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I didn't find this quite as intriguing as the first issue, unfortunately, but I did like it overall. The interiors from Perkins continue to be a highlight, in my opinion. I do wish the story itself had something a bit more to it, though. I can't really place what exactly this is lacking, but it's just not fully doing the job for me. Hopefully this is just a bump in the road, though.

Justice League: The Atom Project #2

By: John Ridley, Mike Perkins
Released: Feb 5, 2025

THE HUNT IS ON! As Nathaniel Adam makes a desperate attempt to escape the return of his atomic superpowers...another strange transformation within the hero known as Captain Atom begins! And this time, the good captain's powers will change the trajectory of the Justice League forever! Plus: dissent brews in the ranks among the science team at the he...

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A nice improvement over the previous issue, which wasn't bad at all, either. Anyways, yeah, I'm really liking this. I'm really glad that it seems we're getting more on Air Wave's story in the next issue, hopefully. I feel like we haven't gotten a whole lot on that, especially since it was the big twist at the end of the first issue.

Justice League Unlimited #4

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Feb 26, 2025

THE WORLD IS ABLAZE! As the Justice League reels from the horrors in?icted by the Parademon Horde, a new threat arises across space...and time. With the team racing to put out multiple villainous fires at once, the mystery surrounding the Martian Manhunter deepens, and the techno-terrorist group Inferno makes its boldest move their secret ...

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My least favorite issue thus far, but still good. Mora continues to put out fantastic work here, in my opinion, and I'm still finding Waid's story to be intriguing. I understand the complaint of the roster being pretty large for the team, but I, personally, think it makes genuine sense that it would be so large. Furthermore, I think it allows a lot of freedom as to who can be in an issue. Anyways, more

Justice League Unlimited #3

By: Mark Waid, Dan Mora
Released: Jan 22, 2025

ENTER: THE ATOM PROJECT! The global terrorist group Inferno has taken its next step toward world dominance with an ecological disaster! Will Superman, Wonder Woman, and the others have to sacrifice the life of Swamp Thing? Plus: Plastic Man and Beast Boy work with The Atom Project to fix their scrambled superpowers!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Aquaman #3 Mar 23, 2025

My favorite issue thus far, which I think can, at least in part, be attributed to the improvement in pacing. Whereas the first two issues constantly kept things moving, largely to its detriment in my opinion, this slows things down a bit to focus on Arthur's interactions with Arion and Vivienne, as well as the motivations for the latter two characters.

Aquaman #3

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Mar 12, 2025

DARKSEID IS...AQUAMAN?! A journey into the heart of darkness has brought Arthur Curry one step closer to finding his kingdom...but is the allure of freedom too much for the uncanny undersea champion to resist? Temptation draws Aquaman to the depths as a new villain joins the fray...and a squad of mer-mercenaries? Lori Lemaris is on the prowl in the...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Aquaman #2 Mar 23, 2025

I feel pretty similarly to how I felt with the previous issue. I liked what we got here, but it also doesn't feel like there's a lot of time to breathe. Furthermore, I do think some of the dialogue was a little bland in certain spots. Hopefully this can improve soon, as there are ideas I like here, as well as the fact that I like both Adams and Timms.

Aquaman #2

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Feb 12, 2025

ATLANTIS...OBLITERATED! After the shocking events of Aquaman #1, Arthur Curry is now a king without a home! But is hope truly lost? The answer lies in Aquaman's mysterious new water-morphing abilities, and a portal into the unknown. Earth's uncanny undersea hero must train like never before to stand a chance of recovering Atlantis from its untimely...

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Screaming Enigma added Aquaman (2025) to their pull list Mar 22, 2025

Aquaman (2025)

NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Aquaman #1 Mar 22, 2025

Not a bad start, in my opinion. I was hoping for a little more considering the creative team, but I do think there's definitely potential for this to get better. My main gripe is that it felt like we were going through a lot of things that should have been covered with more space, if that makes sense. Either way, good writing with good art.

Aquaman #1

By: Jeremy Adams, John Timms
Released: Jan 8, 2025

NEW POWERS, NEW MISSION...THE KING IS BACK, BABY! In the wake of Absolute Power, Arthur Curry's powers have evolved to powerful new heights, and this is one king ready to use them to kick some serious butt. Mammoth water-construct Kaijus have emerged from each of the seven seas, and only Aquaman's water-warping abilities can stop them--but not if t...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #7 Mar 21, 2025

Pretty fun issue that had a lot more focus on Doom that I had initially expected, even with him begin on the cover of the issue. Luckily, North proves he can write Doom greatly here and I'm really hoping we get a lot more of him going forward. Other than that, I did also enjoy the opening part of this with everyone losing their language, and Coello continues to put out super clean art throughout t more

Fantastic Four #7

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: May 17, 2023

FANTASTIC FOUR #7 is also FANTASTIC FOUR #700, which means we're ABSOLUTELY going huge. It's an over-sized spectacular as the Fantastic Four reach their new home - not knowing that a mysterious threat has made it there first! As their knowledge of LANGUAGE ITSELF begins to melt from their minds, the Four are in disarray as...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #6 Mar 8, 2025

Another fun issue for the series. Fiorelli continues to be a nice fill-in, and North gives us an intriguing continuation of what was set up in the previous issue. I'm still not as into this as the first few issues, but I'm still enjoying this. I do hope that this rises back up in quality soon, though.

Fantastic Four #6

By: Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Apr 12, 2023

The Fantastic Four have been restored to their correct dimension and orientation, but they don't know that some microscopic invaders, immune to all predators on Earth, have come along for the ride!
What happens when the Fantastic Four accidentally threaten all life on the planet? Well, they try to fix it. But what happens when they can't?

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #5 Mar 7, 2025

My least favorite issue so far, unfortunately. That said, it's still good and entertaining for what it is. I liked the misdirect of Scratch seemingly doing nothing, only for the team to find out what actually happened. I don't really have a whole lot to say on it, honestly. Fiorelli does a pretty solid job filling in for Iban Coello here, also.

Fantastic Four #5

By: Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Mar 8, 2023

The Fantastic Four are reunited and all is well...until their convoy is interrupted by NICK SCRATCH and SALEM'S SEVEN! It's an all-out magical BATTLE for SURVIVAL right there on the highway, and the Fantastic Four 100% fail to win it. That's right! This solicit isn't going the way you thought it would! As the truth of what happened is puzzled out, ...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #12 Feb 17, 2025

A really nice finale to the series, in my opinion. Superman's perseverance was handled greatly by Morrison here, and I think they showed how well they understand the character. Furthermore, I wasn't too sure on Quitely's art at the beginning of this series, but he definitely sold me as time went on. A really good read throughout with this one.

All-Star Superman #12

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Sep 17, 2008

The Man of Steel has faced twelve super-challenges. Now, as Lex Luthor's brilliant, criminal machinations come together, what fate awaits the doomed Superman? This is the final, dramatic chapter of the incredible, award-winning 12-issue run of ALL STAR SUPERMAN by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant – don't miss it!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #11 Feb 17, 2025

Interesting penultimate issue here. I liked seeing Lex getting a stronger focus here and I'm really looking forward to what I'm guessing will be some sort of confrontation between him and Clark in the next issue. I'm really hoping said issue sticks the landing nicely for this series.

All-Star Superman #11

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: May 28, 2008

Superman…dead? What is the secret behind the Daily Planet's ominous headline from the future? And what does Clark Kent have to say about it? All the pieces of Lex Luthor's master plan to kill Superman begin to come together, building up to the All Star big bang in story's finale!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #10 Feb 17, 2025

A really nice issue here. I especially loved THAT page, of course. Also known as the one almost everyone shares from this series, in which Clark saves Regan before they commit suicide. Rightfully so, by the way, That page is very emotional and very well-crafted. Either way, this was good stuff.

All-Star Superman #10

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Mar 26, 2008

Nothing can stand against the Man of Steel! The 2007 Eisner Award Winner for "Best Continuing Series" keeps getting better when the new issue of ALL STAR SUPERMAN explodes!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #9 Feb 17, 2025

A nice step-up from the last two Bizarro-heavy issues. I liked the story with Bar-El and Lilo here, and I thought their dynamic with Clark was an interesting one to explore, even if it's just for this one issue. Quitely's art continues to be nice, as well, and I thought it especially fit in towards the end.

All-Star Superman #9

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Nov 14, 2007

Behold the Eisner Award-winning creative powerhouse in another fantastic exhibition of All Star bravura! Perils loom as Superman faces the strangest of adversaries.

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Screaming Enigma liked this:
KittyNone reviewed One World Under Doom #1 Feb 14, 2025

Takes place in a fantasy world where the tyrant ruling America has a healthcare plan, dignity and a sense of style

One World Under Doom #1

By: Ryan North, R. B. Silva
Released: Feb 12, 2025


Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...

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Psycamorean - Feb 14, 2025

Doom has concepts of a plan

Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #8 Feb 8, 2025

Again, I'm not incredibly into Bizarro. Although, I did still enjoy this for what it was. I did like Morrison writing Clark to talk like the Bizarros to get through to them. Quitely's art was pretty good throughout and I think it really fit with this particular story.

All-Star Superman #8

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jul 4, 2007

The Daily Planet regulars hole up as the terrifying Bizarro plague spreads across Metropolis! Superman's trapped in the reverse madness of a dying Bizarro World! It's ALL STAR thrills from every angle, delivered by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely and Jamie Grant!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #7 Feb 8, 2025

Kinda crazy that we went from my favorite issue of the series to my least favorite with this one. Maybe it's because I've never been super into Bizarro, although there were good moments here. Enough for me to give as high of a rating as I am, at least. I could also be rating it a little higher because of how much I've liked the rest of the book, though.

All-Star Superman #7

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Apr 11, 2007

The best-selling, smash hit All Star Superman bursts into another issue by comics masterminds Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely! The world is flipped upside down when the Man of Steel encounters his topsy-turvy doppelganger Bizarro! Round and square Earths collide in all-out, All Star action as two mismatched Supermen go toe-to-toe.

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #6 Feb 7, 2025

Wow. Not where I thought this issue was gonna go based on the solicitation, but it was still very good and the best one yet, in my opinion. This is the level of quality I was expecting when I first starting reading this book, and I'm glad we finally got there with this issue and the last. Hopefully Morrison and Quitely maintain it, as we've just gotten to the halfway-point.

All-Star Superman #6

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jan 3, 2007

The award-winning, best-selling All Star saga brings Superman back to Smallville to mourn the loss of his adoptive father. As Clark Kent returns to his hometown roots, the fifth Dimensional trickster investigates human drama from an entirely different perspective.

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #5 Feb 7, 2025

The best issue yet, in my opinion. Morrison proves that they have a really solid grip on Lex's character, and I think they did a nice job with Clark as well. What really makes this relatively special is the writing for Lex and Clark's conversation throughout the issue. Quitely's art is good, as well, but Morrison's writing shines here.

All-Star Superman #5

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Aug 30, 2006

The Man of Steel is trapped behind the iron bars of a maximum-security penitentiary with Lex Luthor! Has Superman's archenemy finally succeeded in maneuvering his opponent to the wrong place at the wrong time? Find out in this thrilling installment of Grant Morrison's and Frank Quitely's All Star mega-hit!

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #4 Feb 2, 2025

I, honestly, don't have much to layabout this one. I don't really know what I was expecting from this series, exactly, but it wasn't this. I'm hoping Lex Luthor comes back soon, though. He was set up to be the main antagonist in the first issue and he hasn't been seen since then.

All-Star Superman #4

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jun 21, 2006

Jimmy Olsen, the Daily Planet's "Mister Action," is young, brilliant, and reckless! For this week's story he must become the director-for-a-day of P.R.O.J.E.C.T. With top agents assigned to protect him, he's looking forward to an easy day of jet-setting and international liaisons all in the name of scientific discovery. Instead, P.R.O.J.E.C.T. rece...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #3 Feb 2, 2025

Not where I was expecting this to go with how the last issue ended, but I still enjoyed it for what it was. It would have been nice to see Lois use the powers more, though, aside from flying around a bit and being able to breathe on the moon. Quitely's art continues to be fairly nice here, as well.

All-Star Superman #3

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Mar 29, 2006

The All Star adventures of the Man of Steel take another startling turn when Lois Lane transforms from Superman's girlfriend into a Kryptonian Superwoman! Meanwhile, Lex Luthor's plans simmer as the criminal mastermind exerts his charisma and intellect over the hardcore inmates who share his maximum-security prison.

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #2 Feb 2, 2025

A nice improvement over the last issue, though both were good. I liked Quitely's art more this time around, and I also found Morrison to have a more compelling and engaging story to tell with this one. I've never really fully bought the idea of people not being able to figure out that Clark Kent is Superman, so seeing Lois really struggle with that reality was certainly something, but I still real more

All-Star Superman #2

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Jan 18, 2006

The most recognizable icon in comics continues to get the ALL STAR treatment from creative powerhouses Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely! After the startling events of the first issue, Superman retreats with Lois Lane to his Arctic sanctuary. Find out what mystery haunts Superman's girlfriend as she spends her birthday in the strangest place on eart...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed All-Star Superman #1 Feb 2, 2025

Definitely an intriguing start. First and foremost, Quitely's art is certainly something. It's nice and not so nice at the same time, and I don't really have a definite opinion on it quite yet. Aside from that, there are a lot of interesting things introduced by Morrison here, particularly the idea of Superman dying sooner rather than later. This was very much a setup issue, and I'm looking forwar more

All-Star Superman #1

By: Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely
Released: Nov 16, 2005

DC launches the newest addition to its All Star line of comics — where the industry's top creative talents refine the iconic focus of the world's greatest super-heroes. Writer Grant Morrison (JLA, SEVEN SOLDIERS) and artist Frank Quitely (THE AUTHORITY, New X-Men) — the acclaimed team behind JLA: EARTH 2 — are at it once again, this time to s...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #4 Jan 29, 2025

Damn, what happened before the start of the series that made the team disband for a few months was genuinely crazy. I don't completely know how I feel about the resolution of it all, but it wasn't bad or anything. Good stuff here once again, overall, and I'm looking forward to seeing North write all of the main characters together.

Fantastic Four #4

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Feb 15, 2023

No more four-shadowing: What REALLY happened back in New York is finally revealed! But it's still affecting matters here in the present, where Ben and Alicia's lives hang in the balance... and it'll take more than a reunion to save them. Plus: alien invaders from another galaxy! The four are finally ba...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #3 Jan 29, 2025

Good stuff here that shows what Johnny has been up to since the team split. Coello's art continues to be very nice throughout, as well. As fun and entertaining as these past three issues have been, I'm ready to get back to the team being together and learning more about what led to their separation in the first place. I don't mind issues that focus more on one or two of them whatsoever, but it's a more

Fantastic Four #3

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Jan 4, 2023

The Human Torch is alone in New York, trying to survive in a city that hates and fears-well, mostly him specifically. There's just one thing for Johnny to do: Adopt an all-new secret identity and take an all-new job nobody else wants! But when things at work heat up, Johnny discovers that while you can...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #2 Jan 28, 2025

Another really good one-shot story, of sorts, that continues the trend of keeping the team isolated from each other. I still don't know how I feel about that approach for the first few issues of the run, but the stories are two-for-two thus far, in my opinion. This was, like the last issue, a super intriguing sci-fi story that feels like a throwback to older titles.

Fantastic Four #2

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Dec 7, 2022

Reed and Sue are on the run from - well, a lot of things, actually! Things are not going great for the Fantastic Four. But they find themselves in even more trouble when they stop in a small town with a terrible secret! That terrible secret is revealed literally on the second page of this issue, and Re...

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Screaming Enigma added Fantastic Four (2022) to their pull list Jan 28, 2025

Fantastic Four (2022)

It's the start of a new era for the Fantastic Four...and they're already in a ton of trouble.
Something has gone terribly wrong in New York, and the Thing and Alicia are traveling across America to escape it!
  But when they stop in a small town for the night and wake up the morning before the...

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Screaming Enigma reviewed Fantastic Four #1 Jan 28, 2025

A really nice start to the run here. First and foremost, Coello's art is great throughout this. He killed it on just about every single page. As for the story, North does a really nice job with the science fiction here. This felt like a more classic, lower-scale science-fiction story. On its own, it's pretty good. However, I don't really know how I feel about this being the first issue for a new F more

Fantastic Four #1

By: Ryan North, Iban Coello
Released: Nov 9, 2022

It's the start of a new era for the Fantastic Four...and they're already in a ton of trouble.
Something has gone terribly wrong in New York, and the Thing and Alicia are traveling across America to escape it!
  But when they stop in a small town for the night and wake up the morning before the...

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Great start to the second year of the series. With the first year all said and done, I think this tops my ranking list for the Ultimate line. It's a lot of character work, but it's all really, really good. Checchetto is killing it here, as well. I'm super intrigued to see what happens with Richard and (I'm assuming?) Felicia after the ending of this.

Ultimate Spider-Man #13

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jan 22, 2025

The Sinister Six are all hunting Spider-Man and the Green Goblin for their ringleader, Kingpin-and this time, Kraven has the upper hand in Jonathan Hickman & Marco Checchetto's love letter to "Kraven's Last Hunt"!

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Screaming Enigma added Ultimate Wolverine (2025) to their pull list Jan 26, 2025

Ultimate Wolverine (2025)

From rising star Chris Condon (That Texas Blood) and MOON KNIGHT powerhouse artist Alessandro Cappuccio comes the story of the ULTIMATE WOLVERINE! In order to maintain control of their corner of the Maker's world, three members of his council-Magik, Colossus and Omega Red-deploy their most lethal asset: The Winter S...

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