I agree but I am going to rate it higher and only because of this. The story of Bruce and Selina really deserves mature writing. I could care less about the latest Absolute Power soap opera.
I have really struggled with folloiwng this redefinition of Batman's origin. But it has been interesting, and I am mildly surprised to say. Unfortunately, this issue was just basically violence, violence, violence, and the villain has no message, no purpose other than chaos. The reality is that there ARE institutional criminals. LOTS of them. But the Black Mask idea that the solution is murderingmore
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to help? And what does this have to do with Mayor James Gordon and his relationship with...
Yes they do deserve a happy ending. And at least a moment on the beach.
The story of Batman Bruce Wayne and Catwoman Selina Kyle really deserves mature writing.
I could care less about the latest Absolute Power soap opera and lunatic Amanda Waller.
In fact, it was the cover that sold me. As I am sure it sold many others.
Many of us don't want Bruce to be miserable. I want Bat more
ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! In a thrilling Absolute Power tie-in, Batman and Catwoman must find the key to Amanda Waller's plans in an extremely remote--and shockingly dangerous--location! Living (dying?) up to their name, some of the Suicide Squad won't be coming back from their mission, but will Batman and Catwoman stay free to fight another day?! Plu...
The score represents the fact that I was completely lost because I am not following the Absolute Power main story.
But for a tie-in, the writer has something to say about Bruce and Selina. He actually writes her as smart, insightful, and mature. She actually seems like a grownup and a partner who can hold her own physically and in the brains department. Bruce isn’t written as a lox. H more
ABSOLUTE POWER TIE-IN! In a thrilling Absolute Power tie-in, Batman and Catwoman must find the key to Amanda Waller's plans in an extremely remote--and shockingly dangerous--location! Living (dying?) up to their name, some of the Suicide Squad won't be coming back from their mission, but will Batman and Catwoman stay free to fight another day?! Plu...
I agree but I am going to rate it higher and only because of this. The story of Bruce and Selina really deserves mature writing. I could care less about the latest Absolute Power soap opera.
This is an interesting story. Great to say the JSA make an appearance.
HAL JORDAN IS THE LATEST CASUALTY OF AMANDA WALLER! De-powered and back on Earth, Hal needs to find a way to get to the new power battery and recharge--but Thaaros has other plans, and now Hal is being hunted by the most dangerous aliens on the planet! PLUS: The secret origin of LORD PREMIERE THAAROS, ruler of the United Planets, is at last reveale...
Old time JSA readers have largely given up on this issue.
Earth-destroyer Mordru joining the JSA?
And now it is OK to KILL Hawkman?
Please. What an absurd storyline.
Geoff Johns really needs to hand this off to someone else already.
THE HUNTRESS, HUNTED! Ruby's search for her father continues, and she'll stop at nothing to find him, even if it means killing the Huntress and destroying the Justice Society of America!
So, just like that Bruce is a billionaire again, Selina is back in good graces, and Bruce 2.0 is aged out. And there are no consequences for Bruce whatsoever for all the havoc he's unleashed on Gotham these past months. Only in the funnies.
DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
Well said, sir. And Bruce gets to rebuild Gotham. Again. Wonder when he will have to learn to trust family. Again.
Bruce Wayne has had years of consequences. It was nice to see Chip finally give him a break for a change. I got tired of the negativity. I can get that for free.
FINALLY. The Epilogue is everything here and is worth buying finally.
My goodness about time.
DARK PRISONS--EPILOGUE When confronted with the totality of your life, and all the choices that led you to where you are, do you build on the ashes, or rise from them? The Batman who is left standing will have to answer this question quickly, as someone is already sifting through those ashes, with an eye toward saving the world!
Everyone has a right to their artistic freedom, including DC Comics publishing Yanick Paquette with Power Girl basically with a bare buttocks. And the human body is beautiful. I am also pro-naturist. But hero and heroine comics should still be accessible to kids. I know everyone will say I am a dumb prude. I am the furthest thing from that. But I don't see a point in chasing parents away from suppmore
HOUSE OF BRAINIAC TIE-IN! Hey Power Girl, come out to play! With the Czarnians seizing control of Power Girl's Metropolis neighborhood, Crush offers herself up as a diplomat to reason with her unreasonable relatives. But these aliens are as corrupt as they are crude and decide they'll just add Crush their growing number of hostages. Can Power Girl ...
Absurd imaginary stories in Diana's mind. That is all this issue is.
Just think about what CIA's Tom King would put there.
The CIA looks at law and wipes its feet on it. So that's the values you will be reading.
So murder? Hey, that's OK with the CIA.
Just remember it is all one big fake-out in this one big, long "imaginary" story.
(At least for now.)
Which allo more
THE ULTIMATE TEST! As Sovereign's grip on Wonder Woman's psyche tightens, she retreats into the arms of Steve Trevor. Will their love for the ages prove victorious over the web of Amazon lies weaved in Man's World? Plus, Trinity lets the dogs out!
.... Dude, everytine i read a review of yours, It has a lot of crazy stuff. You're strange, man.
With no allies, no weapons, and almost no hope...can Batman fight back before Zur makes a true devil's bargain? The world is about to know Zur's true power! Him and...his new sidekick? Dark Prisons continues!
I haven't read the issue yet, I just like to understand why people like or dislike certain things cause it helps me decide whether I should pick it up or not. I asked for elaboration on why this issue was deemed "stinky", and instead of an explanation I got a fart joke. So no, I guess I don't get it.
The fart joke is a metaphor for Chip's run. It's a retread of already done plot lines, just worse
This issue was so meh. Bruce is being saved by the power of love. Flash and Tim tell him he’s not alone, amazing considering the first five decades of Batman had him working with Robin, Superman, Justice League. Now we are told Bruce’s mind has been seeded so he doesn’t have to take responsibility for writers going edgelord. Also Damian realizes robot is not dad. Evil shrink, the 87th we’vmore
With no allies, no weapons, and almost no hope...can Batman fight back before Zur makes a true devil's bargain? The world is about to know Zur's true power! Him and...his new sidekick? Dark Prisons continues!
The 2024 sci-fi crazy Batman era makes the 1950s era of Batman look so sober, intellectual, and thoughtful by comparison. I will be glad when Chip gets back to ruining Daredevil stories.
Wonder Woman character was created and introduced in All-Star Comics as a character to raise up and unite American people. Now we have CIA's Tom King using the DC Comics issue almost as a parody level of absurdity of targeted hate based on race, gender, and religion. If the roles were different, the DC Comics published tract would be labeled as a "hate crime" piece. But as it is, CIA Tom King's efmore
WONDER WOMAN VS. THE SOVEREIGN! After being captured by a team of villains, Diana finds herself at the mercy of the scariest of them all. Unbeknownst to our hero, the Sovereign has been pulling her strings since the very beginning of our tale, and now it's time for her to see the world his way as she falls under the influence of the Lasso of Lies! ...
Of course powerful people manipulate the Bible, and religion in general for evil purposes. Look at the Catholic Church back in the day. Even if you look around today there are people using religion to manipulate people. A character like the Sovereign would absolutely use religion to manipulate the masses. The fact that the Sovereign is using the lasso of lies shows that the Sovereign is lying, so Tom King is even showing that this is improper use of the Bible verses. How can you not see this?
There isn't much meat here and it's far overwritten. King just loves to hear himself prettle on, apparently. It's like he's being paid by the word rather than the page. For instance, all he has to say is that they buried Giganta small and then they enlarged her, or drop her from a helicopter. Instead, he goes on and on about how they buried a fifty foot woman for no reason whatsoever. It's somethimore
WONDER WOMAN AGAINST HER GREATEST FOES! After thwarting each threat that the Sovereign has thrown at her, he decides to bring in the biggest guns the DCU has to offer. Let the battle royale begin! Plus, the Super Sons' bedtime story goes wrong!
I cant believe I am saying this but Rossmo's art continues to get better. Like just take page 3, The look of Ms Belmonts face is worth a thousand words and Rossmo just nailed what Venditti was trying to get across in that panel. There are some great moments in the arts fine details across the book on that alone.
As for the story, right off the bat, Dodds reflecting on what his gas actu more
It's Wesley Dodds vs. the U.S. Army as the Sandman infiltrates a military base in search of his missing journal. Can he get in and out before anyone sees him, or will the full force of the military come down on Wesley?
Wesley Dodds was never a pacifist. Nor would most sane human beings when they realized what the depraved Nazi and Imperial Japan regimes were doing in their forms of chemical warfare, mass murder with chemicals, and horrific torture. This is the missing lede. So, no, sorry, Venditti may get Thanagar fine, but he does not understand Wesley Dodds at all.
What Total Nonsense. If you want to write about Thanagar or some imaginary dimension or Darkseid, and any of the other sci-fi nonsense, sure who cares what you write. Stick to adventures of "outer space," then. But when you are writing about the WWII era, there is a responsibility to have some credibility to reality, whether you are writing Green Lantern, Sandman, or any of the other WWII era stomore
It's Wesley Dodds vs. the U.S. Army as the Sandman infiltrates a military base in search of his missing journal. Can he get in and out before anyone sees him, or will the full force of the military come down on Wesley?
I finally figured out what bugs me about this story. It doesn’t matter.Batman Year one mattered because it was a new Batman after Infinite Crisis. This is just a story where the Joker kills a lot. We know where it is going to end. Crazy Joker who kills a lot.
We also get another story where Jim Gordon doesn’t kill Joker. Again lather, rinse, repeat.
Also not a fan of the more
The climactic, chilling conclusion to The Joker Year One that will have massive repercussions for the future! The Red Hood Gang is on a rampage and the only man who can stop them...is The Joker! And can Batman stop a devastating new virus in a future where The Joker looms over him?
zdarsky's run has been in-one-ear-out-the-other. ........it will be forgotten as so many others before it.
It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on. I don't even remember the main plot of this story or why I'm supposed to care. Batman is fighting who now? Anyway you slice it this convoluted story sucks. If you can't tell your story in 4 issues 6 max, then piss off.
Spirited away from a city that believes him dead, Batman has been brought far from Gotham and deposited in a desert of legend. Possessed by an Azmer demon and rapidly losing his own identity, he must now cross this mythic landscape on a vision quest. With no water, no supplies, and no one to save him, Batman is left with two choices: burn out the d...
The reason why it has so many "good" reader reviews is that so many legacy Detective Comics readers have thrown up their hands and walked away and simply don't care anymore. That is the context of the reviews that is not evident.
Spirited away from a city that believes him dead, Batman has been brought far from Gotham and deposited in a desert of legend. Possessed by an Azmer demon and rapidly losing his own identity, he must now cross this mythic landscape on a vision quest. With no water, no supplies, and no one to save him, Batman is left with two choices: burn out the d...
not good... same old gotham and batman things...
Spirited away from a city that believes him dead, Batman has been brought far from Gotham and deposited in a desert of legend. Possessed by an Azmer demon and rapidly losing his own identity, he must now cross this mythic landscape on a vision quest. With no water, no supplies, and no one to save him, Batman is left with two choices: burn out the d...
I am talking about all Ram V run, because of this book is a part of repetitive story arc about Gotham.
Something almost absurdly comical about a CIA spook being so out of ideas that he decides the Amazons need to have a ritual where a mother points a gun at her daughter.
The opening feature was charming but King, as always, drags it down. The sooner he's fired the better.
Featuring DC’s brightest new star, Trinity! Discover Lizzie’s earliest adventures as she takes the world of heroes by storm! Reprinting the character’s first appearance alongside hilarious tales of the little Amazon and her Super Son babysitters, this special will be an instant classic for fans old and new. Plus, a brand-new story from the al...
CIA King has a different worldview than those concerned about "Justice." We see here once again. But DC Comics leadership shares his worldview. So basically DC is telling us take it or leave it. And sometimes you will find a story that is not so bad.
Trinity punching Diana reminded me of that one issue in Batman / Catwoman where Helena fought Selina. Didn’t like this new story, and I stand by my theory that the Super Sons were the real stars of the backup not Trinity. $6 for essentially an extra backup is not worth it. Don’t know how you make the daughter of Wonder Woman uninteresting and unlikable, but King found a way.
Featuring DC’s brightest new star, Trinity! Discover Lizzie’s earliest adventures as she takes the world of heroes by storm! Reprinting the character’s first appearance alongside hilarious tales of the little Amazon and her Super Son babysitters, this special will be an instant classic for fans old and new. Plus, a brand-new story from the al...
Huh, I actually kind of like Lizzie, her relationship with Jon and Damien was heartwarming.
Tom King being edgy for no reason once again
Featuring DC’s brightest new star, Trinity! Discover Lizzie’s earliest adventures as she takes the world of heroes by storm! Reprinting the character’s first appearance alongside hilarious tales of the little Amazon and her Super Son babysitters, this special will be an instant classic for fans old and new. Plus, a brand-new story from the al...
Looking for answers, Power Girl heads to Superman's Fortress of Solitude to study up on the mysterious Kryptonian virus sensation sweeping the nation. Turns out...she's not alone! Something is lurking in the shadows of the Man of Steel's most secret of headquarters, and it won't stop its hunt until it's the last one standing!
Yet another issue of Leah Williams’ Power Girl with no Power in it. Seriously, the titular character is so dispirited and woeful it’s a shame to read as a longtime fan of the character. The issue is a wordy mess with way too much pages devoted to Omen in the beginning. Power Girl fans do not care about Omen, their friendship is rooted in trauma bonding and none of the characters act right formore
Looking for answers, Power Girl heads to Superman's Fortress of Solitude to study up on the mysterious Kryptonian virus sensation sweeping the nation. Turns out...she's not alone! Something is lurking in the shadows of the Man of Steel's most secret of headquarters, and it won't stop its hunt until it's the last one standing!
The writing is not bad but this is not Alan Scott. How can you explain Molly and Alan's children?
Alan's search for the killer framing him continues! But why are the murder victims people from Alan's past, and how does this connect to his brief stint in Arkham Asylum?!
I liked some parts of this issue, but it’s essentially just Gay / Transgender trauma porn that felt irrelevant to what was introduced in the first issue. Alan’s stint in Arkham added nothing to the character that wasn’t there before. The time frames in this comic continue to be disorderly and there’s a lack of action. Positives are that Sheridan and the artists capture the vintage 40s vibemore
Alan's search for the killer framing him continues! But why are the murder victims people from Alan's past, and how does this connect to his brief stint in Arkham Asylum?!
If the first issue had been promising, the second one fails to live up to expectations. In effect, the story here is an extended flashback littered with retcons that does not move the story forward in any capacity -- the present day part of the comic is entirely static, and focused on Alan telling Doiby his story. I'm a great enjoyer of character studies but even I'd go as far as to say that this more
Alan's search for the killer framing him continues! But why are the murder victims people from Alan's past, and how does this connect to his brief stint in Arkham Asylum?!
This should be an Elseworlds series: "DC Elseworlds: Persecution of Green Lantern as Gay Man." Would rate this a 7 as an Elseworlds story, but 3 (to be generous) as DC Comics canon story. But this is not an Elseworlds story, althought there is no reason this could not have been an Elseworlds publication, as done to address other persecution of people (e.g., "Red Son.") I believe Tim Sheridan has amore
Alan's search for the killer framing him continues! But why are the murder victims people from Alan's past, and how does this connect to his brief stint in Arkham Asylum?!
It's disappointing that we continue to get broken Batman, the same status quo it's been for the past 5 years. Not interested in seeing him continue his descent past rock bottom.
NEW STORY ARC BEGINS! BATMAN VS. THE JOKER, MORE BRUTAL THAN EVER! Following the cataclysmic events of The Gotham War, Batman finds himself completely isolated from his family, struggling to keep the rage of Zur in check. But he can't stop, because he's out there, haunting the city, taunting the Dark Knight: The Joker. And the new Batman is ready t...
In Batman, writers now write revised stories by revising the stories of past writers. This is getting very boring, I don't know if it's the author himself or the editors, but they need to stop this repetition. And again Joker, isn't that enough? We need something new in Batman and in Detective Comics!
There is no bright idea or anything new in this story. It's been going bad since Fails more
NEW STORY ARC BEGINS! BATMAN VS. THE JOKER, MORE BRUTAL THAN EVER! Following the cataclysmic events of The Gotham War, Batman finds himself completely isolated from his family, struggling to keep the rage of Zur in check. But he can't stop, because he's out there, haunting the city, taunting the Dark Knight: The Joker. And the new Batman is ready t...