DomesticatedGiraffe's Profile

Joined: Dec 22, 2022

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liolia reviewed Catwoman #65 May 21, 2024

This issue was chugging along, with its usual problems - pacing too fast, narration doesn't match scenes, Selina knows too much, people believe / care too much about Selina for no reason, everyone has the same voice, the villains aren't credible - but mostly I thought it was ok. And then I got to the last scene. And Selina's plan is to ally with a cannibal??? Who literally eats people as his thin more

Catwoman #65

By: Tini Howard, Ivan Shavrin
Released: May 22, 2024

THE FINAL ACT OF NINE LIVES BEGINS HERE! Catwoman is dead meat. With a certifiable cutthroat and cannibalistic cabal of criminals converging on Catwoman, the feline femme fatale finds herself searching the ends of the earth for an ally in her struggle. But first she'll have to escape from her current predicament: a deadly black site prison.

DomesticatedGiraffe commented on this:
ItsJess reviewed Batman #147 May 7, 2024


Batman #147

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: May 8, 2024

With no allies, no weapons, and almost no hope...can Batman fight back before Zur makes a true devil's bargain? The world is about to know Zur's true power! Him and...his new sidekick? Dark Prisons continues!

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MarVVel - May 10, 2024

I haven't read the issue yet, I just like to understand why people like or dislike certain things cause it helps me decide whether I should pick it up or not. I asked for elaboration on why this issue was deemed "stinky", and instead of an explanation I got a fart joke. So no, I guess I don't get it.

DomesticatedGiraffe - May 11, 2024

The fart joke is a metaphor for Chip's run. It's a retread of already done plot lines, just worse

DomesticatedGiraffe rated Catwoman #64 Apr 23, 2024

Catwoman #64

By: Tini Howard, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Apr 17, 2024

NINE LIVES ENTERS ITS SIXTH CHAPTER! Selina has carried out almost every lethal heist on the face of the earth, so now it's time to head to space! In a universe full of interplanetary heroes and villains, secrets get left behind in strange places, and one in particular has caught the Catwoman's eye. As she approaches a familiar, yet abandoned stati...

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Detective Comics #1083

By: Ram V, Riccardo Federici
Released: Mar 27, 2024

Black boots trudge across yellow sands. Grit-laced winds flutter through a tattered cape. Dreamlike mirages of past, present, and hypothetical futures ripple across the sunbaked landscape, the mystery of their appearance only equaled by the question of their existence. This is the Dark Knight's world now, but it doesn't have to be. He can save hims...

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Detective Comics #1084

By: Ram V, Javier Fernandez
Released: Apr 24, 2024

The city glitters on the horizon. His city. His responsibility to defend and protect. But home has changed. Corrupted by the power of the Orghams' hypnotic suggestions. Mutated into something he does not recognize. This isn't the city Batman remembers. But the city doesn't remember Batman, either. Gotham Nocturne: Act III is upon us and the countdo...

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liolia reviewed Catwoman #64 Apr 16, 2024

Sigh. Why is any of this happening? On the good stuff - I like that there was at least some explanation for the 1st half of the heist, and how Selina was able to pull it off. And the colors in space are pretty. But on the bad stuff - there is both too much and too little at the same time. I still don't understand why any of these heists are happening, there isn't any real character work being done more

Catwoman #64

By: Tini Howard, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Apr 17, 2024

NINE LIVES ENTERS ITS SIXTH CHAPTER! Selina has carried out almost every lethal heist on the face of the earth, so now it's time to head to space! In a universe full of interplanetary heroes and villains, secrets get left behind in strange places, and one in particular has caught the Catwoman's eye. As she approaches a familiar, yet abandoned stati...

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DomesticatedGiraffe commented on this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

What the hell was that? Another issue where the evil at robot goes amuck Batman and Joker still at odds like a million times before but without a smart plot well devised. The writer has clearly shown Joker knows who Batman is but the result is so what? Actions have no consequences and characters spin their wheels doing nothing.

The bat robot is still at large after what a year? So far B more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

+ LikeComments (4)
DomesticatedGiraffe - Apr 2, 2024

Zdarsky's entire run needs to be burned to the ground and forgotten.

ResearchReader - Apr 9, 2024

Agreed. This run is a disgrace. Failsafe was the only good thing initially and he... well he is doing weird stuff with that.

DomesticatedGiraffe commented on this:
Von Esper reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

It's really annoying how many writers are just trying to retcon classic stories and characters these days. While the writers often try to expand on these classic stories or give them more depth, the opposite often occurs and they end up tarnishing them.

That's the case here. Zur-En-Arrh was a cool concept when Morrison introduced it, but now it's just a corrupt Batman. The Jokers motiv more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

+ LikeComments (3)
Quinn - Apr 4, 2024

I never bought ZurDeDodah. Instead of just accepting the simple fact that stories told in different eras for different aged audiences, are going to be, well, different and not internally consistent, especially after 75 years, Morrison created this break arm patting self on back story. A story as absurd as any Adam West Batman story. But at least those stories were meant to be comedies. Or or I could be wrong. Great review.

myconius - Apr 17, 2024

i know there are those that don't care for it, but Batman RIP is my all-time favorite Batman story. .....and zdarsky just took what Morrison did with Zur-En-Arrh and made it into some cheesy edge lord teenage fan fic.

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

Not much new to say, so I'll just leave this here. I think Batman is too big of a character for Zdarsky to handle.

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

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myconius - Apr 17, 2024

Killer Moth is too big a character for zdarsky.

DomesticatedGiraffe commented on this:
daspidaboy reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

Honestly I am going to be in the minority, but I really enjoyed it. I understand there are many valid concerns and criticism but I liked this run so far. Good art from Jorge Jimenez (he's carrying this more than James Tynion IV), Batman can be resourceful, the story is engaging, Bruce Wayne realizing he's taking Batman too seriously and Bat family are slowly realizing the Zurr En Arrh robot isnt w more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

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DomesticatedGiraffe - Apr 2, 2024

I think it may be too late to win back fans.

liolia reviewed Catwoman #63 Mar 19, 2024

Sigh, sigh. From a writing perspective, it's interesting how this run is doing more damage to Selina's character than her other infamous runs - at least prior writers were trying to tell a story about a character. This feels like just random ideas happening, but it really erodes who Selina is as a person in process. Why does she need money? Didn't she just teach a bunch of people to rob half of more

Catwoman #63

By: Tini Howard, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Mar 20, 2024

NINE LIVES PART FIVE! Selina's international tour of death and rebirth continues. Her latest crime? Going deep beneath the sea to rescue a film director turned brainwashed political prisoner from a bunch of undersea ne'er-do-wells. The only problem is the director doesn't want to leave his new home, and he's harboring a secret that'll make him leth...

+ LikeComments (4)
liolia - Mar 19, 2024

I really love this character and just keep hoping that something good will happen to her!

Atomichound - Mar 24, 2024

Great review liolia!

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Catwoman #62 Feb 20, 2024

Tini Howard's run can't end soon enough.

Catwoman #62

By: Tini Howard, Carmine Di Giandomenico
Released: Feb 21, 2024

NINE LIVES PART FOUR Catwoman has completed three of her impossible heists, but her nine lives are running out faster than she thought! Little does she know, someone with a particular use for disposable lives has been paying attention to her new mission--and that someone is none other than AMANDA WALLER! Welcome to the Suicide Squad, Selina Kyle--h...

DomesticatedGiraffe rated Batman #144 Feb 20, 2024

Batman #144

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 21, 2024

The climactic, chilling conclusion to The Joker Year One that will have massive repercussions for the future! The Red Hood Gang is on a rampage and the only man who can stop The Joker! And can Batman stop a devastating new virus in a future where The Joker looms over him?

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Federico Liguori reviewed Batman #142 Feb 7, 2024

Zdarsky's Batman is simply not interesting anymore to me. This was convoluted and weird, I felt completely disconnected.

Batman #142

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The tragic death of the leader of the Red Hood Gang in a vat of chemicals has become the subject of myth...but what is the heartbreaking and gruesome tale of the monster who walked away from that violent birth? And how does it affect Batman's distant future? The Joker Year One begins here!

BatSledge reviewed Batman #142 Feb 7, 2024

I smell another Zdarsky mess in the making, as his up-and-down yo-yo run on the book continues. Whenever he is telling a compelling storyline, he seems to interrupt it with interludes such as the multi-verse story, the execrable Gotham War, and now Joker: Year One, which suffers from underwhelming art in places and a very non-linear story. Can he ever just tell a complete, linear story with a be more

Batman #142

By: Chip Zdarsky, Giuseppe Camuncoli
Released: Feb 7, 2024

The tragic death of the leader of the Red Hood Gang in a vat of chemicals has become the subject of myth...but what is the heartbreaking and gruesome tale of the monster who walked away from that violent birth? And how does it affect Batman's distant future? The Joker Year One begins here!

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ResearchReader reviewed Catwoman #59 Nov 21, 2023

What is this? Seriously... what is this? So a bunch of non-sense scenes, with rushed-plot and now she has powers? Really? Tini's entire run seems to be breaking down and ruining Catwoman as much as possible. Between her falling in love with a War-criminal monster to her getting powers, what is left of Catwoman? Well I can answer that. Covers. Looking at Catwoman sales, that is the sole thing that more

Catwoman #59

By: Tini Howard, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Nine Lives part one. The Catwoman we know has vanished. Selina Kyle is gone. She's no longer Gotham's fugitive--she's its ghost. After the events of The Gotham War, Selina leaves the city a forever-changed woman with a plan: nine deadly missions, each one set aside for their certain lethality--only possible for a cat with nine lives.

ItsJess reviewed Catwoman #59 Nov 21, 2023

As if tini howard can't butcher the character even more, she decides to give Catwoman powers. Then, proving how incompetent tini howard's Selina is, she immediately dies twice. On a mission to return a fucking cat.

Mentioning valmont is an insta 2/10; combine that with everything else and it's a 0/10.

Oh and an old lady found Selina under rubble. Guess Bruce or Dick or anyone more

Catwoman #59

By: Tini Howard, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Nine Lives part one. The Catwoman we know has vanished. Selina Kyle is gone. She's no longer Gotham's fugitive--she's its ghost. After the events of The Gotham War, Selina leaves the city a forever-changed woman with a plan: nine deadly missions, each one set aside for their certain lethality--only possible for a cat with nine lives.

derbycomics reviewed Catwoman #59 Nov 21, 2023

What the heck was this? Catwoman lived through the end of Gotham War, which itself isn’t surprising but the way it was handled in this issue (i.e. full-speed ahead without more than a passing reference to Vandal Savage) makes it seem like the DC Editors realized how bad the event was and wanted to distance themselves from it as fast as possible. Not that the start to Selina’s next arc was muc more

Catwoman #59

By: Tini Howard, Stefano Raffaele
Released: Nov 22, 2023

Nine Lives part one. The Catwoman we know has vanished. Selina Kyle is gone. She's no longer Gotham's fugitive--she's its ghost. After the events of The Gotham War, Selina leaves the city a forever-changed woman with a plan: nine deadly missions, each one set aside for their certain lethality--only possible for a cat with nine lives.

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Batman #139 Nov 7, 2023

It's disappointing that we continue to get broken Batman, the same status quo it's been for the past 5 years. Not interested in seeing him continue his descent past rock bottom.

Batman #139

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Nov 8, 2023

NEW STORY ARC BEGINS! BATMAN VS. THE JOKER, MORE BRUTAL THAN EVER! Following the cataclysmic events of The Gotham War, Batman finds himself completely isolated from his family, struggling to keep the rage of Zur in check. But he can't stop, because he's out there, haunting the city, taunting the Dark Knight: The Joker. And the new Batman is ready t...

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I think Batman is dead. I know he is alive but this run of Batman might as well be dead. This event might be the worst, most bat-family destroying event in the past 20-30 years.

Everything has been taken from Batman. I am not talking about the villains doing it. I mean Tini and Chip. He now has no tech, no cash, no team (who all come off as traitorous fools) and he left the team to Nig more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!


Not going to lie, this event was pretty much garbage. This is probably my least favorite event of the year hands down. this shows that every great or skilled comic book writer can have some bad days, and this is no exception for Chip Zdarsky.

First off, the art is horrendous. Every time there's a comic book event, I always expect good if not great art. I get that Jorge Jimenez wanted to more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!


I really wanted to like this event, and I’d been giving it the benefit of the doubt from the beginning, but it just didn’t work. The initial ethical dilemma was interesting to me, and I didn’t feel that the character voices were off—maybe just exaggerated. But that initial plot thread gave way to an unbelievably boring and tired story of Vandal Savage looking for a thing that will do a thi more

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!


I really would like to know how some of reviews of this is 10 out of 10 because there was nothing literally nothing right with this issue it didnot answer a single question Bruce bailed on everyone and well said the batfamily responsibility is no longer on me and well guess what he is gonna be isolated because he wanted it himself great just great thus issue really doesn't deserve more than a 1

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

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Comics Code Authorities - Nov 5, 2023

Frankly I think a 1 is better than it deserves but they don't give 0 as an option. I wouldn't really take what those critic reviews say too seriously anyway. They usually like anything no matter how crappy. But this book has gotten more 1.0s than anything I've seen in a very long time. Not good for DC.


Not even worth a long rant. Just absolute garbage. The premise was awful from the start and the ending just as bad. What a fuckload of shit.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!


Wow... Tini Howard must be stopped.And what happened to Zdarsky ? Are there any editors left at DC?

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

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Comics Code Authorities - Nov 5, 2023

In the days of decency in comics she'd have been laughed out of every publication's office after trying to peddle her first story to them. Only in this day and age would her work ever actually see print.

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Catwoman #58 Oct 31, 2023

Tini clearly lied in her Substack about there being a kiss. She claims it's "in between panels". I don't reward liars, Tini. Hopefully one day Nico will spill the beans about this awful run.

Catwoman #58

By: Tini Howard, Nico Leon
Released: Oct 18, 2023

THE PENULTIMATE CHAPTER OF THE GOTHAM WAR! Every general puts their plans into play as Selina Kyle's cat's cradle threatens to pull the city apart. Red Hood, fundamentally changed, struggles to find his new role in this broken city. Claws fly, secrets are told, and hearts are on the line in the penultimate chapter of the Gotham War event.

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The entire event sucked. 2 stars for it being over, nothing else.

Batman / Catwoman: The Gotham War: Scorched Earth #1

By: Chip Zdarsky, Mike Hawthorne
Released: Nov 1, 2023

THE GOTHAM WAR ENDS HERE! The final chapter of this epic crossover is here, and Batman and his family must find a way to overcome the endgame of an ancient enemy! Can the Bat and the Cat set their differences aside? Is this the end of the Bat-Family? Lives change forever in this action-packed conclusion!

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Batman #137 Sep 12, 2023

Nothing much to say as it looks like everyone else has already covered the major issues. Everyone is out of character, which is understandable for Bruce, so does everyone else also have Zur En Arrhs in their heads too? Also, I may be the only one, but Jorge's art even seems a little below his usual standard.

Batman #137

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Sep 6, 2023

BATMAN/CATWOMAN: THE GOTHAM WAR PART 2! Batman descends on Gotham City, full of rage and force, more driven than ever to save his home. But the new landscape has turned friends into foes. Can anyone stop his reign of terror? Should they? The Gotham War continues in this second chapter!

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fzanca reviewed Catwoman #56 Jun 24, 2023

What is even going on here? There's an all-out war in Gotham and Batman doesn't even show up? In one panel she says no killing and in the next, she sends Tomcat out to a knife fight. Also, on page 2, the colorist forgot to color her gloves. The line is there, but no glove. Then they stole the entire look of Marquis from Arcane. An RPG lands in an apartment and doesn't detonate until later> That's more

Catwoman #56

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jun 21, 2023

What's the saying--two cats are better than one? Unless you're in Gotham and the two Cats in question disagree on how the city should be run. With Selina freshly out of jail, Eiko Hasigawa has some unfinished business as Catwoman that Selina confronts her about. Meanwhile, Selina has some unfinished business of her own...and pays a visit her sister...

DomesticatedGiraffe reviewed Catwoman #56 Jun 20, 2023

DC needs to cancel this title before too much irreparable harm is done to this character. Her level of stupidity in this issue is mind-boggling. Why would anyone root for this character in this situation?

Catwoman #56

By: Tini Howard, Marcus To
Released: Jun 21, 2023

What's the saying--two cats are better than one? Unless you're in Gotham and the two Cats in question disagree on how the city should be run. With Selina freshly out of jail, Eiko Hasigawa has some unfinished business as Catwoman that Selina confronts her about. Meanwhile, Selina has some unfinished business of her own...and pays a visit her sister...

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