That is someone else's fault, but yeah. Johnny has gone mad.
Amazing issue, major turning points in the story. I have no idea where this goes next.
After the horrors Peter and Harry endured during KRAVEN'S HUNT in the last issue, Spider-Man and Green Goblin turn the HUNTER into the HUNTED! But are they still prey in someone else's game?
Rated T
WILL THE PARTY END HERE FOR ABSOLUTE BATMAN? With his friends lives at stake, will a broken, beaten, and ultimately defeated Bruce Wayne finally compromise and give up both himself and his morals to Black Mask? Or does he have something even BIGGER than himself to help? And what does this have to do with Mayor James Gordon and his relationship with...
I can buy depression given what he experienced, I can buy him being in a major mental crisis. The moment the X-men don’t have it under control and May is in danger, if he doesn’t go help I can keep buying it. We are walking a very thin line.
With his patron, Cyttorak, attacking the world, Juggernaut won't just sit aside. But he's not a solo act... THE X-MEN GET INVOLVED TO HELP SPIDER-MAN SAVE THE WORLD!
Rated T+
Peter's on the outs with the FF. He's on the outs with the Avengers. He's on the outs with Aunt May! No one wants to see Spider-Man - except for Doctor Octopus. Ock's on Spider-Man's tail and the Master Planner has something truly terrible planned for when he gets his tentacles on Spidey. All that, and what does Tombstone have planned? Just in time...
Toranos, Elder God of the storm, had returned - and his terrible lightning now struck at the Odinson's very heart. His presence in the skies meant the gate to Utgard was once more open. But this time, it would not be closed...not until Thor walked through it. This is the story of the IMMORTAL he be...
As the titanic clash from last issue rages on, a covert group of Autobots continues their search for the ally who could turn the tide on Earth-Ultra Magnus! Featuring the debut of an all-new character!
Long ago, the murders of Thomas and Martha Wayne changed Gotham forever. But there is something you never knew about the Dark Knight's tragic origin, which has been lying in wait to strike at Batman ever since that fateful night in Crime Alley. And now, all these years later, this ghost of Gotham's past begins to reveal itself. Superstars Tom Taylo...
The runs just been fine the whole time so far. I didn’t love how quickly Elementary is catching on, so I liked the fumble at the end.
Why the handlebar mustache though?
LEVEL UP! The only thing worse for the SPIDER-MEN than one ELECTRO - is TWO! And this electrifying tag team has LEVELED UP! The Electros aren't the only SINISTER and SHOCKING SURPRISE in store for Pete and Miles... Sssomone ELSE has a bone to pick with the Ssspectacular Ssspider-Men...
Rated T
SUPERMAN MEETS THE MYSTERIOUS OMEGA MEN! Superman is on the run, pursued across the globe by armed Peacemakers and Lazarus Corp's top field agent, Lois Lane. Now a new force joins the chase, but are the mysterious Omega Men friends or foes for Kal-El?
Not completely sure how I feel about this one. The revelation on the closing pages and the following reaction doesn’t sit well with me. It fits with what the story is trying to tell, but I don’t know that I truly believe that’s how Batman would react.
Overall I did enjoy the run, it had its highs and lows. It wasn’t the best Batman run ever but still decent to solid.
With the Court of Owls' plan revealed and the city in chaos, Batman must fid the strength to fight a war on multiple fronts and save Gotham from disaster. The fates of Jim Gordon, the Riddler, and all of Gotham rest in the hands of the Dark Knight in a climactic issue so big it takes two superstar artists to bring it to life!
Autobots vs Decepticons vs ...!
• The All-Father had a journey to make to a far star - and so, for a time, the Golden Realm was left to rule itself.
• Yet even in the absence of the King, the story continued - and each Asgardian had their own drama to play out.
• These are the TALES OF ASGARD...
• A c...
NIGHTWING'S PAST CATCHES UP WITH HIM! Nightwing faces the memory of a dark encounter from his days fighting alongside Batman as Robin--an encounter which might hold the secret of Spheric Solutions' mysterious CEO and her machinations for the city of Bludhaven.
…and I thought Cloud had a big sword.
DIANA MAKES THE ULTIMATE SACRIFICE! The Tetracide is "The Four Killer"...and Diana has done the unthinkable to escape its fatal grasp. The move may have saved her to fight another day, but the price Diana paid is more than she can stand to lose for the fight that's coming. She will need the help of her allies both old and new to recover what she ha...
EISNER WINNER KELLY THOMPSON AND BREAKOUT ARTIST HAYDEN SHERMAN REINVENT WONDER WOMAN FROM THE GROUND UP! Without the island paradise...without the sisterhood that shaped her...without a mission of peace...what's left is the Absolute Amazon!
The Sinister Six are all hunting Spider-Man and the Green Goblin for their ringleader, Kingpin-and this time, Kraven has the upper hand in Jonathan Hickman & Marco Checchetto's love letter to "Kraven's Last Hunt"!
It was good, but the placement was weird. I feel like this should’ve been the 3rd issue since this is only a mini series.
Absolute Batman has established himself as an extremely large force to be reckoned with. But how did he get to this point? How did he push himself? And how did the tragic events of his childhood, and the advice of his father, shape the man who he became...literally? Guest artist Gabriel Walta joins for this essential origin issue of Absolute Batman...
SUPERMAN AND DOOMSDAY...TEAM UP? A secret alien strike team has arrived on Earth with their sights set on the greatest weapon in the universe...Doomsday. And the only person who can save the ultimate destroyer is Superman! While alien forces rain down on Metropolis, Superwoman trains with her new powers alongside an unlikely instructor...and you wi...
IT’S THE DAWN OF DC! Superman has returned to Metropolis and his greatest enemy Lex Luthor is finally behind bars. The future of the Superman family has never been brighter! As Clark Kent settles back into his life, iconic and new enemies erupt from the shadows to strike down the Man of Steel! But waiting in the wings to back up Big Blue is…Sup...
Unfortunately nothing is going to change while Nick Lowe remains editor of this comic. I know this is old news but it's truly unbelievable how far Marvel have allowed this flagship book to tank in quality. Big and extensive changes are needed, but I feel like we've been saying the same thing for years.
• Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame?
• Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next?
• Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?
Wow I'm not surprised you are absolutely right about Nick Lowe. Its not old news people should keep calling out how they are tarnishing Spidey still to this very day. Kudos to you for still sticking with ASM. I dropped it after #63 declaring ASM dead for me lol
I stopped buying it during Wells' run. I'm only following it via review copies. Some of the recent issues I couldn't even finish reading. It's a shadow of what it used to be.
• Spider-Man has been broken, and someone needs to pick up the pieces. Maybe an old flame?
• Now that the CHAMPION has fallen, can the universe withstand what comes next?
• Are there any who can stand in the way of an inevitable god?
• While Spider-Man is facing the Scion who wields the power of Death, the new EMBODIMENT of death, PHIL COULSON, gets to know his powers better.
• Phil has always been there to help heroes in every way he can, but can he help Spider-Man to save our universe?
This one was just depressing. It hit some parts of my brain I don’t like to think about… I want to see how they pull you out of it.
THE 8 DEATHS OF SPIDER-MAN CONTINUES! Spider-Man has faced four Scions and is running out of extra lives. This issue's scion, CYRA, represents the very power of Death Itself and makes Spider-Man watch everything he loves die. Can Spider-Man possibly withstand this punishment?
Rated T
ELEMENTARY debuted last issue and continues on her hero journey alongside BOTH SPIDER-MEN! But that journey is going to be rocky with TWO ELECTROS that a giant Lizard? Uh-oh.
Rated T
I haven’t loved the vampire stuff much, but I really liked this issue. Some of the full panels on this were awesome.
Who will be left standing - BLACK PANTHER or SPIDER-MAN?! Deep in the wilds of Wakanda, a ritual to save Miles Morales' life begins, and the panther god BAST can no longer help him! Two more deities invade Miles' desperate trial, hungering for Spider-Man's corrupted soul. Only ONE of their chosen champions will be saved.<...
Fast paced when the Riddler mind games mixed in. I enjoyed it.
THE RIDDLER'S PLANS FINALLY REVEALED! The GCPD is closing in on their suspected killer--and on Batman! Wayne Enterprises is under attack as Nygma's plans come into focus. The Owls are not what they seem. Don't miss the thrilling penultimate issue of "The Dying City"!
The first pages of the issue are good.. Batman solving the puzzles and trying to get to the riddler as fast as possible is just amazing, I think the plot goes from more to less when Batman leaves the riddle as "silly", this "plot twist" is very bland and cheap, and the sudden change of personality and goals of the riddle feels unnatural and rushed.. However, the last page of thmore
THE RIDDLER'S PLANS FINALLY REVEALED! The GCPD is closing in on their suspected killer--and on Batman! Wayne Enterprises is under attack as Nygma's plans come into focus. The Owls are not what they seem. Don't miss the thrilling penultimate issue of "The Dying City"!
Very interesting twist on the backstory
MEMORIES OF KRYPTON! Years ago on Krypton, Jor-El and Lara became utterly convinced that their planet was headed towards cataclysm. But what could two lowly peons of the Labor Guild possibly do to save their entire species? The answer is decidedly not what you think...
The “critics” rating this above 9 should be questioned. To each their own, but if you think this book is a 9+ you have to rate everything amazingly.
The book is fine, a better installment for this 8 deaths run that’s just a holdover until the new permanent team. For what this arc is doing, it’s doing a fine job.
• Cytorrak's most dangerous scion, CALLIX, and his deadly CRIMSON CANINES take their turn to inflict physical pain on Spider-Man.
• Spidey doesn't have many deaths left to spend...