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Joined: Sep 23, 2016

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BesottedGeekPod reviewed Absolute Batman #1 Oct 14, 2024

Good world building and some cool moments, along with the usual Snyder groaners (we get that you know Batman’s creators, Scott). The art is good, yet I’m not a fan of some of the character designs. Hate the cape. I’m going to throw this out there since I haven’t seen it yet: Mad Hatter involvement.

Absolute Batman #1

By: Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta
Released: Oct 9, 2024

BATMAN LEGEND SCOTT SNYDER AND ICONIC ARTIST NICK DRAGOTTA TRANSFORM THE DARK KNIGHT'S TALE FOR THE MODERN AGE! Without the mansion...without the money...without the butler...what's left is the Absolute Dark Knight!

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BesottedGeekPod rated Ultimate X-Men #1 Mar 25, 2024

Ultimate X-Men #1

By: Peach Momoko
Released: Mar 6, 2024

Visionary creator PEACH MOMOKO (DEMON DAYS, STAR WARS) creates a new generation of X-Men for an all-new universe! Hisako Ichiki is a teenage girl who just wants to live a normal life - go to school, hang out with her friends, ignore the political strife broiling over after the events of ULTIMATE INVASION - but life has other plans for her. In Japan...

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The Bat-Man: First Knight #1

By: Dan Jurgens, Mike Perkins
Released: Mar 6, 2024

The year is 1939. The world, still reeling from the horrors of the First World War, is on the brink of tipping into an even more gruesome conflict, as fascism is on the march--and gathering strength in America's darkest corners. Against this backdrop, a series of violent murders has begun in Gotham, and the recent emergence of the mysterious vigila...

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myconius reviewed The Bat-Man: First Knight #1 Mar 9, 2024

There is NO WAY this comic was worth the $7 price tag!

I honestly cannot remember the last time I was this bored reading a Batman comic. The beginning starts with a ton of exposition, by the time the headless victim shows up I had already checked out. The story meanders a bit more until Batman finally shows up in one of the most wonky, awkward, unsatisfying splash pages I've ever seen. more

The Bat-Man: First Knight #1

By: Dan Jurgens, Mike Perkins
Released: Mar 6, 2024

The year is 1939. The world, still reeling from the horrors of the First World War, is on the brink of tipping into an even more gruesome conflict, as fascism is on the march--and gathering strength in America's darkest corners. Against this backdrop, a series of violent murders has begun in Gotham, and the recent emergence of the mysterious vigila...

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BesottedGeekPod reviewed Daredevil & Echo #1 May 25, 2023

Poor writing and dialogue get in the way of what could be an interesting story, wasting some good (especially character) art.

Daredevil & Echo #1

By: B. Earl, Phil Noto
Released: May 24, 2023

For months, the bloodthirsty and demonic DEMOGOBLIN has been kidnapping children for reasons unknown. IN THIS SERIES, Daredevil and Echo discover why - as Demogoblin works to wake an ancient and powerful evil deep within the bowels of the city. Reunited at last with Echo, herself fresh from a brief time ...

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Simon DelMonte reviewed City Boy #1 May 23, 2023

At last, a hero I can relate to! He is also still masking! (First overt reference in any DC book to the pandemic?)

A promising start by an accomplished talent, and nice that a new book can launch without having a guest appearance by a big name hero.

City Boy #1

By: Greg Pak, Minkyu Jung
Released: May 24, 2023

First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there's a new Korean hero named...City Boy! Or at least, that's the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to paw...

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BesottedGeekPod - May 25, 2023

Pretty big name villain though ;)

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ComicWorm reviewed City Boy #1 May 23, 2023

It is a great start. Better than I expected. Also, the ending makes me even more eager for the next issue.

City Boy #1

By: Greg Pak, Minkyu Jung
Released: May 24, 2023

First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there's a new Korean hero named...City Boy! Or at least, that's the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to paw...

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BesottedGeekPod reviewed City Boy #1 May 25, 2023

A really good, if at times a bit cliche, introduction to a new-ish character. The art is fine throughout, and the issue ends with a hell of a cliffhanger.

City Boy #1

By: Greg Pak, Minkyu Jung
Released: May 24, 2023

First seen in Wildstorm 30th Anniversary Special and Lazarus Planet: Legends Reborn, there's a new Korean hero named...City Boy! Or at least, that's the best translation of what the cities call him. City Boy, a.k.a. Cameron Kim, is just trying to make a living by using his powers of being able to speak to cities to find lost and hidden goods to paw...

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BesottedGeekPod reviewed Avengers #1 May 22, 2023

Very good intro to the team— just what a #1 book should be. MacKay mostly hits the voices of the characters, excelling at writing team leader, Carol Danvers. Art is good but I wish it was a little clearer and more colorful at times.

Avengers #1

By: Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa
Released: May 17, 2023

The Star. The Icon. The Witch. The Construct. The God. The Engineer. The King. The world is ever in peril, and a new team of Avengers mobilizes to meet any dangers that dare threaten the planet. But when TERMINUS attacks, a new and insidious danger rears its head...

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BesottedGeekPod reviewed Titans #1 May 19, 2023

A decent start to a title IF you already know a bit about the characters. Not something I’d go out of my way to continue.

Titans #1

By: Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott
Released: May 17, 2023

The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth...Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they'd be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League...but to replace it! Are t...

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BesottedGeekPod - May 22, 2023

I’m a big boy now!

Weird Science Jim - May 22, 2023

put on your big boy reviewing pants

BesottedGeekPod rated Gideon Falls #18 Nov 13, 2019

Gideon Falls #18

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Nov 13, 2019

    2019 Eisner Award winner, Best New Series!
"THE PENTOCULUS," Part Two-The Bishop finally reveals the dark secrets of the Pentoculus to Father Fred and Angie... and what horrors it unleashed on the universe.  

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BesottedGeekPod rated Analog #9 Nov 6, 2019

Analog #9

By: Gerry Duggan, David O'Sullivan
Released: Oct 16, 2019

The assassins close in around Oona and Sam, the A.I. in the boombox asks Jack for an impossible request-oh, and Jack fights his nemesis to the death. And those Ledger Women, are they here to help? Or to hurt? This issue will change everything!

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BesottedGeekPod rated Wonder Twins #8 Nov 6, 2019

Wonder Twins #8

By: Mark Russell, Mike Norton
Released: Oct 9, 2019

The Wonder Twins are charged with their most important mission yet-planning the 30-year reunion for Morris High School! As it turns out, the Class of '89 is full of unresolved conflict and unrequited love, and if that alone doesn't ruin the event, Jayna's former best friend Polly will!

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Batman: Curse of the White Knight #4

By: Sean Murphy
Released: Oct 23, 2019

After a shocking tragedy strikes the Bat-Family and Montoya takes the reins, Babs defies the GTO and goes rogue in the hunt for Azrael. When her new methods prove almost too effective, Batman intervenes-leaving Harley to her own devices in the wake of her own emergency.

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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #4

By: Jeff Lemire, Michael Walsh
Released: Oct 9, 2019

The out-of-shape and out-of-practice Black Hammer heroes must contend with a suspicious Justice League as Colonel Weird and the Green Lanterns try to unravel the mystery at the heart of this dimensional switch-and the DC heroes marooned in Black Hammer Farm make a surprising discovery that may offer them answers.

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BesottedGeekPod rated Powers of X #3 Aug 27, 2019

Powers of X #3

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Aug 21, 2019

As Xavier sows the seeds of the past, the X-Men's future blossoms into trouble for all mutantdom. Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (NEW AVENGERS, INFINITY, FF) continues reshaping the X-Men's past, present and future with breakout artist R.B. Silva (UNCANNY X-MEN)!
Rated T+

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BesottedGeekPod added Powers of X to their pull list Aug 27, 2019

Powers of X

FEAR THE FUTURE! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (INFINTY, NEW AVENGERS, FF) continues his revolutionary new direction for the X-Men. Intertwining with HOUSE OF X, POWERS OF X reveals the secret past, present  and  future of mutantkind, changing the way you look at every X-Men story before and after. You do not want to miss the next seminal m...

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BesottedGeekPod rated Daredevil #10 Aug 27, 2019

Daredevil #10

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Fornes
Released: Aug 21, 2019

•  Matt Murdock comes face-to-face with the choices he's made.
•  Hell's Kitchen rises up to fill the void!
Rated T+

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BesottedGeekPod rated Criminal #7 Aug 27, 2019

Criminal #7

By: Ed Brubaker, Sean Phillips
Released: Aug 21, 2019

    The best monthly comic on the market keeps the hits coming! Young Ricky Lawless and Leo (from CRIMINAL, VOL. 1: COWARD) take the spotlight this issue, as the epic story of the death of Teeg Lawless continues! As always, CRIMINAL contains back page art and articles only found in the single issues.

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BesottedGeekPod rated Analog #7 Aug 23, 2019

Analog #7

By: Gerry Duggan, David O'Sullivan
Released: Aug 14, 2019

"MOVING TARGETS," Part Two: Jack is on the move through Texas' hostile territory on behalf of the Japanese A.I.-and if that's not weird enough, now he's lugging a boom box containing secrets worth killing for. What will kill Jack first? Algorithms, hitmen, or whiskey?

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BesottedGeekPod added Analog to their pull list Aug 23, 2019


CHAPTER ONE: Five years from now: the security of the internet has been totally destroyed. Secrets are no longer sent over the web, they're entrusted to armed couriers called "Ledger Men," like human punching-bag Jack McGinnis. He's got a gun in one hand and a briefcase handcuffed to the other. Danger lurks around every corner, and Jack has to watc...

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BesottedGeekPod rated Powers of X #2 Aug 23, 2019

Powers of X #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, R. B. Silva
Released: Aug 14, 2019

As Xavier sows the seeds of the past, the X-Men's future blossoms into trouble for all mutantdom. Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (NEW AVENGERS, INFINITY, FF) continues reshaping the X-Men's past, present and future with breakout artist R.B. Silva (UNCANNY X-MEN)!
Rated T+

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Black Hammer/Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #2

By: Jeff Lemire, Michael Walsh
Released: Aug 14, 2019

DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics present the ultimate superhero crossover event of 2019! After a mysterious stranger warps reality, the out-of-practice Black Hammer heroes must contend with both Starro and the rest of the DC universe. Meanwhile, Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and Cyborg try to adjust to life on Black Hammer Farm, while Colonel Weir...

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BesottedGeekPod added Black Hammer/Justice League to their pull list Aug 23, 2019

Black Hammer/Justice League

DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics present the ultimate superhero crossover event of 2019!  

A strange man arrives simultaneously on Black Hammer Farm and in Metropolis, and both worlds are warped as Starro attacks! Batman, Green Lantern, Flash, Wonder Woman, Superman, and more crossover with Golden Gail, Colonel Weird, and the rest of the ...

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BesottedGeekPod rated Gideon Falls #16 Aug 23, 2019

Gideon Falls #16

By: Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino
Released: Aug 14, 2019

    END OF STORY ARC! "ALL THOSE LITTLE SCARS": The pulse-pounding conclusion to "Season 3" of the hottest supernatural horror story in comics! Clara is finally reunited with her missing brother, Danny-but The Laughing Man doesn't give up his acolytes without a bloody battle!

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BesottedGeekPod rated Daredevil #9 Aug 15, 2019

Daredevil #9

By: Chip Zdarsky, Lalit Kumar Sharma
Released: Aug 7, 2019

• There's a new DAREDEVIL in town, and Matt Murdock has no idea who it is!
•  Neither does Cole North, the tough-as-nails detective who's been hot on the Guardian Devil's trail for weeks.
•  Can Matt Murdock truly live a life without Daredevil? Can Cole?
Rated T+

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BesottedGeekPod rated House of X #2 Aug 15, 2019

House of X #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Pepe Larraz
Released: Aug 7, 2019

Learn the truth about one of the X-Men's closest allies...and then begin the fight for the future of mutantkind! Superstar writer Jonathan Hickman (AVENGERS, SECRET WARS, FANTASTIC FOUR) continues reshaping the X-Men's world with Marvel Young Gun artist Pepe Larraz (EXTERMINATION, AVENGERS)!
Rated T+

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BesottedGeekPod rated Space Bandits #2 Aug 14, 2019

Space Bandits #2

By: Mark Millar, Matteo Scalera
Released: Aug 7, 2019

The bandits are locked in a penal colony and looking to bust out. While Thena bulks up to compete in the Big Bout and earn her ticket to freedom, Cody puts her cunning mind to work on an escape plan. But how will they flee The Crustacean, and who'll be their first target when they do?

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BesottedGeekPod rated Invisible Woman #2 Aug 14, 2019

Invisible Woman #2

By: Mark Waid, Mattia de Iulis
Released: Aug 7, 2019

Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman, forms an unlikely - and uneasy - alliance with fellow spy the Black Widow to comb the alleys and palaces of Madripoor! They're searching for Sue Richards' first partner - but what they discover will shake Sue to the core and turn her mission upside down!
Rated T

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BesottedGeekPod rated Green Lantern #10 Aug 14, 2019

Green Lantern #10

By: Grant Morrison, Liam Sharp
Released: Aug 7, 2019

Twelve parallel worlds! Twelve Green Lanterns! And one unstoppable menace! Hal Jordan joins the Green Lanterns of the Multiverse-including Bat-Lantern, Tangent Green Lantern and more-to save a dying Multiverse, defeat the relentless Anti-Man and embark upon their "Quest for the Cosmic Grail"! It's another Morrison/Sharp science fantasy epic!

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