IT'S THE END OF PLASTIC MAN! OR IS IT? There sure are a lot of people who'd like to stop him from detonating the nuclear bomb he fashioned out of a member of the Metal Men--including the very son he's trying to save with this kamikaze scheme. But Patrick has come too far and sacrificed too much to stop now...
A lot of current characters like Tim Drake play key roles in the finale, and a lot of what happens feels like the natural outgrowth of character development for these leads. Read Full Review
Plastic Man No More! #4 and the series as a whole jas been an interesting and deconstruction of Plastic Man, the sometimes criminal and sometimes hero. Unlike previous stories that have looked at Plastic Man and his struggle to make amends for his past, this series has been one that puts the father/son relation under the microscope and tugs at the heartstrings instead of going for the slapstick side of the characters. Read Full Review
What a lovely little run this was.
I cannot believe I am saying this but Cantwell pulls it off. The surprise of 2024 for sure. This series is dark and really ends with the cycle of pain being continued from one generation to another, but a slight message of hope as you see some changes of betterment with Luke.
The father son moment with the bomb was done really really well and the art was perfect for it. Some might call it cheap emotional play but the moment honestly called for it, and it what let plastic man end on a positive note instead of being the thing he always feared.
A great read and a perfect example of a black label done right. This could never occur in the mainline, but this was an excellent Plastic Man story.
Robin rebuking Ba more
this was a good ending