MEMORIES OF KRYPTON! Years ago on Krypton, Jor-El and Lara became utterly convinced that their planet was headed towards cataclysm. But what could two lowly peons of the Labor Guild possibly do to save their entire species? The answer is decidedly not what you think...
Absolute Superman Issue 3 is spectacularly thematic. The most significant societal flaws Aaron has been writing about on both Krypton and Earth come to fruition in this issue. Read Full Review
Many of the plots here are a little reminiscent of many end-of-the-world movies that deal with class warfare, just on another planet. But while the main plot may play out as expected, there is one great twist after another that keeps things fresh. The last page in particular brings in an iconic figure from Superman mythos and asks some key questions about what her role in everything was here. Just like the other Absolute books, it's really interested in keeping us guessing. Read Full Review
Absolute Superman #3 is the full-tilt into truth that this series has played around with since the first issue that readers have been waiting for. It finally establishes exactly what kind of world this Superman is hailing from, and one that finally allows us to get closer to not just Aaron's 'Absolute Superman', but his Kal-El as well. Read Full Review
The art and action sequences in Absolute Superman #3 are top tier. Even with this basically being a retelling of Superman's origins Jason Aaron is going about it in a way that leaves you wondering what will happen next. The elements he's added to this Superman's foundations truly elevates this beyond simply feeling like an Elseworlds tale. I find myself excited to read this series each month and am really enjoying the ride. Read Full Review
Absolute Superman #3 succeeds in offering a fresh perspective on Superman's origin, with Jason Aaron crafting a deeply relevant narrative steeped in rebellion and class awareness. Supported by Rafa Sandoval's breathtaking art, the issue delivers both heart and spectacle. Read Full Review
After the previous issue focused on the present, Absolute Superman #3 placed a spotlight on the past. Specifically, Kal-El's history on Krypton before it exploded. Getting this extended time on Krypton opened up the mythology to further craft the unique identity of the Absolute Universe. In the process Lara-El is put over as a total badass with what she and Jor-El continue to work on to save their family given a cool twist. It is a twist that builds anticipation for the inevitable fate of Krypton. Read Full Review
I was grinning from ear-to-ear as this issue laser focused on a specific aspect of Superman's character, and used it in new and interesting ways, while tying it into the mythology nicely. Loved it. Read Full Review
Absolute Superman #3 promises to be a pivotal chapter in this reimagining of the Superman mythos. With its focus on character-driven storytelling and unexpected twists, it's a must-read for any Superman fan. Read Full Review
Absolute Superman continues to be the most disciplined of DC's new Absolute books. Taking its time through issue three to explore Superman's new origin story and setting up a potentially devastating loss as the destruction of Krypton (seemingly) looms large. Read Full Review
Absolute Superman #3is an absolute treat for Superman fans who want an entire issue set in Krypton and don't care if Superman shows up or not. Jason Aaron delivers oodles of forethought and details about Krypton's last days, and Rafa Sandoval's art is excellent. However, readers who insist Superman be the focus of a Superman comic will come away unsatisfied with this issue. Maybe Aaron is trying to out-Hickman Jonathan Hickman on Ultimate Spider-Man. Read Full Review
Wow! Just like the past 2 issues, Issue #3 brings high energy and a whole lot of heart.
The present day story takes a pause, in order to provide more context to the last days of Krypton, and it DELIVERS.
Unapologetically for the working people, this version of the Els truly reflects the complex times we live in today.
Rafa Sandoval's art is BADASS! Lara gets a lot of time to shine in this issue. Admittedly, I haven't enjoyed reading about Kal-El's mom as much as I have here.
This continues to be an absolute pleasure to read. The whole Absolute line is my favourite thing in comics. Haven't felt like this about DC in many moons. It makes me feel like a kid reading comics again. For me, I can give no higher compliment.
This was a solid issue from Jason Aaron. his exposition works a lot better here where I get exposed to how different this Krypton is. The art here is also fantastic and beautiful to look at
Another really well-done issue here, in my opinion. Sandoval's art is great throughout, and Aaron provides some awesome character work as well. My main complaint about this is that I think it ended a little too soon. I just wish there was a tiny bit more here. However, this was still really good stuff and I continue to look forward to what's next.
This is a solid book with fantastic art and is a nice reconceptualization of superman lore without abandoning what makes Supes so great but I wish Aaron could be a little less heavy handed in his approach. I think a little more subtlety would go a long way towards turning this book from good to great. I do love seeing Clark was basically a reporter from the get-go and the final page really pulls at the heart strings. And Lara? IN LOVE. lol