Matt discussing god and religions place in the world
-Enjoyed the art is the church
-More of Cole and the police force feuding. kingpin has truly made sure to have them on his side and the owls actions will probably help their loyalty grow as they deal with cole
-Action sequence was well-paced, matt showed some rust
-Love interest can be good, both are expressing concerns about their struggle with identity
The problem with Matt being blind is that he can't see the battalion of red flags flying over this hookup.
This feels like an Adult comic book, with a story that is complex, thought-provoking, and impossible to anticipate where it's going next.
This run is great.
"... I hope you recieve your signs..."
Looks like Matt is reinventing himself in a way that's not terribly different than he was before... including still being a playa!