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Joined: Sep 20, 2022

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GreenWing commented on this:
Quinn reviewed Batman #153 Oct 2, 2024

No, just no. Chip actually did a decent Bat story last issue, but ruins it by bringing up Bruce’s long lost “brother” from Snyder’s court of Owls thing. It was a bad idea a decade ago. It was a bad idea in 1973 when Bob Haney wrote Bat-crap crazy stories in Brave and Bold. The stories had no impact on main continuity and ought to be considered alternate universe.

Points for fina more

Batman #153

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Oct 2, 2024

A BRAND-NEW EPIC BATMAN STORY ARC STARTS HERE! Batman is back with a vengeance and Bruce Wayne's new public initiatives have Gotham on the verge of finally becoming a great city! Does that bright future include the Riddler, who's seemingly gone legit? Or the new, unnerving hero, Commander Star? And can Gotham survive the shocking murder of one of i...

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Smithd33 - Oct 4, 2024

I gave it higher than a 1 but I get the frustration. Rams run wasn’t good. How many more times is the bat gonna lose Gotham. Feels like we are just setting up to lose Gotham again.

fthissite - Oct 14, 2024

For sure not a 1 but I'll give u a like for the great written review

GreenWing commented on this:
Dave DSG reviewed Hyde Street #1 Oct 2, 2024

There is a street that traps those who have something hidden in their past, where guiltness becomes instant death.

In this place that exists between realities, in the middle of our world and the afterlife, we are introduced to two characters, Pranky the boy scout and Mr X, two Hyde Street Residents.

Pranky makes an old lady confess her hidden secrets, unforgivable c more

Hyde Street #1

By: Geoff Johns, Ivan Reis
Released: Oct 2, 2024

Series Premiere. A new epic era in character-centered horror begins as Ghost Machine launches Hyde Street, its newest ongoing series from creators Geoff Johns and Ivan Reis! In every city and town, off every country road and metropolis avenue, if you make a wrong turn... you might find yourself on Hyde Street. But be careful who you t...

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Jawnyblaze - Oct 4, 2024

Twilight Zone is the exact vibe I got from the issue, it was the first thing I thought of after I finished reading it.

Dave DSG - Oct 4, 2024

Exactly, it has that twilight zone vibe of mystery and horror, and the art is INCREDIBLE

GreenWing liked this:
REYNARD reviewed DC All In Special #1 Oct 2, 2024

This comic epitomizes what is wrong with DC. You have two mercenaries in Snyder and Williamson leading the pack of mundane and uninspired writers. These are cannibals, picking at the feet of their betters, scraping the tombstone library of story-past for any epitaph to sustain an event or story arc or whatever you want to call the derivative droll they put out.

Long gone are the days of more

DC All In Special #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Oct 2, 2024

THE NEXT EPIC CHAPTER OF DC HISTORY BEGINS HERE...PRESENTED AS A STARLING, SYMMETRICAL FLIPBOOK! DON'T MISS IT! Following the events of DC's blockbuster storyline Absolute Power, the heroes of the core DC Universe have fought against the deep divisions in the world around them to usher in a new era of unity. And it's just in time, too--because Dark...

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Sollywoods - Oct 3, 2024

And the winner for most pretentious review ever written goes to.... you!

GreenWing liked this:
Drasek83 reviewed Ultimate X-Men #2 Apr 10, 2024

I’m glad that others are enjoying it. It’s just not for me. It’s not what I’m looking for in an X-Men book.

Ultimate X-Men #2

By: Peach Momoko
Released: Apr 10, 2024

High school, that is! It's a new school year for Hisako as she tries to get a grasp on her new powers... Where she meets a cool, white-haired punk girl named Mei (A.K.A. Maystorm), who understands all too well the challenge Hisako faces. And they team up to embark on a creepy adventure to learn who is behi...

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Von Esper reviewed Batman #146 Apr 2, 2024

It's really annoying how many writers are just trying to retcon classic stories and characters these days. While the writers often try to expand on these classic stories or give them more depth, the opposite often occurs and they end up tarnishing them.

That's the case here. Zur-En-Arrh was a cool concept when Morrison introduced it, but now it's just a corrupt Batman. The Jokers motiv more

Batman #146

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Apr 3, 2024

The explosive Dark Prisons continues as Batman learns from an old mentor what Zur's plans are for Gotham City...and the world! Can the Dark Knight escape from a prison designed by the ultimate version of himself? And what nefarious role does The Joker play in all of this?

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Quinn - Apr 4, 2024

I never bought ZurDeDodah. Instead of just accepting the simple fact that stories told in different eras for different aged audiences, are going to be, well, different and not internally consistent, especially after 75 years, Morrison created this break arm patting self on back story. A story as absurd as any Adam West Batman story. But at least those stories were meant to be comedies. Or or I could be wrong. Great review.

myconius - Apr 17, 2024

i know there are those that don't care for it, but Batman RIP is my all-time favorite Batman story. .....and zdarsky just took what Morrison did with Zur-En-Arrh and made it into some cheesy edge lord teenage fan fic.

GreenWing liked this:
superstan52 reviewed Batman #145 Mar 5, 2024

Zdarsky's entire run has essentially been Batman creating menaces to save the world from a "Batman gone bad" who wind up as worse menaces than Batman could ever be. Failsafe throws Gotham into turmoil twice already in this run, and yet Bruce is not held accountable, or Batman arrested, when the dust clears. Where is J. Jonah Jameson when we need him, alerting the world to the danger that is Batman more

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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Quinn reviewed Batman #145 Mar 5, 2024

I rate this “oh, who cares.” We get the killer bat robot. Joker is playing psychological games with Batman as if the Joker being trained by the same as Batman was just some giant mindf#ck., some great plot that Zdarsky thought of that puts all others to shame. It doesn’t.

We also have the one-eyed mayor. I honestly forgot he existed. But killer batbot is actually proving the mayor more

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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Von Esper reviewed Batman #145 Mar 6, 2024

Not a fan of this run at all. Zdarsky's retcons/expansions of the Jokers past is making the character less compelling instead of more.

It's entertaining enough, but Zdarsky's making some bad changes to the characters (which he also did in Gotham War by making the Bat Family act extremely out of character).

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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myconius reviewed Batman #145 Mar 9, 2024

I'm no fan of reboots, but DC seriously needs one! Especially for Batman!!

Zdarsky has no place writing Batman. His run has been one poorly recycled idea after another. I'd call it fan fiction, but at least fan fiction has some passion to it. Zdarsky is just phoning this crap in.

The art is okay, but I really dislike that Jorge Jimenez has simply become a poor imitation of Da more

Batman #145

By: Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jimenez
Released: Mar 6, 2024

A THRILLING NEW ARC IS HERE... DARK PRISONS BEGINS! Following The Joker: Year One's stunning reveals, Batman must engineer an escape from Zur's prison...but what dark secret does Zur now hold that's a game changer for the Dark Knight and the entire DC Universe?!

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Maud Benjamin reviewed Green Lantern #9 Mar 12, 2024

Adams tried to explain why there are so many redundant earth lanterns. But this issue still failed to convince me of their validity. IMO they don't need to be legitimized. They need to be pruned.
And the Jessica Cruz backup story is so stupid. Thaaros just swallowed her clumsy lies and tricks like an idiot? That’s the big bad the corps are dealing with? Is this story written for infants? more

Green Lantern #9

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Mar 13, 2024

Unable to leave the atmosphere, the Green Lantern looks for help from a mystical source, which leads him to a mysterious gateway and surprising answers to the origin of Hal's ring.

GreenWing reviewed Green Lantern #7 Jan 9, 2024

I'm enjoying this run. It's fresh but grounded in tradition. All of the main characters are spot-on. The art is spectacular. I would grade it a 10 but for the backup story. Good to know this is spinning off as a new title because I could not have less interest in a book aimed at 10-year-olds. I would have preferred another 8 pages of the main story. I hope future issues don't include back-up stori more

Green Lantern #7

By: Jeremy Adams, Amancay Nahuelpan
Released: Jan 10, 2024

After his explosive confrontation with Sinestro, Green Lantern is confronted by the United Planets Lanterns for illegally operating within the quarantine zone, and the mystery of what took place on Korugar is finally revealed! PLUS: THE FINALE TO THE ORIGIN OF SINSON, AND THE LEAD-IN TO THE NEW SINISTER SONS SERIES!

GreenWing reviewed Action Comics #1061 Jan 9, 2024

I wanted to like this issue and it didn't disappoint. I haven't read a Superman story since Warworld. I find the entire extended "family" exhausting and contrived. Jason Aaron is a great writer. I appreciate the references he used to demonstrate his knowledge of the DCU. The artwork was excellent, and the colors were eye-popping. If he can keep it grounded around the core characters and the charac more

Action Comics #1061

By: Jason Aaron, John Timms
Released: Jan 10, 2024

THE WIZARD, BIZARRO! Jason Aaron writes Superman for the very first time, teaming up with all-star artist John Timms to present a startling new vision of the Man of Steel’s strangest foe. When Superman’s doppelgänger discovers a dark secret about himself, it unleashes the most dangerous version of Bizarro the world has ever seen.

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GreenWing commented on this:

If the last two issues had limited themselves to a couple retcons here and there, Alan Scott: The Green Lantern's worst quality is in full swing here. We get Alan visiting male prostitutes on the waterfront, and it's only downhill from there.

What is it about a character that's seemed agnostic, if not downright indifferent to religion, in eighty-something years of publication that inspi more

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #3

By: Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey
Released: Dec 27, 2023

As the trail of the person murdering people from Alan's past goes cold, the Green Lantern finds himself teamed up with an unlikely ally: the Spectre. But will the Spectre uncover the secret Alan was hoping would stay hidden in the process?

+ LikeComments (4)
fatebuddy27 - Jan 21, 2024

You misunderstand me. Billings has gotten a happy ending in every single version of their tale ever shown in previous incarnations of Alan's origin (AAC #16, Secret Origins #18 etc), theirs is the 'bring life' part of the Lantern's prophecy -- it would've been just as easy to go for something more in line with the OG version. I also criticized the fact that gay intimacy has to /paid/ for, they could've shown regular cruising and gay bars (as la Alan's story in DC Pride 2021) instead of rentboys.

Psycamorean - Jan 21, 2024

I think "rentboy" has a negative connotation to it that I don't think the comic incites. I don't think it's bad to show gay prostitution. It goes back to the same idea. Yeah, this story is different, but why is that difference bad?

GreenWing reviewed Captain America #4 Dec 13, 2023

This is a great story with great artwork. It is a Captain America story with tiebacks to Steve Rogers' youth. It is not cluttered with a lot of deep dives into 80 years of history to unpack. Clean and simple. It's also a solid mystery. There is some humor but it's not over the top. There are not a lot of characters to follow. Basically, two storylines, past and present, tied together. There are no more

Captain America #4

By: J. Michael Straczynski, Lan Medina
Released: Dec 13, 2023

When the mysterious organization targeting Captain America goes on the offensive, Steve Rogers thinks he's prepared - but the battle is not what it seems. Who - or what - is the Emissary?
Rated T+

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hasanturkoglu - Dec 14, 2023

Are we sure there are no hidden political agendas? Oh, yes, there are obvious political references.


I really enjoyed this story. I'm glad Mark Waid wrote it. Ever since the first splash page of this team in the main World's Finest title, I've wanted more. However, I did not care for the artwork or the colors. Maybe I've been spoiled by the incredible work of Dan Mora and Tamra Bonvillain in the main title. The artwork did not have Mora's detail or realism. It is more reminiscent of Phil Hester's more

World's Finest: Teen Titans #6

By: Mark Waid, Emanuela Lupacchino
Released: Dec 13, 2023

THE SUPER-SHOWDOWN! It's the Teen Titans versus the Anti-Titans in the melee of the miniseries, with Lilith, Gnarrk, and Mal joining in on the side of our heroes! After the last blow is dealt, the Titans must face something even more uncertain than battle: change. Mal helps Aqualad make sense of his dating dilemma. Bumblebee second-guesses her grow...

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GreenWing liked this:

I am giving this a 1, only because I can't give it a negative number. You can be a member of, advocate, and ally to the LGBTQ community without reducing gay superheroes to gay stick figures. Retcon of Green Lantern Alan Scott as a victim and of JSA as propaganda for FBI, using "Elseworlds" style story for new DC canon. Total retcon of GL Alan Scott from All-American Comics #16, intended to introdu more

Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #1

By: Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey
Released: Oct 25, 2023

A POWERFUL TALE OF ALAN SCOTT'S EARLY DAYS AS GREEN LANTERN! Alan Scott's early days as the Green Lantern are seen in a new light! The Green Lantern is the most powerful member of the JSA, beloved by all of America, but his personal life is a well-kept secret. This is a story about love, about fear, and most of all about courage to stand up to that...

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I’m so happy that the spokesman for all LGBTQ people told us how they all feel.

Bats44121 - Oct 25, 2023

Steamed writes: "I’m so happy that the spokesman for all LGBTQ people told us how they all feel." I am not. Neither is Tim Sheridan. That is the actual point if you decided to read my review.

GreenWing reviewed Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1 Oct 10, 2023

This is a fantastic book. Even if you've never read a single story of the Golden Age Sandman, you would want to read more about this character after reading this one. Robert Venditti knows these Golden Age heroes as well as anyone in the business as his previous Hawkman series will attest. I've been turned off by Riley Rossmo's art in the past. Its weirdness was just not my cup of tea. Here though more

Wesley Dodds: The Sandman #1

By: Robert Venditti, Riley Rossmo
Released: Oct 11, 2023

THE GOLDEN AGE SANDMAN RETURNS IN A NEW NOIR MYSTERY! No one escapes the Sandman's dark dreams, not even Wesley Dodds himself. After years of testing and experimentation, Wesley perfected his sleep gas as the optimal weapon to fight crime without causing undue harm. But when his journal detailing all his failed and far more deadly formulas is stole...

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GreenWing reviewed Green Lantern #4 Oct 10, 2023

This story is Barry and Hal at their Silver Age best. It shows you can take long-established heroes and make them contemporary. Great writing. Impeccable art. This series is off to a flying start. The only downside is the unnecessary backup story. DC Editorial can't help but try to create silly kid spinoffs. Just get rid of it, save money on printing, and drop the cost of the book by a buck. Skip more

Green Lantern #4

By: Jeremy Adams, Xermanico
Released: Oct 11, 2023

GUEST-STARRING THE FLASH! NEW CHARACTER DEBUT: SINSON! After Sinestro's attack on Ferris Air, Hal calls in a fast friend for help. This brave and bold duo comes one step closer to uncovering the mystery of Sinestro's plans, all while Hal continues to figure out what it means to be the only Green Lantern on Earth! PLUS: Meet the all-new character SI...

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GreenWing reviewed Flash #1 Sep 27, 2023

It's the first issue of a new run. The author put a lot of thought into it. I didn't enjoy it. There was too much distracting internal dialogue. It was a struggle to get through this ponderous story and I won't be buying issue #2. The family trope is overdone. We see it in the Batman books. We see it in the Superman books. We're even seeing it in the new Green Arrow and Wonder Woman books. Too man more

Flash #1

By: Simon Spurrier, Mike Deodato
Released: Sep 27, 2023

WALLY WEST RACES TOWARD THE FUTURE WITH ALL-STAR NEW CREATIVE TEAM SI SPURRIER AND MIKE DEODATO JR.! Wally West has never been quicker, more fulfilled, more heroic. His loving family is around him. And yet something is off. Very off. His evolving understanding of his powers has opened Wally to new avenues of sci-fi adventure and attuned his senses ...

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Mout - Sep 28, 2023

Family trope? Everyone has a family

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