THE CHALLENGERS FACE A DEEP SEA MYSTERY! The odyssey of the Challengers continues on the Watchtower and beyond! Bracing under the strict oversight of Mister Terrific in their investigation into the Godshock and still reeling from something Unknown rattling them all internally, it's June's turn to be shaken to the core when a strange rupture in the deepest part of the ocean draws the League's scrutiny...and awakens the most difficult creation of her Challenger past. Guest starring Batman, Aquaman, and the Sea Devils!
Kirby's concepts are often misunderstood by modern writers, but DC seems to be investing in them pretty heavily now and finding writers who truly love what makes them unique. The biggest continuing plot thread, of course, is that each of the Challengers seems to be affected by the anomalies in different ways, and I'm very intrigued to find out who's next on deck. Read Full Review
Challengers of the Unknown #2 continues to build the mystery surrounding the team by exploring the past and present of the teams storied history. Read Full Review
Overall, Challengers of the Unknown #2 is a solid installment that builds upon the foundation laid in the first issue. The focus on character development and the expansion of the Godshock mystery make it a worthwhile read for fans of the series. While the pacing might not appeal to everyone, the issue effectively sets the stage for future developments and leaves readers eager to learn more. Read Full Review
If you like pulp adventure comics like Tom Strong, you're going to love this series. Challengers of the Unknown #2 skillfully embraces its roots in Silver Age comics, offering a nostalgic yet fresh pulp adventure filled with intriguing character dynamics and philosophical underpinnings. Read Full Review