Incredible Hulk #21

Writer: Phillip Kennedy Johnson Artist: Danny Earls Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: January 15, 2025 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 7
7.8Critic Rating
7.1User Rating

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The INCREDIBLE HULK and WEREWOLF BY NIGHT face off against the immortal wolf-demon VARCOLAC, as Hulk's destruction of the Skinwalker Cult attracts the attention of the oldest, most horrifying forces on Earth. Meanwhile, Charlie revels in her new strength, and her childhood fantasy of becoming a super hero seems within reach after all but as she continues to change in terrifying ways, she's not sure if she's still one of the good guys.

  • 8.0
    The Comicbook Dispatch - StoryBabbler Jan 15, 2025

    Incredible Hulk #21 concludes the face off between Hulk and Charlie and the Werewolf by Night and the monstrous wolf god Vrcolac. The fights are bloody and vicious with the fight between Hulk and Vrcolac being the bloodiest and goriest. The fights end pretty quickly, but its the revelation of Charlies potential fate thats the bigger takeaway and leaves a somber feeling wondering where things will go for her and the Hulk from here. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    Nerd Initiative - Mickey Smith Jan 15, 2025

    This issue was a action packed fight from beginning to end. Big werewolf action full of teeth, blood, fire, and haymakers! It was a lot of fun to read but basically, it was a filler issue. We learned more about what the power of Lycana is all about and that Charlie's fate is pretty bleak if she continues on. There was a ton of foreshadowing and set up for what's to come. Read Full Review

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