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Joined: Dec 23, 2022

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darkknight of steel reviewed Wonder Woman #9 May 21, 2024

Loved this issue and back up was so damn good litteraly can't wait for next one

Wonder Woman #9

By: Tom King, Daniel Sampere
Released: May 22, 2024

THE ULTIMATE TEST! As Sovereign's grip on Wonder Woman's psyche tightens, she retreats into the arms of Steve Trevor. Will their love for the ages prove victorious over the web of Amazon lies weaved in Man's World? Plus, Trinity lets the dogs out!

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The entire event sucked. 2 stars for it being over, nothing else.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!


I really would like to know how some of reviews of this is 10 out of 10 because there was nothing literally nothing right with this issue it didnot answer a single question Bruce bailed on everyone and well said the batfamily responsibility is no longer on me and well guess what he is gonna be isolated because he wanted it himself great just great thus issue really doesn't deserve more than a 1

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

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Comics Code Authorities - Nov 5, 2023

Frankly I think a 1 is better than it deserves but they don't give 0 as an option. I wouldn't really take what those critic reviews say too seriously anyway. They usually like anything no matter how crappy. But this book has gotten more 1.0s than anything I've seen in a very long time. Not good for DC.

darkknight of steel reviewed Batman #138 Oct 3, 2023

Such a weak book i dont like this type of stories using zur as an excuse to let batman do whatever the hell he wants even putting a failsafe into his son it was like really painful to see jason like that in the end and well we saw another time how catwoman just trusted sb in a week and that guy turned out to be traitor since catwomans new run she can been nothing butba totall fool but how we salva more

Batman #138

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 4, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR CONTINUES! Batman is on the ropes as the Gotham War heats up following a shocking betrayal! It's father versus son, teacher versus student in the knockout fourth chapter of this brutal war. But who is really pulling the strings in this explosive event? Thousands of years have led to this moment!

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darkknight of steel reviewed Batman #137 Sep 6, 2023

Well this issue was written much better than battle lines and i had less problems reading it and the majority of it is because selina panels was limited and she didnot talk much last issue when ever she started to talk it was so painful to read ok move on the art was much much better so i am glad about it lets continue to talk about writing well unlike many people i had no problem with the charact more

Batman #137

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 6, 2023

BATMAN/CATWOMAN: THE GOTHAM WAR PART 2! Batman descends on Gotham City, full of rage and force, more driven than ever to save his home. But the new landscape has turned friends into foes. Can anyone stop his reign of terror? Should they? The Gotham War continues in this second chapter!

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Well it was an awful issue regarding selina they couldnot have written her worse than this if you are even slightly a selina kyle fan you will definatly get headache by reading it like the worst portral of the character i have seen in ages
The real selina wouldnot talk to bruce like this, she is smart and doesnot make stupid decisions she is caring and a great woman but here we see an emotio more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Battle Lines #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Aug 30, 2023

THE BAT/CAT WAR STARTS HERE! Crime is down in Gotham City... Could that be a bad thing? A coordinated effort in Gotham has led to a reduction in violent crime, but at what cost? Villains scatter as their lives begin to crumble under a new regime. And as Batman recovers from his epic battle through the Multiverse and the horrors of Knight Terrors, o...

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I am really suprised it was the best catwoman book that tini howard has written in a long time and again for the first time batcat interaction had meaning and i liked that i hope she can keep this pace for gotham war too and i would be glad to keep giving her high rates if it wasnot for maggie being sister zero which i dont like it would be a 10 out of 10 from me but i just dont like the idea the more

Knight Terrors: Catwoman #1

By: Tini Howard, Leila Leiz
Released: Jul 19, 2023

Forgive me, sister, for I have sinned. I murdered Valmont, the man I love, in order to save the man I loved…Batman…who will never forgive me for breaking his one rule. But please forgive me, Sister Zero, for this Nightmare Realm you’ve put me in as penance-from which I can’t seem to wake up-is my Catholic guilt come to life in the form of y...

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DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Catwoman #56 Jun 20, 2023

DC needs to cancel this title before too much irreparable harm is done to this character. Her level of stupidity in this issue is mind-boggling. Why would anyone root for this character in this situation?

Catwoman #56

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jun 21, 2023

What's the saying--two cats are better than one? Unless you're in Gotham and the two Cats in question disagree on how the city should be run. With Selina freshly out of jail, Eiko Hasigawa has some unfinished business as Catwoman that Selina confronts her about. Meanwhile, Selina has some unfinished business of her own...and pays a visit her sister...

darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #56 Jun 21, 2023

I am realy sorry i know the art deserves a score here but the writing sooo bad that i cant give it more selina treating black mask like she and specially her sister has no history which they do and its so harsh and wll selina making some new rules which shows how idiot she is and totall clueless on how gotham runs and ofcourse batman should be ok with this too or guess what we gonaa use this as th more

Catwoman #56

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jun 21, 2023

What's the saying--two cats are better than one? Unless you're in Gotham and the two Cats in question disagree on how the city should be run. With Selina freshly out of jail, Eiko Hasigawa has some unfinished business as Catwoman that Selina confronts her about. Meanwhile, Selina has some unfinished business of her own...and pays a visit her sister...

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darkknight of steel reviewed Batman #136 Jun 6, 2023

Apart from selinas dialoges which was written so harshly this was a very good issue i have seen this type of writing for selina in catwoman book and now this i hope it pays off in the end and bat and cat really go back to each other otherwise i wont know what to tell about this selina characterisation

Batman #136

By: Chip Zdarsky, Belen Ortega
Released: Jun 7, 2023

Failsafe and Red Mask have forever changed Batman, and Gotham isn't as welcoming as it once was. Can Batman remind them who he is? Can he remind...Catwoman? The future of the Bat-books starts here, and everyone's world is about to explode!

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DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Catwoman #55 May 16, 2023

Let us all rejoice for there shall be a catfight...next issue...between Noah and Dario...what the f@#$?

This issue, however, is filled with more bad dialogue, more bad references to He Who Shall Not Be Named, and Black Mask, with a new uglier mask. And apparently the most inept mobsters I've ever seen.

For the love of all that is holy, please stop the assassination of Selina more

Catwoman #55

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: May 17, 2023

Fresh out of lockup, Selina Kyle is ready to make new moves. She won't be working alone, as more and more Gotham criminals are drawn to her philosophy, but she's not the only Cat on the streets. Eiko Hasigawa's got a Catsuit of her own, and their plans to change Gotham forever won't work if they can't get along. Did someone say catfight?

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darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #55 May 16, 2023

A bit of imrprovement from last issues because finally sth happened, the most problem i have with this issue is the same i had with issue 50 you just cant say how much you miss a man how much he meant to you but come out and say your in love with sb else and still are this is so weird and selina in this issue accepted the fact that when she wanted to start things with valmont she was in love with more

Catwoman #55

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: May 17, 2023

Fresh out of lockup, Selina Kyle is ready to make new moves. She won't be working alone, as more and more Gotham criminals are drawn to her philosophy, but she's not the only Cat on the streets. Eiko Hasigawa's got a Catsuit of her own, and their plans to change Gotham forever won't work if they can't get along. Did someone say catfight?

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GiantSlayer reviewed Catwoman #54 Apr 18, 2023

A few notes:
1. Can people please stop pretending that Tini Howard is a competent writer?
2. The dialogue continues to be atrocious.
3. For the love of Christ, give up Valmont. Stop trying to make him a thing. He's not even a has-been; he's a never was.
4. Tini's knowledge of the prison system must have come from a children's book.

Catwoman #54

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 19, 2023

You know what they say: two's company, but three's a crowd! The Royal Flush Gang joins Selina Kyle behind bars, and while the other inmates are team Selina, the Queen remains loyal to Punchline. It wouldn't be jail without the ladies clawing each other's eyes out, especially when Catwoman makes a special appearance just to kick some clown ass. All ...

darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #54 Apr 18, 2023

I just cant beileve how the dialoges be this bad its unbeilevable this issue had a bit more story proggression than the whole prison arc but still not much happened well now that selina is out i am really more worried about her future and we cant catch a break from valmont and his memories as well i wish it just could end

Catwoman #54

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Apr 19, 2023

You know what they say: two's company, but three's a crowd! The Royal Flush Gang joins Selina Kyle behind bars, and while the other inmates are team Selina, the Queen remains loyal to Punchline. It wouldn't be jail without the ladies clawing each other's eyes out, especially when Catwoman makes a special appearance just to kick some clown ass. All ...

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darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #53 Mar 21, 2023

Nothing happened and i didnot even enjoy the art much

Catwoman #53

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Mar 22, 2023

The Gotham mob bosses suspect that their very own leader, Eiko of the Hasigawa Clan, is betraying their code by putting on a Catwoman suit. Is Gotham big enough for two Catwomen? Catwoman doesn’t play well with others, but this cat is gonna need the help of Tomcat to stay out of the mob’s crosshairs. Meanwhile, Selina makes a few enemies of her...

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darkknight of steel reviewed Batman #133 Mar 7, 2023

I really enjoyed this issue and i am very curious where this alternate selina story will lead and how it affect the main line catwoman and bruces feelings for her

Batman #133

By: Chip Zdarsky, Adrian
Released: Mar 8, 2023

Everyone goes insane eventually. And then they belong to the terrifying Red Mask! But Gotham City has a new savior. He strikes from the shadows, exhumes the dead, and is known only as...the Batman. And in our backup story, Tim Drake's search for Batman continues as he and Superman, Jon Kent, team up to stop the terror of the Toyman!

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darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #52 Feb 22, 2023

It was definatly improve since last issues bruces letter to selina was nice but i found the rest of the issue as a filler nothing basicly happened and selina making her own gang is not anything new we just saw it recently valmonts thought didnot much apear in the issue and it definatly helped the issue and i hope it stays this way and i hope bruce and selina relationship becomes more consistant as more

Catwoman #52

By: Tini Howard, Sami Basri
Released: Feb 22, 2023

Looks like cat is the new black in Gotham jail as Selina quickly finds herself clawing her way up as the queen cat behind bars by making friends with all the wrong types (which are of course also exactly her types). Meanwhile, Eiko Hasigawa continues to prowl the Gotham streets as the Catwoman keeping the mob bosses in check, with a little help fro...

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Excellent issue you cant imagine how much i loved it as a cw and batcat fan i really needed this after current cw run events i wish g wilson could write selina instead of current one

Batman: One Bad Day: Catwoman #1

By: Willow Wilson, Jamie McKelvie
Released: Jan 25, 2023

Selina Kyle, a.k.a. Catwoman, is the greatest thief that Gotham City has ever seen. She's effortlessly stolen countless items of immense value over the years and successfully evaded the GCPD and Batman. But when Catwoman finds out an item from her past is being sold for way more than it used to be worth, it sends Catwoman into a spiral, and she'll ...

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darkknight of steel - Jan 26, 2023 (edited)

It didnot have much of a one bad day your correct i was very excited about a real catwoman story in a long time that i missed that part

darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #51 Jan 25, 2023

One of the most boring and pointless issues i have read so far i dont know where the writer is going at all and what is her purpose on writing this run this way i wish i knew tbh my rating is just for the art because the story is basicly nothing

Catwoman #51

By: Tini Howard, Sami Basri
Released: Jan 25, 2023

CAT IN A CRATE. Never cage her. Never chain her. Never try and keep her down. After the explosive events in Alleytown...the Cat wants out. But with Selina Kyle locked up while under investigation for murder, there still has to be a Catwoman on the streets of Gotham to keep the mob families behaving under the Cat's claws...it's a good thing Eiko Has...

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darkknight of steel reviewed Batman #131 Jan 3, 2023

Well it was a great setup i have much more hopes for this arc than failself had pretty decent dialoges i give it 9 because i dont know where it goes but it could even be 10

Batman #131

By: Chip Zdarsky, Leonardo Romero
Released: Jan 4, 2023

Gotham City has never been darker or deadlier. And after Failsafe, there is no Batman to save it. Can the fractured ghost that roams the streets survive? Whatever happened to the man known as...Bruce Wayne?

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ItsJess reviewed Catwoman #50 Dec 22, 2022

I know comic book standards are low but this is pathetic. You've got a writer self-inserting and stealing plot ideas from a 1988 movie while forcing it upon a character that simply doesn't fit into it. Not going to waste more than a few minutes on reviewing this garbage so I'll just say that it is basically a character study on how to ruin and degrade a character to the point where even her fans a more

Catwoman #50

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Dec 21, 2022

Punchline and her Royal Flush gang are causing mayhem in Alleytown and things are blowing up--literally!--so Catwoman calls in backup! We all know the cat has nine lives, and the same can be said about her gang! But what's a nine-person heist without a little danger, maybe some...death? And, uh-oh, those handcuffs definitely don't look like the sex...

GiantSlayer reviewed Catwoman #50 Dec 21, 2022

Dear god, just when I thought the writing couldn't get worse, it somehow manages to accomplish exactly that. Tini continues to thoroughly destroy Selina Kyle in a way I didn't think was possible. Apparently, Selina is so in love with Valmont after approximately one week of knowing him that she had a hard time trying to choose who to save, him or BATMAN?????? She kills Valmont to s more

Catwoman #50

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Dec 21, 2022

Punchline and her Royal Flush gang are causing mayhem in Alleytown and things are blowing up--literally!--so Catwoman calls in backup! We all know the cat has nine lives, and the same can be said about her gang! But what's a nine-person heist without a little danger, maybe some...death? And, uh-oh, those handcuffs definitely don't look like the sex...

darkknight of steel reviewed Catwoman #50 Dec 23, 2022

My rating is just for the art nothing more the art is being totally wasted on this disrespectful run i just dont get how some people can give this 9 or 10 i am really curious to see what good thing they saw in this issue catwoman hasnot been this out of character in ages she fell for valmont some body she just knows for weeks and what kind if a person he is liar,murderer,untrusratable god we dont more

Catwoman #50

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Dec 21, 2022

Punchline and her Royal Flush gang are causing mayhem in Alleytown and things are blowing up--literally!--so Catwoman calls in backup! We all know the cat has nine lives, and the same can be said about her gang! But what's a nine-person heist without a little danger, maybe some...death? And, uh-oh, those handcuffs definitely don't look like the sex...

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