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Joined: Dec 04, 2019

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Sollywoods reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #66 Jan 22, 2025

I'll just say this... stick to ultimate spiderman.

Remember when marvel was intentionally trying to ruin the xmen brand before they got the movie rights back??? It feels like marvel is intentionally trying to ruin spiderman for reasons I don't know. But the past few years of bad writing, horrible characterization makes me think someone at Marvel wants to tank the character. Previews fo more

Amazing Spider-Man #66

By: Justina Ireland, Andrea Broccardo
Released: Jan 22, 2025

•  Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame?
•  Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next?
•  Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?

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Hex - Jan 29, 2025

It might be similar to what Marvel did with the X-Men before the FOX merger. Write them into obscurity so their stock and popularity are so low that the owners can't make a profit off of them. In this case Sony. I don't think it's really to that level yet because Spider-Man movies will pretty much always sell, X-Men are a little harder to do but it's A reason I could think of.

Psycamorean - Jan 31, 2025

The comics are never going to influence outside media monetarily. The point of handicapping the Spider-Man brand (and X-Men before it) is to limit new avenues for Sony (and Fox) to take their IP.


I need this to be an ongoing series. There's so few ongoing series that are interesting right now. Ultimate Universe aside, which is awesome, main 616 is at an all-time boring level of writing right now, but then little gems like this cone out and remind me it could still be awesome again.

Doctor Doom & Rocket Raccoon #1

By: J. Michael Straczynski, Will Robson
Released: Jan 22, 2025

J. Michael Straczynski brings his incredible character work to beloved Marvel characters great and small in a series of exciting one-shots! First up: Doctor Doom and Rocket, drawn by the inimitable Will Robson!
Doctor Doom does the one thing he never wants to do: ask for a favor!...

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Sollywoods reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #12 Dec 18, 2024

I rate things based on how it made me feel. Trying to rate something objectively is a ridiculous pursuit in my opinion. It's all subjective.

And this issue is bloody fantastic! From character work, the art, the ending, it's a fun ride and a comic I will read again and again. It's a 10 because this is why I read comics. Great stories like this.

Ultimate Spider-Man #12

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Dec 18, 2024

•  Season's greetings from the Parker family! But why is Peter acting so strangely during the most wonderful time of the year? And what's got
Gwen so concerned? Don't miss the thrilling conclusion of the second arc - and the first year - of ULTIMATE SPIDER-MAN!

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REYNARD reviewed DC All In Special #1 Oct 2, 2024

This comic epitomizes what is wrong with DC. You have two mercenaries in Snyder and Williamson leading the pack of mundane and uninspired writers. These are cannibals, picking at the feet of their betters, scraping the tombstone library of story-past for any epitaph to sustain an event or story arc or whatever you want to call the derivative droll they put out.

Long gone are the days of more

DC All In Special #1

By: Joshua Williamson, Daniel Sampere
Released: Oct 2, 2024

THE NEXT EPIC CHAPTER OF DC HISTORY BEGINS HERE...PRESENTED AS A STARLING, SYMMETRICAL FLIPBOOK! DON'T MISS IT! Following the events of DC's blockbuster storyline Absolute Power, the heroes of the core DC Universe have fought against the deep divisions in the world around them to usher in a new era of unity. And it's just in time, too--because Dark...

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Sollywoods - Oct 3, 2024

And the winner for most pretentious review ever written goes to.... you!

Sollywoods reviewed Chasm: Curse of Kaine #2 Sep 29, 2024

My enjoyment of this series comes from a few things. First, I'll buy anything with Kaine. I love that character. Second, I'm optimistic this series will fix Ben Reilly. Marvel has been screwing with Ben since Slott brought him back. I hate what Wells did to him and hope that this series fixes him. So I'm enjoying the series because so far, it looks like that might happen.

I'm not a fan more

Chasm: Curse of Kaine #2

By: Steve Foxe, Andrea Broccardo
Released: Sep 25, 2024

Chasm's brain has been manipulated more than the Jackal, by the Beyond Corporation... But now someone even more terrifying is digging fingers into the brain of poor Ben Reilly...and his only hope? Kaine Parker, his fellow Peter Parker clone, who at this moment very much believes that the only solution to Chasm is DEATH.

Rated T

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Sollywoods reviewed Chasm: Curse of Kaine #1 Sep 5, 2024

I enjoyed this quite a bit. Kaine is one of my favorite characters so I'm on board when he shows up. I also HATE Ben Reilly as a villian, (screw you Zeb Wells and your historically crappy Spiderman run) so I'm hopeful this series fixes that. Whether it does or not, the set up was a lot of fun, and I'm excited for what comes next.

Chasm: Curse of Kaine #1

By: Steve Foxe, Andrea Broccardo
Released: Aug 28, 2024

Kaine Parker is on a mission to track down his fellow clone Ben Reilly. But has becoming Chasm made Ben beyond saving? Or is there an even more menacing presence pulling his strings?
Rated T

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motorik reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #4 Apr 24, 2024

Weird Science Marvel Comics can bolt.

Ultimate Spider-Man #4

By: Jonathan Hickman, David Messina
Released: Apr 24, 2024

Peter Parker's secret life starts fraying the edges of his personal life! J. Jonah Jameson and Ben Parker's pursuit of truth - or, at least, the news - stirs unrest with the world at large... And now that Spider-Man may not have to operate alone, the real work of rebuilding this corrupt world can begin!
Rated T

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Sollywoods reviewed Web of Spider-Man #1 Mar 22, 2024

At least Ultimate Spiderman is interesting... I knew this was basically a comic previewing upcoming spiderman stories. It's all crap though.

Ultimate Spiderman and Superior Spiderman are good, but they have not much to do with what's in here. I hate Zebs Wells Peter Parker, it's the worst take on the character that has ever been in comics, I hate what's happened to Ben Reilly, and now more

Web of Spider-Man #1

By: Steve Foxe, Greg Land
Released: Mar 20, 2024

2024 is primed to be one of the biggest years in Spider-History and you've only seen the tip of the iceberg! In the pages of this one-shot, we're going to lay out some of the biggest upcoming Spider-Stories and characters in the Spider-Verse through the beginning of 2025, and you aren't going to want to miss this!
Rated T

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Sollywoods reviewed Strange Academy: Finals #6 Jan 16, 2024

So I love this series, and as an ending this was almost perfect. It needed a few more pages though. Otherwise, 10/10. Kind of a big one - what happened to Emily? Is she dead??? Kinda wish that was a bit more clear

Strange Academy: Finals #6

By: Skottie Young, Humberto Ramos
Released: Apr 26, 2023

• The end of an era. The conclusion to the story that will change the face of magic is here!
•  So much has happened in the last few issues, we don't dare spoil it.

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Sollywoods reviewed Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Jan 11, 2024

This is the start of what may be one of the best Spiderman stories ever told. It is so good to enjoy Spiderman again, because I love the character, and it hurts to see how utterly horrible Wells is at writing anything spiderman, but Hickman knows. It's a new story, and so far a very good one, but the heart of it all, this is Peter Parker. When I read any story, the character is the most important more

Ultimate Spider-Man #1

By: Jonathan Hickman, Marco Checchetto
Released: Jan 10, 2024

Visionary writer Jonathan Hickman (HOUSE OF X/POWERS OF X) and acclaimed artist Marco Checchetto (DAREDEVIL) bring you a bold new take on Spider-Man, with this, the debut title of the new line of Ultimate Comics! After the events of ULTIMATE INVASION, the world needs a hero...who will ri...

Sollywoods reviewed Captain Marvel #1 Dec 22, 2023

The Good - I enjoyed the art. Pretty solid throughout. I wasn't familiar with the artist before but I'm on board.
- The new villain is potentially interesting. Not much reveal but I like her design. The new supporting character seems alright... we'll see how it goes. I miss the supporting cast of the last run, which was awesome, so changing it up completely is risky. I'm not sour to it thoug more

Captain Marvel #1

By: Alyssa Wong, Jan Bazaldua
Released: Oct 25, 2023

The Captain gets a permanent glow-up designed by superstar artist Jen Bartel! And that's not all that's changed. Brand-new look - brand-new creative team - and a brand-new status quo. Carol Danvers is one of the powerhouses of the Marvel Universe, a woman capable of harnessing the energy of the sun. So if you're comi...

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wakizashireviews reviewed Punisher #1 Nov 8, 2023

"Hey, here's a great idea. Let's relaunch The Punisher with a new character nobody has heard of, just make sure it isn't Frank Castle."

"How about Joe Schmo from Nowhereville?"

"I like it. Then let's give him an almost identical origin story, just change it to the family being killed in a house explosion rather than the crossfire from a Mob shootout."

"Nice! Don' more

Punisher #1

By: David Pepose, Dave Wachter
Released: Nov 8, 2023

Is this the return of Frank Castle - or the start of something else? Frank Castle has disappeared, but evil will always need to be punished. With all-new threats rising to claim innocent victims, criminals will need to beware of a dangerous vigilante hunting them from the shadows. Who is the new Punisher? What put him on his path of vengeance? And ...

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wakizashireviews - Nov 10, 2023

@thecimmerian Haha, thank you. I wanted to see if my sarcasm meter was still fully charged.

wakizashireviews - Nov 10, 2023

@RKS That South Park episode is hilarious!

Sollywoods reviewed Avengers #6 Oct 11, 2023

This is a 10 because once I finished, I wanted to read it again. McKay's Avengers run has started with an awesome first arc. This is the type of story I read the Avengers for. High stakes, good characters by a writer who seems to understand them and the art is great.

This is a reminder of why I read comics.

Avengers #6

By: Jed MacKay, Ivan Fiorelli
Released: Oct 11, 2023

The Avengers' battle with the Ashen Combine comes to a head - and one will fall. But will the Impossible City fall with them, and what kind of doom might fall upon the Earth as a consequence? Plus: A bonus story celebrating Latin/Latinx heroes and creators!
Rated T+

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My rating is for this entire series. I love it! This series made me love the character and I wish he was used more. I would buy anything featuring Genis-Vell right now. The stories are good, the characters are written well, it's heavy on humor and very entertaining. Then as the series reverts to number one, it takes shocking turn while still keeping the humor only it gets rather dark. The psycholo more

Captain Marvel Genis-Vell by Peter David Omnibus

By: Peter David

O-wha-tagoo-siam! Genis-Vell, son of the legendary Kree warrior Mar-Vell, takes on his father's former mantle of Captain Marvel - and everybody's favorite super-hero sidekick, Rick Jones, finds himself along for the wildest of rides! Genis possesses the gift of Cosmic Awareness - a oneness with the universe that allows him to know what will happen,...

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Sollywoods reviewed Avengers Kang Dynasty Aug 30, 2023

This is a classic Kang story that really should have been an event comic. This was before the flood of events and kept only within the Avengers, so no cross overs! It also showcases some great lesser known characters who were in the Avengers at the time. Sometimes the C-list characters are more interesting than well known ones.

This is one of the better Kang stories. He's got some grea more

Avengers Kang Dynasty

By: Kurt Busiek

Kang's ultimate triumph! The time-traveling warlord called Kang the Conqueror returns - and this time he plans to enslave all of Earth! The only thing standing in his way is its mightiest heroes! Time and time again, Kang has been a thorn in the Avengers' side. But now, the Conqueror has gathered all his vast legions from multiple eras to conquer t...

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Sollywoods - Aug 30, 2023

Forgot to rate it - 8.5!

Sollywoods reviewed Alpha Flight #1 Aug 16, 2023

This was a delightful surprise. I didn't know a new Alpha Flight series was coming out so I picked it up going in blind. I've always enjoyed Alpha Flight and this is a good start from a writer that seems to understand the characters. I'm not a fan of heroes fighting other heroes unless there is a very good reason (most stories just end up making the characters look like childish idiots) so we'll s more

Alpha Flight #1

By: Ed Brisson, Scott Godlewski
Released: Aug 16, 2023

SAVING CANADA... FROM THE MUTANT MENACE?! GUARDIAN, PUCK, SNOWBIRD and SHAMAN return, as a terrestrial ALPHA FLIGHT bursts onto the scene! But what schism will pit these heroes against their former teammates AURORA, NORTHSTAR and NEMESIS, as well as Aurora's beau, FANG? The FALL OF X has changed the game, and will Alpha Flight soar to new heights-o...

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Sollywoods reviewed Avengers #4 Aug 9, 2023

This issue was great and so far this run is off to a great start! It makes me want to hunt down other titles that Jed MacKay has been on since I haven't read much of his work. I'm just happy that the Avengers is good again! New villains can be difficult to make interesting but when it works, it's awesome to have someone new around to cause trouble.

Avengers #4

By: Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa
Released: Aug 9, 2023

Battle is joined as the Avengers race to combat the Ashen Combine. But with Lord Ennui, the Citysmith, Idol Alabaster, the Dead and Meridian Diadem scattered across the planet, each with their own city for prey, have the Avengers spread themselves too thin? United, the Avengers stand. But divided...?
Rated T+

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Sollywoods reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #5 Aug 9, 2023

Bendis no longer has the worst Guardians run. Collin Kelly takes that title now. Which is sad, because I love the Guardians and didn't hate Bendis on it, he just didn't really get what the team or characters were about. Collin Kelly seems to actively hate the characters and the team. Let us hope his run is short and we can retcon this crap asap.

Kev Walker is alright on art. It's what more

Guardians of the Galaxy #5

By: Collin Kelly, Kev Walker
Released: Aug 9, 2023

The mystery behind Grootfall is revealed. How will this forever change the course of the Guardians? Find out here. PLUS: A bonus page written by Jonathan Hickman - WHO ARE THE G.O.D.S.?
Rated T+

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Sollywoods reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #3 Jul 9, 2023

This is turning out to be the worst run of Guardians. Maybe something interesting will happen but so far it's boring, the characterization is absolutely brutal and the art is subpar. None of these characters act like who they are. It's a crappy mix of MCU guardians blended with the knowledge of someone who skimmed a Wikipedia page on starlord. Ewings run was solid and completely ignored here. more

Guardians of the Galaxy #3

By: Collin Kelly, Kev Walker
Released: Jun 21, 2023

BITTERSWEET REUNION! The Guardians find themselves face-to-face with their old teammate Groot! But he's not the friend they remember! Will this be a happy reunion or an all-out massacre? It may be the latter, as the rift between this family runs deep.
Rated T+

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Sollywoods reviewed Captain Marvel #50 Jun 14, 2023

This was a great series. Great final issue. It's been my favorite ongoing for the last 2 years. It will be missed.

Captain Marvel #50

By: Kelly Thompson, Javier Pina
Released: Jun 14, 2023

It has been an impossible journey - one that's taken Carol Danvers across time and space and pitted her against enemies new and old. Superstar writer Kelly Thompson has run Marvel's premier heroine through the gauntlet, and now the boss of space burns brighter than ever. No one believed she would g...

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Sollywoods reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #26 May 31, 2023

It's crap. Don't waste your time or money. Kamala will be back soon enough with whatever stupid retcon another writer will be forced to do. Peter and his supporting cast of once great and interesting characters, will likely suffer longer and also force another writer to find how to make a ridiculous retcon for all this.

Amazing Spider-Man #26

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 31, 2023

Now fully in the present, the Emissary has returned and his power is so far beyond Spider-Man's abilities. The heroes may figure out a way to win, but the cost of victory will be so immense that you may hope they don't...
Rated T

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Sollywoods reviewed Guardians of the Galaxy #2 May 17, 2023

This was a very disappointing read...

The last run of GotG was really good. Two issues into this one and it feels like the writer doesn't care about what came before, just what slightly mimics the characters from the movies. Star lords development from the previous run, like it never happened. There was even a line about how in the old days they would've just come to steal the mysterium more

Guardians of the Galaxy #2

By: Collin Kelly, Kev Walker
Released: May 17, 2023

The Guardians are caught in the middle of a civil war! Will the Guardians be able to stop it, or was it already lost from the start? Grootfall is coming, and it does not take sides?!
Rated T+

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Sollywoods reviewed Avengers #1 May 17, 2023

I kind of want to give this a 10 just because it's nice to enjoy reading Avengers again. Great first issue! The art was good, the set up was good and the team is pretty good. I really like having Wanda and Vision back in Avengers, it's been way too long since they've been on the team.

I do hope they squeeze in some lesser used Avengers into the team eventually. I like to see Simon Will more

Avengers #1

By: Jed MacKay, C.F. Villa
Released: May 17, 2023

The Star. The Icon. The Witch. The Construct. The God. The Engineer. The King. The world is ever in peril, and a new team of Avengers mobilizes to meet any dangers that dare threaten the planet. But when TERMINUS attacks, a new and insidious danger rears its head...

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Sollywoods reviewed Captain Marvel #49 May 10, 2023

I love this series right now and I'm disappointed it will be over after the next issue. This issue in particular continues to great pacing, great character work and the art is great. This is why I read comics. Fun characters, exciting story and well done art. Good times.

Captain Marvel #49

By: Kelly Thompson, Sergio Davila
Released: May 10, 2023

Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Hazmat and the X-Men's mission to find Rogue and rescue Binary has technically been successful, and yet our heroes now find themselves in a worse position than ever, trapped at the mercy of a legion of Brood and a rogue Brood Empress. The Brood has now pushed Carol Danvers to her limit ...

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Goblin22 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #25 May 10, 2023

Worst Spider-Man Run Ever. It would have been better to have stayed with Nick Spencer.

Amazing Spider-Man #25

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: May 10, 2023

The past and the present collide in this oversized and monumental 25th issue! Your heart isn't ready for this one.
Rated T

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Sollywoods - May 10, 2023

I agree. I suffered through OMD, Past Sins and a few other dull runs but this is the worst representation of the characters. At least Slott is back writing Spiderman on the other series so there's a decent ongoing Spiderman still out there.

Sollywoods reviewed Groot #1 May 4, 2023

I love the character of Mar-vell (Genis and Phyla also. I'll buy whatever the Mar-vell family shows up in. Teddy feels like the odd one out but he's alright too.) I also have no interest on Marvel bringing Mar0vell back to life, he's a character whose legacy makes him interesting. So reading about him again in a flash back was great. Groot is fun, it's his comic, but it's the Mar-vell stuff that r more

Groot #1

By: Dan Abnett, Damian Couceiro
Released: May 3, 2023

Before he was a Guardian of the Galaxy... before the Grootfall... young Groot lived a life of tranquility on his serene home world. But when monstrous invaders attack his planet, Groot must accept his heroic destiny! Will this destiny lead him to come to blows with a young Kree soldier by the name of Mar-Vell? ...

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Sollywoods reviewed Spider-Man #8 May 4, 2023

Not perfect but so much better than the main Amazing Spiderman series, it's a breath of fresh air to get Peter written like he is really Peter parker and Spiderman being Spiderman. I'm not yet sold on the Spider kid thing but I'm still here and overall it felt like reading Spiderman so that's a win.

Spider-Man #8

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: May 3, 2023

"The End of the Spider-Verse" continues! Spider-Man has changed. His powers are super-charged, enabling him to be the best Spider-Man he can be...
...but can his all-too-human body take it? A classic Spider-Villain is back and doesn't care if Spidey has his hands full.
Rated T

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FrankenDad - Jul 13, 2023 (edited)

Would you kindly enlighten me on where this series lies against the current ASM run? I gave up Spiderman back when they retconned everything with Brand New Day. I picked this run up from the beginning, and now am about to get into ASM again starting with the death of *a character* from a few issues back. Are they just separate stories/universes?

Sollywoods reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 Apr 19, 2023

Each issue gets worse and worse.

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

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DeathStroke7505 reviewed Amazing Spider-Man #24 Apr 19, 2023

If I could give this a zero I would. This reminds me too much of the abortion that was called "Sins Past". Here Wells takes yet another love of Peter's life and turns her into a straight slut. Like MJ, who loves Peter can't keep her legs shut for a while??! This is all an extension of keeping Peter and MJ seperate, cept I dunno that this can ever be reversed now. Fuck these pricks for doing this. more

Amazing Spider-Man #24

By: Zeb Wells, John Romita Jr.
Released: Apr 19, 2023

Witness what brought Peter Parker and Norman Osborn together.
Your opinion of who the hero is and who the villain is may end up at least blurred...
Rated T

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DeathStroke7505 - Apr 22, 2023

Professor X and Magneto are each separate and distinct characters. But they are each half of Onslaught. Do we then call professor X by himself "Onslaught"? Firestorm, two people combining to make one hero, but neither are the hero by themself. The Sentry and the Void are treated as two separate individual characters even though they're technically one in the same.

DeathStroke7505 - Apr 22, 2023

Point being there has never been a time (that I can recall) when a comic character is either split or two halves becoming one where each half isn't treated as separate and distinct from the whole. For some reason, Darkwing Duck keeps coming up in my mind, Negaduck was Dark Wing's evil side split off, but was referred as a completely separate being.

Sollywoods reviewed Spider-Man #7 Apr 5, 2023

It was a fun ride.

As a whole, I prefer the previous spderverse stories but that doesn't make any of this bad. It gives a look at some new spider people, none which I found very interesting but maybe someone else out there liked the new characters.

I don't know if Slott forgot about Kaine and then remembered so he tossed him in at the end. At least he tried something. I lov more

Spider-Man #7

By: Dan Slott, Mark Bagley
Released: Apr 5, 2023

Friends became enemies, enemies became friends and now all of the Spider-Verse ENDS!
Jessica Drew? Gone. Peter Parker? Gone. And they aren?t the only ones erased by the sacred Sting-Knife.
How can Silk and the rest of the Spiders win this Spider-War?!
Rated T

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