Peter is depressed and has given up on all his responsibilities, like Spider-man, with his Aunt May, with his friends, with everyone, he feels that everything he does will have the same result. The deaths that occurred in his life that Cyra showed him exhausted him and broke his will.
Cyra and Callix present their victory to their father Cyttorak, who does not celebrate them because Peter gave up. Cyra contacts Doctor Strange to help her understand why Peter behaves like this, how is it that the Champion of the planet Earth gives up. Strange explains to her that it is strange that Peter behaves like this, of course Cyra reveals to him that Strange has died in this event 809,000 times, Peter has already suffered 3 million deaths.
Peter reconciles with Black Cat and a relationship arises between them again.
On the other hand, Callix is angry at his father's humiliation.
Juggernaut tells Cyclops that the X-Men must urgently go to New York because another Scion of Cyttorak, called Cradios, is about to arrive.
This issue does not show a progress in the story, it slows down the exciting narrative pace to continue investigating Peter's mind.
It is very detailed with few textures and maintains the dynamism with body language and well-defined facial expressions. It plays a lot with angles and panels.
Peter renounces all his responsibilities, for the first time his will has been broken, but the threat of Cyttorak continues. more
I think the books writing is decent, it's just that I'm kind of over the overall story of the 8 deaths. Peter giving up is decent, but it's just the other stuff that I really don't care about.
I'll be honest...I liked issue 65(!) but I've disliked this story ark from the beginning. For me, the whole concept hasn't worked and I won't reiterate the reasons which the reviewers here on this site have already espoused.
I see the problem as being one of...ability. We need Marvel to engage Writers and Artists who are at the top of their game to do justice to - what is - their best and most commercial character. Just look at what 'Ghost Machine' are producing! Top talent (like Hickman) will produce top product, it's that simple.
Yes, I would love a reboot of the whole 616...which, if you read your early 70s Avengers, might not be the actual 'true' Marvel Universe as claimed.
Peter was willing to sell his soul to the devil to save a dying Aunt May. But now he won’t even help her with FEAST because she’s gonna die anyways? This issue wasn’t great. The little that did happen was pretty dumb.
“All this, and for what? A system that gives us a few billionaires and leaves everyone else scrabbling for pennies?”
LOL These writers just can’t help themselves. But if you heard Mark Millar’s recent interview with Jeremy Adams, Marvel is apparently paying pennies. Adams wouldn’t lower himself to work for them. It’s very clear by the output Marvel is getting what they’re paying for.
Unfortunately nothing is going to change while Nick Lowe remains editor of this comic. I know this is old news but it's truly unbelievable how far Marvel have allowed this flagship book to tank in quality. Big and extensive changes are needed, but I feel like we've been saying the same thing for years.
Am I going crazy, or didn't Spidey-Office just tell this story. Wasn't the whole point of Wells run going from depressed and avoiding people to stable relationship and getting back on your feet.
We just did this.
And we are now doing the same.
Art was meh, writing while solid, is just screams repetition, that I can't be bothered to be invested.
I'll just say this... stick to ultimate spiderman.
Remember when marvel was intentionally trying to ruin the xmen brand before they got the movie rights back??? It feels like marvel is intentionally trying to ruin spiderman for reasons I don't know. But the past few years of bad writing, horrible characterization makes me think someone at Marvel wants to tank the character. Previews for the upcoming relaunch look like they are keeping the bad writing coming.
Stick to ultimate spiderman. In Hickman we trust.
I don't mind Peter Parker losing faith and giving up, and later in the end we see Peter regain his motivation. But at least have the story, dialogue, and character writing work. Half of this issue isn't about Peter Parker at all, and it's kind of funny how Black Cat broke up with Peter, yet she kisses him. And immediately goes back to him. And how half of the book is doctor strange with X-men stuff in it.
Marvel needs to get new editors or a staff team and have actual good writers who. care about Spider-Man write Spider-Man. Maybe that's why Ultimate Spider-Man works so well. It's run by a different team and Hickman cares about Spidey. Hickman isn't really seeing Spider as a pay check