Spinning out of Absolute Power and the DC All In Special, the terror of the Darkseid shockwave has cascaded across the DC Universe...tearing open the very fabric of time and space itself! Only one band of super-scientists have the right stuff to challenge the fate of a universe...enter: THE CHALLENGERS OF THE UKNOWN. Alongside the Justice League--where the Challengers run day-to-day operations for the massive Watchtower base in orbit above Earth--Ace Morgan, June Robbins, Prof Haley, Red Ryan, and Rocky Davis must team with Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and the rest of the League to seal the rifts that threaten the galaxy. But a mysterious more
Challengers of the Unknown #1 provides readers with more insight into the Challengers, who are more than support staff. Read Full Review
When this was first announced, people were a little skeptical is it really the Challengers if Superman is suited up alongside them? But I don't think this first issue gives any reason for worry. Read Full Review
As a property that has been separated from the main DCU in the past, it will be interesting to see Cantwell play with the interactions between the team and The League as a whole and see any friction between the two may threaten this partnership. Read Full Review
Overall, Challengers of the Unknown #1 is a promising start to a new era for the team. The high-stakes plot, engaging characters, and stunning artwork make it a must-read for fans of superhero comics. Read Full Review
The Challengers make their way into the All In movement with a steady debut. Cantwell welcomes readers in with an ever-changing threat. Izaakse and Fajardo Jr. present events with a heroic feel perfectly reflecting the classic team. Its a great jumping on point for those unafraid of the unknown. Read Full Review
Leaning heavily into the new Justice League Unlimited set-up, Challengers of the Unknown might just be hinting at secrets of the Absolute Universe. Read Full Review
Challengers of the Unknown #1 kicks off a mystery with a lot of unknown but overall, the comic rings a little hollow. Entertaining in some ways but overall, a pretty “by the numbers” debut. It's a bit of a throwback but the real draw is to see how the Challengers of the Unknown really tie into the greater story that's being teased throughout various series. Read Full Review
Challengers Of The Unknown #1is a decent enough start toa series of missions that puts the Challengers on the trails of anomalies created by Darkseid's demise. Christopher Cantwell's script does a decent enough job introducing the team and their mission, but the setup and some of the character work is off-kilter. Likewise, the art is decent enough, but the details are lacking.6.5/10 Read Full Review