Weird Science Jim 's Profile

Joined: Jan 30, 2019

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Unfortunately nothing is going to change while Nick Lowe remains editor of this comic. I know this is old news but it's truly unbelievable how far Marvel have allowed this flagship book to tank in quality. Big and extensive changes are needed, but I feel like we've been saying the same thing for years.

Amazing Spider-Man #66

By: Justina Ireland, Andrea Broccardo
Released: Jan 22, 2025

•  Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame?
•  Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next?
•  Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?

+ LikeComments (2)
Gio - Jan 23, 2025

Wow I'm not surprised you are absolutely right about Nick Lowe. Its not old news people should keep calling out how they are tarnishing Spidey still to this very day. Kudos to you for still sticking with ASM. I dropped it after #63 declaring ASM dead for me lol

wakizashireviews - Jan 23, 2025

I stopped buying it during Wells' run. I'm only following it via review copies. Some of the recent issues I couldn't even finish reading. It's a shadow of what it used to be.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Lock reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #12 Dec 18, 2024

Gabe Hernandez reviews are so weird

Ultimate Spider-Man #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Dec 18, 2024

•  Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got
Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!

+ LikeComments (16)
Weird Science Jim - Dec 20, 2024 (edited)

most people would look at all this as a good thing (like a clickbaity way to drive more traffic to the site) but i never cared about clicks or views, i just like letting people review comics. To be honest, though, the past year or so since Gabe started reviewing stuff, the traffic has gone through the roof so somebody is interested

Smithd33 - Dec 23, 2024

I trust Gabe more than any other reviewer. I’d love to see this much flack for a hack like geek dad. Dude gives 10’s to anything. You can shit on a plate and as long as he gets his comps he will give you a 10. Go after shills like that. Not someone who will give an honest score whether you like the score or not.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Hex reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #12 Dec 18, 2024

A direct quote from Gabe's review, “Why on Earth does Jonathan Hickman believe Spider-Man fans are interested in the interpersonal dynamics between MJ, her sister, and her mother?“

Because people have been asking for more from the wider Spider-Man family for years and now, that family is a FAMILY. If you don't create characters with depth, interpersonal dynamics or anything to do, y more

Ultimate Spider-Man #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Dec 18, 2024

•  Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got
Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!

+ LikeComments (13)
Hex - Dec 19, 2024

it can turn off a potential reader for no reason. I'm not saying to be a shill. As I said in my review, I don't support pumping up books for the sake of it but tanking is just as much of a problem. People consuming media generally look to critics more than whatever the average userbase is. They have pull. When the critics reviews don't align with the userbase there is usually a reason. Gabe can have his reasons but that doesn't make them objectively correct. He just comes off as a curmudgeon.

Hex - Dec 19, 2024

I'm just a guy who likes comics. Like Gabe, I want to see Spider-Man do Spider-Man things. But just because Spider-Man isn't in it beating up the bad guys every issue doesn't discount the book from being good. My opinion is subjective. His is as well. His review is up on this site, people will see it lending itself to criticism. Not everything has to be bombastic and what people have across the board enjoyed about this series is that it takes the small world building moments and highlights them.

Weird Science Jim reviewed Absolute Batman #3 Dec 19, 2024

Sus Gabe does it again! SuS take of the week!

Absolute Batman #3

By: Scott Snyder, Nick Dragotta
Released: Dec 18, 2024

NEW FRIENDS, NEW ENEMIES! Batman and Alfred have formed a tentative alliance, but the Black Mask has some new friends too...and they're coming to Gotham to wreak absolute havoc. Plus, discover the dark secret that will rock Bruce to his core and make him question everything...

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Weird Science Jim commented on this:
motorik reviewed Batman #155 Dec 4, 2024

Yeah, conservative comic readers won't like this.

Commander Star's dialogue in particular is going to rile some (owl) feathers.

Chip keeps taking shots at the right. Although I generally agree with his commentary, this will (continue to) work against his run - as it already has.

Batman #155

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Fornes
Released: Dec 4, 2024

After the shocking events of the last issue, Batman is reeling! But the investigation isn't over just yet! The Court of Owls is intent on destroying Bruce Wayne's life, while Commander Star continues to stoke the flames of civil unrest in Gotham City! It all heats up in the unforgettable new chapter of "The Dying City"!

+ LikeComments (13)
Psycamorean - Dec 18, 2024

The problem is that art is inherently political. Comics, especially so. There will never *be* an apolitical comic. There was never a time where comics have been apolitical. Superman was a champion of the oppressed, Captain America punched Hitler. Superhero comics specifically could easily turn into strongman, fascist propaganda in an attempt to keep things "apolitical". I'd rather not have that.

Hex - Dec 19, 2024

The fact that it took the chuds that long to figure out that they were the ones being satirized speaks to their media literacy and overall shouldn't welcome their ideas when most of them just want sexy women, no POC or LGBTQ characters so they can feel comfortable. They don't contribute to the comics medium. Most of them don't even buy or read the comics they rail against. They have people on YouTube or Reddit tell them how to feel. Alienating the people trying to alienating others isn't bad.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Dave DSG reviewed Ultimates #7 Dec 4, 2024

The death of Tony Stark/Iron Man has left the team fractured, as Thor and Sif leave to attack Asgard and dethrone Loki. Cap and Jim try to go to familiar places to grieve, Doom tries to reason with She-Hulk about not returning home where Hulk and Hawkeye are waiting for her by attacking corrupt corporations. America Chavez decides to help stop the repression at a protest on the anniversa more

Ultimates #7

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Dec 4, 2024


Perfect jumping-on point for the uninitiated! The aftermath of the explosive last issue - including the loss of a major member! Join the Ultimates in their secret HQ as they regroup and launch their bold new plan to change the world!

Rated T+

+ LikeComments (6)
Weird Science Jim - Dec 6, 2024

Maybe that's part of my problem - after 7 issues (and thus 7 months in-universe) we are still guessing at the idea of what and why of what's going on

Dave DSG - Dec 6, 2024

Maybe it's a slow burn, be patience

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Jonn McLoed reviewed Harley Quinn #45 Nov 30, 2024

Sorry to every other comic that hit the stands this week but for me and my pal this was an absolute and utter hilarious home run. This oozes charm , fun and at my advancing age.....a red face at how much I laughed till I cried....if comics were made to just entertain an old man on a Saturday night in , then Harley Quinn hit the number 1 spot for Xmas.....JM

Harley Quinn #45

By: Elliott Kalan, Mindy Lee
Released: Nov 27, 2024

ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF THROATCUTTER HILL! Art! Since the dawn of humanity, we have found emotional, spiritual, and even intellectual meaning through the visual arts. But sometimes...even art can suck real, real bad. Is a soulless and aesthetically meritless corporate statue ruining your view of a perfectly good park full of uncollected trash and de...

+ LikeComments (1)
Weird Science Jim - Nov 30, 2024

only 1 critical review and your 1 user review - that usually spells big trouble, especially for a book that just started a new run

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
motorik reviewed Justice League Unlimited #1 Nov 27, 2024

Waid does it again.

My friends, we have defeated the deviant Gabe Hernandez.

He gave this a 9.5.

Somebody has clearly spiked his office water with MDMA as he is uncharacteristically feeling the love.

The GH protest continues!

Justice League Unlimited #1

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Nov 27, 2024

THE WATCHTOWER RISES! The Justice League is back and bigger than ever! In the wake of Absolute Power and the DC All In Special, Darkseid's death has triggered a massive power vacuum in the DCU, and Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman must unite like never before and expand the Justice League to encompass every hero championing the forces of good in ...

+ LikeComments (5)
Weird Science Jim - Nov 30, 2024

just make sure you call Gabe "sus" at least twice a day!

MrGabeHernandez - Dec 1, 2024

Only my friends and enemies are allowed to call me "Sus"


3 issues in and this book is already so boring!

Guardians of the Galaxy #3

By: Collin Kelly, Kev Walker
Released: Jun 21, 2023

BITTERSWEET REUNION! The Guardians find themselves face-to-face with their old teammate Groot! But he's not the friend they remember! Will this be a happy reunion or an all-out massacre? It may be the latter, as the rift between this family runs deep.
Rated T+

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Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Stormwrath reviewed Wonder Woman #800 Jun 20, 2023

I'm very excited for the Tom King montly now

Wonder Woman #800

By: Becky Cloonan, Alitha Martinez
Released: Jun 21, 2023

Written by Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Tom King Art by Joelle Jones, Todd Nauck, Daniel Sampere, and others Whatever Happened to the Warrior of Truth? concludes in a landmark 800th issue! Diana's visions become more vivid as she finds herself trapped in the dreams of those around her! As she struggles to escape, her life as Wonder Woman h...

+ LikeComments (1)
Weird Science Jim - Jun 20, 2023

I wanted to think the same, but since this story takes place 20 years in the future, I am still worried about how King will handle Wonder Woman

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Well, I didn't expect other reviews from all the toxic spider fans, but for me the issue has been pretty good.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

+ LikeComments (5)
DeathStroke7505 - May 31, 2023

It was prolly me just making a snap judgement then. I'm simply sick of everyone claiming something is "review bombed" when lots of ppl express dislike for something, but ignore that the perfect scores things get are review bombing in the opposite direction. It happens on games and movies too, just something that grinds my gears. I apologize if I took it wrong.

Weird Science Jim - Jun 1, 2023

there is always going to be toxic reactions (you could say both good and bad even) - the way to combat it is just to give your honest opinion and give reasons in your reviews of why you like or dislike something. Most toxic responses are vague, over-the-top statements with lots of exclamation points

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
daspidaboy reviewed Nightwing #104 May 23, 2023

this is honestly the first weak issue. I do like Tom Taylor as a person and writer, and I think his Nightwing run is great. However, my problem is that his run doesnt have a lot of meat or story in it, its just padding along and is just fluff. and there's nothing wrong with that, but it needs something more.

Nightwing #104

By: Tom Taylor, Travis Moore
Released: May 24, 2023

Nightwing and the Titans realize the only way to save Olivia is to...go to hell! Seeing how ineffective his punching was when he last confronted Neron's demons, Nightwing is temporarily powered up by magic in order to make it through the depths of hell alive...literally. Then, in the backup: Nightwing and Jon Kent find an important clue as to who's...

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Weird Science Jim - May 24, 2023

I have felt this for a while. Dick Grayson is my favorite character, but he needs to struggle a bit and the overall story needs to get some forward momentum

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
BesottedGeekPod reviewed Titans #1 May 19, 2023

A decent start to a title IF you already know a bit about the characters. Not something I’d go out of my way to continue.

Titans #1

By: Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott
Released: May 17, 2023

The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth...Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they'd be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League...but to replace it! Are t...

+ LikeComments (3)
BesottedGeekPod - May 22, 2023

I’m a big boy now!

Weird Science Jim - May 22, 2023

put on your big boy reviewing pants

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Merlyn reviewed Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

I know Tom Taylor fans will be in awe of this but I find his writing more and more juvenile as years pass by. Plus some decisions and lines here are completely wrong. "Bruce may feel you should only be a hero when wearing a costume". Really? Dude has pomped a whole lot of money into Gotham, he's no.1 philanthropist, he's helped people by playing stupid in his Bruce Wayne identity whenever it was a more

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

+ LikeComments (50)
Weird Science Jim - Mar 26, 2021

I was hoping that would get a chuckle!

myconius - Mar 28, 2021

@Weird Science Jim - more than just a chuckle, good sir. ...that earned a well deserved Belly Laugh!! 😂😂😂

ComiczLover reviewed Nightwing #78 Mar 16, 2021

An incredibly heart-warming start to this new run of Nightwing. The issue has everything from amazing illustrations, colours and just as amazing writing. It even manages to plant seeds for the plot among all the emotion present in this issue.

A very good start with wonderful promise. It's a good time to be a Nightwing fan and a great starting point if you're looking to be one.

Nightwing #78

By: Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo
Released: Mar 17, 2021

Nightwing is back-and his drive to keep Blüdhaven safe has never been stronger! But his adopted city has elected a new mayor with the last name Zucco. When Nightwing enlists Batgirl’s help in investigating the politician bearing the same name as the man who murdered his parents, she unearths details that will shock and fundamentally change the h...

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

This is how King has Batman characters win. They get beat on and beat on, and once the attackers get all tuckered out from pummeling the victim, the victim then turns around, all bloody and beaten, and hits them once and they drop like a sack of potatoes.

Apparently, in King's world, there's not such thing as broken noses, concussions, internal bleeding , damaged backs, knees and hands. more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

+ LikeComments (3)
Quinn - Oct 20, 2019

Just be sure to give me credit. It’s hard to think up original snarks. I am very proud of that one.

Quinn - Oct 20, 2019

Also hit the like button. It does wonders for my vanity.

myconius reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

oh for pete's sake!!!
the painfully obvious back-peddaling that this issue starts with
just proves that Tom King had NO plan of what the heck he's doing.

King never bothered to read Flashpoint to learn that Thomas Wayne uses his guns
to make up for the fact that he lacks the years of training that Bruce had.
Tim Drake's lack of reflex skills was just LAUGHABLE!!! more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Nihilist reviewed Batman #81 Oct 16, 2019

I'll be damned, I don't know what worse in this piece of filth of a comic - writing or art. It's bad on every considerable level, from the storytelling perspective, through dialogues, to sketches and inks. It's trash. Just trash.

Back when King started his Batman run, he created I Am Suicide arc - and as I said many times before, I like it, a lot in fact. The final plot twist, showing h more

Batman #81

By: Tom King, John Romita Jr.
Released: Oct 16, 2019

It's time for the big showdown. Batman is calling Bane out. But is the Dark Knight Detective ready to take on the foe who broke him worse than any other that came before? And what else stands in Batman's way, to put an obstacle between him and his enemy? Tread lightly, Batman, because not only do the lives of your son and trusted friends hang in th...

+ LikeComments (26)
myconius - Oct 22, 2019

Nihilist - excellent points made on all topics!

Darkseid24 - Oct 22, 2019

I like majority of Black Label titles, but apart from the cursing nothing is in it, that justifies Black Label. Doug Moench wrote good stories& he wrote Detective Comics& Batman both for a while. So I think writers can, if they actually are talented enough.

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Dispatchdcu reviewed Heroes In Crisis #7 Mar 27, 2019

This 4 is for art. All art.

I am lost. I have no idea who the killer really is. The characters are whacked out and comedic. Batgirl is working with Harley who I guess has never had her own story before according to King. Either has Blue Beetle, or any of them according to King.

Superman is on the cover screaming and isn’t in the issue at all. Maybe Gorilla Grodd will be o more

Heroes In Crisis #7

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Mar 27, 2019

The Trinity may have uncovered the true killer responsible for the deaths at Sanctuary, but the artificial intelligence that ran the institution is the one thing standing between them and the culprit. Now Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman must face off with their own creation-and face the consequences for what they created. Also, as the truth is un...

+ LikeComments (2)
Weird Science Jim - Mar 27, 2019

I guess DC needs to hire Chip Kelly to push Tom out for a bit!

Dispatchdcu - Mar 27, 2019

It may help his pacing Jim:)

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Dispatchdcu reviewed Batman #67 Mar 20, 2019

Since King didn’t use many words, either will I.

Art is amazing but this book is a nightmare... literally. And yes, I’m sure that’s what he’s going for... so deep of him. NOT!

We haven’t moved forward one bit since the wedding issue 17 issues ago. That’s 34 weeks of stories that haven’t moved the story forward....8.5 months...

If this type of story t more

Batman #67

By: Tom King, Lee Weeks
Released: Mar 20, 2019

The "Knightmares" continue as Batman chases a new foe in an impossible race. Over rooftops, across alleyways, up and down the streets of Gotham City, this lightning-fast crook outsmarts the Dark Knight at every turn. Is that because the man under the mask is someone more familiar than he knows? Artist Lee Weeks returns to BATMAN for an all-out acti...

+ LikeComments (3)
Weird Science Jim - Mar 20, 2019

Missed You Buddy!

Dispatchdcu - Mar 20, 2019

You know... life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and all that. Yes egon244 I ya e been gone awhile. I’ll be in and out. I can explain all that later over virtual coffee! Thanks Weird Science Jim! Nice to hear from you too!!

Weird Science Jim commented on this:
Samuel Almeida reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

What an emotional issue! Supermans speech was so inspiring an touching. Brilliant writing by Tom King.
Alongside a brilliant art by Clay Mann! His Superman is one of my favorites! Amazing!
Two things im dying to know is WHO was the person with red gloves that found the rose at the beach and HOLY CRAP!!! The dead Wally is 5 days too old??! So, does that mean his not the real Wally?!!!1 Im more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

+ LikeComments (24)
ryaleus - Feb 3, 2019

You know some people buy this series not because they love it,but because it affects their favourite characters,right?

Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

That’s true. I mainly read it because it affects so many characters.

JordanT4021 reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

Turns out, there’s a better way of conveying someone’s emotional turmoil than stuttering, repetition and ellipses. Can someone forward that to King?

To spend longer than 5 minutes writing a review for this crap is 5 minutes too long, and I’ve already lost precious time reading the issue.

To put it plainly, this is bad. Probably one of the worst, most unnecessary comic more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

Rascal4Hire reviewed Heroes In Crisis #5 Jan 30, 2019

Made an account just for this series. 32 year old with depression. Been fighting it my whole life. This book and especially the last two issues caused me to feel real shitty about it, spending my money to read this pile of crap. I've supported Tom King in everything he's done so far. But this is shit. From the treatment of characters I love and care to how mental health is portrayed in the book. I more

Heroes In Crisis #5

By: Tom King, Clay Mann
Released: Jan 30, 2019

The secrets of the DC Universe are hacked! Sanctuary wasn't supposed to keep records, but now that the A.I. is compromised, superhero secrets are leaking all over the 'Net. Booster and Harley set aside their differences to focus on who they believe is the real killer (assuming one of them isn't lying, that is). Meanwhile, Batman and the Flash conti...

+ LikeComments (8)
Darkseid24 - Feb 3, 2019

I keep reading it, because it affects so many characters. Could be true, but isn’t PTSD reliving trauma through flashbacks? I don’t think that was shown in any issue. As a fan of the villains& I’m reading comics just because of them, I don’t think they need to be aspirational, but that’s only my opinion. I understand if people have other expectations than me.

Synthozoid - Feb 3, 2019

"I've battled with my thoughts, battled with my sexuality, I want both depicted correctly." How can King possibly depict your exact experiences?

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