Doom has concepts of a plan
This comic had the strongest and most interesting concept of any of the From The Ashes titles, which has made it all the more frustrating that it's been more miss than hit in execution. I'd complain about the next-to-last issue being spent trying to simultaneously set up a finale and satisfy the demands a crossover, but it inspires some of the stronger work this team has delivered — particularlymore
• Charles Xavier is on the run, and his first stop is New York - but there are plenty of mutants in the city who want nothing to do with the most recent master plan of the disgraced Professor X!
• Will the return of their dearly departed mentor bolster the burgeoning community that calls itself NYX or tear ev...
The first miniseries by Chip Zdarsky from DSTLRY concludes!
Captured by EonCo, Blue is facing execution--alone, save for a gloating Wyatt, who is finally on the verge of getting his revenge. As his time sickness worsens, Blue could really use a friend--but how could he have any allies left when time has destroyed them all?
Every i...
Wyatt won't stop until he's had his revenge, no matter how many lives are lost in the pursuit. Who cares about anyone in the past? Blue and Grace have held off their attackers-for now-but the full militarized force at Wyatt's disposal a...
NEW SERIES DEBUT FROM DSTLRY! Join Chip Zdarsky, David Brothers, and Marcus To for a sci-fi adventure that defies expectation and time itself!
Meet Blue, a man trapped in the past, which is our present. Sent back in time for a mission he could not bring himself to complete, the former soldier Blue builds a life with Grace, the Sheriff of a sma...
IDK if this is a continuation of the artistic maturity Orlando's been showing in Scarlet Witch or if it's just that his real calling in life is erotic gay romance, but this mini has been an unexpected pleasure
Aubrey struggles to balance an impossible tightrope-juggling his open relationship with Persica, a secret affair with Kren, and the overwhelming demands of editing Durian. Breaking the rules of his open relationship is out of character for Persica, and it's only a matter of time before things take a turn for the worse... The exciting third issue of...
Aubrey Jean's life is now a total mess. He's still hooking up with Persica but also texting with Kren in secret. And editing Durian is not the simplest job in the world... It's torture!
The exciting second issue of the erotic romance drama in the style of the original SWEET PAPRIKA series, building off characters introduced in the Eisner-Award ...
Mini-Series Premiere. A queer love drama spin-off of Mirka Andolfo's Harvey Award-winning and Eisner Award-nominated Sweet Paprika! Aubrey Jean is a young employee at Infernum Press, and he tries to impress his hero and boss, Miss Paprika, and figure out his relationship with Persica, a friend with benefits who might want to be more. ...
OINK OINK! PUT YOUR DIRTY LITTLE TROTTERS TOGETHER FOR PROFESSOR PYG! Somebody ruined my perfect date night!!!! Professor Pyg here, Gotham City's most sensual and available bachelor. I regret to inform you that my one true love, Harley Quinn, has left my heart spurned and abused. Well, I simply can't have that, so I'm going to do what any maladjust...
North perfectly understands and encapsulates the subtle dread that persists throughout our real day to day life while still inpiring hope through the optimism of the Ever Loving Blue Eyed Thing, and the intelligence of the Sensational She-Hulk. North has quickly become one of my favorite comic book writers through this masterful Fantastic Four run.
The impossible has happened! DOCTOR DOOM has taken over the world! And the Fantastic Four are NOT going to let that stand. As Reed locks himself in his lab, trying to solve the Problem of Doom, Ben treats Sue to a trip to NYC with their mutual friend, JEN "SHE-HULK" WALTERS, to help get her mind off of things. But tensions after vampires overran th...
The Emerald Archer is lost, and it will take Oliver Queen's whole family to find him! But dangerous forces are determined to keep them apart at any cost! Spinning out of Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Green Arrow by DC architect Joshua Williamson (Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths, Superman) and artist Sean Izaakse (Thunderbolts) is an action-packed ...
Takes place in a fantasy world where the tyrant ruling America has a healthcare plan, dignity and a sense of style
Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...
Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...
This is a time when it feels like practically everyone feels helpless and hopeless beneath the wealthy elites whose boot is forever on our necks, and ever-increasing numbers of desperate people are looking at this as broken world as one that can only be cleansed with blood. The idea of a newly-arrived Superman (who can fairly be assumed to be as non-lethal as any other version) being seen as the smore
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
SPECIAL FLIP-BOOK ISSUE! Grievously injured after her encounter with the Order of the Green Knight's master, Poison Ivy finds herself wandering a strange liminal zone inhabited by The Grey. Meanwhile, Janet, on a search for answers about the mysterious town of Marshview, finds herself lost amongst The Green. As the two friends attempt to find their...
Camp & Chris Allen make Ultimate Luke Cage into invincible Mumia Abu-Jamal and whereas any number of lesser writers might have been making a glib statement to please their social media following, Camp & Allen take the assignment seriously enough to give it heft and meaning. The best issue so far
LUKE CAGE AND THE ULTIMATE PRISON BREAK! Juan Frigeri joins Deniz Camp to bring us the history and the future of Luke Cage! Spider-Man isn't the only success story of Ultimates the man who has been quietly sabotaging the Maker's Council from behind bars!
Rated T+
No insight, no feeling, no meaning, no formal experimentation, not even a plot to speak of: this is the worst of Ellis, all purpose flayed from the bone, stripped right down to the masturbatory cruelty that festers at the core of even his best works. Absolutely the most empty thing I've ever read.
I've traditionally been politely averse to earnest Silver Age nostalgia comics even when they're written by innovative British writers whose name can be shortened to "Al", but I can't say no to ironic metacommentary on "reactionary nostalgia" and a good Skiffle joke so fiiiiine, I'll admit that this was good
Who could win the heart of the most fabulous freak of all? Only one more fabulous still...the switched-on Sapphire Stagg! But when Metamorpho and Element Gal join superstar Sapphire in the spotlight, they find themselves in the gunsights of a deadly rival for her cultural crown--one mendaciously managed by the maliciously malevolent...Mad Mod! But ...
I unironically want nothing more from a superhero comic than a creative team with the fearless self-assurance to write something formally and emotionally breathtaking like the Circe flashback and then follow it with over-the-top surreal superhero bullshit like the giant sword, and to make it truly work. This is everything I love about superhero comics
DIANA MAKES THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The Tetracide is "The Four Killer"...and Diana has done the unthinkable to escape its fatal grasp. The move may have saved her to fight another day, but the price Diana paid is more than she can stand to lose for the fight that's coming. She will need the help of her allies both old and new to recover what she ha...
Great review, I definitely agree. I'm going to feature your review on my podcast Lunchbreak reviews about this issue. Reach out if you want to be on the show!
This is my favorite version of Wonder Woman..... of all time. This is everything I want from a Wonder Woman comic and character. Absolutely breath-taking
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
Awesome issue from this series, once again. Everything I've praised the last two issues for is what I would praise for this one. Thompson and Sherman are really crafting up great stuff with this one (Spoiler art coming next, just in case you're looking at reviews without having read the issue yourself yet). Diana cutting off her right arm for Steve was insane, and I'm looking forward to seeing mormore
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
I'm simply stunned by how good this is. Every issue gets better and better, so I'm saving the perfect rating but it's coming, no doubt. By far the best of the Absolute titles !
Wonder Woman as a sorceress is just a hell of an awesome idea and Hayden Sherman is killing it !
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
This is as perfect a Wonder Woman rendition as I have seen since Kelly Sue’s Historia in that it captures the essence of what a Wonder Woman is. Thompson and Hayden show us just how effortlessly Diana befits the title of Wonder Woman. Art is phenomenal and the work speaks for it self. Just an absolute breath of fresh air.
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
Simply breathtaking. The story and character work on display here trumps the previous 2 issues, and is a grandly successful swing for the fences. One of the year’s best titles. Kudos to the entire team that put this story together. It’s the very essence of what an “absolute” title should be.
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
Words cannot describe how incredible this book is.
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
I have read a gratuitous number of Wonder Woman comics and this was easily one of the greatest single issues I've ever read, thrilling and unpredictable and formally ambitious. Thompson & Sherman are both doing just unbelievable work here
ENTER: STEVE TREVOR! A Harbinger is but a messenger. It is The Tetracide that you must fear, for The Tetracide leaves nothing behind. Diana's true enemy has been revealed--and it will take everything she has to save Gateway City from oblivion!
The Outliers, still finding their place in the mutant world, are hunted by a lethal new set of foes: A bloodthirsty, relentless and unstoppable pack of stealth Sentinels! Cut off from their mentors and allies, with no knowledge of who built or aimed these deadly drones, four untrained mutants are on the run and com...
The Sinister Six are all hunting Spider-Man and the Green Goblin for their ringleader, Kingpin-and this time, Kraven has the upper hand in Jonathan Hickman & Marco Checchetto's love letter to "Kraven's Last Hunt"!
BEEP BEEP! OUTTA THE WAY! HARLEY'S DRIVIN' HERE! Laddies and Gentlegirls, are your engines burning for violence, malfeasance, and mayhammery? Look no further than this issue of Harley Quinn (available for preorder right now)! I, Imperator Harleyiosa, acting as the agent of the Council of Aggrieved Local Retailers of Throatcutter Hill, have placed a...