Six months ago, Doctor Victor Von Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - then disappeared behind Latveria's closed borders. For most, there's enough going on in the world that Doom's absence is not a priority, and some time without him feels like a blessing. Only a few recognize it for what it truly was...the calm before the...
"Wand'ring Star" Part 2 of 3
The line has been drawn and the first strike has been made! Never has an X-Man had so much taken away and feared so much for what the future may bring! No more waiting for the next shoe to drop. The X-Men will take the fight to their enemies, no matter the cost!
The line has been drawn and the first strike has been made! Never has an X-Man had so much taken away and feared so much for what the future may bring! No more waiting for the next shoe to drop. The X-Men will take the fight to their enemies, no matter the cost!
Marvel Girl's entire family has been placed on the intergalactic wanted list! The X-Men are the only thing that stands between the Greys and their extraterrestrial executioners!
Marvel Girl's entire family has been placed on the intergalactic wanted list! The X-Men are the only thing that stands between the Greys and their extraterrestrial executioners!
In the wake of House of M, Marvel Girl's emotions are heating up! Faced with a future she thought was destroyed, Marvel Girl will find out just what she is really made of!
"Season of the Witch" Part 4 of 4
All holy heck is breaking loose in not-so-merry-ol' England as Captain Britain and his rag tag squad of misfits must stop the effects of House of M from causing the entire Multiverse to be completely destroyed! And you thought the cuisine was the most dangerous thing in England!
Welcome aboard new regular artist CHRIS BACHALO! It's a knock-down, drag-out brawl, as Psylocke and Marvel Girl race against time to stop the entire universe from being completely obliterated! Guest starring Captain Britain, Juggernaut and Nocturne!
It's deja vu all over again! Captain Britain, Meggan, Psylocke and Marvel Girl find themselves in England, racing against time to save the universe from complete and utter annihilation!
"Season of the Witch" Part 1 of 4
The return of Captain Britain! Brian Braddock is released from his duties as protector of the Omniverse to deal with a threat of even greater proportions-as if that was even possible! Meanwhile, Pyslocke and Rachel find themselves trapped in a situation with no way out!
The Uncanny X-Men have to deal with the repercussions of Mojo's attack.
The Uncanny X-Men just can't get a break. As the team tries to relax and deal with the return of their once-dead teammate Psylocke, guess who crashes their party?
The exciting conclusion of the X-Men's Savage Land adventure!
Spectacular ending
• It's been months since Doctor Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - and disappeared. Reed Richards, the smartest man on the planet, has spent that time trying to find a way to understand magic, so he can find and stop Doom...and he's failed.
• But when Sue suggests there is another man who holds both a...
I wish the art from Cummings was a bit more dynamic, but this issue did get me interested to see if Reed will end up using magic in One World Under Doom like he did during the Mark Waid ane Mike Wieringo run.
• It's been months since Doctor Doom became Sorcerer Supreme - and disappeared. Reed Richards, the smartest man on the planet, has spent that time trying to find a way to understand magic, so he can find and stop Doom...and he's failed.
• But when Sue suggests there is another man who holds both a...
The X-Men's Savage Land adventure continues! Their strange new foes are bent on claiming the Earth for their own-and they plan on using the might of the X-Men to do it!
High adventure in the Savage Land! The X-Men discover a wondrous and advanced new civilization...but it's none too friendly toward humans-or mutants!
The X-Men return to the Savage Land! Plus, the team gains a highly unexpected new member!
I didn't like everything (some of the dialogue didn't work for me), but the stuff I did like, I REALLY liked. Props to North for that scene where Ben has a one on one with Nikki.
• When N'Kalla - Skrull and adopted daughter of Ben Grimm and Alicia Masters - sees her brother Jo-Venn get in trouble at school and be sent to the principal's office, she does the sisterly thing... which is, of course, to shape-shift into a double of their father Ben to get him out of it!
• And when her cousin Valeria gets in trouble, ...
The return of the villainous CONSTRICTOR means trouble for WOLVERINE - but more than LOGAN could possibly realize. What's wrong with Constrictor, and what does it mean for Wolverine's future...and past? The secrets of Saladin Ahmed's plot hinted at in issue #1 take on new meaning in this key issue!
Canada's DEPARTMENT H has their sights trained once more on WOLVERINE! Years ago, they played a role in WEAPON X and LOGAN's first assignment, but what else are they hunting now that mutants are hated and feared more than ever? Meanwhile, Wolverine's UNLIKELY ALLY may have just killed an innocent...and OLD ENEMI...
Who stalks WOLVERINE in the Canadian North? And what mysterious designs does the WENDIGO have on the Best There Is? Logan just wants to be left alone, but a war on two fronts will evolve with an unexpected turn! Don't miss the debut of the all-new Wendigo, as the secret it hides will shape Wolverine's mission... R...
With the tide of the war against the Sovereign turning, Wonder Woman's greatest love takes matters into his own hands with deadly consequences. Could Steve's end be the beginning of Diana's greatest adventure yet? Behold the birth of Trinity!
The World's Smartest Man (Reed Richards, universally acknowledged) and the World's Hottest Man (Johnny Storm, self-proclaimed) are home alone. Their only job is to make sure nothing untoward happens to the farmhouse while everyone else is away. But when Reed develops a magic detector that goes haywire when pointed at a specific spot in their baseme...
A relatively low stakes plot but I really liked the duel narration from Reed and Johnny here. North's humor on FF has been a lot better than it was on Squirrel Girl in my opinion.
The World's Smartest Man (Reed Richards, universally acknowledged) and the World's Hottest Man (Johnny Storm, self-proclaimed) are home alone. Their only job is to make sure nothing untoward happens to the farmhouse while everyone else is away. But when Reed develops a magic detector that goes haywire when pointed at a specific spot in their baseme...
As the team picks up the pieces from their last battle, Stargirl looks to the future and what it means to be a member of the first super-team! Don't miss the final issue of this star-studded run!
As Huntress pushes to recruit the Harlequin's Son, the Legionnaire enacts his plans against the JSA! What does this mean for the future of the world's first superteam?!
THE HUNTRESS, HUNTED! Ruby's search for her father continues, and she'll stop at nothing to find him, even if it means killing the Huntress and destroying the Justice Society of America!
The JSA scour Europe on the hunt for Ruby, the daughter of the Red Lantern! But can they catch up to her before she burns the Earth in search of her father?