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Joined: Jun 15, 2022

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justonemore commented on this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #153 Oct 2, 2024

No, just no. Chip actually did a decent Bat story last issue, but ruins it by bringing up Bruce’s long lost “brother” from Snyder’s court of Owls thing. It was a bad idea a decade ago. It was a bad idea in 1973 when Bob Haney wrote Bat-crap crazy stories in Brave and Bold. The stories had no impact on main continuity and ought to be considered alternate universe.

Points for fina more

Batman #153

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 2, 2024

A BRAND-NEW EPIC BATMAN STORY ARC STARTS HERE! Batman is back with a vengeance and Bruce Wayne's new public initiatives have Gotham on the verge of finally becoming a great city! Does that bright future include the Riddler, who's seemingly gone legit? Or the new, unnerving hero, Commander Star? And can Gotham survive the shocking murder of one of i...

+ LikeComments (5)
Smithd33 - Oct 4, 2024

I gave it higher than a 1 but I get the frustration. Rams run wasn’t good. How many more times is the bat gonna lose Gotham. Feels like we are just setting up to lose Gotham again.

fthissite - Oct 14, 2024

For sure not a 1 but I'll give u a like for the great written review

justonemore reviewed Ultimates #4 Sep 4, 2024

just amazing

Ultimates #4

By: Deniz Camp, Juan Frigeri
Released: Sep 4, 2024


Doom's years of torture at the hands of the Maker finally catch up to him in this secret history of the real Reed Richards! And tensions rise among the Ultimates when Doom might be more fixated on re-creating the life he should have had than the life he's got...

Rated T+

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justonemore commented on this:
Bats44121 reviewed Wonder Woman #9 May 21, 2024

Absurd imaginary stories in Diana's mind. That is all this issue is.
Just think about what CIA's Tom King would put there.
The CIA looks at law and wipes its feet on it. So that's the values you will be reading.
So murder? Hey, that's OK with the CIA.
Just remember it is all one big fake-out in this one big, long "imaginary" story.
(At least for now.)
Which allo more

Wonder Woman #9

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: May 22, 2024

THE ULTIMATE TEST! As Sovereign's grip on Wonder Woman's psyche tightens, she retreats into the arms of Steve Trevor. Will their love for the ages prove victorious over the web of Amazon lies weaved in Man's World? Plus, Trinity lets the dogs out!

+ LikeComments (3)
justonemore - May 22, 2024

.... Dude, everytine i read a review of yours, It has a lot of crazy stuff. You're strange, man.

Phantom of Krankor - May 23, 2024

CIA's Tom King

justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #50 May 22, 2024

what a tense and well written issue with great art. this is great to read, i recommend it.

Amazing Spider-Man #50

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: May 22, 2024

THE GREEN GOBLIN RETURNS in this landmark and massive issue of ASM that boasts not only a double-sized main story but some instant Spider-Man classics by legends and legends to be! The Sins of Norman Osborn have found their way home and Norman shows his true color - green. But is it truly that simple? Spidey and Gobby's brut...

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justonemore liked this:
KittyNone reviewed Blood Hunt #1 May 1, 2024

Mmm I was tempted to give this a miss because vampires are not my thing and neither are line-wide crossovers, but on the strength of the creative team I decided to try it and MacKay & Larraz hit it out of the park with this one. I can't remember the last time a superhero comic's closing twist made me gasp

Blood Hunt #1

By: Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz
Released: May 1, 2024

The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood. Earth's final night has fallen - can even the heroes of this doomed world stem the tide of bl...


another large issue in this series. It connects very well with Blood Hunt, but closing the plots correctly, the art as great as ever, and MaCkay writes it wonderfully.

Vengeance of the Moon Knight #5

By: Jed MacKay, Alessandro Cappuccio
Released: May 1, 2024

For the new and vengeful Moon Knight, taking Marc Spector's name isn't enough - as he now turns his sights (AND FISTS) on everything Marc held dear in life!
Rated T+

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justonemore reviewed Blood Hunt #1 May 1, 2024

the art? Incredible, but the script was even better. A first event issue must tell whats going to happen, but here, MaCkay did it, but also made a lot of things in every page, mixed with good dialogues, drama moments, good villains, and a great final plot twist.
Also, it connects very well with some of the tie ins that we're going to see in this event, it really seems th more

Blood Hunt #1

By: Jed MacKay, Pepe Larraz
Released: May 1, 2024

The skies have gone dark, the sun hiding its face from the carnage to come. The children of the night, the vampires, have risen from the dark and hidden places of the world as one to drown the Marvel Universe in blood. Earth's final night has fallen - can even the heroes of this doomed world stem the tide of bl...

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justonemore reviewed Ultimate Black Panther #1 Feb 7, 2024

This issue was great, it developed very well. I loved the art, that's the first thing, but Bryan Hill. He presents the conflict very well in the first few pages, and takes the time to tell what each character thinks of it. There's a lot of depth to the characters, and everything has the soul of the Black Panther stories, but with just the right changes to be interesting. The ending leaves you want more

Ultimate Black Panther #1

By: Bryan Hill, Stefano Caselli
Released: Feb 7, 2024

In the wake of ULTIMATE INVASION, Khonshu and Ra - the force known together as Moon Knight - are seeking to expand their brutal control of the continent of Africa. In response, the lone bulwark against them, the isolated nation of Wakanda, will send forth its champion...its king...the Black Panther! From the cre...

+ LikeComment

the art in this issue whas horrible, Howard Porter is getting worse and worse

Batman and Robin Annual: 2024

By: Joshua Williamson, Howard Porter
Released: Jan 31, 2024

FATHER-AND-SON ROAD TRIP! Batman and Robin have gone through hell the last few months, so Bruce decides to take Damian on a camping trip to bond. But as they try to enjoy the great outdoors, they find a different kind of hunting ground…one that hunts the most dangerous game! Trapped and cut off from their weapons and backup, Batman and Robin must...

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justonemore reviewed Titans: Beast World #5 Jan 24, 2024

Dont understand why people's giving this that high nothes.
This was not an event's issua, this was a Titan's issue, and the story's loosing itself with all the Amanda stuff.
Also the art is bland, If you're going to do an event with six issues, make sure your first artist can draw every page.

Titans: Beast World #5

By: Tom Taylor, Ivan Reis
Released: Jan 24, 2024

Waller versus the world! After the shocking events of the last issue, the world stands divided: half with the Titans and half with the woman whose vicious methods have saved them for now. All this and more as Dr. Hate returns to revel in and spread their own unique brand of chaos!

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justonemore reviewed Batman and Robin #2 Oct 10, 2023

The art is something incredible, but the script is just meh. I personally dont enjoy damian going to school, and the plot is not interesting enough.

Batman and Robin #2

By: Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo
Released: Oct 11, 2023

INTRODUCING A NEW VILLAIN: SHUSH! Introducing Shush. Who does she work for? And how have they turned one of Batman's greatest tools against him? Urban Jungle continues as the father and son dynamic duo are on the deadly case! But first, Damian must deal with...his first day of school?!

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justonemore reviewed Titans #3 Sep 19, 2023

This is just disapointing. Just empty action with an abvious boring conflict.

Titans #3

By: Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott
Released: Sep 20, 2023

ALL HAIL THE CHURCH OF BLOOD! With their newest leader, Brother Eternity, going public with a former Titan as part of his flock, the church has more followers than ever before. Do the Titans stand a chance at influencing the people of the world to fight brainwashing and prepare for the large intergalactic threat looming on the horizon?

justonemore reviewed Daredevil #1 Sep 13, 2023

I like where this is going, I enjoy runs with a long and deep plot, and this one seems to be perfect for me. Im very happy with this first issue, and the art is very good.

Daredevil #1

By: Saladin Ahmed, Aaron Kuder
Released: Sep 13, 2023

The new era of Daredevil starts here! Industry stars SALADIN AHMED and AARON KUDER have laced up and entered the ring, ready to take Matt Murdock on a knockout of an adventure! Where does Elektra fit into all of this? What is the future of Hell's Kitchen? Romance! Intrigue! And, of course, ACTION! All delivered in the Mighty Marvel...

justonemore commented on this:

Vaya puta de mrd de historia, ni el final lo salva. Y si, lo escribo en español porque ni vale la pena el esfuerzo de ponerlo en ingles.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #6

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: Aug 2, 2023

It’s Batman versus Superman. Super Son versus Super Son. Injustice Superman is ruling with a fist of steel. Can Jon Kent free an entire world? And what could he lose if he tries?

+ LikeComments (1)
justonemore - Aug 2, 2023

Menudo crack JAJAJAJAJ

justonemore reviewed X-Men #25 Aug 2, 2023

the start point of this event is great!

X-Men #25

By: Gerry Duggan, Stefano Caselli
Released: Aug 2, 2023

She's been known as Kitty, Sprite, Ariel, Red Queen and Captain Kate. Now, as a new X-Men team finds their way through their darkest hour...SHADOWKAT emerges!

+ LikeComment

Wow, i wasnt expecting this. This was great. A big plot with good writing. Its great, really.
And, of course, R.B. Silva and Pepe Larraz.

X-Men: Hellfire Gala 2023 #1

By: Gerry Duggan, R. B. Silva
Released: Jul 26, 2023

THE FALL OF X BEGINS HERE! The Hellfire Gala is always the biggest event of the season...but this year's will change everything for Krakoa. What is meant to be mutantkind's biggest night becomes their biggest nightmare as the Fall of X begins! All your favorite X-Men are going to be left reeling after this one - shocking revelations, stunning betra...

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justonemore reviewed Knight Terrors: Batman #1 Jul 4, 2023

This was... A weird issue

Knight Terrors: Batman #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Guillem March
Released: Jul 5, 2023

Ever since becoming Batman, Bruce Wayne has been a creature of the night. He transformed himself into a symbol that gave the criminals of Gotham nightmares. But now, trapped in the Nightmare Realm, Bruce is stalked by the horror he’s created! Can he escape before his own nightmares pull him deeper into the darkness?

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justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #27 Jun 14, 2023

I loved this issue. The interactions between characters are great (except for the kamala stuff, meh), the art suits better than I thought, and the plot seems so interesting.

Amazing Spider-Man #27

By: Zeb Wells, Ed McGuinness
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Grief looms over Peter after last issue's shocking death! Spider-Man's villains are more than happy to keep him distracted? Your eyes don't deceive you, DOCTOR OCTOPUS IS BACK!
Rated T

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justonemore commented on this:

I'm tired of Hal being a 40 years old child

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

+ LikeComments (3)
C02goddess - Jun 13, 2023 (edited)

Yeah, I feel like Hal did show growth across Johns’ run and Venditti’s HJGLC. We saw Hal deal with seeing Carol in serious relationships (she was even married when he came back to life), then they move into a close friendship, then back to a romantic couple (well after her divorce). Hal has gained maturity. He’s situated to be able to have a more stable hero life - we’ve got lots of GLs. I hope the run gives him and Carol development toward The End. The immaturity cycle is what feels forced.

justonemore - Jun 13, 2023

Yeah, totally. What I like about Hal is that he seems like an inmature character, and sometimes he is, but he always ends Up behaving like a Hero and an adult Who knows how yo deal with the weight he has. Here we simply see that inmaturity multiplied, and nothing more. Its still soon so i hope It gets better.

justonemore reviewed Green Lantern #2 Jun 13, 2023

this was a downright bad problem. Sorry, I don't want to be a hater, but there's a big problem here, jeremy addams writes Hal as a really stupid guy. this problem is basically Hal doing awkward things to win back a person who already has a partner and another life. I didn't like his behavior at all, except for the first scene, and it's basically the base of the number

Green Lantern #2

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Jun 14, 2023

Hal Jordan's homecoming is off to a rocky start! Carol Ferris is this close to firing him from the job he's only just begged his way into, his power ring isn't exactly working right, and off in the shadows, Sinestro, the architect of Hal's current crisis, is waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Plus, the hard-hitting John Stewart: War Journal ...

+ LikeComments (3)
C02goddess - Jun 14, 2023 (edited)

I took him getting a job more as he’s stuck on Earth after quitting to GLC and needs money, not that he’s specifically trying to maintain a secret identity.

Quinn - Jun 14, 2023

Could be, so fair enough. But I still maintain that the whole going back to Ferris Air is just silly. I think Jusonemore gets it right. But I could be wrong. And let’s face it, Hal know a lot of people like Bruce Wayne, who can get him gainful employment without Hal being creepy around ex-girlfriend.

justonemore added Green Lantern (2023) to their pull list Jun 13, 2023

Green Lantern (2023)

Spinning out of the events of Dark Crisis, the Guardians of Oa at the heart of the Green Lantern Corps have quarantined Sector 2814, home of the planet Earth-and its champion along with it! A heartbreaking defeat has sent Hal reeling, returning home to rediscover his roots...and find the man responsible for ruining his life: Sinestro. From the visi...

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justonemore reviewed Batman #136 Jun 6, 2023

meh, not bad, just that

Batman #136

By: Chip Zdarsky, Belen Ortega
Released: Jun 7, 2023

Failsafe and Red Mask have forever changed Batman, and Gotham isn't as welcoming as it once was. Can Batman remind them who he is? Can he remind...Catwoman? The future of the Bat-books starts here, and everyone's world is about to explode!

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justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

Well, I didn't expect other reviews from all the toxic spider fans, but for me the issue has been pretty good.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

+ LikeComments (5)
DeathStroke7505 - May 31, 2023

It was prolly me just making a snap judgement then. I'm simply sick of everyone claiming something is "review bombed" when lots of ppl express dislike for something, but ignore that the perfect scores things get are review bombing in the opposite direction. It happens on games and movies too, just something that grinds my gears. I apologize if I took it wrong.

Weird Science Jim - Jun 1, 2023

there is always going to be toxic reactions (you could say both good and bad even) - the way to combat it is just to give your honest opinion and give reasons in your reviews of why you like or dislike something. Most toxic responses are vague, over-the-top statements with lots of exclamation points

justonemore reviewed Fantastic Four #7 May 17, 2023

One of the best Doom's interpretations I've ever seen. Glorious.

Fantastic Four #7

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: May 17, 2023

FANTASTIC FOUR #7 is also FANTASTIC FOUR #700, which means we're ABSOLUTELY going huge. It's an over-sized spectacular as the Fantastic Four reach their new home - not knowing that a mysterious threat has made it there first! As their knowledge of LANGUAGE ITSELF begins to melt from their minds, the Four are in disarray as...

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justonemore reviewed Avengers #1 May 17, 2023

This was amazing. Everything in this issue is really good, not perfect, but really really good. The characters, the fight scenes, the characterization... Everything! Cant wait to see where this goes.

Avengers #1

By: Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa
Released: May 17, 2023

The Star. The Icon. The Witch. The Construct. The God. The Engineer. The King. The world is ever in peril, and a new team of Avengers mobilizes to meet any dangers that dare threaten the planet. But when TERMINUS attacks, a new and insidious danger rears its head...

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justonemore reviewed Titans #1 May 16, 2023

Mmm, interesting final, but I think Taylor hit the wrong key with this first issue in general.

Titans #1

By: Tom Taylor, Nicola Scott
Released: May 17, 2023

The Dark Crisis is over, and the Justice League is no more. Now, a new team must rise and protect the Earth...Titans, go! The Teen Titans are ready to grow up. Each member joined as a much younger hero, certain that one day they'd be invited to join the Justice League. But the time has come for them not to join the League...but to replace it! Are t...

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justonemore reviewed Superman #4 May 16, 2023

The lex's past pages are bad, eighty years of superman comics and NO ONE in metropolis have said that Lex was a hero before superman? And the last page is weird. Beside that, I liked the rest of the issue.

Superman #4

By: Joshua Williamson, Jamal Campbell
Released: May 17, 2023

INTRODUCING THE KRYPTONITE KLAW! Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite, but what happens when other dangerous superhumans are exposed to it? If Superman wants to stop Metropolis's newest enemies, he must uncover Lex Luthor's secret past!

+ LikeComments (1)
Comics Code Authorities - Aug 9, 2023

In the post-Crisis era Luthor was Metropolis's big hero till Superman arrived. That's why he resented Superman so much in that continuity.. It seems they're going back to that kind of root in their rivalry which has been unused since Infinite Crisis reshaped their history. Frankly I enjoy seeing Luthor the businessman again rather than Luthor the mad scientist or wannabe Supervillain. He's more resourceful and dangerous that way-even when in jail.


Theres no plot here, this is just an excuse for Taylor to play with his old toys.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #3

By: Tom Taylor, Clayton Henry
Released: May 3, 2023

Jon Kent arrives on an Earth he's never seen...the world of Injustice! While a Kal-El rules this world in seeming peace, why does everyone Jon meets fear the S symbol on his chest? And why is Batman public enemy number one? Jon has to pick a side, and the consequences make either choice a dangerous one!

+ LikeComments (3)
justonemore - May 3, 2023

here you have a review. this is a six issue miniseries about jon that started with a plot about ultraman killing supermans. After that, it turns out that ultraman is killed and suddenly the plot changes to something completely different in which the protagonist barely has a role, and that Taylor uses as a fan service excuse to return to the world of unjustice. How is a series going to be good that ends its main plot at two issues and stops completely? Nothing convinced me.

StarKnight - May 3, 2023

What is "Unjustice"? Also, you keep forgetting proper capitalization. You do make some good points with Ultraman, but the thing is, the plot was never about Ultraman. He was just a stepping stone for bigger things. Overall, 6/10 review.

justonemore reviewed Green Arrow #1 Apr 25, 2023

It hasn't been bad, but is it... too hectic? They said this show was going to introduce DC's next big storylines, so there's just too much going on. Oliver is lost, well, they introduce the family, well, and Roy's daughter appears from nowhere, and they meet again, and she disappears, and Amanda Waller comes into play, and Oliver appears, and... I don't know, it's Too much for a first number. Many more

Green Arrow #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Sean Izaakse
Released: Apr 26, 2023

The Emerald Archer is lost, and it will take Oliver Queen's whole family to find him! But dangerous forces are determined to keep them apart at any cost! Spinning out of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Green Arrow by DC architect Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman) and artist Sean Izaakse (Thunderbolts) is an action-packed ...

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justonemore reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 Apr 19, 2023

Dont listen to the people taking this as trash, give it a try, its not that bad.

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

+ LikeComments (13)
Psycamorean - May 11, 2023

All you need to do to create an alt on this website is use one of those temp email websites. You don't even need an actual email address, a phone number, etc. Most people have more than one legitimate email anyway.

Toby - May 12, 2023

You know what? You might be right. Out of 5 accounts, aside from mine, only one wasn't created the same day it made a comment. And that one was created like 2 days before. Didn't think someone would be sad or obsessed enough to do that. I still think a review should be objective though.

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