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Joined: May 18, 2023

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I probably like this more than most people but I will admit that Year of the Villains derailed this. Actually that event was terrible and derailed a lot of runs. It was a terrible idea by DC that in the end helped kill this run.

Now all that being said, Venditti did the best he could and the story is still pretty interesting. Is this as epic as the previous stories and will it be remem more

Hawkman Vol. 3: Darkness Within

By: Robert Venditti, Will Conrad

The series that reinvented Hawkman’s mythology to encompass all of time and space takes its next adventurous leap into the Multiverse!

 A story from the pages of Hawkman’s journals! Travel back in time to when Carter Hall was reincarnated as a soldier in a cosmic army, while his people were at war! But what happens when a being ...

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Again Venditti continues his amazing story putting together all the lore of Hawkman into on coherent story. I believe this and volume 1 are likely the best Hawkman stories ever told. A must read for anyone even remotely interested in Hawkman. The mangum opus of Hawkman if you will.

Art delivers. A pleasure every page.

Hawkman Vol. 2: Deathbringer

By: Robert Venditti, Andrew Currie

As Hawkman struggles to protect London from the devastation of a new threat, the answer he seeks resides in his past life-the only question is, which one? Rocketing across the cosmos in his newly recovered spaceship, Carter Hall is en route to the next stop on his adventure through time and space. Locked within the ship's memory banks is the truth ...

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ResearchReader reviewed Plastic Man No More! #4 Feb 13, 2025

I cannot believe I am saying this but Cantwell pulls it off. The surprise of 2024 for sure. This series is dark and really ends with the cycle of pain being continued from one generation to another, but a slight message of hope as you see some changes of betterment with Luke.

The father son moment with the bomb was done really really well and the art was perfect for it. Some might call more

Plastic Man No More! #4

By: Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins
Released: Dec 18, 2024

IT'S THE END OF PLASTIC MAN! OR IS IT? There sure are a lot of people who'd like to stop him from detonating the nuclear bomb he fashioned out of a member of the Metal Men--including the very son he's trying to save with this kamikaze scheme. But Patrick has come too far and sacrificed too much to stop now...

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ResearchReader reviewed Plastic Man No More! #3 Feb 13, 2025

Another good issue from Cantwell in a shocking surprise. Things just go from bad to worse for plastic man. Well that and another murder doesnt help. Can he save himself before everything falls apart? I honestly cannot tell.

Still the writing of the JL is so cynical and so odd, the different artist clearly sets it up to be a sort of parody version of them clear but I still find it jarri more

Plastic Man No More! #3

By: Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins
Released: Nov 6, 2024

IS PLASTIC MAN'S FATE SEALED?! Plastic Man and Woozy suffer a bit of a...setback...when trying to capture one of the Metal Men. Well, setback is putting it mildly, and now there's really no turning back toward the superheroes they once called allies. As his body grows increasingly more unstable, Plastic Man must turn to a villainous ally in hopes o...

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daspidaboy reviewed Plastic Man No More! #3 Nov 23, 2024

this is an actual shockingly good series. Christopher Cantwell has not been my favorite writer, but I am happy he proved me wrong. I hope this series sticks the landing, its the biggest surprise of 2024 imo

Plastic Man No More! #3

By: Christopher Cantwell, Alex Lins
Released: Nov 6, 2024

IS PLASTIC MAN'S FATE SEALED?! Plastic Man and Woozy suffer a bit of a...setback...when trying to capture one of the Metal Men. Well, setback is putting it mildly, and now there's really no turning back toward the superheroes they once called allies. As his body grows increasingly more unstable, Plastic Man must turn to a villainous ally in hopes o...

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ResearchReader reviewed Void Rivals #15 Jan 27, 2025

Ok I am going to be the voice of defection here and say I actually really like all the threads and how things are bouncing around. It has this feel of building tension. Like all these threads that Kirkman is drawing our attention to have critical pieces of info and they are all unraveling at the same thing. Some will no doubt give lore, others will be planing clear B or C plots but eventually one more

Void Rivals #15

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Dec 25, 2024

Everyone's favorite Autobot, Hot Rod, finds his way to the Sacred Ring! What news of Cybertron does he bring to Springer? How dire are things? And how much trouble can two Autobots cause in Agorria? Tons!

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sawright20 reviewed Void Rivals #14 Dec 4, 2024

I’m really impressed with how Kirkman is managing so many plots at once and also successfully developing each of them.

Void Rivals #14

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Nov 27, 2024

Darak isn't back in Agorria for one day before they send him back out into space to get shot at. Darak's loyalty to Agorria is put to the test as he's forced to prove himself.

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ResearchReader reviewed Void Rivals #14 Jan 27, 2025

"You LOVE Handroid' then the look on Solila's face as she admits maybe she does sometimes is my favorite panels in this issue. Laughed as it was so in character it felt great.

Now onto the meat and potatoes. Great issue! Great art! The entire ethereal interaction was gold. Loved that scene. Seeing HotRod was great. That last panel... well that doesnt look good for basically everyone. more

Void Rivals #14

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Nov 27, 2024

Darak isn't back in Agorria for one day before they send him back out into space to get shot at. Darak's loyalty to Agorria is put to the test as he's forced to prove himself.

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ResearchReader reviewed Void Rivals #13 Jan 27, 2025

We get some Cobra-La, some more lore, and some needed 'adventuring panels'. No big action this issue but it does what it needs to do: set up the pieces for the next issues. Is this issue an 8.5 on its own? No, but it is in context of what has come before it (as in it builds on it and this flows well, it follows good writing patterns).

I continue to enjoy the art, I feel like now I would more

Void Rivals #13

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Oct 23, 2024

New Story Arc. Pythona of Cobra-La ventures deep into space. Will her mission spell certain doom for the Void Rivals?

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fzanca reviewed Void Rivals #13 Oct 25, 2024

We bring in the characters from Cobra-La in this issue as well as the conflict between Darak and his dad. Not sure how this is going to finish up. Meanwhile, handroid leads his counterpart into the depths. This story continues to move. I wonder what he has as the ending to this because like Sacrificers this has a limited story.

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Void Rivals #13

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Oct 23, 2024

New Story Arc. Pythona of Cobra-La ventures deep into space. Will her mission spell certain doom for the Void Rivals?

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ResearchReader reviewed Void Rivals #12 Jan 27, 2025

Good solid story. I enjoyed the art and a lot of things wrapped up as this was more of a cool down issue (totally fine in my books). Also sets up a lot of the challenges that everyone is going to have in the next arc. I am excited to see where it goes!

Also while I did feel like the final 2 1/2 pages were boarderline wasted due to all the 'blackspace' to hype up some unknown entity rea more

Void Rivals #12

By: Robert Kirkman, Lorenzo De Felici
Released: Aug 28, 2024

After what they've endured in the wasteland, are Darak and Solila now destined to walk separate paths? Where Solila goes now, Darak cannot follow... or can he? What will Springer's final fate be? And what are the Quintessons now planning?

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ResearchReader reviewed Transformers #15 Jan 27, 2025

Another brutal issue. We are really starting to see a lot of break down within the deceptacons and the autobots. Factions are forming everywhere and I am not sure how each team (or the creation of new factions), is going to look in a few issues. Honestly this feels still fresh and exciting.

Also when it comes to out of the pan and into the fire, we have Prime. Poor dude is just being p more

Transformers #15

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jorge Corona
Released: Dec 11, 2024

New Story Arc. oundwave moves to finish the war with the Autobots... and all of Earth will suffer. Meanwhile, Optimus Prime and Wheeljack search for the answers to a mystery that may change everything they ever thought they knew.

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ResearchReader reviewed Transformers #14 Jan 27, 2025

Well Starscream in this Energon universe is a POS and a survivor. A manipulator, not all that competent and forced against his will originally to kill (till I guess he learned to like it). We also learn you should just put him down when you get a chance, and some humans learned that the hard way. This second part does a great way of painting what role Starscream will play in this universe.

Transformers #14

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jason Howard
Released: Nov 13, 2024

End of Story Arc. The fate of Starscream revealed! Everything has changed for the most conniving Decepticon the universe has even seen. And hell hath no fury like a Starscream scorned...

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ResearchReader reviewed Transformers #13 Jan 27, 2025

Might be the weakest issue in the series so far. Not that it is a bad issue by any means. It is just simply a good solid backstory with Starscream. Functionally radicalized because someone he knew was killed. A story that is simply, and common in real life so it works. Good base to build on.

Transformers #13

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jason Howard
Released: Oct 9, 2024

New Story Arc. The Secret Origin of Starscream! After the stunning events of his battle with the Decepticons, Starscream has been left for dead. Now the secret to surviving the future may be revisiting his shocking past...

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ResearchReader reviewed Transformers #12 Jan 24, 2025

So Prime went medieval on Shockwave. Also that choice... geez that was just a brutal issue. Optimus is being push well into the utter limits of what he is capable of handling and I do wonder where this goes. This series has basically been pedal to the metal for 12 issue, the autobots need to heal and I have no idea how this new status quo will work out especially with the fallout of the actions. more

Transformers #12

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jorge Corona
Released: Sep 11, 2024

End of Story Arc. The fate of two worlds is decided here, as the Autobots and Decepticons make choices that will change the universe forever.

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sawright20 reviewed Transformers #12 Sep 12, 2024

Another slam dunk

Transformers #12

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jorge Corona
Released: Sep 11, 2024

End of Story Arc. The fate of two worlds is decided here, as the Autobots and Decepticons make choices that will change the universe forever.

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ResearchReader reviewed Transformers #11 Jan 24, 2025

In this issue you can just feel the tension and anxiety on every page. Things are going to be intense next issue and that final page... oh man it looks bleak.

Art is great as always. I wasnt sure about Corona at first but he has delivered in a big way and has never disappointed.

Transformers #11

By: Daniel Warren Johnson, Jorge Corona
Released: Aug 14, 2024

Only Optimus Prime can save Earth and Cybertron. But will all of the Autobots stand with him?

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ResearchReader reviewed Fantastic Four #27 Jan 23, 2025

Cute issue, but a few things keep it from being as good as some previous issues.

Art felt like a decent step down. It doesnt 'jive' with the previous issue styles, especially that this was a kid issue. Too dark and thick lines, too 'gritty' for a kid issue.

Writing felt sloppy. I dont think North has a good voice for N'Kalla. I mean she is a newer character, but this felt mo more

Fantastic Four #27

By: Ryan North, Steven Cummings
Released: Dec 18, 2024

• When N'Kalla - Skrull and adopted daughter of Ben Grimm and Alicia Masters - sees her brother Jo-Venn get in trouble at school and be sent to the principal's office, she does the sisterly thing... which is, of course, to shape-shift into a double of their father Ben to get him out of it!
•  And when her cousin Valeria gets in trouble, ...

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ResearchReader reviewed Fantastic Four #26 Jan 23, 2025

This is a good issue but a touch weird. Like too comical and goofy for me. I get this was the Halloween issue so 'I guess it work'. I admit I did laugh but it doesnt feel the most FF.

Still a good issue, just a bit 'off'.

Fantastic Four #26

By: Ryan North, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Oct 9, 2024

The World's Smartest Man (Reed Richards, universally acknowledged) and the World's Hottest Man (Johnny Storm, self-proclaimed) are home alone. Their only job is to make sure nothing untoward happens to the farmhouse while everyone else is away. But when Reed develops a magic detector that goes haywire when pointed at a specific spot in their baseme...

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ResearchReader reviewed Fantastic Four #25 Jan 23, 2025

Kind of torn on this issue.

Biggest miss of this issue that doesnt make it a 10/10 for me. Johnny Romance. A friendship would have been just as good or something. Making out with the alien and forming a romantic relationship was just... weird. That being said the alien concept (its look ect), was actually pretty cool. I enjoy the different non-humanoid look.

That being said more

Fantastic Four #25

By: Ryan North, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Sep 11, 2024

When an excursion to Latveria magically sends the Fantastic Four to an alien world, they have to work just to survive - and to make their way back to Earth! But that won't be easy on a world so unlike our own and with an alien civilization hundreds of years behind where we are...and it's not made any easier when JOHNNY STORM hooks up with one of th...

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ResearchReader reviewed Fantastic Four #24 Jan 23, 2025

Excellent conclusion to the previous issue and had excellent writing of all the FF family. Quite a bitter sweet ending, with a lot of existentialist dread, but ending on a note of hope. This was one of the better stories in this run. Strong recommend.

Fantastic Four #24

By: Ryan North, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Aug 28, 2024

Earth is being invaded by subatomic particles from the other side of the universe - but what terrible secret do they hold inside? As Mr. Fantastic discovers the horrifying truth, he finds out something worse: There're some things in the universe that even he and his family's powers can't stop! And when everyone in the Baxter Building is close to be...

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KittyNone reviewed Fantastic Four #24 Aug 30, 2024

This is practically the platonic ideal of a Fantastic Four story, just perfect

Fantastic Four #24

By: Ryan North, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Aug 28, 2024

Earth is being invaded by subatomic particles from the other side of the universe - but what terrible secret do they hold inside? As Mr. Fantastic discovers the horrifying truth, he finds out something worse: There're some things in the universe that even he and his family's powers can't stop! And when everyone in the Baxter Building is close to be...

ResearchReader reviewed Fantastic Four #23 Jan 23, 2025

Weird science with the FF narrated by Johnny Storm. Its wacky wild and Johnny gets chocked out by an alien. It does what is is suppose to do and be funny silly (questionable) science fun!

While this series had had some bigger misses in my books, this issue is a hit for sure.

Fantastic Four #23

By: Ryan North, Carlos E. Gomez
Released: Aug 14, 2024

The world is recovering from Blood Hunt, and Johnny and Sue take Jo and Nicki to NYC for a bit of a break... ...but when a cosmic incident from outer space threatens forty percent of the planet, the whole team is forced to meet in New York and get to the bottom of what's really going on! The Fantastic Four will need teamwork, cleverness and an old ...

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So Thanos getting the mind stone was easy enough. Dude was pathetic. Then Hulk came. Basically this entire issue is that fight. Which to be fair was fun to watch hands thrown. That being said, this issue was worth like 2$, not 4.99.

The back up didnt really do anything. Like nothing really happened.

The Infinity Watch Annual: Incredible Hulk

By: Derek Landy, Geoff Shaw
Released: Aug 28, 2024

The Mad Titan THANOS carves a path of destruction to his next doomed target - the current bearer of the MIND STONE! But there's a very big, very green and very, very, VERY angry Hulk standing in Thanos' way. Introducing the master of the Mind Stone - WORLDMIND!
Rated T+

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #20 Jan 22, 2025

Earls art fit this issue which is nice. Also interesting to see that Charlie is going to have to pay a price for all that power. I still dont know where this story is going though. The Eldest appears dead and the Mother of horrors is sealed. Besides Hulk paying some sort of price for breaking an oath.. and oath that I have no idea who is suppose to enforce that, and resolving Charlies issue, what more

Incredible Hulk #20

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Danny Earls
Released: Dec 11, 2024

In the aftermath of Banner and Charlie's dramatic escape from Las Vegas, they're back on the road and lying low...or so Banner thinks. But as Charlie goes off at night to revel in the newfound power she doesn't understand, she's found by WEREWOLF BY NIGHT, who warns her about the consequences of what she's done...and what sh...

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #19 Jan 22, 2025

So the opening torture scene of Banner was very... unique. Disgusting but amazing art.
The splash page is also quite epic. Not a lot of splash art makes you change how you hold the book, but something felt so cool looking at it like a poster and Hulk declaring himself the strongest.

The other stories were ok. Pak's tied into the main story... sort of. She-Hulk was just all filler more

Incredible Hulk #19

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Various
Released: Nov 27, 2024


Has Hulk finally met one stronger than himself? After a crushing defeat at the hands of ELDEST, the Incredible Hulk is a slave, and the return of the Mother of Horrors is imminent! Hulk's only hope is the newly resurrected Charlie Tidwell, who takes on the SKINWALKERS OF LYCANA to save Hulk... But what...

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #18 Jan 22, 2025

There are some really solid moment in this comic but an odd focus on Charlie. The key highlight is Bruce and Hulk fighting each other in one body. Klein does an excellent job showing how gross and macabre it is.

As for the story itself... it is ok. Kind of just slowly moving long, unendingly teasing us with what we really want to see- Hulk fight the Elder. I dont like the pace of this. more

Incredible Hulk #18

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Nic Klein
Released: Oct 23, 2024


To save Charlie Tidwell, Banner has betrayed Hulk, leaving him a slave of the immortal Eldest! Meanwhile, Charlie finds a mysterious ally inside the cult of who could help Charlie escape or bind her fate to the skinwalkers forever! This issue leads directly into next month's Incredible Hulk legac...

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #17 Jan 22, 2025

Klein's art is a joy to behold and the main highlight of this series. Johnson's story telling has been slow but I hope it picks up from now on. The constant filler issues is disappointing.

Best moment of this issue was the true form reveal of the Eldest. That was terrifying. A weird bone-chilling despair if you will.

Also Banner's betrayal of Hulk is BS, like it works for the more

Incredible Hulk #17

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Nic Klein
Released: Sep 18, 2024

The crescendo to INCREDIBLE HULK Legacy #900 begins here with "SKIN" Part One! "In this town, it's your skin that defines you." With Bruce Banner seemingly locked away forever inside the Hulkscape, the Incredible Hulk reaches Sumanguru's prophesied "Paradise of Sin": Las Vegas, where Charlie Tidwell's only hope lies with ELDEST and the profane cult...

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #16 Jan 22, 2025

This... was a chapter. Art was ok. Story was ok. Not a lot went on. The Eldest and the first Hulk fought and that was cool for like 3 pages. The rest was... I dont know. Just filler stuff to be said? Build up to the real fight? This feels like it could have been shown in a flash back in 3 pages or so, not two issues.

Incredible Hulk #16

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Danny Earls
Released: Sep 4, 2024

In the conclusion of "Lament for a Fallen Crown," the first Hulk, ENKIDU, brings Eldest's empire of monsters crashing down! But he's met his match in ELDEST, the first and most powerful of Earth's ancient demigods. Can Eldest use Enkidu's flesh to finally open the Mother of Horrors' Divine Prison...or will the power ...

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ResearchReader reviewed Incredible Hulk #15 Jan 22, 2025

This was a touch slow and didnt move the plot forward as we get some back story into the Eldest or the Mother. This is a set up issue that will read better in trades. Dont expect much in a single issue.

Earls art did improve though so that was a plus. He is getting a better idea of how to draw this series.

Incredible Hulk #15

By: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Danny Earls
Released: Aug 7, 2024

As Eldest's plans draw Hulk ever nearer to Las Vegas, she remembers a time thousands of years ago. The terrible empire she ruled then...until her fateful encounter with the first Hulk, ENKIDU, brought it all to ruin, making them enemies forever! Don't miss the ORIGIN OF ELDEST as the two-part story "Lament for a Fallen Crow...

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