Looks like cat is the new black in Gotham jail as Selina quickly finds herself clawing her way up as the queen cat behind bars by making friends with all the wrong types (which are of course also exactly her types). Meanwhile, Eiko Hasigawa continues to prowl the Gotham streets as the Catwoman keeping the mob bosses in check, with a little help from…Tomcat.
Behind bars and out on the streets provide their own complications as ‘Catwoman' #52 continues this runs deep character development and highly emotional focus in a jam-packed but smooth reading issue. There is just such a sustained feeling to this series as it has moved through the past few runs, doing a lot of great and interesting things with the title character and her supporting cast(s). Read Full Review
I am hoping Catwoman gets out of prison sooner rather than later. However, for her time in prison, this is as good a rendition as you could get for her in jail. I am looking forward to the next issue, and maybe someday, as I hope for every new Catwoman issue, The Cat and The Bat will tie the knot as close as they were at the start of this series. Read Full Review
Selina is kind of a challenge to work with as a writer. The ultimate thief who is always in control of any situation is only as clever as the situations that she finds herself in. Eiko proves to be a little more of an interesting character in the 52nd entry of the current Catwoman series, as shes clearly in WAY over her head. Theres more of a sense of heroism to the larceny that makes for much more of an impact. Theoretically, Selina could have picked up more personality in prison if she was given more of a challenge to deal with from rock bottom. Read Full Review
I'm enjoying the new team-up of Eiko and Dario, although their plot is mostly just skulking around Gotham and arguing with gangsters. The best part of this story is Dario's confrontation with Noah, which is very satisfying. Read Full Review
Catwoman #52 gives us a masterfully handled, multi-layered story that balances the tone of each character and what they're doing perfectly. The only issue I have is that it's a very hard title to start in the middle, but is very rewarding to those who have kept up with Selina's story. Read Full Review
Overall, I'm excited about the trajectory that this new chapter of Catwoman seems to be headed on. Read Full Review
The "Selina in prison arc continues, with Eiko taking more of the page time in badly handled "infiltrate the mob scenes as Selina forms her own gang on the inside. Read Full Review
Catwoman #52 is an improvement over last month's issue as it manages to make Selina more proactive in her current predicament and give her a way to help those in need even behind bars. Eiko and Dario's journey together isn't quite as gripping, but the unlikely duo manages to get by due to the inherent charm in their teaming up. However, the biggest strength is Howard's decision to reach beyond just Valmont to take a look into Selina's current mental state. A change up in scenery would be better suited for now than later, but there's still some time for Selina to grow in prison before her eventual escape. Read Full Review
This wasn't bad, but nothing in this issue is warranting the shift in status quo. I don't mind the status quo as it is, but I just wish more interesting stories were being told with it.
Out of the two ongoing stories here, the one I'm mainly interested in is Selina's. I like Eiko and Dario, but what they're doing in this issue wasn't that interesting to me. However, Selina teaching the women in prison was the main thing I enjoyed here. There wasn't much special here, but there was enough to keep me interested and keep me reading. Hopefully Eiko & Dario's story picks up within the next few issues, and I'm intrigued to see what comes next for Selina and the women she's training.
I'm not sure if Tini knows where's she going with this storyline. We have a new Catwoman and sidekick, but they engage in no action whatsoever. Meanwhile, Selina's cat brings her messages only to solitary and within a few days she has an entire following in prison, who do things for her and they act like it's a party. A large group like that would immediately be broken up. I don't even remember her getting sentenced by a jury. Was there a trial? The whole prison thing is not going to work. The cover is nice though.
It was definatly improve since last issues bruces letter to selina was nice but i found the rest of the issue as a filler nothing basicly happened and selina making her own gang is not anything new we just saw it recently valmonts thought didnot much apear in the issue and it definatly helped the issue and i hope it stays this way and i hope bruce and selina relationship becomes more consistant as well with the recent events on catwoman and batman book i am hopeful in this case art was nice as always
Sleep inducing filler issue but still better than howard's normal output.
Am I the only one hating this?