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Joined: Oct 04, 2022

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StarKnight reviewed No / One #2 May 3, 2023

NO/ONE leaves the reader truly invested into the comic's world. I highly recommend it.

No / One #2

By: Kyle Higgins, Geraldo Borges
Released: Apr 19, 2023

As the "Who is No/One" podcast begins to spark national interest, the eye of the public turns on Julia. And when yet another body shows up with four bullets in its chest, Ben's investigation leads him to a personal crossroads-and a new suspect.
PLUS! The story continues in "Who is No/One," a monthly companion podcast starring RACHAEL LEIGH COOK...

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StarKnight reviewed No / One #1 May 3, 2023

Incredible writing and excellent pacing. Can't wait for more!

No / One #1

By: Kyle Higgins, Geraldo Borges
Released: Mar 15, 2023


Ten months ago, the Richard Roe murders shocked the city of Pittsburgh. In the months since, the killings have sparked a dangerous political movement, copycat killers, and a masked vigilante who's still determined to hold the powerful accountable. Not a symbol. Not a hero. They could be anyone. They're NO/ONE.


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StarKnight added No / One (2023) to their pull list May 3, 2023

No / One (2023)


Ten months ago, the Richard Roe murders shocked the city of Pittsburgh. In the months since, the killings have sparked a dangerous political movement, copycat killers, and a masked vigilante who's still determined to hold the powerful accountable. Not a symbol. Not a hero. They could be anyone. They're NO/ONE.


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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #8 May 3, 2023

Actually, this is decently good! I enjoyed seeing how people react to the gods- I just wish I could have seen it when the gods first appeared.

God is Dead #8

By: Mike Costa, Juan Frigeri
Released: Mar 5, 2014

Armageddon is upon us as MIKE COSTA continues the war of the divine with all new bi-weekly issues of God is Dead!   The World is at peace with Mother Earth Gaia the sole survivor of the epic war.  But a new resistance sets their sites on gods from the hidden pantheons to form a coalition to attack Gaia. But with more gods return...

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #7 May 3, 2023


God is Dead #7

By: Mike Costa, Jaun Frigeri
Released: Feb 19, 2014

JONATHAN HICKMAN's vision for the end of the world through divine retribution continues as an ongoing series from his co-writer MIKE COSTA!  After the cataclysmic battle of gods in the first arc, human religions are in tatters.  A victor has laid claim to Earth and very few dare to oppose such a ruler.  But oh so many ...

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #6 May 3, 2023

And you ruined it. I just feel like the whole scenario would be a lot more impactful if we could see how people were really reacting... not just three of them. In my opinion, making these characters into gods really takes away from the narrative to the point where it might as well just be a big battle royale between gods.

God is Dead #6

By: Mike Costa, Di Amorim
Released: Feb 5, 2014

The battle of the gods is over and one stands supreme above all of the world.  This is truly the end of days...until the gods of humankind are born and rise up.  From the very DNA of the gods, man has once again taken pride and hubris to the very brink.  Three who would formerly oppose the gods as mortals now walk as the divine.  And they m...

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #5 May 3, 2023

This was better than the others, but still hasn't delivered what I want or what I came for.

God is Dead #5

By: Jonathan Hickman, Di Amorim
Released: Jan 15, 2014

The world is only hours away from Armageddon as the pantheons of Asgard and Olympus collide. With the first attempt at creating a god weapon resulting in the birth of Mammon, the enclave of scientists strikes a desperate stake as they hope they can create a being able to stand against the deities waging war across the globe. But tampering with th...

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #4 May 3, 2023

This exists.

God is Dead #4

By: Jonathan Hickman, Di Amorim
Released: Dec 4, 2013

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #2 May 3, 2023

Disappointed that I did not get to see any people reacting to the gods being real this time either.

God is Dead #2

By: Jonathan Hickman, Di Amorim
Released: Oct 2, 2013

JONATHAN HICKMAN brings the wrath of the gods to comics with his new series, God is Dead!  Modern man turns all his technology and destruction to bear against the deities of old.  But what good are guns, tanks, and even nuclear missiles against the power of the divine?  In their hubris, humans have ruled for too long.  Now the gods of legen...

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StarKnight reviewed God is Dead #1 May 3, 2023

This would be interesting, if only it focused on how people actually reacted to the gods being real.

God is Dead #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Di Amorim
Released: Sep 4, 2013

Like a thunderbolt from heaven, the epic launch issue of GOD IS DEAD is here!  East of West and Fantastic Four author JONATHAN HICKMAN launches a fierce new series that stomps where others fear to tread.  Mankind has argued over the existence of gods since the dawn of time.

In modern eras it's been fashionable to mock religious believe...

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StarKnight reviewed Hallows' Eve #2 May 3, 2023

This was actually really good! I would absolutely recommend it- I just wish it didn't have to rely on the Beyond saga and the "Dark Web" saga for the plot.

Hallows' Eve #2

By: Erica Schultz, Michael Dowling
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Like most of her life, every step forward for Hallows' Eve leads to five steps back.
Her mystical masks give her abilities like you've never seen, but power on this level attracts all kinds of people hunting it down.
Don't miss the coolest new character in comics and the book that will shock you and keep you guessing!
Rated T+

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It was mid, at best. Easily forgettable.

Unforgiven: Captain America #1

By: Tim Seeley, Sid Kotian
Released: Apr 19, 2023

The FORGIVEN have lost their way - defeat after defeat has made them bitter and bloodthirsty... and they're starting to like it!
Can CAPTAIN AMERICA bring them back into the light? Or will they give in to their darker natures?
Witness the thrilling conclusion to the UNFORGIVEN saga-if you dare!

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StarKnight reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 May 3, 2023

This was one of the comics of all time. Nobody can deny that.

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #14 May 3, 2023

Kinda feels like a letdown of an ending, tbh. Still an incredibly good story!

Injustice: Year Zero #14

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Jan 6, 2021

Final chapter of Year Zero! After the destruction of the Hall of Justice, who is still alive? And where did the JSA go? Meanwhile, do old habits die hard for Harley Quinn? Find out here in the epic conclusion to the prequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us!

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #13 May 3, 2023

Eh... not as good as the rest imo.

Injustice: Year Zero #13

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Dec 23, 2020

The final battle begins at what remains of the Hall of Justice where Joker now may have control of the most powerful super being on Earth…and if he does, what will he do with that power?

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Injustice: Year Zero #12

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Dec 9, 2020

What can the World’s Finest do to save themselves when they aren’t on the world, but instead, flying oxygen-less in the vacuum of space where no one can even hear you scream? Meanwhile, Joker follows a voice leading him to Egypt…

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Injustice: Year Zero #11

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Nov 25, 2020

An emergency meeting between the Justice League and the JSA make them realize none of them are safe from the Joker’s control…on Earth, at least.

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #10 May 3, 2023

It just keeps getting better.

Injustice: Year Zero #10

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Nov 11, 2020

It’s a race to the death amongst Superman and the two Flash’s!

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #9 May 3, 2023

Extremely dark. Incredibly written.

Injustice: Year Zero #9

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Oct 28, 2020

After what happened to Joker, he blows off some steam by taking it out on the JSA…starting with the Flashes and Wildcat.

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Injustice: Year Zero #8

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Oct 14, 2020

Finally, it’s the Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn reunion we’ve been waiting for! Pack your bags and steal a plane-we’re going to Vegas!

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Injustice: Year Zero #7

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Sep 30, 2020

Batman seems to believe the dead JSA member was murdered by one of its own, but Superman disagrees and has his own theory about what’s going on. Amazing Man gets a surprise visit while Joker experiments with a new way of using the amulet…on Harley.

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #6 May 3, 2023

Now it gets good.

Injustice: Year Zero #6

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Sep 16, 2020

Someone in the JSA has been murdered, and it’s up to Batman and the Justice League to investigate who did it. Meanwhile, Joker uses his amulet on his first victim to break into the JSA retrieving important information…

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Injustice: Year Zero #5

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Sep 2, 2020

Superman and Lois discuss their legacy and the possibility of it. Meanwhile, Joker and Harley convince Black Manta to help them get a hold of an underwater chest that holds the key for Joker to be able to control a God.

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Injustice: Year Zero #4

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Aug 19, 2020

We all know Hitler shot himself, but what many don’t know…is why. Discover the morally ambiguous secret safely kept by the JSA about how they ended WWII by using an amulet that was found in the hands of the enemy.

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EDiakota reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #4 Aug 25, 2020

" I'm américan i @#$%@ hate nazis ! I'm a homicidal maniac, not a traitorious bigot."

Injustice: Year Zero #4

By: Tom Taylor, Cian Tormey
Released: Aug 19, 2020

We all know Hitler shot himself, but what many don’t know…is why. Discover the morally ambiguous secret safely kept by the JSA about how they ended WWII by using an amulet that was found in the hands of the enemy.

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StarKnight reviewed Injustice: Year Zero #1 May 3, 2023

Utterly incredible.

Injustice: Year Zero #1

By: Tom Taylor, Roge Antonio
Released: Aug 5, 2020

The Justice League throw a celebration honoring the heroes who came before them—the JSA! Batman finds himself in an unexpected spar with Wild Cat for old time’s sake while Wonder Woman, Alan Scott and the Spectre contemplate their actions in WWII. Meanwhile, Joker finds exactly who he’s looking for that will come back to haunt the JSA.

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StarKnight reviewed Catwoman #54 May 3, 2023

Just... the dialogue.

Catwoman #54

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 19, 2023

You know what they say: two's company, but three's a crowd! The Royal Flush Gang joins Selina Kyle behind bars, and while the other inmates are team Selina, the Queen remains loyal to Punchline. It wouldn't be jail without the ladies clawing each other's eyes out, especially when Catwoman makes a special appearance just to kick some clown ass. All ...

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GiantSlayer reviewed Catwoman #54 Apr 18, 2023

A few notes:
1. Can people please stop pretending that Tini Howard is a competent writer?
2. The dialogue continues to be atrocious.
3. For the love of Christ, give up Valmont. Stop trying to make him a thing. He's not even a has-been; he's a never was.
4. Tini's knowledge of the prison system must have come from a children's book.

Catwoman #54

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 19, 2023

You know what they say: two's company, but three's a crowd! The Royal Flush Gang joins Selina Kyle behind bars, and while the other inmates are team Selina, the Queen remains loyal to Punchline. It wouldn't be jail without the ladies clawing each other's eyes out, especially when Catwoman makes a special appearance just to kick some clown ass. All ...


The conclusion of this really just felt like a letdown. I blame Becky Cloonan.

Lazarus Planet: Revenge of the Gods #4

By: G. Willow Wilson, Cian Tormey
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Written by G. Willow Wilson, Becky Cloonan, Michael W. Conrad, and Josie Campbell Art by Cian Tormey, Alitha Martinez, and others! The identity of humanity's mysterious ally is revealed in the action-packed finale! With an unexpected god at their side, Wonder Woman and the Amazons are ready to take down Hera and her evil machinations once and for a...

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StarKnight reviewed DC / RWBY #3 May 3, 2023

The plot goes everywhere, and I'm confused as to what happened to Batman, but overall a fun ride nonetheless.

DC / RWBY #3

By: Marguerite Bennett, Meghan Hetrick
Released: Apr 26, 2023

Forced to retreat from Arkham Asylum and Gotham City after they've been overrun by Grimm, Team RWBY finds refuge with Wonder Woman and the Amazons on Themyscira. But as the world continues to change with the girls' presence here on Earth, who brought Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang here in the first place?

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